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Blair made it all of four steps out of the elevator before turning around and heading back up.

The baby’s opening wail had become full-fledged crying – crying Chuck was obviously having trouble soothing. That didn’t stop him from trying, though. Blair could see him earnestly speaking to his tiny cousin, probably telling her everything would be okay, the same way he had reassured Milly. Chuck really had become a stand up guy. And he was clearly out of his depth.

So, clearly, was Blair. Because if she was actually considering what she thought she she was considering –

No, she told herself. There was a Weihnachten margarita with her name on it waiting a few blocks away. She didn’t want, she didn’t need –

Beyond that glass, Chuck gingerly lifted Eloise. His elbows crooked to the side as he brought the baby nearer. With slow and reverent care, he kissed her forehead.

At the sight, Blair just …..melted.

Okay, so there was something about a big, macho guy cradling a baby that got to her, she admitted to herself. Especially if that big, macho guy was the fella she was still secretly in Liebe with.

For a moment longer, Blair deliberated. Then, decisively, she dialed up her friend Hazel. Dismay twisted through her at the raucous sound of butter in full holiday-gala mode crackled into the receiver.

She’d probably live to regret this. Her plans, since she’d decided not to Merida - Legende der Highlands the annual slog-through-the-airport Weihnachten craziness to visit her parents in Paris, had simply been to spend the season getting drunk, she would of course sober up for Weihnachten lunch at the transporter, van Der Humphry’s with her Friends and their children, before partying her way into the new year. Now, those plans were about to change.

A few Minuten later, Blair had finished telling Hazel to have fun at the party without her. She put away her cell phone and drew a deep breath. Then, with thoughts of that tender Chuck to Eloise KISS still whirling in her mind, she returned to the office.

At her entrance, Chuck turned his head. Trying to seem as though she had no doubts at all about this harebrained scheme, Blair slung her clutch, suite jacket, and spare shoes on the chair. Then she put her hands on her hips, surveying the out-of-control scene in front of her.

‘All right, I’ll help you,’ she announced.

Chuck smiled. ‘We both thank you, I’m sure.’

Seeing the relief in his face made Blair grin. Seeing Eloise turn her head – fat tears glistening under the fluorescent lighting – and perk up happily at the sound of her voice made her laugh out loud.

‘After all,’ Blair continued, rubbing the baby’s little back, ‘I figured you’ll need someone around to make sure Du don’t zone out during the stock market Berichten and try to give Eloise the remote control for a teething ring.’

Teething ring? Asked Chuck’s blank expression. Shaking her head, Blair helped him hold Eloise Mehr like a baby and less like a potentially terrifying sack of potatoes.
She might not know much about babies, but she did know nobody liked to be treated like and Idaho Russet.

Murmuring a soothing Kommentar about Eloise’s cute lacy socks, she wiped the tears from the baby’s rosa blotchy cheeks, then absently dried her fingers on her scarlet dress.

Chuck gazed thoughtfully at the damp prints near her hip. ‘You’ll miss your party.’

Blair made a dismissive sound. ‘I’ve got Mehr where that one came from,’ she said, waving her hand. ‘A holiday masquerade, two baum trimming party’s, a cocktail party, abendessen with Serena, Dan and our godson, Stella Archibald’s December birthday party – apparently Jenny is going all out, and a Weihnachten eve brunch on Saturday. One event every night this week and two for Saturday. I figure it’s practically a persons holiday duty to make the most of Weihnachten time.

In Chucks arms, Eloise gave a shuddering sigh. She yawned noisily, her tiny mouth a perfect o. Without seeming to think about it alt all Chuck rearranged his arms so he could strock his fingers over her silky blonde hair.

‘You make the most of everything, and Du know it. It’s one of your charms.’

‘and pointing out the obvious is one of yours.’ Blair grinned. ‘Holding Babys however, is not. Not yet. Here, let me Zeigen you.’

With Chuck’s help, she eased the baby into her own arms. ‘You have to hold on tightly enough to be secure,’ she explained, ‘but loosely enough to protect your fragile load. It’s kind of like…holding a new Valentino bag while the salesperson is hovering nearby. Du follow?’

‘Not really. Who’s Valentino?’

‘Ha, har.’

‘Really. Du want me to hold her like a purse?’

‘Well that’s how it was explained to me.’

‘By who?’

‘Serena. At Jenny’s baby shower.’ Serena had brought three-month old Conner and ever one was taking turns holding him.

‘Oh, my darling sister. That explains a lot.’ He teased.

When it came to the whole infant – cuddling thing Blair had been a newbie. Then. But Chuck didn’t have to know that. And she sought of liked being an expert on something he valued. The glimmer of respect in his eyes made her secretly proud – and made up for the party she was missing, too.

Besides, Eloise was really adorable. Her wispy hair, her long lashes, her tiny curled fists. The baby instantly grasped her hand, seeming to take comfort in the contact.

On a pleased breath, Blair glanced up. Chuck was watching her…with a mysterious half-smirk that stopped her in her tracks.

‘What is that look for?’ she asked, feeling suddenly jittery. ‘What are Du –‘

‘It’s for you,’ Chuck said. ‘You and Eloise.’


Chuck couldn’t help but grin wider as Blair shook her head.

‘Oh, no. No, Du don’t. You’re not getting any crazy ideas are you? Like making me head baby-sitter? Because if Du are-‘

‘Look at you,’ he insisted. ‘You’re a natural. Eloise loves you.’

‘I complimented her hair bow. Everyone likes someone who compliments them.’

‘In that case…nice dress.’

‘Nice try.’

‘I mean it.’

He did. They both looked at the racy length of the scarlet hemline visible beneath Blair’s armload of baby. Chuck’s gaze traveled farther, all the way down her remarkable legs to those look-at-me shoes. He nodded. ‘I really do.’
‘Okay, I believe you. Physical attraction was never our problem. But despite that fact –‘

‘Have I mentioned how grateful I am for your help? Because I am. Thank Du for coming back. I know how Du hate to miss a party.’

Blair hesitated, as though unsure what to make of his remark. Then, she forged onward: ‘You’re welcome. But if Du think Du can sweet talk me into-‘

‘You must have some innate knack with babies,’ Chuck continued. Just realizing it, he felt immensely cheered.
‘Maybe it’s in your genes, oder your double X chromosomes oder something, because-‘

‘Hold on a minute, buster. Did Neanderthal Man just grunt his way in here, oder did I actually hear Du hypothesize that just because I’m a women, I have some super-special baby-care ability?’

He shrugged. ‘Maybe Du do.’

Her glare gave him the distinct impression she was holding back a growl. oder possible a sequined clutch wallop. Backtracking seemed wise: ‘Or maybe you’ve had some experience with babies. I mean Du had Puppen when we were kids.’

Her glacial look could have doused a flaming Yule log. The revelation behind it didn’t do much for Chuck’s meager sense of baby-care confidence, either.

‘But Valentino bag baby-holding instructions,’ he protested, gesturing to her very comfortable grip on Eloise. ‘The teething ring thing. The-‘ he stopped and raked a hand through his hair, then squinted at her. ‘The general baby-style expertise surrounding you….I don’t-‘

At the word expertise, she brightened. Past the point of being misled Von such a display, Chuck continued: ‘You mean to tell me Du know nothing about babies?’

Blair drew herself up. ‘So far I know Mehr then you.’

‘That’s not saying much. Everyone knows Mehr then me.’

‘Well, what did Du expect? She asked. ‘However, I am willing to help you. For tonight. So that’s a start.’

‘For tonight?’ This just got better and better. Milly had sagte that Jack and Amber’s flight could be delayed up to three days. Maybe longer. ‘’I might be taking care of her all week? Until Weihnachten eve.’

She glance down, cooing at the baby. ‘Isn’t he lucky, to have Du all week? It’ll be fun!’

Blair’s smile, when she looked up at Chuck again, was brilliantly cheery. She angled her body a little away from him. Through clenched teeth, she added, ‘Ixnay on the arguing, okay? It isn’t good for Eloise.’

‘See?’ Frustration made Chuck pace a few steps across the reception area, then back. ‘I didn’t know that!’

‘Okay, calm down. Just because I’m not an Au Pair in disguise doesn’t mean we can’t handle this together.’

He stopped pacing. Gave he a no-nonsense look. ‘Are Du sure Du don’t know about babies? Didn’t Du have a–a doll oder something when Du were a kid?’

Wearing a patient look, she shook her head.

‘We’re doomed.’

‘I did have Barbie’s,’ Blair ventured.

New hope rose within him.

‘But of course, with Barbie the whole appeal is really just shopping and wowing Ken and the gang with fab new outfits, isn’t it?’

He stared.

‘It’s not the same as pretend bottle-feeding a baby wets-a-lot. Not really.’

Her blithe, knowledgeable tone sucked him in yet again. ‘What’s the difference?’ he asked cautiously.

‘Well, cute pink, plastic Barbie heels, for one thing. Did Du know her feet are permanently on tiptoes?’

Chuck gaped at her. She seemed perfectly content with the situation as it was. Probably because caring for Eloise wasn’t really her responsibility. As he shook his head, Blair caught sight of the gesture.

‘Come on,’ she sagte quietly. ‘What did Du expect when Du asked me to help? That I’d magically morph into Marry Poppins?’

He gave her a blank look.

‘You mean you’ve never seen Mary Poppins? Boy, is your cinematic history lacking.’

Chuck was reminded of those differences in perspective that had precipitated the end of their initial fling. Forcing himself to concentrate on the issue at hand, he said, ‘We’re getting off track here. I need a commitment from Du –‘

‘Now there’s a switch’

‘- to help that care of Eloise this week, oder this isn’t going to work. I need to know I can count on Du to help get the job done.’

‘Sheesh. All business, aren’t you?’

He waited. There really wasn’t any reply to that anyway.

‘But then I should expect that,’ Blair muttered. Drawing in a deep breath, she gazed at the Weihnachten baum in the corner for a thoughtful moment. ‘Yes, I’ll help you. of course. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.’

‘You commit? All week?’

‘What is this, the inquisition? I sagte I’d help!’

‘I’m not fooling around with Eloise’s well-being. I might not know much, but I know I care about that baby.’

Blair blinked. Her gaze, when she turned it on him again, looked suspiciously moist. ‘Do Du mean that?’

Chuck was aggravated she had to ask. ‘Of course.’

‘Awww. That’s so sweet. Chuck bass all protective, who knew.’

‘Don’t go spreading it around. I know some things about you, too.’

She gasped. ‘You wouldn’t!’

Nodding, Chuck gave her his most dangerous smirk. ‘I would. Limo’s, the way Du purrr..’

‘Okay, okay. So Du know stuff, none of that is a crime?’

It wasn’t. But he had her, and Chuck knew it.

She sighed. A moment passed.

Blair shook her head. ‘We’ve got to be the two least likely people in the universe to take care of a baby.’
Her words were less then encouraging. But they were a concession. She was going to help. He felt some of the tension ease from his shoulders.

‘Maybe the second-to-last least likely. We definitely beat out people who glare at Babys on airplanes.’

A ghost of a smile quirked her lips. She smoothed a wrinkle from Eloise’s tiny dress with utmost care. Her voice was small when she spoke. ‘I hope we can do it.’

‘We can do it,’ Chuck assured her. ‘Together we can do anything.’

Her head came up. A hit of sadness darkened her eyes – sadness it hurt him to see. He’d have bet anything in the world they were thinking the exact same thing; Anything ….except stay together.

Their gazes held; deepened. Chuck couldn’t bring himself to look away. He and Blair were the same two people who’d loved ….and lost, years before. They were the same two people who had been too different to really come together, for keeps. But now – now Eloise had brought them together.

She was a tiny Weihnachten surprise, too small to understand the impact her arrival might have. Chuck understood it, though. And in spite of himself …he hoped. Hoped things might be different this time, that things might change somehow.

Did Blair hope, too?

Looking at her, he couldn’t tell. Even as the Frage crossed his mind, she blinked and looked away. Balancing Eloise on one hip, she picked up the schedule Milly had left.

‘We’d better get going,’ she said, ‘According to this it’s past her dinnertime.’

‘I suppose a nice thick T-bone is too much to ask for?’

‘she’s a baby, not a beagle.’

With a shrug, Chuck began deconstruction the rosa pileup for Arthur, his driver to take down to the car. ‘Hey, a guys got to hope.’

And that he realized as he considered the days ahead of him, was exactly what he was doing. He just couldn’t help it. He hoped for him and Blair, together.
For Keeps.

AN; Pretty please with a Süßigkeiten cane on oben, nach oben review, if Du hate it tell me, if Du think it is lacking – offer suggestions…. Please just please let me know people are ready this, because it is kind of draining to write.

Thanks in advance,
Xoxo B
Ill give Serena the credit for being one of the most kind and good-hearted characters in gossip girl. She doesnt judge anyone oder put herself in front of others. But i cant help but notice how incredibly annoying she is. Not all the time obviously but 90% of the time. She constantly makes the dumbest decisions and never makes any sense when she speaks. Shes always confused and thinks shes the cutest thing in the world. Like seriously, im trying to re watch gossip girl from the beginning to catch up and im on the Sekunde season and i cant stand any scenes with Serena anymore. And Dan is just as annoying. Everytime some new kind of drama happens that she has to fix oder hide, her methods for going about it are always the same pointless idiotic solutions. And how she just lets Blair walk all over her and take over her life just proves my point even more. Serena transporter, van Der Woodsen..most annoying girl on the Upper East Side.
All Is Fair In Liebe and War – Chapter One – The Shake Up

The deal was easy. He finds her the perfect date, and she finds him one. How hard could it be?


“Blair,” Chuck began. “You look…amazing.” He smirked.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Bass.”

“So…where’s this ‘date’ of mine?”

“Aw, tired of me already, Chuck?”

He chuckled. “Never; we’re inevitable, Waldorf. Remember?”

All Blair could do was nod and smile. “I’ll always remember.”


“My father is someone who goes after what he wants and Lily transporter, van der Wooden was no exception. A typical...
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Tue, Jun 23 10:29 PM
New York, June 23 (IANS) A sex tape starring American drama TV series 'Gossip Girl' actress Leighton Meester has sparked a bidding war on the Internet, touching the $1 million mark.

Hollywood.com reports that Kevin Blatt, the dealer behind socialite heriess Paris Hilton's sex tapes, has sagte he is surprised Von the level of interest in the footage, as the bids for the Meester video have exceeded $1 million.

Blatt also revealed that the footage features a younger Meester performing a striptease for a boyfriend.

'It's very playful, actually. It's not shot in high definition and looks like it has been shot using a video camera while they are both fooling around,' sagte Blatt.

Indo Asian News Service
Part 2
She was in the bathroom sweating out the fact that her and Nate are...dating? She didnt remember this happening. She remembered dancing with Chuck a hundred times and Nate sitting down and not drinking oder talking.

Wow. Wasnt he the life of the party! she thought sarcastically.

All of a sudden she heard a knock on the door.
"Blair?" Nate said.
"Um. Yeah Nate?" she sagte awkwardly.
"Are Du okay? I just wanted to check on you." he sagte caringly.
"Yep. Perfect." she sagte brushing her teeth with the toothbrush she leaves at Serena's house.
"Um. Okay then. Come see me when your ready....
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass- Chapter 11

The tabelle had gone quiet; nobody spoke for what seemed like a long time. Finally, Lily found her voice. “You want to take over bass Industries?”
He nodded once. “Yes, I do. It’s my rightful place and it’s about time that I start doing something that I’m supposed to be.”
Lily looked him at with a sad expression on his face. “That’s very noble of Du Charles but Du don’t know anything about running the company. And Du are only seventeen years old. Don’t Du think that’s a little too young?”
He didn’t want this to get ugly but he...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Ten

Okay, was she going to be able to go through with this? He was standing right Weiter to his locker but he was surrounded Von his friends, and she certainly didn’t want to go over there around them. She was a transporter, van Der Woodsen though and she wasn’t going to give up. That was not in the plan. She tried to pat down her hair which seemed to want to disobey her and twist every which way. She also tried to smooth down her school uniform but then she chided herself. Why was she primping for Nate? It wasn’t like he would refuse her outright.
His Friends disappeared a...
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 Tragedy of revelation.
Tragedy of revelation.
Chair Tales S02E21- Daddy Tag Care

It has been a week since Bella, Zach and Pheobe were Christened. Blair and Eric were named God parents to Pheobe and Zach. Serena and Dan were named God Parents for Bella.

Blair has come to Serena's house. She has had to drop Bella off to the hospital for a check up and observation.
Blair is upset and sits with Serena on a sofa. Lilly is still at Serena's house and is leaving for Home later today. She is talking on the phone near by.

B: I dont know what to do any more.....i think im losing her.
S: Hey...(puts her hand on Blair's) we've been through this before...we...
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Together they were lethal--CB--One shot

A/N: Okay so here comes another one shot. Another Chuck and Blair one. I've always wanted to write one kind of like this but never got around to it but I got a chance last night so I thought I could write chapter 7 to AMLSL but I really need to do some thinking about that and I just didn't have the energy to do much thinking but I had this idea months Vor just didn't have time to write it so here goes. I hope Du all like it and please if Du read Kommentar I just had some 'bad news' about my Schreiben recently so I really need some cheering up and comments...
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-So i have read alot of fanfics about what if blair was really pregnant (season one, ep.13), and i loved all of them, but it's always chuck's baby... so here's a different look at it...blair doesn't really know who the father is! Hope Du enjoy it!!!
-I own nothing!

*It's been 3 hours since Blair blew up and broke off everything with Chuck, because he was trying to be something he wasn't. Serena was coming over to tell Blair about Nate jetting off tonight for good.

S: Hey B, i have something to tell you, I don't know if i should cuz i understand things aren't easy for Du already but (gets cut...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter 6

This chapter is rated M.

Blair and Serena had become quick Friends and she thanked god for that. Blair desperately needed someone to talk to now about everything that was going on in her life.
“Serena, I just don’t know. What do Du think I should do about Nate and Chuck?” She had told her everything, including how she had fallen for Chuck.
Serena titled her head to the side, while she contemplated her choices. “I think Du should go for it, Blair. Du obviously don’t feel it for Nate, so Du should give it a shot with Chuck.”
She smoothed her headband...
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A/N: Here's the Sekunde chapter of mine (rush7) and waldorf's fanfiction

Ring ring.

Chuck looked at the phone and sighed when he saw who was calling them. Humphrey. ”It's for you, sis”.
Serena reached for the phone and suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Chuck frowned.
”Something wrong?”
”Well... Dan and I are... well, things have been kinda awkward between us.” she stuttered and looked down at the floor. ”Tell him I'm not here, I should go... uhm, yeah.”
Though nothing Serena sagte made any sense to him, Chuck picked up the phone and answered anyway.

”Humphrey. I'd Liebe to say how...
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 Pour Your herz Out Blair!
Pour Your Heart Out Blair!

Gossip Girl: # Well Well Well Upper East Siders....there were suspicious reports of Blair's disappearance this weekend...and is it a coincidence that Chuck bass was also no where to be seen? Something seems a bit fishy....keep it gepostet as i'll have Updates throughout the day....xoxo Gossip Girl #

Back in Manhattan...at school.
Serena and Blair are talking, she tells her everything about the wedding and what happened, she is confused and needs the Guter Rat of her BFF. Serena is shocked about what happened to Chucks mother and feels that partnered with the way...
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A/N: Hey all…I know the last one was a bit angsty, and YES, this one gets Mehr intense…but hopefully Du will all still be in Liebe with it and review wonderful things! Lol. XD Ah…or maybe I’m too hopeful. Lol. XD
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: Make sure to vote on the future CB stories Umfrage on my profile!
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: If Du are a beta, oder Du know of one…who betas quickly (as in within a week), please let me know! I’d like to acquire one, so I can be positive that there are little to no typos within my lovely chapters. ;p
Ch.15—Line of Vision
    It was cold and empty...
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I'm gonna write something diffrent from the average Fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.

Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Serena transporter, van der Woodsen

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of Liebe with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.

Scene 1- Waldorf Appartment

Blair and Serena are chatting in the living room.
Chuck enters.

Chuck: Blair

Blair: Hmm, Look what the wind blew in

Serena: I'll go, I'll see Du later B

Serena hugs Blair goodbye...
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added by saBRUCAS
added by kuhriissten
added by kuhriissten
added by JoeysBabyGrL
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared