Gorillaz Du Know You're A Gorillaz Fan If...

Sprinter23 posted on Dec 26, 2010 at 09:05PM
(Hey PPL!!! I was bored one night so I made up this list. I have over 60 of them but here are the ones I thought were any good. Comment and share your own if any of you think of any!)

You know you're a Gorillaz fan if...

-You call blonde moments "blue-haired moments"
-You've cracked the "Feel Good Ink" joke more than once
-Every time a TV or Radio station says something is coming up, you yell, "IT'S DARE!"
-You INSIST that Jeep is spelled with a G
-You're CONVINCED that Plastic Beach is a real place, and you intend to sail to the coordinance 48 degrees S, 123 degrees W before you die
-You think NONE should be a listed option for eye color
-You know what a ram-raid is.
-You've been tempted to yell, "Hail Satan!" in public, only to realize that no one would get it.
-You think you're the first one to think of "Paula Wanna Cracker".
-You think there MAY BE a chance that a submarine can be powered by a drum machine
-You ALWAYS keep a mild groove on.
-You know what a Doncamatic is.
-Whenever you see footage or a picture of an eel, you automatically think, "MELT ITS FACE! MELT ITS FACE!"
-All the colors of the rainbow have a Gorillaz significance (i.e. Plastic Beach Pink, Noodle's hair purple, Stylo Camaro Grey)
-You've had your friend write "K.F.C." on your right shoulder
-You've taken a Demon Days portrait of yourself.
-You often wonder what you would look like if Jamie Hewlett drew you.
-You've taken the time to draw a picture of this.
-You belt out the chorus of "Feel Good Inc." every time you see a windmill.
-You've asked your friends to call you "3D".
-You've tried to look up the location of the El Manana crash site.
-You can't go outside because you're afraid the Boogeyman will come and suck out your soul.
-You've considered sending out a search party for Noodle.
-You've started ending your sentences with "Ya dig?"
-You plan to change your last name to Pot, Hobbs, or Niccals.
-You wonder why there isn't more of an effort to trach down the Black Clouds.
-At least once, you've swished your hip and done the dip.
-When you feel overwhelmed, you sing to yourself, "Overload, overload, overload..."
-You've actually searched Craigslist for a gun-slinging, guitar-playing cyborg bodyguard.
-Just this year, you've had the irrepressable urge to go whaling.
-You find it perfectly acceptable to parade around in your tighty-whiteys, as long as it's accessorized by a cape and a cop hat.
-You use expressions like "Rain is falling like rhinestones from the sky" to describe the weather.
-Every time Fed-Ex drops a box off at your house, you hope to find a small Japanese girl inside
-You've referred to yourself as a "2Dette"
-You've considered hooking up Murdoc with your front door
-When asked your religion, you answer "Gorillazism".
-You are really beginning to wonder if the sea is actually radioactive.
-You know what CN stands for, and it's not cartoon network.
last edited on Aug 11, 2011 at 10:20PM

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