Gossip Girl Club
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A/N: Okay, I don’t know if Du had issues with shorter scenes oder something particularly offended you, but…only 3 reviews on my last chapter? *sniffles* I can only hope that the outcome will be better on this chapter. It definitely will not be a filler…it’ll be far Mehr intense, much like the last chapter…I had thought. And hopefully this chapter will not take me too long to write! =D As sagte before, I don’t own anything! And though part of me wants to, another part of me is awful proud of those CBN scenes I witnessed on Youtube this morning, thanks to my lack of self-control in preventing myself from waiting to watch 2x22 until tomorrow afternoon/night. Hehe. XD Make sure, still, to vote for the Weiter CB fic I will be Schreiben after this one…on that Umfrage on my profile, and please do review! Favorit parts are a win-win! ;p
***I want to thank my amazingly awesome BFF-Kira for coming up with the fabulous title! =D THANKS AGAIN! =D
Ch.19—Out Of Control
“Blair!” he called out to her, trying his very best not to alert the whole floor at his sudden exclamation, but it felt like desperation had been awoken in him. Like he couldn’t breathe, unless he felt her in his arms again…and until he knew she was okay.
He was no longer aware of Kevin. He hadn’t felt the young boy parting ways with him, oder even calling out in an effort to get Chuck to stop charging toward the young, dazed brunette. If he hadn’t had a one-track mind before, the new resolve certainly had taken over his system.
Warning bells went off in his head. In the back of his mind, he knew something was not right. But that didn’t stop him from dashing across the room and taking her in his arms.
“Blair…Blair…Blair…” he repeated her name over and over, countless times. It scared him to death that she did not wickeln, wickeln sie her own arms around his rigid, tired body once he had embraced her. The fear he held within himself spread through his trembling hands and arms as he clamped himself around her, making sure she was all right. He felt a tension shaking through her and released her weak body slowly. She winced at the brief contact his fingers made to her face, and he began to realize how badly beaten she was. Whatever cheap make-up had been applied to her face had been forced poorly slopped on.
“Oh my god, Blair…what happened to you? Talk to me, Blair. Tell me I’m not too late,” he seemed to be talking to himself, unable to realize fully how she had not actually responded to his worried cries yet.
Jason was completely unaware of the startling lovers’ reunion, and seemed to be swept up only in the careless flirting he had started amongst the nurses a few feet away. His presence, however, was the only reason Blair had remained so still and silent. As it was, they inquired of him if he’d like to get some coffee in the cafeteria a few floors down. He declined, naturally. He wasn’t stupid and willing to leave Blair alone for a ridiculous long amount of time; however, he did manage to accept the offer of water at the opposite end of the hall.
The moment he left Blair sensed it, and immediately she felt a temporary relief. The scarring nightmares were a horrid thing to fill one’s mind with, never giving her a moment’s peace, even in daylight.
“Chuck…” she choked out, finally looking up into his deep, crestfallen eyes. The tears began to fall. Her sobbing continued on, and he pulled her to an empty waiting area. He pushed the dried, dirty strands of her hair to the side of her face.
“Blair,” he sighed, leaning his forehead against hers as they sat on one of the blue diamond sofas in unison. A soft, jazz Musik seemed to be the only background noise encircling them in that small room. Even the TVs were turned off, and there were no people visible until the Weiter nurse station and possibly within the hallway in between.
“Chuck,” she cringed, hardly being able to take all she had been through. He could feel her small fingers tightening along the fabric of his jacket. A few of her own tears even dropped onto his pants. “Hold me,” she broke out. The sobs, the tears, the demand. It was all he could take, and he hated himself for not realizing she had only been holding back before because of some kind of hidden presence keeping her at bay. His arms reached around her desperately, but Mehr gentle than before and he felt her own fragile arms wickeln, wickeln sie around his neck.
She cried into him, and for what it was worth she savored this moment. She wanted to tell him what had happened, what she had been forced to do and the bruises that she had suffered because of her lack of obedience. She felt him stroke her hair and the near silenced sounds he made against her ear intoxicated the very air she breathed.
“Blair, so much crap has been going on….I just…” he rambled on, overwhelmed Von everything that seemed to occur over the length of the last few days. He seemed angry and yet completely crushed.
Blair pulled back slightly and placed a trembling hand across his lips. The chapped warmth of the fullness he displayed drove her crazy. She was aching and scared and in such a fragile position. She didn’t know how much time she really had with Chuck, and what exactly would set Jason off, dragging her away and beating her Mehr still. Now Mehr than ever she wanted to tell Chuck she loved him, and that they had to find some way to get out of this wretched hospital and fast. oder at the very least, she wanted to tell him where that wretched Brooklyn dump was located, so Chuck could find some way to save her, and him and them. A small part of her even ached to save that boy who had first kidnapped her. She was almost certain it had not been his idea. But all of this, all these facts and her very intuition, was swept away in the emotions she felt at this very moment.
His breaths raked her skin, and his eyes penetrated through her.
“Shh,” she whispered quietly, allowing her hand to grace the side of his face and become entwined in the hair along the back of his neck once more. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Their foreheads lie silently upon each other again. They were so close now. Chuck had loosened his grip in their embrace several moments earlier, but she was too afraid to let go…and so he hardly created room between them.
He wanted to KISS her. Badly. And the thought was not far from her mind, either. But just because Jason was gone, didn’t mean he was far. He had left no longer than twenty Minuten ago. Easy nurses could keep him distracted, but not for long. She had to keep with the plan, and she had to make every part of the plan look real. Be realistic.
“…if he comes to you, it is absolutely necessary that Du claim to infidelity with me and leave him forever.”
“What is it, Blair?” he asked, pulling his face away just far enough so he could look into her deep brown eyes brimming with tears. He stroked the side of her face, erasing some of the make-up and revealing additional bruises.
He would react to this later, he told himself. Now was not the time to grow angry over something he had no control over.
“If Du obey these orders, Miss Waldorf, if Du do as I say at all costs, I promise to save your life. I promise I will not harm him either, this…Chuck Bass.”
Looking just past him, she saw the Quelle of her fear. She pushed herself away from Chuck and stood to her feet. Confused Von these actions, Chuck remained still on the couch. As soon as he realized she was heading back towards the nurse station, he sprang to his feet immediately and followed her. The man she had supposedly noticed behind him and in the hall was now nowhere to be seen.
“Blair,” he called after her, close at her heels. “Blair, Blair!” he finally got a hold of her hand, and she froze, turning to him.
“What is it? What do Du want, Chuck?”
His eyebrows fused together and he had never been Mehr confused over the young Waldorf’s actions in his life. It made him feel like Nate. His arms, desperately wanting to follow his mind’s new state, desired to kreuz against his chest, but he would not do it. If he even thought further about releasing his grip on her wrist, he feared he would lose her forever.
She saw the pain in his eyes, beyond the pride and insistence. It was hard for her to cover up her true emotions. To suck in those tears. To believe beyond all else how this was the right way. She was not in her right mind, had hardly been for the last few days, oder at least the last Tag and a half. In that dirty Brooklyn dungeon she had been able to control herself. True at first she was only scared…for herself and for Chuck, but once she had been able to tap into Jason’s weaknesses, she had taken control. She had spit, attacked his pride and not gegeben in, in the least, anything that he might want oder need to know about her Chuck Bass.
The thought of meeting up with Chuck and still being able to confide in him about whatever had been going on, oder their lives would be in danger, was one thing…but having to claim she didn’t Liebe oder want to be with him anymore with the same outcome?! It was almost too much to bear. She had allowed herself a bit of genuine vulnerability while in his arms a few moments earlier, but now she had to get to work. Chuck could save her later…in Brooklyn, she shuddered. He could bring policeman and detectives and all of this could be fixed the proper way. Trying to escape now with Jason probably only a few feet away, give oder take, would be too risky.
She feared him now Mehr than she ever had before.
Chuck was her weakness.
And as much as she had tried to prevent that knowledge from becoming available to the idiotic and yet extremely powerful and violent kidnapper…he had discovered it.
It was in her looks, and the way the tears had gently cascaded down the side of her face. He only ever really hit Home with her when he mentioned the torture Chuck would have to endure.
“Blair,” his voice extracted her from her thoughts, and she turned her gaze to him.
The way she looked at him, so broken and yet with this fake assurance, crushed him and he let go of her, his arm dropping to his side.
She gulped. “It’s over, Chuck,” she finally said.
“What?” he asked, unsure if he had really heard her correctly.
“It’s over,” she repeated, blinking away the tears that were threatening her very resolve.
“How can it be over?” he asked, stepping towards her, “we’ve only been together a few days.” Perspiration heated and moistened his forehead. Panic was flooding through him. “And your actions just a Minute Vor definitely proved otherwise.”
“I…I’ve been cheating on you,” she said, unable to look him in the eyes. His heated stare was killing her. It pained her to lie him, and with such a horrific fable at that.
“With who?!” he asked, outraged, still in disbelief and hardly caring now if anyone heard him. They were still in the midst of the hallway separating the Mehr crowded areas of that particular floor anyways. The only person that would have heard their particular Debatte at that moment was the presence suddenly settling behind the brunette.
“With me,” Jason said, making himself aware to the young bass Von sucking fiercely on Blair’s dulled ivory neck. She cringed at his touch and Chuck was not fooled. He crossed his arms across his chest.
“Do Du have a name, oder should I just call Du jackass?” he glared at the man.
Jason released his lips and teeth from Blair’s delicate skin and in the glimpse of a millisecond Chuck swore he saw the vulnerability existing in her deep brown eyes again, begging him not to take it too far. But after a snide remark, her kidnapper turned to her with a lover’s gaze and she returned it, leaning her head against his shoulder.
“Accept it,” she said.
Chuck gaped at her.
“I was never really yours,” she intertwined her fingers with Jason’s, and he brought them up to KISS each one individually.
He only stared on at the fake couple for nearly two seconds, before scoffing at their demise.
“I don’t believe you,” he said.
At that their hands dropped.
“What?” she asked suddenly outraged. She had taken on a particular persona. She had made it look real, oder as real as she was able to make it, feeling pained and at a lack of any real energy.
“You’re lying. You’re doing that thing where Du eyes don’t match your mouth,” and she swore he had been smirking when he sagte it. Didn’t he know this was hard for her? That she couldn’t possibly be enjoying her affectionate actions towards this ass?!?
Her nose scrunched up, and deep inside her she tried her very best to conceal whatever was so evident to him. Jason backed up a foot oder two having grown bored of the brunette’s argument with her supposed lover or, in the fake sense, ex-lover. The moment he stepped away, some other damsel in no real distress caught his attention and he wandered off, much to the teens’ oblivious state.
“You’re over me?” Chuck asked, almost enjoying the most poorly played game she had ever conducted with him.
“I…I……of course!” she said, like it was the plainest thing in the world, fighting hard between the belief that this would save him and her own vulnerability from the pain she’d experienced.
“Hmm,” he said, stepping slightly closer to her, so they were now only a breath apart. “Interesting,” he whispered hotly against her mouth. She struggled at first against the waves of desire coursing through her, but it was only a matter of time. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head at his contact and she unconsciously pulled herself even closer to him.
“Chu—” she moaned in protest, but he swallowed her voice in a rushed wave of tongue-tangoing passion. In her mind she kept telling herself to pull away, that they were both in so much danger and the possibilities of torture would increase to a limitless extent if she stayed put where she was oder allowed such actions, knowing that Jason could reappear at any moment.
But she couldn’t help herself.
They had been apart for far too long, and through this she could express everything—things that she couldn’t allow through words.
She reciprocated his intense kiss, wrapping her arms around the base of his neck as his grip around her waist continued to Bewegen and twist farther up and down her body. She was grateful that nearly no one was around, though that really was the least of her worries now. He moaned into her and she Lost control, letting fly free her own groaning suppressed inside her.
“Chuck!” she called out again, allowing the sound to extend to the halls, as she miraculously found the energy to push him up against the nearest wall. He grunted briefly, Küssen the sore spots along her neck and the deep bruises he had found on her face.
“You see,” he whispered softly, “You’re not over me. I bet Du haven’t even been cheating on me,” he smirked playfully.
And that silent sentiment brought her back to reality. A single tear drifted down the side of her face and hit the side of his face. He slowed his kisses, and she gasped from the tears that suddenly would not allow anything to stop the departure from her eyes.
He exhaled, wiping them aside with the softened side of his thumb oder Küssen them into his own mouth.
“But I should be,” she said, her head falling, and her hands, so drugged Von the intoxication of the feel of his hair, suddenly drooping. “Over you, I mean,” she rephrased. She stepped back a foot oder two and looked at him, forcing him to believe what she was trying to say.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” she began, as politely as possible, “I have to go find my boyfriend.”
Chuck’s eyes narrowed as she began to walk away, weak and unstable. Reality then cut through him like a messer and he grabbed for her hand once more.
She stopped, and even allowed for him to pull her closer to him. “I’m going to save you,” he whispered, cradling her body against his own for one Mehr brief moment.
And for that moment, she allowed herself to sob within Chuck’s warm embrace.
“Blair!” she heard Jason calling for her, pretending he did not know where she was. “Sweetheart…!” Her eyes widened and she untangled herself, holding herself there just long enough to remember what it felt like—in case she never felt it again. The moment she allowed her hand to be free of his and followed the death tone of Jason’s voice, she forced the tears away and applied Mehr of the cheap makeup that had been shoved into her pocket.
She regretted her last words to Chuck instantly, but knew if she went back…there would be no returning to her kidnapper and an even greater threat on Chuck’s life.
It was the oddest, most unusual conversation he had no doubt experienced with Blair Waldorf. She was Frozen still and would hardly say a word. Something had happened to her, something she was not willing to relive oder speak about. She had become vulnerable through the Weltraum of ten Minuten maybe. He had broken through her shell, but just as quick she had resolved into a new façade. And this Jason. Who the hell was he?! He was definitely some sort of bizarre maniac forcing his Blair into something she did not deserve.
Chuck paced back and forth along the now abandoned hallway. It had all been so simple. Follow Kevin. Find Blair. Sue asshole. No, scratch that—KILL asshole. What had happened? It had all gotten so messed up, and he had no idea how. But he still had to find Kevin. Jason and Blair had walked away but they hadn’t left the building, he was sure of it. But what he was even Mehr sure of was how none of this had been Blair’s idea, none of this lame ‘I’m over you’ crap she had been pulling. When Blair Waldorf sets up a plan, especially one of manipulation, she makes it look real. And that looked anything but real. Strained and painful was Mehr like it.
“Kevin!” he called out, and caught a glance at Jason as he did it.
Blair was not with him, that was promising and yet somehow very nerve-wracking for Chuck. Silently they both made it past a few nurse stations and, finding Kevin staring into an abandoned patient’s room, broke into a run.
Chuck wanted to hassle Kevin for all the trouble he had caused, and he wanted Antwort immediately. Where was Blair? Where were they going back to? And what the heck was exactly going on with himself being investigated. He needed answers, and now. But before his thoughts connected with any quick movements of his legs, Jason grabbed a hold of Kevin, just a few feet away, and for the first time Chuck saw the violence, Kevin had so obviously feared to speak of, in action.
Shoved against the wall. Directly, so his head banged flat against the old picture frame.
Punched in the face. Once. Twice. Three times. More.
Screamed at.
“Why did Du come here, Du insolent good for nothing kid?! I am ashamed to call Du my younger brother! Do Du hear me?! Ashamed!! Why did Du come? And why did Du bring him?! What the hell is your problem?!?!”
His only response was tightly shut eyes and a cringing face.
Pushed around. Clothes ripped at, pulled at. In every violent way that a man could imagine with only using hands and cruel words…that’s what happened.
All of these actions time and time again.
Why wasn’t he doing anything?
After too much longer of this excessive pain, Chuck refused to stand still. He was enraged at himself for not interacting sooner! So what if he wasn’t directly related oder hadn’t known the kid for Mehr than 48 hours! He didn’t see Blair standing just at the end of the hall. He couldn’t conceive how long he just stood and stared at the pain erupting from Kevin’s face. No wonder the younger boy did as told oder didn’t do at all. It was too much to bear. He couldn’t imagine growing up like this. Whatever happened to their parents?? How did they end up like this? He supposed he should be grateful for the negligent manner of his own father. At least it never amounted to something like this! Kevin had sagte nothing, not that he could recall at the moment at least. And with every schlagen, punsch and scream and yell, he remained mute, praying to God it would be over soon.
All at once, Chuck jumped in and pulled the bastard away. He threw him up against the opposite Wand and started punching his arrogant face out. Kevin, unaware of what had just happened, stood there in shock and eventually raised a slow, weak finger to his bloody lower lip. He could feel the bruises already starting to make themselves known all over his face.
The way his arms and legs just barely held him up. His hair was tossed in every which direction, and a familiar nausea came over him. Kevin slinked to the ground, and brought his other hand up to his forehead.
“Ow,” he muttered. “My head…my head…my everything,” he sighed, closing his eyes and trying to lose himself from this nightmare.
There was a young, blonde nurse sitting behind the nurse station maybe five feet away. She was very young, couldn’t have looked much older than twenty-five. Her rosa Scrubs were held a sparkling warmth and the striped nametag clipped into the fabric shone the name ANNABELLE. Besides being young and extremely quiet, she had an insecure feeling about her that made her feel intimidated Von nearly everyone she came into contact with. It was only Von pure miracle that she had made it this far in her profession.
So, instead of coming around the schreibtisch and trying to put a stop to this madness, she, being the only nurse visible in that vicinity pressed for the security button beneath the tischplatte and waited.
This had been several Minuten ago, just as the fight had begun. Her eyes widened when Chuck got involved, but she crossed her fingers and snapped her eyes shut so as to soften the blow to her own worried mind.
A harsh shuffle of feet was heard at the far end of the hall. Before the nurse could look up Blair caught the sight of two, no—FIVE security guards about to intervene on the situation. She could not bär the fact of Chuck getting in trouble for this on oben, nach oben of everything else when he only meant to spare the life of that poor young boy and herself. She walked over to Kevin and touched his shoulder gently. He looked up at her, confused at the action, and then turned his gaze in the direction she was looking.
Instantly, he stood up and made to assess himself with the most normal position he could manage.
“Chuck,” she whispered. When he did nothing to cease his movements, she sagte his name again with Mehr of a demanding tone, and when that still did nothing to still his movements she reached vorwärts-, nach vorn and pulled him back Von the fierce rounding of his shoulders.
He ceased.
With that, Jason unaware of why things had changed, moved vorwärts-, nach vorn to schlagen, punsch Chuck a few times steadily and howl at him for attempting such a stupid endeavor. Some of the nurses from down the hall finally came from out of some patient rooms to discover the racket, but before anything could be said, the security men arrived.
“Who called for security?” the tall, red-headed leader of them all announced.
At this, Jason halted his arm and stepped away from Chuck, almost as if he was pinned up against the Wand again. This time with Mehr ease.
The nurse behind the schreibtisch slowly rose to her feet and raised her hand awkwardly. “It was I,” she said, unhitching her nametag and holding it out for them to see. “Annabelle,” she attempted a smile as the red-head looked at her confused.
“I…I hit the,” she gulped, trying to maintain her focus. Even speaking to people, especially those she didn’t know and who were in authority above her gave her the worst nerves. “The red button,” she concluded. “It,” she sighed, forcing herself to keep eye contact, “It says security on it,” she finished.
The red-head crossed his arms and was about to respond when one of the guys behind him came vorwärts-, nach vorn and said, “I’m Kent,” he said, slowly and the guys behind him rolled their eyes at his dramatic gesture. “Thank-you for calling for security. What seems to be the problem?” he asked.
“They uh…were fighting,” she pointed hesitantly at Jason and Chuck, with a brief wave to Kevin.
“Thank-you miss,” the red-head said, “We’ll take care of it.”
She nodded briefly and sat back down. Whatever nurses oder employees had come out to see what all the fuss was about had Von now returned to their current tasks. Kevin stood having regained a bit of his strength from the need for keeping appearances. He was sore still, but it wasn’t the worst situation he’d been in and figured Schauspielen the part would be best in the long run for all of them. Blair was leaning against the same Wand she had found Kevin by. Her arms were wrapped around Chuck’s waist as she buried her face, almost sobbing, into the back of his shirt.
He couldn’t believe he had gone so far, and it surely would not bode well for him because he had taken such action. He could only imagine what would be done to Kevin oder Blair because Chuck had felt some unnatural brotherly need to defend the younger boy’s honor right then and there. He wanted to tell the security guards right then what was going on and figure out the rest later. But Jason knew too much about everything. He was working with people who could destroy them, and that certainly was not just in the financial oder emotional state. Now was not the time to end things, and he sensed that Von the way Kevin tugged on the edge of his shirt.
Now he just had to focus on breathing.
“I’m sorry,” Blair whispered into the wearing fabric of his shirt.
Chuck just nodded…and gulped.
“We’re fine, sir,” Jason said, taking the lead and ignoring the glare coming from the other three individuals.
“Fine?” the red-head asked.
Jason nodded as if nothing had been going on. “Yes,” a simple misunderstanding, that’s all.”
The red-head looked at his suspiciously. “So Du were just beating each other up because of a…misunderstanding?”
Jason nodded again, now seeming very confident. “That’s right.”
Kent looked over to Annabelle, who was now focusing intently on the papers in front of her, hoping not to be asked anything else. Perhaps even regretting calling the men up to begin with. He broke from his clan of partners and walked over to her.
“Annabelle?” he asked, keeping his voice low.
“Oh!” she nearly exclaimed, having become really shocked from his sudden existence in front of her.
He had brown hair, she noticed, and hazel eyes. His smile was perfect and he had a gentle face. But she had no intent of continuing this conversation. She was done with so many verbal interactions in the Weltraum of ten minutes.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he continued in the same low voice.
“You didn’t,” she said, refusing to look back up into his eyes. “Can I…help Du with something, Kent?”
His eyes widened and he smiled at the recognition of his own name coming from her pretty, rosa lips. He leaned his elbows on the counter just above her and drew his face closer. “As a matter of fact, Du can,” he said, raising his voice a bit. He hoped none of the other men had become aware of just exactly what he was doing oder he would be teased about it constantly for the Weiter millennium. Always trying to flirt with the young, naïve nurses, they would say. He rolled his eyes just thinking about it. He never did anything without a particular agenda in mind, and it was usually not as perverted as his coworkers made it out to be.
“I’m…sorry?” she asked, suddenly looking up at him and giving up all her attention to his inquisitions.
“I’d like to know the whole story,” he said, pulling his head back.
She sighed harshly. So much for keeping to myself.
Somehow, Kevin and Chuck decided that it was the safest route to agree with Jason’s idiotic ramblings. They agreed to the misunderstanding, sagte it was just getting carried away and that they wouldn’t let it happen again. Those suspicious eyes seemed to be forever planted in that red-headed leader of the hospital security guards though, and even as he walked away from them, he seemed uneasy.
“Come on Kent,” he called out, passing the nurse station. “You can flirt with the nurses on the Sekunde floor.”
But Kent waved him off and the red-head seemed to accept it, the rest of the men simply laughing it off and following their leader on to the elevator.
All of them sighed in relief, and though it appeared their safety had become evident, Chuck tensed up again.
“You,” Jason said, pointing at Blair. “You’re coming with me. Clearly Du fail tremendously at trying to keep orders,” he pulled her away from Chuck, but the young bass held on to her grip of him.
“You can’t take her anywhere she doesn’t want to go. Release her,” he sagte in a dangerously death-threatening voice, his eyes dark.
Jason laughed at him. “What power do Du have? Do Du honestly think I can’t have Du and your girlfriend’s throats slashed while Du sleep the night Du think you’re free?”
Chuck released her.
“Not for me,” he said, slowly.
Jason smirked. “Oh, I know. She’s all Du care about, isn’t she?” he scoffed, “How very sweet.” They walked in the opposite direction of the nurse, so as to not attract attention. Chuck wanted to go after them, wanted to do something to stop them, to stop all of the chaos had suddenly erupted so soon. Since when do security guards not give warnings oder fines oder anything after an intense punching match has been witnessed?
“Kevin!” he said, turning around instantly. He refocused his thoughts and brought them back to the purpose, the task at hand. “Are Du all right?” he asked, examining the boy through scrutinizing eyes.
Kevin blinked slowly and then let out a soft chuckle. “Who, me? Of course,” he cleared his throat.
“Kevin,” he sagte in a warning tone.
The young boy’s face fell and became quite serious. “We can’t talk here, not like this.”
Chuck’s brows fused together. “I don’t understand. Didn’t we come to—”
“He’s gone,” the boy interrupted.
Everything in Chuck was screaming at him. What the hell were they supposed to do now?!?
“What?” was all he could manage.
Kevin nodded, gulping.
“What about Blair?” he finally asked.
The boy sighed, running a hand through his thick red curls. He pursed his lips, still feeling the pain from the Zurück attack from his brother. It probably would be wise to ask for some ice oder water for his wounds oder just plain stress, but they had to get somewhere and it had to be a secretive thing. If they involved the authorities too early in the game, they would be done for.
Besides, a hospital security guard trying to woo the naïve young nurse was not who needed to know about this.
“A detective Mehr likely…” Kevin finished his thoughts out loud, unaware.
“Huh?” Chuck asked.
Kevin shook his head. “Nevermind. We have to get out of here,” he said, turning to him, “ and we have to do it now.”
“That doesn’t answer my question,” he said, irritated.
“Both of Du are even Mehr in danger now, Mehr than Du were before. Du have got to listen to me about this.”
“You won’t even tell me Mehr about this situation oder this supposed person that is stalking me!” Chuck’s voice rose, growing Mehr frustrated Von the second. He didn’t want to pressure the poor boy oder exceed the Von which he could really function, but he was losing his nerve. He had almost had Blair. Twice. And now he knew she had been faking.
“I don’t know, ok?” Kevin said, forcing his voice to a whisper.
Chuck followed suit. “You do know something,” he whispered, “more than you’re letting on.”
He sighed. “Look, Du have a PI, yes? One that Du use for your own personal benefit?”
“Yeah, so?” he asked, not finding the direct point of this particular fact.
“Lead the way.”
And he understood. Things had gotten serious—far Mehr serious than before they came to this damn hospital. A fast attempt to rescue Blair from some Brooklyn Hellhole would not be enough now.
They needed professionals.
Her long, dark eyelashes fluttered open. A dark moan erupted from her, and an almost content sigh followed.
Vanessa raised her head from its lying position on the Humphrey couch. A snug blue blanket had been draped over her.
Probably from Jenny, she thought.
Her eyes squinted as she gazed out the window. The loud ticking had woken her, had been from her own watch lying attached to her slender wrist. She put a hand up to her face, trying to wipe the tiredness away.
4 PM. She must’ve been really tired.
The curly haired Brooklyn girl rose to the sitting position and instantly felt the headache that accompanied such a quick rise in elevation. She laid her head briefly on the oben, nach oben of the couch. Then, tossing the blanket past her feet, she stood up and strode into the kitchen.
After taking a fresh glass of orange juice, she deposited the glass into the dishwasher and retreated back to her former spot on the couch. She remembered how she got into the Humphrey loft this time and the time before, which was a good thing. Her memory was treating her well.
She smiled at this thought.
Before her mind could drift much farther, she was drawn to her phone vibrating on the counter tabelle in the küche behind her. There was a number. One she didn’t recognize. And it was a missed voice message. From several hours ago.
Vanessa put the phone up to her ear slowly after pressing the appropriate buttons. Half-way through the message, she clicked the device shut.
She slipped her phone into her pocket, and called out for the Humphreys, suddenly realizing that no one but herself was left in the house. There was no note oder sign that they were going to be back soon, which was very unlike any of the members of her Sekunde family.
She paced back and forth, trying to put the pieces together. Trying as hard as she possibly could to solve this big mess everything had become, that she swore she had had some big part to play in.
“What the hell is going on?” she whispered to herself, raking a hand through her unruly head of curls.
Only one person would have the slightest idea.
She pulled out her phone again and pressed the redial button on her latest caller, waiting a few moments as the dial tone nearly drove her insane.
Then, a click. Somebody picked up!
“Hello, Kevin….?”
A/N: So, I want to spill out all my Ansichten on GG right now, but I will save the majority of it for my profile. No worries! Hehe. 2x22 was AWESOME! 2x23 looks even BETTER! I saw the sneak peek with CN and almost died. I think I have possibly never loved Nate more. God bless his semi-mature-motivational spirit! Lol. XD Anyways…R & R!!! I’ll Liebe Du forever, and I really tried to make this chapter Mehr detailed and lengthy!!!! I hope it counted for something. ;p
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Source: The CW
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All I Want For Christmas.

I was in the mood for a holiday story and I thought what better couple then Chair. If your looking for heavy angst keep looking cause this one will be fluffy and uplifting (but of course still Chuck and Blair style).

What happens when Chuck and Blair are thrown together for a very special work assignment over Weihnachten break: babysitting the boss’s daughter. Ah, Christmas, they do say it’s the most wonderful time of the year…for falling in love. c/b, j/n, s/d.

Background; It has been 10 years since Chuck and Blair decided that they couldn’t ‘hold hands’...
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Story: "Missing Butterflies"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: “I hold her closer that there’s no Weltraum between us and I smell her hair (I always loved her hair) but there’s no fluttering. I’m not smiling that lovesick smile when I watch her sleep but still it’s ok. I’m ok.” Post season 2 finale.

I know I should update my other fics but I got this idea and couldn’t help but write it, because I don’t like it that it’s always about Chuck hurting Blair and cheating when their together. I update Season of Liebe and Don’t...
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Hot Gossip Girl topics from "Dan de Fleurette" include memorable lines, guest stars, the glory that is Chair, the reign of Jenny and Weiter week's wedding ...


1. What was your Favorit Gossip Girl quote from the episode?

DANdy: Did Chuck really cite Dumbo at the end? That clearly wins.

Gossip Guy: Look, I live in Florida so pretty much all I wear is sandals, but I'm sorry, every line related to this Von Chuck and and Blair was priceless. Chuck: "What do Du expect from a place where men wear sandals?" Blair: "By the way, sandals are not shoes!" Good stuff.

Mister Meester:...
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Chuck and Georgina are together but Chuck is having an affair with Blair. Nate and Vanessa are together but Nate is having an affair with Serena. Dan is dating Eric but Eric has a crush on Jenny. Everyone lives in their own houses expect Nate and Vanessa and are all 25.

Chuck and Blair where asleep but soon to be woken up Von a knock at the door. "Who is it?", Blair called. "Me", sagte Georgina. Shock ran through Chuck's face. Blair gestured him to hide. Blair answered the door. "Georgina!!!", sagte Blair not happy to see her sorta-of-we-know-each-other-friend. "Hey, how are you", Georgina...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
Chuck left the bar drunk and headed Home with a head full of cluttered thoughts. Blair was gone. Out of his life for good this time, he’d made certain of that. The things he’d said, the way her face had fallen… Another drink sounded good.

The limo driver jumped out of his sitz and ran around to open the door, but Chuck waved him away, feeling suddenly ill at the thought of riding in that car. “I’ll walk,” he said, handing the perplexed driver a tip.

He moved in a daze, not really seeing oder hearing anything. His lower half was mostly numb, and he could only partially feel his hands....
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Source: fuckyeahtaymom.tumblr.com
added by flowerdrop
Source: littlejcaps.tumblr.co
added by Joy3570
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