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The Mess that is Chuck Bass- Chapter Ten

Her world stopped when she heard those three little words. The words that she had been waiting for months. She tried to breathe, but found that she couldn’t. “What did Du just say?”
Chuck looked at her with a serious face but then he burst into a grin. “I sagte that I Liebe you, Blair.”
Her herz felt like it was exploding out of her chest and she felt the need to sit down before she collapsed. “Are Du serious? You’re not just saying that are Du because Du think it’s what I expect to hear from you?” She waited for his answer but he just gave her a look that sagte she should know better.
Chuck sat down Weiter to her on the bed; he looked at the ground as he spoke. “I’ve never told anybody that I Liebe them, not even my father. So if I’m telling you, you’ve got to know that I would never lie about something like that.” He brought his eyes to hers. “I really do Liebe you, Blair. I have for months but I was afraid to say it. But not anymore.”
She felt tears spring to her eyes. “Chuck, Du know how much I Liebe you. Don’t you?”
He looked at her and the emotion was right there in his eyes. “I do and I Liebe Du just as much.”
“You don’t know how long I have waited to hear Du say that.”
“I’m sorry it’s taken me so long.”
She lifted his chin and looked deeply into his eyes. “Hey, don’t apologize. As long as you’re in the same place now as I am now, that’s all that matters. I would have waited for Du forever, Chuck.”
“Thank Du for not giving up on me.” He whispered.
“I would never have gegeben up on you, and know I now you’re truly back. I’ve missed Du so much. This is Chuck bass that I fell in Liebe with.” Blair clasped his hand with hers.
He let his fingers Bewegen over the base of her palm. “Do Du know I think I would have been Lost forever if Du didn’t come for me? That’s how screwed up I was. I really don’t deserve you, Blair.”
“You do if I say Du do, Chuck. The thing I want most is for us to be together and none of the stupid shit that has happened to us before. No Mehr interruptions, oder other people, it’s finally time for us to just be us. That’s why we’re Chuck and Blair.”
“I really am sorry for everything.”
“I know, Chuck. Everything that has happened to us in the past doesn’t matter anymore; let’s just start out fresh and new.”
He smiled. “I will definitely agree with Du on that. But something Du said, I don’t know if I can agree too.”
She thought back to everything that she had said, but couldn’t think of anything that he wouldn’t want to agree on. “What’s that?”
He smirked and she saw a playful light in his eyes. “On the count of us fighting. I always enjoyed our little skirmishes. We do our best making up when we’re mad.”
She burst out laughing. “I have to admit too, that I really do enjoy when we fight. You’re unbelievably sexy when you’re mad, Chuck.”
He arched an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Then let me Zeigen how sexy I really can be.”
“Finally.” Blair sighed in relief.
They kissed and everything went into sync. It was finally the right time for them and they both felt it. Their clothes were quickly dropped to the floor and they both tumbled back on to the bed. There was no reason for foreplay; they were both beyond that stage at this point. Chuck kissed his way down her body and when he was convinced that she was ready for him, he slipped his length inside of her body. Blair gasped at the contact and arched her hips to meet his long and steady strokes.
“This has been so worth the wait.” She moaned as she was nearing her peak, although she felt the need to say something to signify how much he made her feel.
“Yeah, it fucking has.” He grunted in return.
His thrusting never stopped and when he felt like Blair was going to go over the edge, he slipped a hand down to her sex and thrust one of his fingers inside. That did it, she came totally undone and had what she would swear was an earth shattering climax.
He watched her face as she climaxed and that’s what made him go over the edge. Her face was absolutely beautiful. “I Liebe you, Blair.” He rasped as he exploded. He felt the need to say it over and over again because of all the time he had Lost Von not saying it.
She laid her head on his chest and they were silent, still basking in the afterglow. A thought occurred to her and she didn’t like to think about it but she felt the need to know the answer. “Chuck?”
“After Bart’s death and up until now, how many people did Du have sex with?”
He swallowed hard, wishing that she had never asked him this particular question. “Do Du have to know this? Blair?” There was a hard edge to his voice.
She placated him. “Don’t worry; I’m not going to be mad oder anything. I was just wondering.”
He put his arm around her and drew Blair closer to him. “Let’s just say that the number isn’t small, actually it’s quite large. But they meant nothing to me, every time I would sleep with somebody else I would be thinking of you.”
She nodded, but felt jealousy burning in the hollow of her stomach. “Okay. I actually slept with somebody while Du were gone.”
Her words made his head spin. “Who?” He sputtered.
“Carter Baizen.”
“Are Du fucking serious?”
“Yeah, I actually am. It was right after Bart’s funeral and after the night Du left. I was just so depressed and he was there. It was only once and I haven’t been with anybody but him.”
He knew he shouldn’t be angry, but he couldn’t help it. “How could Du fuck him, Blair?”
She raised her head and looked into his eyes. “It was nothing Chuck, just like Du with all of those other women. I just thought that I would tell you. I mean my Liste is quite small compared to yours. I’ve only slept with Carter, Nate, and you.”
“What about Marcus? Du didn’t say him.” Her Liste was absolutely tiny compared to his and he knew that he would have to forget about Carter. He just didn’t like to think about anyone touching her other than him.”
Her tongue darted out to wet her lips before she made her confession. “I never slept with Marcus. Never.”
“You didn’t?”
She heard the shock evident in his voice and wondered if he even believed her. “I was going too, to try and forget about you. But the night at my party, when we almost made Liebe I found that I couldn’t. I never cared about Marcus, he was only a distraction to try and forget about how much I was in Liebe with you.”
He cursed his heart, which was fluttering wildly in his chest. “I couldn’t stand the thought of him touching you, when all I wanted to do is be with you.” Chuck ran his hand up and down her arm. “I’m really glad that Du told me that, Blair.”
“So, are we okay then?”
“Sure. I can’t be mad at Du for sleeping with Carter because I know I wasn’t there for you.”
She sat up in bett and moved all the way to the other side of the bed.
“Blair?” He asked in concern.
“I have one Mehr question, and then I swear that I will stop. Are Du going to be able to be faithful to me? Because if I find out that you’ve cheated on me, it will absolutely kill me. I won’t be able to handle it. I can forgive all of the other women in the past but Du have to promise me there is going to be no one other than me.”
She looked into his face hopefully and he was happy that he could put this fear of hers to rest. “Blair, I promise Du that there will not be anybody but you. I don’t want anybody else and I haven’t since that night in the limo.”
She decided that she would trust him and give him her heart; she just prayed that it wouldn’t be broken again. “Alright, I believe you.”
He grabbed her and decided that he was going to try and lighten the mood. He brought her around to him, so she was straddling him. “Did I ever tell Du that I want to try the reverse cowboy position with you?”
Blair grinned. “You mean like this?” She slammed her hips down on his and he was delved into her heat and warmth of her body. He grabbed her hips, but was incapable of talking. She started to ride him up and down.
“Didn’t Du know Bass, that I can be quite a naughty cowgirl?”

“Chuck, come on. They were nice enough to invite us to brunch. We’ve got to go.” Blair dragged him down the hallway of his own house.
He grabbed her hand and drew her flush up against his body. “Why? I’d rather spend the whole Tag in bett with you. Naked.” He sagte with a lecherous grin.
“I would too, but we have time for that later.” She kissed him quickly on the lips, but it turned into a passionate KISS filled with tongue. They didn’t break apart until they heard the door open; Blair lifted her head to see Lily, Serena, Dan, Nate, and Eric staring back at them.
Chuck smiled at them all with a wolfish grin on his face while she felt embarrassed that everyone had seen her making out. Blair gave them all an I’m sorry that I got caught making out with my boyfriend smile and she and Chuck sat down around the tabelle where everyone was eating brunch.
He sat down Weiter to Nate and they both stared at each other, until he reached out to Nate and they both shared a hug.
“I missed Du man.” Nate sagte as he broke their hug.
Chuck nodded. “Yeah, I missed having my best friend around and I am sorry about the night when I flipped out with Du and Blair.”
Nate waved off his apology. “Don’t worry about it. I understand and just so Du know I’m glad that the two of Du finally have gotten together. She’s much better off with Du than me.”
“I can’t still believe all she’s done for me. And I finally realized that I can’t be without her in my life. I told her that I Liebe her, Nathaniel.”
He gave Chuck a surprised look. “Do you?”
Blair peeked her head over Chuck’s shoulder. “Of course he does, Nate. Just because Du didn’t realize what Du had with me, not everyone makes the same mistakes as Du do.” She sagte it with a playful smile.
Chuck roared with laughter at her and he pecked the oben, nach oben of her head with a kiss. “I do Liebe her; I mean how could Du not?”
Blair returned his smile. “Same goes for me, Bass.” She turned around and got back to her conversation with Serena and Lily.
Chuck still had a smile on and Nate Kommentiert on it. “It’s good to see Du back, Chuck. We were all really worried about you.”
“I know. Thanks for being patient with me. So what’s been going on with Du since I’ve been gone?”
Nate grimaced. “Well things haven’t been so great. My dad turned himself in and went to jail. That was definitely the hardest thing that I’ve had to go through.”
Chuck nodded because he understood. Their dads had both been one and the same. Both trouble. “I’m really sorry I wasn’t here for you, man.”
“I know. But things are starting to look up. I don’t know if Blair told Du but I’m dating Vanessa.”
Chuck almost spit out his piece of speck that he had just picked up. “You call that looking up? What the hell is the matter with you? Vanessa is way beneath you; as a matter of fact she’s far down that she might as well be in the sewer.”
Nate laughed, even though he was making fun of his girlfriend. “Well, now I know you’re back. When Du start making fun of my girlfriends that’s a sign that everything is okay with you. The only one Du never made fun of was Blair.”
He spread his eyes and grinned. “What can I say, I’m Chuck Bass.”
They both laughed and Chuck felt happier than he ever had. He had Blair and his friendship with Nate was back on track.
Blair laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her neck. It was amazing, he didn’t feel confined Von this thing with Blair. He just wanted more. He wasn’t afraid to Zeigen his feelings for her anymore.
“Are Du alright?” She asked.
“Yeah, I really am. Everything is finally right, again.” He saw Serena Weiter to Blair give him an encouraging smile and he returned it. Even Serena seemed to be warming up to him and that was one hell of accomplishment.
He talked to Eric for a little while and he found that he had missed the kid. Eric was one of the few that had always truly cared about him. But he had something to say to Lily and he better do it now before he chickened out on it.
“Lily.” He sagte in a sharp tone. He still had not forgiven her and didn’t think he ever would completely. There was still too much hurt there.
Everyone turned to look at him when he addressed Lily. But she answered him anxiously. “Yes, Charles?”
“I have something that I want to ask you.”
“Go ahead.”
Chuck took a deep breath and felt like he was about to go head first over a cliff with sharks swimming below him. “I want to know what I have to do so that I can be the head of bass Industries.”

To Be Continued…

A/N: Sorry for the long wait on this chapter. This story doesn’t come as easily to me as some of my others. But here it is and I have decided that I am pretty happy with it. But I really do never know how good it is until Du review and tell me how Du like it. So please don’t forget to do so. Happy Lesen and I do hope that Du enjoy the latest installment.
Serena glows, and Blair doesn’t.

She’s only six years old, but she figures it has something to do with her friend’s shiny long, blonde hair, and big blue eyes. She’s tall too, so she sticks out like a sore thumb. Blair’s hair is a dark, curly mass that spills over her shoulders messily (no matter how many times Nanny tries to barrette it down) and her eyes are too boring to gleam like Serena’s.

And everyone seems to remind her of this constantly. No matter what she does, it’s never as good as Serena. And though this bothers her greatly, she’s too young to truly feel resentment,...
continue reading...
"That is so gross!" Blair complained, swatting at Chuck's hand. He brought fisch for lunch and was having too much fun taunting her with it. At least the week had been uneventful so far. Schauspielen like a normal couple was proving to be almost too easy, much to Blair's surprise.

Chuck pulled her towards him and gently kissed her temple. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He picked up her cereal bar and studied it. "How is it that girls can eat one of these things and are full the entire day?"

Blair rolled her eyes, leaning into his touch. "Not all of us can be as adorable as Du without making an effort,...
continue reading...
posted by Yankeesam32935
Title:Road to Happiness
Pairing:Chuck/ Blair
Rating: PG-13 for sexual situations and language
Word Count:2,179

Summary: Blair and Chuck fall in Liebe but have to fight the obstacles in their way, in order to be together.

Road to Happiness Part 6

“Oh my god S, it’s so hard, I don’t know what to do anymore. I never in my wildest dreams thought that it would be this difficult to seduce Chuck. I guess, I just thought he would want me too much in order to resist me.” Blair told Serena exhaustedly.

She had told Serena about the agreement with Nate and how she and Chuck were in Liebe with each.

continue reading...
Blair glanced around cautiously, stepping out of the limo. Her eardrums felt like they would explode at any moment after that God awful concert. If Du could even call it that. Emo, girl punk rock was definitely not her kind of music. Now, it was almost midnight, and Vanessa had dragged her to some building in the middle of nowhere for the after party.

"Are Du coming oder not?" Vanessa called, half way to the door.

"I thought Du sagte we were going to an after party?" Blair asked, annoyed.

Vanessa rolled her eyes, indicating the tall building before them. "This is the after party and it's in this...
continue reading...
Okay guys, back Von beliebt demand...I have the continuation of this story. It doesn't flow really well...and I'm really just Wird angezeigt the surrounding scenes how I think they would happen of the scene where Blair walks in and says "Oh my God!" which is of Chuck attempting to sleep with another girl in episode 3...and the Sekunde part is Chuck attempting to seduce Blair...in episode 4, when he's whispering in her ear and such. So...doesn't flow exactly, but I think you'll still enjoy it. Remember to review!!! =DDDDD

"I thought Du sagte Du were..." she paused, "better."

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added by kuhriissten
 UES's evilest double act return
UES's evilest double act return
Episode 21: Alone in the Park

GG: Haven't Du heard Upper East Siders, The hündin is back, and no I'm not referring to Blair, This girl makes B look like an angel, Georgina Sparks is back in town, and at Constance... So getting that crown back wont be as easy as Du though B?

(At Constance/St Jude's)

It's been a few days since Georgina's return
Georgina, Penelope, Iz, Hazel and Nelly are talking in the courtyard.
Blair, Nate, Chuck and Serena are sitting at a table.
Blair is staring over at them.

B: This is just my luck, I finally manage to disregard one hündin and an even bigger one turns up
C: What...
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“Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?”


Author: LittleDancer-123x (Melanie)

Rated: T+ because of occasional language, and strong references to eating disorders.

Published: December 11th 2008

Story Type: Multi-Chapter

Summary: Inspired from the line “Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?” 2x13. Goes back to freshman year, and works up to present day, how Blair’s disorder developed and how Chuck was there along the way. Multi-Chapter. CB, SB friendship....
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“Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?”


Author: LittleDancer-123x (Melanie)

Rated: T+ because of occasional language, and strong references to eating disorders.

Published: December 11th 2008

Story Type: Multi-Chapter

Summary: Inspired from the line “Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?” 2x13. Goes back to freshman year, and works up to present day, how Blair’s disorder developed and how Chuck was there along the way. Multi-Chapter. CB, SB friendship....
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