Generator Rex Club
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posted by LinaTrinch


That should be the review... right there... just WOAH...

Ok, ok. We start out in Hong Kong (as seen from the ep Beyond The Sea; MoA's getting a little lazy with their places lately). Six and Rex are scouting out a building... oder Six is. Rex is just there, being all bored. So, the attack happens. It's some Evo's (three) robbing a bank.

Oh, a side note, the Providence soldiers spoke Chinese, so that kinda proves that Providence has bases all over the world.

Anyway, these Evo's fight hard and end up getting away. Six orders his team to teilt, split up and we're off. Rex goes after one, but starts having flashbacks from the past (which is awesome) and ends up driving straight into a wall. An Evo jumps him and, suddenly,... recongnizes him... This guy knows Rex... and claims to have been his best friend. He asks Rex if he had another 'memory thing' again and Rex is like "... what?" Providence shows up and the guy leaves.


So, Rex asks White and Six for permission to go 'under cover' oder basically a solo mission. Obviously, it's granted. So, Rex heads out to find these guys and with his flashbacks, heads right to them. He instantly picks a fight, but they just laugh it off... ha...? To make sure it's really Rex, they say 'ink check' and a tatoo appears on his arm. Apparently, he put it there. (they each have one)

So, they bring him back to their place and introduce themselves with a few explanations. The guy that's his best friend is Tof (?), the other guy is Squid, and the girl is Cricket. Cricket has a crush on him lol. They explain that he used to have a lot of times that he Lost his memory and he kept a book (journal) where he stored... well, his life. They don't have his book, though. Apparently, back in the day, he was their gang leader and friend. Rex tells them that they have Providence after them now and need to get out, but they can't b/c of Quarry (a mob boss and another Evo).

A big guy shows up and threatens the group, cuz they obviously failed their heist, but Rex cures the guy and sends a message to Quarry, that those three are now free. The guy delivers the message and Quarry is... pleased to know that Rex is back... ERGH GAH WOW

So, Rex and group are basically hanging out and having fun, when they Zeigen up to Quarry's warehouse, where his toy's are kept (aka, super awesome cars). Being a car lover, I can tell Du that a few of them are Lamborghini's. This guy's doing it right. So, dur, Rex calls the cops and they get taken back (lulz). Some baddies Zeigen up and Rex (with Cricket's help) kicks their butts. He promises to get them out of that life, but they don't look very convinced.

On their way home... their place gets blown up. Of course, Quarry shows up. And explains the... OMG MOMENT. Ok! Seriously!

Rex used to work for Quarry, outside of the group. He gained their trust and used them to get their money and such, then handed them over to Quarry. We know it's true because... Quarry has the journal... Rex sold out his friends... REX sold out his Friends for MONEY. He doesn't remember any of it, but it's the truth. The three leave with Quarry and ditch Rex.

Rex nuts up. After his own personal pep-talk, he goes after them. First, he jumps two of Quarry's guys and sends out another message; he's coming for him... and he wants his book back... YES SIR! Next, he finds the group and follows them to Quarry's base. Then, infiltrates.

He fights off a ton of bad guys, then shows up to Quarry and his old gang. His old Friends attack him, but Rex wins easily... Then he goes for Quarry. The dude tells Rex that all he wants is his book, but Rex destroys it and says that the past doesn't matter and who he was isn't who his is. That seemed like a stupid move, but whatever. I think he's taking Six's advise about rather not knowing at all. So, anyway, they fight. This guy is BAD. Rex almost gets beat, but his Friends jump in and, with their help, beat Quarry. Rex let's them go free from Providence, too.

With the three free now, they say their farewells to Rex.

Tof: Don't forget us.
Rex: That may be a promise I can't keep.

So, we go back to Providence. Rex is talking to Holi and Six about his memory thing. Holiday says that most likely, Rex will forget everything again and it's probably triggered Von something traumatic. Rex is just over joyed Von hearing this (sarcasm). He says that he basically, just has to wait for it to happen.

Six: No, Du just have to live.

Six tells him that when it happens, it happens, and they'll still be there for him.

Rex freaks anyway. He says that he'll forget that Holiday wears red shoes on Fridays and Six keeps weird tasting mints in his right inside pocket! It's serious stuff man! So, Six and Holiday give him a book, another journal. Rex is happy about it, to say the least. He says it's... paper... Kinda old fashioned.

Six: That's how I roll.

XD Awesome. Rex sagte that he kinda didn't want to remember the person he was, but that this life, the one at Providence, was pretty good. He evens gives them a real sincere 'thank you' and if that didn't touch your heart, NOTHING WILL.

He asks Six for a pen. Six digs in his jacke and hands it over to Rex, who was obviously kidding and didn't really think that Six actually had a pen on him.

Rex: How about a mint?
Six: Don't push your luck, kid.

What we learned:
- Uh, everything! Ok, ok, to sum it up.
- Rex was a somewhat jerk in his past life. What led him to be like this? dunno
- Rex has had memory relapses before. We don't know why this keeps happening. (A side effect of being an evo? Rylander did mention that he thought that might happen.) But it's for certain that it WILL happen again. So... that's gonna be an awesome episode.
- The new characters in this ep were amazing and I'm sure we'll see them again, at some point.
- ... The voice actors. MoA is SERIOUSLY putting the foot down on hiring the most famous voice actors ever. Especially, in this episode. The Liste is too long, so the best I can say is 'look it up'.
- Bobo wasn't in this ep... lol
- Six and Holiday are TOTALLY his parents! oder fake parents... whatever! I mean! Gah!
- A lot of the fandom assumptions kinda imploded with this episode. Like Six finding Rex in Abysus. That didn't happen apparently. It's also realized that Rex has only been with Providence for a little while, not the whole 5 years and all that. SO!... Yeah...
- That tatoo thing may Zeigen up again. Look out for that.
- Lastly, if Du didn't watch this episode. WATCH IT! It's a VERY essential episode and Antwort MANY questions.

The Weiter ep to be aired is The Hunter. There's already a review gepostet on that, so I'll see Du guys again in two weeks with the review for episode 114 'Gravity'.
added by dragonwinxbloom
added by elmozachary1995
added by victoria6
Source: victoria6
added by totaldrama21
added by BBfan502
added by elmozachary1995
added by elmozachary1995
added by dragonwinxbloom
posted by LinaTrinch
Alright, so! We start off in China where the team (Six, Rex, Bobo, and Holiday) find a destroyed village, but there was an evacuation, so no one was killed (says Six anyway). Holi takes a few samples and informs them that all the iron and metal in the ground and buildings is gone. Rex suggests a magnetic tornado, but... yeah. Anywho, Six gets a call through the comm links. Another village is being attacked.

The team flies overhead when their craft is attacked. Six decides for him and the boys to go down and fight, to Holi's protests. Oh and Six's hoverboard is back. I was wondering where that...
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added by Fightergirl
added by dragonwinxbloom
added by BBfan502
added by BBfan502
posted by dragonwinxbloom
i hope Du like it please read and tell me if Du like it there are many spelings mistakes . please Kommentar i do not own generator rex oder anything

a Jahr had passed before rex was able to cure the world now things have changed the world is much better but rex and his Friends did not know the dangers waiting for him some where in the earth transporter, van kliese still seek for his revange
Rex attack Du are not doing so well six sagte in his firm voice. 
Rex and six were training in the training room of providence as Rex made his smack...
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added by dragonwinxbloom
Source: dragonwixbloom
added by mj131
Source: fusionfall
added by BBfan502