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Ok, I know that there are many Dizzie fans, and I was kinda one of them but this is BEYOND A JOKE! (Sorry, there will be a lot of capitalisation as i am fuming!)

It is such a shame that a completely OUTRAGEOUS, UNBELIEVABLE, INSULTING storyline is used to try to a) attract viewers - sorry, not going to work, my 4yr attachment to this Zeigen is the ONLY reason that I am still watching b) create 'drama'

Denny is DEAD. As in D.E.A.D. As in GONE. As in BURIED IN THE GROUND. While Meredith was dying, there was some relevance to having him there. Plus, it was nice for the characters to acknowledge someone who has died on the show, as generally characters die and everyone is like...lalalala..carry on with their lives. But this is RIDICULOUS. It has been 2 years since he has gone, and while the Hahn patient storyline provided a reason for Denny's memory WHY IS HE STILL HERE, WHY CAN IZZIE TOUCH HIM, LET ALONE *KISS* HIM????

For the Dizzie Fans out there, this is not in anyway insulting the relationship of Dizzie, merely the credibility of the storyline. It would have been Mehr believable if Izzie had been pining for the last 2 seasons and had never been shown to have had other 'love' relationships, but there was Gizzie and Alez/Izzie. She confessed Liebe to George and effectively broke up his marriage. Izzie just gave an emotional 'I care about you' speech to Alex, what, 2 episodes ago!

To continue with the Alez/Izzie point - I personally have been waiting for them to get together since the first couple of episodes in Season 1. Obviously my opinion is biased, but I still do NOT understand the point of these past couple of episodes where they have very nicely been building the foundations of an Alex/Izzie (AI) relationship. We see them being friends, fighting, making up and COMMUNICATING. We have not heard much about Alex's past bar that he had an abusive alcoholic father and a mentally fragile mother. We have seen so much growth from him these past couple of episodes. We see him struggling to maintain their relationship but swallowing his pride and asking for help "you could like teach me oder something" and in the last episode communicating "Tell me what's wrong" and we see his compasssion in UNDERSTANDING that Hahn's patient would obviously bring up past feelings. However, he is not jealous - no, he is supportive and offers his help "Let me help." Why build up this relationship if your intention was to make a complete MOCKERY of it. Alex now has ANOTHER loony girlfriend. Alex as an individual character deserves so much Mehr than this - he is again lumped with a CRAZY, getting cheated on with DENNY, and he is finally opening up only to be rewarded with *a DEAD GHOST* stealing his thunder.


Anyway, if Katherine Heigl is looking up Emmy material (This is not an accusation, I am just trying to find a reason for this storyline), there is so much Mehr they could do - her child Hannah, meeting Alex's parents, even working with Hahn's patient. WHY O WHY bring up a ghost.
While seeing him is still a bit crazy, it is at least understandable but being able to TOUCH HIM??!! She better have a brain tumour! I kept thinking that if she touched him she would fall and become unconscious....HA! Also his 'I'm here for YOU' somehow reminded me of the grim reaper coming to collect?!

The only other reason I can think of is that Javier DM (Denny) is blackmailing Shonda into giving him material?!! ROFL! Seriously though, he is getting Mehr screentime than the LIVING characters (check out T.R.'s (George) cameo) UGH! I am beyond annoyed. Mehr than that, I am upset that such a fantastic Zeigen has stooped to this low. Even if we see McSteamy, McDreamy and McArmy all NAKED, there is NO Redemption.


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