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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Fifteen

“Excuse me? I must have heard Du wrong, Blair.” Bart replied.
Blair placed her hand on the curve of her belly. “No, Du heard exactly right, Bart. I’m pregnant and I thought it was about time that Du find out. I apologize for not telling Du last month.”
His mouth tightened even Mehr than usual. “This isn’t a joke, is it? Because if it is I find absolutely nothing even remotely funny about this. Du are telling the truth?”
Blair looked him straight in the eyes and nodded once. “I would never joke about something as important as a child. I’m deadly serious.”
Bart sank down into the chair that was behind him. “I don’t understand this, why wouldn’t Chuck tell me about any of this? Why are Du the one that is coming to me with this?”
She sighed and took a sitz Weiter to Bart. “Chuck wouldn’t tell Du because he doesn’t want to be a part of the child’s life. We broke up about a Monat Vor because of his lack of involvement for our baby.”
Bart’s eyes turned cold. “Are Du telling me that my son abandoned Du because you’re pregnant?”
“Well, not exactly. When Chuck told me that he didn’t want to be a father I broke it off with him. I can’t be with him when he doesn’t want to be a part of our own baby’s life.”
He slammed his hand down Weiter to him in outrage. “I can’t believe that Chuck would do this. And this is a topic that I don’t want to get into but didn’t the two of Du use protection?”
She had the chagrin to look ashamed. “Um, we did most of the time but Du know how it is sometimes in the moment.” She looked down at the floor embarrassed beyond belief.
Bart chuckled. “Yes, I do know how it is. I remember being young once, Blair. What did Chuck exactly say?”
Blair looked from one thing to the Weiter in the room anything to take her mind off of the words she was about to say. “The jist of it is that I told him I was pregnant, he sagte that he didn’t want any part of it, and we broke up. I haven’t seen him in the last month.”
“I will straighten his arsch out; he can’t do this to Du oder your baby.” Bart growled in fury.
This is what she had been afraid of. She stared at Bart and didn’t know why Chuck had always made him out to be a scary person to get along with. Once Du got to know him, he was okay. “You’ve got to promise me that Du won’t say anything to him. He made his decision and he can stick Von that now.”
Bart grabbed her hand and sandwiched it in between his own. “I’m sorry but I can’t do that. I never thought that my own son would treat his girlfriend this way and he has to know that it is unacceptable in my opinion. Chuck will be hearing it from me as soon as I see him.”
Blair closed her eyes and rested her head on the back of the chair. The stress wasn’t doing her oder the baby any good but she needed for Bart to understand her on this. “I don’t mind if Du talk to Chuck calmly about this but I can’t have Du lay into him about it. He’s made his decision and many times he’s told me why he can’t be a father. And now he needs to live with that decision. I don’t want Chuck to feel like he has to be with me just because you’re angry at him and he feels forced into it. I want him to want me and the baby and I know he doesn’t. I would rather be alone then have him be with me only because Du told him to do so.”
“I do understand that, Blair. But I still need to talk with my son about his actions but I will tell him that Du had nothing to do with any of this. If Du didn’t want me to knock some sense into Chuck about your pregnancy then what was your aim Von coming here and telling me?”
“That’s simple. I just thought that Du needed to know that Du were going to be a grandfather. I felt guilty about keeping something this big all to myself, only two of my Friends know, and I knew that if I didn’t tell Du then Du would certainly never find out. Chuck sure as hell would never let this piece of news slip to you. And I also wanted to find out what Du thought of becoming a grandparent. I don’t know if Du want to be in my baby’s life but Du can be as involved as your want oder if Du don’t want to be in it’s life, then that’s fine too.”
“I want to a part of my grandchild’s life, Blair.”
A watery smile came over her face. “Great, that’s one person at least. I have a couple of my Friends support too so I know that everything will be okay. It just has been really hard for me without Chuck. He was always the one that I went to when something was happening to me and I can’t do that anymore.”
Bart shook his head in extreme agitation. “Let me fix this then. I will be the first to admit that I have been a horrible father to Chuck but I can’t have him do the same thing to Du that I have done to you. This is all of my fault, Blair.”
A wistful smile appeared on her face and she moved one of her hands to cover his hand and bring it to her stomach. “Don’t blame yourself, Bart. Chuck knows what he’s doing and he still can’t bring himself to want me oder the baby. That has nothing to do with you, that’s Mehr of his unwillingness to grow up and face his responsibilities. Like I sagte before, I don’t want Du to force him into being with me. That would only make me unhappier than I am right now. This is your grandchild though and I’m so happy that you’re going to be a part of it’s life.” A tear slid down her cheek as she spoke.
A true smile came over Bart’s face. A smile that no one had ever seen before. He kept his hand on her stomach while he asked, “How far along are you?”
“Almost four months.”
As soon as Blair had spoken the words, the door was hoisted opened Von someone and Chuck breezed into the living room. When he saw Blair, he just stared at her. He hadn’t seen her in almost a Monat and then he noticed his father’s hand on her stomach.
As soon as Blair noticed Chuck standing in the doorway, she moved away from Bart and stood up. Just Von looking at his face brought all the pain back and it was just as fresh as thought it had only happened yesterday. She needed to get away as soon as possible oder she knew that she was going to lose control and snap. She stared at Chuck a moment longer before moving to the door.
A shocked expression appeared on Chuck’s face and he asked on a gasp of breath, “Did Du tell him, Blair?”
She turned around to face him and nodded. A hard look appeared on Chuck’s face and he looked like he was ready to kill her. She couldn’t stand to see the hatred on his face and hurriedly tried to turn the knob of the door when she felt Bart’s hand on her arm.
“Blair, thank you.”
She threw her arms around Bart. “No, thank Du for everything. And do remember what I said.” Blair was shocked when she felt his arms tighten around her waist in a hug.
Bart let go of her. “I’ll have someone set up an appointment for us to have lunch during the week.”
She tried to smile but it came out all wrong. “I would Liebe that.” She didn’t look back at Chuck, she just left. She needed to get away from all the agony that he had caused her.
As soon as Chuck saw that she had left he collapsed onto a chair. “I see that she told you.”
Bart stood directly over his son and sent him a look of pure disappointment. “You mean about how she’s pregnant with your baby? And that Du didn’t have the courage to tell me yourself?”
Chuck buried his head in his hands. “I’m sorry father; it’s just that I didn’t want Du to be disappointed in me for getting Blair pregnant.”
“I’m not disappointed that Du got her pregnant but I am absolutely aghast that Du won’t be there for her. This isn’t Blair’s fault anymore than it’s yours. How can Du not want to be with her? I find that absolutely disgusting.”
His father’s harsh words made his ears ring and Chuck felt the need to defend himself. “I can’t believe she came here and told Du about this without my consent. I suppose she wanted Du to knock some sense into me about being with her.”
“It’s just the opposite Chuck, Blair didn’t want me to lay into your oder anything like that. She sagte that Du made your decision and Du have to stick with it now. She was courteous enough to let me know that I’m about to be a grandfather. That’s Mehr than I can say for you.”
Chuck tore through his hair in agitation. “I don’t know what Du want from me father! I’m not ready to be a dad and I was honest with Blair about that.”
Bart felt like slapping Chuck at this point. The boy was being so pig headed but he held onto his impulse at this point. “You’re just thinking about yourself, Chuck. Can Du imagine how scared Blair is Von all of this? You’re not the only one that is going through all of this and it’s worse for her. And what is so horrible about her being pregnant? I know that you’re young and Du really should have been Mehr cautious to make sure that this didn’t happen but I don’t understand you. You’re in Liebe with her and she’s carrying your baby and Du still don’t want to be there for her? Is this because of me?”
Chuck began to pace around the room while trying to get his temper under control. At Bart’s last question, he looked up into his face. “Are Du sure Du want me to answer that truthfully?”
“Fine, yes it is partly because of you. I never want to put a child what Du put me through. I grew up feeling all alone because Du were never there for me. Du always put everything before me and believe me I felt that. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world to know that you’re the last thing on your father’s mind. And that is the main reason that I can’t be there for, Blair. Being raised Von Du has scared me shitless and convinced me that I never want to be a father. This baby is better off without me because I just would screw it up. I can’t risk that and I Liebe Blair too much to let her see me mess everything up.”
Bart placed a hand delicately on Chuck’s shoulder. “I know that I have royally screwed up when it comes to being a father to you. But if Du don’t try with Blair you’ll never know how it all feels. And just because of the mistakes I’ve made doesn’t mean that Du would do the same thing. You’re a better man than I could ever be Chuck, although right now you’re not Schauspielen like it.”
He shook his head stubbornly. “I just can’t do it. I won’t put Blair and the baby through this and have them just wind up being disappointed in me.”
“The only other thing that I can say and try to convince Du otherwise Chuck, is something that is true.”
“What’s that?”
“Your mother. Do Du think that she would be proud of Du if she could see what you’re doing right now? She would be utterly ashamed of Du and I can’t say that I blame her one bit because that it how I feel right now.”
Chuck remained silent but tears started to wolke his vision.
Bart continued, “Think about everything that I’ve just told Du because there is no going back after a certain amount of time. I don’t want Du to ruin your life over this and in time Du will realize that’s what Du have done. Du will never forgive yourself if Du keep abandoning Blair and your baby. Think very hard about your actions Chuck oder you’ll lose her forever, and I know how much Du Liebe her. It’s written all over your face right now.”
Bart left the room and the only thought that raced through Chuck’s already overworked mind was, that he had already Lost her.

The events of the last Tag still plagued Blair while she was putting away some Bücher in her locker. She still couldn’t believe the icy glare that Chuck had gegeben her when he had found out that she had told Bart about the pregnancy. She would be lucky if he ever decided to talk to her again.
As she was getting a book out for her Weiter class, Penelope, Iz, and Hazel strolled around the corner and stopped, and stared at her.
Blair gave them all a patronizing look and exclaimed, “What?”
They didn’t answer her but continued to stare at her with a bewildered expression on all of the faces. Finally Penelope nudged Hazel and she blurted out, “I don’t really know how to say this, Blair. But we were all wondering, have Du put on some weight recently?”
They all looked down around her midsection which seemed to be expanding daily. Blair glanced down and noticed that her pregnancy was becoming Mehr noticeable Von the day.
A smile spread across Blair’s lips, it felt like the first time she had smiled fully in weeks. “No, I haven’t gained any weight.”
“Then what is that?” They pointed at her stomach. “Are Du bloated oder something?” Penelope asked.
Blair shook her head. “Nope, I’m not bloated oder I haven’t gained weight. It’s nothing like that.”
“Then what is it?!” The three of them screamed.
“Oh, I’m pregnant.” Blair sagte in a careless tone.
Their eyes almost bulged out of their heads and they whispered, “Pregnant?”
Blair laughed at the expression on their faces. “I know that you’re not very smart but I think that Du can figure out the meaning of the word pregnant. oder do Du need me to spell it out for you?”
They ignored her and Iz chimed in, “Who’s the father?”
“Chuck.” She sagte matter of factly.”
Hazel had the nerve to laugh at her. “Are Du telling me that the most notorious womanizer on the Upper East Side got Du pregnant?”
A Sekunde later, Blair’s hand whipped across her face and delivered a stinging slap. “Hazel, Du should know never to annoy a pregnant woman. It’s not good for my hormones and if Du breathe a word of this to anyone, I will make sure that Du will regret it.”
All three girls stared back at her silently.
Blair took that as a sign that they were going to keep their lips sealed about everything. “And Hazel how notorious of a womanizer can Chuck be if he never slept with you? Everyone knows about your penchant for letting anything in between those filthy legs of yours.” With that she turned and walked away, leaving the three of them cursing the Tag that Blair Waldorf was born because hormones and pregnancy made her even bitchier than usual.

Blair laid back on her bett and rested after the stressful Tag that she had. Serena told her that she was going to drop Von later. She lifted her hemd, shirt up a little and rested her hand on the bare flesh of her stomach. The thought of her baby sleeping inside of her still sent shivers down her spine, and she loved just feeling her stomach and the bulge that was there now.
A knock sounded on her bedroom door and she figured it was Serena, so she called out, “The door’s open, S.”
It wasn’t Serena who walked through the door though, it was Chuck.
He noticed the rounded quality of her stomach and couldn’t take his eyes off of it. He finally realized that he really was going to become a father. It hadn’t hit him until right this minute. He wanted to place his hand on her belly but Blair quickly pulled her hemd, shirt down.
“Chuck.” She sagte icily.
He moved closer to the bed. “Blair.”
“What are Du doing here?”
He sat down on the bed. “I missed Du and I just had to come and see you.”
Blair let out a bitter laugh. “You missed me? Du could have fooled me since I haven’t seen Du in over a month. I don’t call that missing someone, I call that desertion.”
He tuned her words out and got the courage and placed his hand lightly over her stomach. Blair took one of her hands and placed it over his hand to hold his in place. She placed her head on his chest and he threw his arm around her shoulders. They stayed like that for several minutes, not saying anything both of them just touching their baby.
She raised her head a few Minuten later. “I missed Du too, Chuck.”
A fleeting grin came over her face. “It’s still hard for me to believe you’re pregnant. I don’t think I believed it until I just saw how round your stomach got. And before Du say anything, no, I’m not calling Du fat.”
She chuckled. And she knew how big of a step it was for him to come to her and even place his hand over her stomach, it meant that he was starting to come around. But her anger did not evaporate. “That still doesn’t change the fact that Du don’t want your baby, Chuck. And I can’t be with Du when Du don’t want our own child.”
He reached for one of her hands and the desperation was evident in his eyes. “Maybe I’ve changed my mind. All I know is that I can’t be without you, Blair. Du mean everything to me.”
The hope started to flow through her body but she tried to slow it down. “Have Du really changed your mind about the baby, Chuck? I need the truth and this isn’t because of Bart, is it? I don’t want Du to feel forced into being with me.”
“That’s not it at all, Blair. He talked to me yesterday and made me realize some things that I already knew. I’m still not sure how I’m going to be around it but I want to sort of give it a trial run.”
Blair wrenched her hand out of his grasp and leapt off the bed. She had felt happy only moments Vor but not felt like someone had doused her with ice cold water. “Do Du realize that Du just referred to our child as it? It’s still not real to you. And I can’t do this on a trial run, Chuck. What do Du think this is? So if Du decide fatherhood is not for you, then Du can decide to run and bail on us?”
Chuck banged his head against the Wand in frustration. “Blair, I don’t know how I’m going to be a father so it has to be a trial run. I still don’t know if I can do this.”
“I’ll make this easy for you, Chuck. Du don’t have to be involved in the baby’s life. I don’t want Du until Du can decide what the hell Du want. I keep getting mixed signals from Du and I can’t stand it anymore. When Du actually figure out what Du want, let me know. But be warned I’m not going to wait for Du forever. You’re still Schauspielen like a boy instead of a man. And I need a man to be the father of my child. Du have a lot of growing up to do yet and until Du do that, I don’t want to see Du anymore.”
She strode to the door and opened it, “Now, go.”
He left without an argument. His wakeup call had finally come and it had been in the form of Blair Waldorf. Her words had provided what he needed to know; he loved Blair and would do anything for her. He could never lose her and even though it appeared that he had for now, he would win her back. He was even coming around to the idea of the baby. All that mattered now was that he win back her trust and then she could forgive him. It was going to be easy but he was prepared to do anything to get Blair and the baby back in his life. Now all he had to was think of a plan.

To Be Continued…

A/N: Wow, I’ve gotten two new chapters up today. Yay for me! I’m exhausted right now but I decided to finish this and post it. Now, the rest is up to you. Reviews??
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