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posted by Mallory101
Seven eighths
Seven eighths halfway there
Sticks and stones through the broken windows
Like apfel, apple pie left for a week
Toss it in and hope it swims

But it’s the things at the bottom Du need to worry about
If Du sink they lurk down there
Tangle around your legs and hold Du down.
So jump on in

Seven eighths, four Mehr to go
One apfel, apple is rotten, so throw the whole barrel out
Seven eggs gives nineteen chickens
But only if they’re in the bushes

Last in line, theres nothing left
All sold out, waited too long
Weiter time, push in and get your serve
Like the others did to Du

Seven eighths, nine is what Du need
Like a stone rolling up a hügel
Gravity is a waste of Weltraum
Earth is raining to the sky

Ever seen the sea turn red with the blood of the dead?
Oh, no, I keep forgetting: you’re too young,
It was well before your time
Take a breath, and don’t make their mistake

A different view
Nothing I say
Nothing I do
Will change the fact that we’ll never agree
Two different Ansichten
Two different perspectives
Du see the clouds, I see the waves
The Ocean reflects the sky
The Sky reflects the sea
Du walk away, can’t find the good in what is different
I stay here, and hope to find someone who will listen

Savior of Dust
Little ghosts. Shadows stretched
Hang your saviour from a baum
Waste your time on hands and knees
You’ll gain nothing there

Above the sky is emptiness,
Is that where Du want to be?
The feuer and brimstone is a place
It exists beneath us

The afterlife is rotting flesh
No flowing robes
No golden halos
Just dirt and worms

Imaginary Friends never get Du anywhere
They just make Du look like a fool
Talking to yourself each Tag
Du think it makes Du better

It doesn’t, it just makes Du less sane
How can it make Du better than I?
To deny yourself what makes Du human?
Pleasure of the flesh is never a sin.

Dry sand, cracked earth
Dust swirling across the land
There is no sound here
Nothing but the wind
As it whispers through the dry gras, grass
Making it bow down before it
This is how it was, in the beginning
This is how it will end, now
The barren wasteland of our demise

A life in words
Words, falling from the page
A new beginning, no end in sight
Ink stain bleeds through the fiber
Blurring the letters, losing the words

Ink black as night absorbs all light from the room
Paper pale but yellowed with age
Smudges of ink from stained fingers
Smudges of dust collected in age

Parchment torn to shreds in piles on the floor
A life of unimportant words
No meaning, no meaning, no purpose
Words falling through time

Brittle pages swept in the wind, flying high

Words that represent a life, of deeds done, of Liebe found
And Lost
A life long gone, remembered Von none
None but those who read the words

Breaking the fairytale
Wake up sleeping beauty
The real world awaits Du
Theres no prince charming
Just a man who raped Du

Escape your tower Rapunzel
Hes not coming back
She warned Du about men
Now Du carry babes upon your back

Oh, fairest of them all
Apples can be sweet
But you’ll be bitter
When him Du first do meet

Poor Cinderella, scrubbing dishes
Du Lost your favourite shoe
But parts of Du are sore
Du Lost more, didn’t you?

Oh, sweet rose
The mans a beast
When the rose does whither
Will he still take Du to the feast?

Accidents happen
Light blinking
Golden hue
Rain falling
Puddles forming

Drumming rain
Thunder rumble
Grey light, dawn
Clouds deepen

Broken glass
Cracked mirror
Torn clothes
Jumbled wreck

Pain, blood
I can’t Bewegen
Flashing light
Chaos ensues

The Abyss
Edge of the abyss
Its time to go
Drawing me down

Sunlight fading
I could take Du with me
Going down

Darkened shadows
You’d go if I asked
Sinking slow

Starless night
You’d go, just for a taste
Endless descent

listening to #22 ghosts Von NIN
The mountains stand witness
To the epic events.
Plains at their feet covered in golden grass.
The world is changing, yet they remain.

Across the fields, through bleating flocks
An army, triumphant, marches home.
Women run from the city gates,
Searching for their men.

Flags fly high, above the golden tiles
Streets paved with white
The girls toss blooms, sweet scent
Brought forth Von marching feet

Reaching home, a king
He sweeps his Queen off her feet
The crowd, it cheers, a single voice
Victory is ours, our Home is safe.

All and Everything
I lay my herz at your feet,
Crush it at your will
My soul is torn out,
And laid bare for you.
Everything that is me
Du own, what Mehr do Du want?

Big Bang

Torn from existence
Ripped from the world.
Life is gone
In the coldness of Weltraum

A new light in the horizonless expanse
A nebula in youth
Universe of expansion
Lifeless, reborn

Waiting for the rush
Waiting for the collision
Waiting for new life
Waiting for it to happen,



Du hold a blade to my throat
I don’t mind
What ever Du want
Do what ever Du will
I’ll Liebe Du all the same

Cut Deep, I won’t mind
I’d rather be gone
Than be alone
Take what Du will
I’ll Liebe Du all the same

But here's the thing;
You’d never hurt me
Not like I hurt Du
Du don’t hold the blade
That’s for me to do

I can’t make the cut
Cos Du won’t let me.
Everything I do to me
I do to Du
I just don’t see it

I wander how long
How long I will last
Through the ups and downs
Something is always blocking my path
Moving on is like wading through mud
Buried to my waist in quicksand
It’s dragging me down
I hear a tune, it carries me on
It washes away the mud
Frees me from my tomb
The sand is just a nightmare
The mud is but a self inflicted trap
It’s all in my imagination
I can break through
I can find a way
There’s no one left to blame
But myself
For the mistakes I have made

Du will Liebe her, and she will destroy Du
Cold as snow
Hard as stone
White as porzellan

Laying there
Life is just a dream

Your herz still
Your pulse gone
Your blood not moving

Silence whispers
Time is passing
I will wait

Red Rosen bloom
Red, the blood within
Red, the sky

Slightest breath
Eyelids Bewegen
Time to rise

Goddess Automatic Schreiben music: The frail
Steps, small, like she’ll fall,
She’s not ready to leave yet,
She still needs help
I want to take her hand
To guide her through this life
I want to help
I want her to see
She can do this
And live
And go on
In her own strength,
The past is forgotten
She is the one who needs us here too
Help her, we must,
In need
This Stunde of loneliness
Will pass
She waits
She knows
It’s for her own good
The good of all
Liebe we had
Never gone
Never touched
Waiting for
Cold embrace
She soars on golden wings
Above us now
She is a goddess
Something we should have seen
Never one of us
She will rise
It’s her place to claim.

A piano, forgotten
Sitting in the sunlight
Warm air in a still room
Dust floats undisturbed
Memories linger, like dreams
Half forgotten faces of the past
Sitting, waiting, sunlight fades
Darkness grows,
The moon rises
Sitting in the moonlight

Echoes and a hum
In the darkness
Before the dawn
Little sounds
They call to me
A blast of light
I see them now
They are calling
They are coming
Soon they will find me
But not too late
I need to go on.

I am a god
That’s how Du make me feel
Like nothing can stop me
I’m the centre of the Universe
I see all
I destroy all
Nothing can stop me.
And I’d do anything for Du
Anything at all

Otherworld inspired Von various tracks on 'ghosts' Von NIN

Echoes around the canyon
Green and blue they are
Not like us
Smaller too
With dance like steps they Bewegen
Bouncing to Musik in their bobbly heads
Round the flechte, flechten
They are not like us
Black eyes staring
Reflecting the starless sky


Lying here in the dark
Waiting for sleep
That never comes
Roll over, look at the time
3am, glowing red
Sleep won’t come
Toss and turn
In the dark
Look at the time
Still tired
But my minds alert
And sleep won’t come
Sunrise hurts my tired eyes
I’m still tired
No sleep for me
Weary though I am
Zombie like, I rise.

Three new ones. all short.

herz of stone, herz of glass
Twist of black, Twist of white
Turing left, turning right
For every choice I made
And Mehr rise up to take its place.

A touch, light
Ecstasy, shiver
Heat, Blood rush
Ache, lust, need, want, Please?
Soft caress, tease
Warmth, Mehr
Soft kiss, trail
Bite lip, pain
Pain, need, release, ecstasy.

If I had a coin
For every lie Du told
I could buy myself a house
Some place far away from Du


Running out of time
Running out of breath
Hot sands beneath my feet
I need a place to rest

Running in the sun
Running in the dark
Shifting sands beneath my feet
I need to escape

Running in my dreams
Funning in my sleep
Bedding binds my feet
I need to find myself.
Emo, Goth, early punk? wasn't sure where to put this video but they were one of my Favorit bands back in the day.... enjoy thanks to blacksandxb** from youtube.
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