Fantasy The universität of Dreams RP

MagicUnicorns16 posted on Aug 18, 2011 at 07:43PM
This is the school. The school of outcasts, and those who have powers that they have bound up all their lives.
Now, my friends, is the time to unwind those powers, to let them shine through the world as though you were the sun.
There are hard times, but the good will overcome them.
There is grief, but happiness will overcome it.
There is death, but life with rule supreme.
Do you need to show your power?
Do you want to be appreciated?
Then this school is the place for you.

**Info & Such**



Appearance (Add Picture if Wanted/Needed):


Special Ability:

Other Facts/Ability Info:

Please Do NOT Be Overpowering, Rude, Hateful, Ect., To Any Other Characters/Fanpop Users. If This Event Occurs, The Roleplay WILL BE DELETED And Will NOT Be Put Back Up.
last edited on Aug 19, 2011 at 01:32AM

Fantasy 736 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr sparkles3 said…
((time skip, to lunch??))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr peterpansbff said…

And FINALLY, gym class ended.Soon, I was darting through the halls and into the cafeteria. And I realized I didn't have anywhere to sit, so I sat at one alone towards the back.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Knowitall123 said…
Do you know that feeling when you just know something is wrong ?

I was walking to the infirmary ,I just couldn`t stand being in my room any longer I felt like it was strangling me.I decided to visit Stealth and Stalker,but when ever I passed someone I felt the way they felt about me (will explain).So when I passed Shadow and some comedian guy I could feel hate with something more I could feel pain ,but the pain I felt wasn`t intended for me it was intended for the persons she could smell on me.I picked up my pace and just manged to get behind the corner when she caught up with me.

(lets do this the quick way,she won`t tell her,Shadow will do something to her she won`t tell her Shadow will tell her "something" and she will laugh at her face Shadow will punch her (probably ) she will end up in infirmary ,the director will take Shadow to apologize to Emily and "the" door will be opened and she will se u know who,you will write this cuz I`m lazy)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
hell had decided to flare up the student counsel room when everyone was at lunch, so as we strode down the hall we encountered only one other person. it was a girl, a girl that smelt of my past. i would know those scents anywhere. i reverted my coarse and grabbed her by the arm just as she rounded the corner.
"what the-" she started but i lifted her up and rammed he into the wall, hard. her feet dangled a foot above the ground and it took almost no energy from me. hell appeared at the moment and just looked startled and said, "shadow?...."
i huffed and then growled out, "you were with them."
"with who?" the girl asked, scared now.
my heart raced, if i were THEM i would be on the verge of-but able to control-changing, but i was a first;like my father; and they were seconds, their mother was a third. they were rare. they could control it naturally, they would have thought me!
"THEM!" hissed at her. she gave me a blank look and i hit her head against the wall. "you know who. the ones that change. they were-are male and i swear, if you carry their scent then you must have been with them for hours. where are they?"
"i'm not telling you anything." the girl spat at me. it angered me so much. i tried once more and when denied, i snapped. i hurled her from the foot above the ground position and across the hall, not noticing the sharpened senses of hearing, sight, smell, and sound. if i was eating meat that would have been heightened too but i was not and was concentrating on the rising figure at the end of the hall.
"remind me never to get on your bad side." hell whispered behind me, it would have been barely audible even for me without the sudden rush of adrenalin.
i jumped over to where the girl was-thirteen feet away-and hauled her up with my left hand.
"why dose it matter to you?" the girl asked me.
"they are family," i growled at her. "tell me where they are." the girl just laughed at me, and said something along the lines of, "what if they are not in the school? you can't get out. what if they're dead?" she was going to say more but my right hand shot out at her face with such fore it knocked her out of my left hand, her shirt tearing and leaving a torn patch in my hand. the girl landed hard on her back and let out a low, long groan.
my chest was heaving up and down as i tried to calm myself. i heard hell walk up behind me and felt his hand on my shoulder. i also smelled the fear radiating from him.
"WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?" a yell came from the back of the hallway.
"you mean what happened." hell murmured.
a hustle of foot steps that was too loud for my ears hurried past and the-oh great!-principal knelt down by the girl, who was trying to roll over. "are you ok?" he asked the girl. she nodded-or was it a shake of the head?-and the principal helped her to the infirmary.
once they were gone i collapsed on the floor and started shivering. hell sat down my me, obviously uncomfortable. after a bit the principal came and told me i was to apologize to the girl. i got up and walked to the infirmary. i think hall followed me, i'm not sure. just as i walked into the room i froze. the scent was stronger here. i turned to it and say THEM.
"smell that stalker?" one asked. the other tilted his chin up and said, "you bet stealth." then they both said, "hello sis."
my legs gave out from under me and the last thing i remember was someone catching me.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
that good enough for ya knowitall?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Knowitall123 said…
yep perfect
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
wow, you would't even write something for the rp? SOMEONE POST!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Knowitall123 said…
I have something special to write about so you`re going to have to wait
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
Well that was fun. I think, The whole thing was still in my head, some part of me trying to extract more meaning from it. I shake my head. They smell like cats! The hell does that work? Oh, well, I'm fine with cats. "So, these guys are your brothers, Shadow?"
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
(dude, they are not k9s and shadow is out of it! let's assume he caught her and she woke up.)
i roll my shoulders and was about to answer when my bro's answered for me.
"name's stealth."
"and stalker."
"and we are"
"awesome shape-shifters!"
i use my forefinger to scratch my neck and say, "that answer your question hell?" he nodded and the hunter brothers snickered. they hadn't changed a bit. that was when i noticed my bag was missing. "um..hell?"
"what happened to my satchel?" i ask him. he smirked at me and i gave him a dirty look. i turned to my brothers to ask them why they were here, what happened since 10 years, where they went, and other stuff but they had vanished and i saw the edge of the door meet the wall. i get up and follow out but just stand there, thinking it over. "they're cats. by the way." i told hell who new would be interested enough to follow me. i turn to him just as he shut the door. "you realy should control your facial expressions better."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
((@ Greek: Heh? Okay, fixing that post... Sorry.))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr sparkles3 said…
I walk into lunch after music. The teacher made me sing a solo. I have never been so glad to leave that classroom. I see Jack sitting alone and walk over. "Is it ok if I sit here?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
since he doesn't answer i slap him on the shoulder and say, "'com on. i'm hungry." i threw my arm around his shoulders (he probably thinks i'm drunk) and walked towards the cafeteria.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
Nothing to see here. I don't know what it is that's making Shadow act so loopy, maybe it's fatigue. Regardless, I set about pushing on the minds of anyone that saw us, forcing the illusion that everything was normal. "Okay, lunch, but then you need a little rest." I say Since when have I been so concerned about someone else?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
i nodded but after a few bites of food i got up and went to my room, so suddenly i startled hell,and fell asleep so fast i was sure i had been sleep walking. it must have been shock at seeing my brothers-they were gone for 10 years!almost 11- or the rear blood moon that made me so tired. i was leaning to the first.
when i woke up felt much, much better. i was wide awake in two seconds and was trotting out n the hallway when i realized i was a dog. i swore to myself and made it to the roof, hopefully before anyone saw me. of coarse i would wake up to shift! and it was fall, almost winter, so night was sooner and longer. i estimated i had one new moon before the blood moon. that meant i would be wolf for three hole days in winter. great.
(shadow was seriously messed up. i think i pity her, but she'd kill me for pitying her so...i think i don't.)
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
I was scratching at a rather awkward itch when I heard the sound of claws clicking on the floor. I was in my place, a flat, fenced in area on the roof that really served no purpose. I had rigged up a little shelter with a bed, and had wired connections for electricity, internet and cable T.V. I sigh, "Who's there? Don't make me turn you gay." A stupid threat, but very effective, to bad it make some thick-heads think I'm gay.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
i pulled my lips back in a smirk. "so it backfires dose it?" i asked him mentally as i showed myself and sat next to him.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
I covertly more my hand to a more appropriate position. "Ah, it's you. And well, yeah, And I get yelled at for being narrow-minded if the person is already gay. I guess I should welcome you to my little place, closest to heaven I'll ever get. Heh, unless I jump on an airplane."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
"i'd say so." i thought. i laid down and set my head on his leg so one eye examined him. "are you tiered?" i asked him.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
"Yeah, a little, Why?" Not really, but I was about to go to bed, so I just said what made the most sense.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
i raised my eyebrows. i could read his thoughts in k9 form, and i think he forgot. but i decided to not mention it and instead said, "may i stay with you for tonight?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
What? "Eh, sure, I don't see why not..." At least the smell wasn't anywhere near as strong as a real dog, the forecast for tonight was chilly.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
"thank you." i thought, and curled up, tucking my tail under my nose and setting my nose on my paws. i licked my lips then shut my eyes, still listening to hell's thoughts.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
since i started sifting into dog i had never actually slept at night, only taken short two hour naps after sun rise. i always thought t wasn't possible for me to sleep in k9 for but, seeing as i did, i guess not. but i was strange, instead of being full of new energy i was wiped out. and since i was a dog, i slept like one, moving periodically to a new spot, flicking my eyes open every now and then. i told myself to go back to my room an hour before sunrise but i woke up an hour after sunrise. and i was still dog. i guess i could have been glad, after all, i can't wear cloths in dog form but, i NEVER stay dog after the first rays of the sun sine on a new day. i pushed my nose up and sniffed the air. it was normal, i did not know what wanted to smell but.... my tail started thumping up and down. that confused me until i realized hell was scratching my back. i turn to face him and asked, "are you awake?" "no," he said, "i'm just sleep-petting you." i snorted and stood up. that's when hell asked, "aren't you suppost to be human? i mean, it's day...not night..." i raised my eyebrows and asked, "you want me to?" he was stumped for words so i laughed and headed to the door into the building. unfortunately, it was a pull door, and i can only push n k9. so i just jumped off the building, and landed on the ground harmlessly. i made it to my room and then changed into human. wondered how i had controlled it. i CAN'T control it, that's the life of a first. i shook it off, got dressed, and started on my way back up to the roof, this time human.
(sorry, i got bored.)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Knowitall123 said…
um I spent the night with Shadows brothers O.o and I can skip the part in which I introduce Emily`s brother and you find out Emily killed her parents and her brother survived because of his power :D
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Knowitall123 said…
I knew it !!! you didn`t get it ,well I`m not surprised considering you have all the information needed to conclude what happened to Emily and you still didn`t get it ,let`s wait and see if hell did .
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
i am confused, i think i know, but the thing is....who was that that came with shadow's bros? and, when was the last time we saw emily, and... just need a briefing. i'll go read over it again.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
((So... if Hell recognizes Emily there's gonna be issues. I went back and read everything about DB and Qui est non, and what I got is: Emily was captured by Qui's scientists and they worked to extract her lost powers so they could use them for... something, but she escaped. And Hell's character developed differently then I planned, *Sighs* I hate when that happens...))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Knowitall123 said…
((Hell only saw Emily when Shadow started asking her about her brothers and we can just say he didn`t find out about it until now and Emily never saw Qui est non so it doesn`t have to be Hell ))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr LadyEmzy16 said…
Name: Amelia Serpentsoul
Age: 16 (not my real age I'm 14)
Appearance: Charcoal black hair, Sapphire blue eyes (change with her mood), Pale skin, pink lips, slim hourglass figure,
Personality: Shy, Quite, Creative, Artistic, Humor full, sarcastic.
Special Ability: Can see ghosts and visions both from the past and future she can also talk to snakes meaning she is a Parcelmouth, her eyes and finger nails change with her mood.
Other facts: None..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr LadyEmzy16 said…

I walked slowly taking easy steps as I strode when suddenly I stopped dead when I felt someone bump into me, I stumbled backwards still looking down I saw a pair of feet
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
((@ Knowitall: Is that all I got wrong?
@LadyEmzy16: Interesting... One of my characters in the story Hell came from is named Amelia...(Although her last name is Ravenlark.) ))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr LadyEmzy16 said…
((@Zero_Delta: No Way!! , and would you care to explain this RP 4 me I'm confused))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
((@Lady: Well, I such at explaining things, but... The setting is a school for people with special powers, and things are rather... dysfunctional. But that's our fault, exempting what we're doing, everything else is normal(As normal as you can get in a place like this). However, there are hints(And if you go back far enough and read, entire posts) about a shadowy organization that may stir things up at this "University of Dreams". And if I got anything wrong, Knowitall123 will yell at me and get it straight. So enjoy! (And stay outta Shadow's way, she'll tear your friggin' head off.)o_o'' ))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr LadyEmzy16 said…
((@Zero_Delta: Oh okay then who did I bump into, I hope it's not Shadow...))
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
((well, you asked for it.) delta, i hope you now how to run, shadow will rip YOUR head off if not.have a nice day!)

i raise my eyebrows at the girl i bumped into. "WATCH IT!" i yell and compose my face into one of shock and discussed. she kept looking at my feet. "what's so interesting with my feet sperky?" i ask using my name for girls who messed with me on the wrong day. for boys it's sparky, so you can see i am not original in insults.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr LadyEmzy16 said…
I got up and faced the girl, "I'm so so sorry, I'm Amelia by the way, and you?" i asked the girl, she looked at me with a surprised expression as if she could not believe what she had heard, over her shoulder i saw as usual a ghost, the ghost was laughing at me and once he noticed i saw him he disappeared with a scared look.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
"name's shadow. stay out of my way, i tend to kill people." i say with a straight face. then i flinch at the memory of lupus. i push past her and look back after a moment. then i shrug and find hell. "sup?" i ask him.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
((Run? *Pulls out katana* B**** please.))

"Not much, except your powers seem to have glitched, What's up with that?" I smirk, "Well, it saved you from a bit of em-bare-ass-ment."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
(*sigh* she hunts at night. watch were you sleep d***)
i raise my eyebrows and say calmly, "i'm not self-conscience." i shrug then give him a long piercing look. "and yes, it is weird. so, if you have nothing more interesting to do today, would you like to help me figure it out?" i am not sure if am self-conscience or not but, i am damn good at lying so, i'll assume it's the truth.
(ok, i am creeping myself out with this character. that's how i know it's gonna get good. *wink*)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
((I sleep with my sword. >:) ))
I shrug, "And how would we do that? Everyone's powers work differently... Hmm, kinda like their minds..." This girl's been making MY mind work differently, why?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
(good.i sleep in my room, which happens to have 6 nives a hatchet and a spear i made for Halloween. it actually huts even f it doesn't cut!)
i smile at him, it was sly and secretive. "guess we'll have to find out...after breakfast. i'm hungry." i say and flip my hair as i turn to leave. minds.....his power had to do with minds right? that could help me...God, i hope he can't actually READ minds...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr LadyEmzy16 said…
After the awkward moment with Shadow, I shrugged and started walking agian, hoping that I don't run into her again, but then you may never know, I walked in the hallway until I was outside in the grounds there weren't many people there so I just sat down under a tree opened the book that was in my hands and started reading
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
"I try not to, it's not fun." I smile, it was a safe bet that she was worried I could read minds.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
i grabbed a table in the cafeteria and started eating my biscuit. i studied hell then said, "would it be possible to manipulate me into shifting?" i ask him, concerned and a bit suspicious.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
"Hmm," I nibble on some pancakes that the person next to me 'forgot'. "You know, I've never tried messing with someone else's power, but I think I could, if the form change coincided with a change in some aspect of your mind." She better not be accusing me of something I didn't do... She never caught half the things I have done! "If you want, I can try it."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
"after we finish eating." i say. i eye him closely and said, "it actually is contributed by the moon. but i have a replica in my room. and i think no one would notice if i carried this backpack full of food out of here." i say with a wink. i stand up, one hand on the backpack, the other holding my half eaten biscuit. i smirk and strut out of the room and to my own. then i toss the bag to the side of the room and fall on my bed. i sigh and then look up.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Zero_Delta said…
I look down at Shadow, leaning a little to close. "Okay, we're here, alone...With the food... So now what?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr greekgirlA said…
i raise my eyebrows at him. "that food's for me. i'll need it in a week or two. and i would kindly ask you to lean, BACK!" i raise my voice-he was in fact, TOO close-and make a fake move to jump up. he reacts as i expected, jumping back. i smirk and sit up, cross legged. i nod for him to see if he could shift me. weird, why was letting him do this? probs because i could kill him in a second if i needed to. my knife stashed in my clothes seemed heavier as i thought that.