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This is an old idea that I had a few years Vor but never got to, until now. Disney Channel, a place that gave many Berühmtheiten their first breakout role that would lead to many other opportunities. Some end up being successful adults, some become train wrecks, and some fade away from fame and are barely remembered (despite that they're still in the business). However, if Disney Channel and Hollywood in general, have taught us anything, it's that Du don't need talent to be famous, in some cases Du don't even have to be attractive oder talented in order to be famous. I think anyone can sing if they practice enough, in fact, it's even been proven Von many scientist, since apparently scientists care about people's ability to sing. The problem is the technique they use that makes them sound bad and is bad for their voice. Selena Gomez and Bella Thorne were originally horrible singers but they kept practicing and taking voice lessons until they finally were able to sound good, which they do now, but not great. So I'm here to talk about my oben, nach oben 10 best and worst Disney Channel singers. I will provide Links to the singers singing, although with the worst Liste you'll likely wish that I didn't. Keep in mind that this is all only opinion based and there is no need to be rude oder immature about it. If Du disagree, just go make your own Liste and article. Please like and comment! Lastly, I'm afraid there won't be any honorable oder dishonorable mentions for this article, unlike my two Artikel about my oben, nach oben 10 best and worst actors and actresses. The reason for that is because it was really HARD to figure out these two lists and I don't feel like thinking of any additional choices, sorry. Enjoy!

The Worst

I was honestly never a Fan of the Jonas Brothers and never thought much of their voices oder music. However, as I got older, I did notice how bad their voices were, but we'll get to the other two later. Joe's voice is the least bad of the Jonas Brothers and isn't awful, but is still pretty bad. His voice is always out of pitch, kind of nasal, has an average range, isn't unique, and it always sounds like he's straining his voice. Even when he's not trying to Zeigen emotion for an emotional song, he always looks like he's in pain because he's putting so much pressure on his voice. He always breaths too much when he performs, which makes his Singen really breathe a lot of the time and pretty weak. Doesn't help that he doesn't breath from his diaphragm like a good singer should. He's not awful, but he's still pretty bad. He's not higher because the others are just worse.

She's certainly a better singer than she is an actress, but that's still not saying much considering what a horrible actress she is. Just like Joe, her Singen isn't terrible, it's just really bad. However, what does have Joe higher than her is that he will at the very least put emotion into his performance, even if a lot of it is from straining his voice. Laura can't bring any emotion oder charisma to her singing, which makes her look very robotic, even without the autotune. Her voice is weak, nasally, is never on pitch, doesn't have a very impressive range, isn't unique, and in songs like "I'm Finally Me" it looks like she's trying to do Mariah Carey's signature whistle voice and FAILING at it BIG TIME! She can't dance, can't act, only knows basic instrument notes, and can't sing. She's pretty much cemented herself as the most untalented Disney Channel star, sterne of all time, which I doubt will change anytime soon. She's not higher because she's just bad and the others are awful.

He maybe a good husband and father to his wife and baby daughter but his Singen abilities aren't his strong suit. His vocal abilities have even been questioned Von Fans of the Jonas Brothers, saying that unlike his brothers, he doesn't even sing the songs. In fact, it's hard to find clips of him Singen alone, but he does sing, unfortunately. His voice is weak, really nasal, doesn't have an impressive range, the sound isn't pleasant to listen too, a lot of the times it's hard to hear oder understand him, his voice is generic and unmemorable, and is just all around awful. He seems like a decent guy and I wish him the best, just not in Singen (or Schauspielen for that matter).

It's shocking to say this, but Nick Jonas actually is really good as Singen broadway style music. He was in Les Miserables and I couldn't believe how good he was. Okay, he's no Josh Groban oder Ramin Karimloo, but he was good, link He's actually pretty good at Schauspielen in serious roles, but I'm clearly digressing here. However, when he sings pop music, his voice is the WORST of all the Jonas Brothers. It's weak, nasal as hell, it's a little shrill, and it's horrid to listen to. He ends up taking all the negative things about both his brothers voices and have his voice become a horrid offspring that sounds even worse. This is why singers with classical voices shouldn't be Singen pop music. I mean, Jackie Evancho did a pop song once and sung it in pop style and she sounded AWFUL, which is a shame because her classical voice is GORGEOUS. If Nick makes music, he should sing Mehr classical Musik because it Suits his voice so much. Also, while this has nothing to do with his singing, much like Kevin and unlike Joe, he's a pretty decent guy who I wish all the luck in the world. Not a Fan of his, but he does have talent in Schauspielen and in classical singing. Let's just pray he'll leave pop Musik ALONE!

Here's a Disney Channel star, sterne that has absolutely NO TALENT! He can't act, he can't dance, he can't rap, and he can't singing. His voice is weak, is every generic male pop singer put together, is nasal, can't sing a note right because of how all over the place he is, is always out of pitch, and he has horrible breathing techniques. His voice is awful and yet there isn't much to say about it. It's not memorable, though clearly awful, yet I can't remember his voice that clearly. I've had to listen to it while Schreiben this just so I could know what to say and it was PAINFUL. I guess a saving grace is that, while his voice is horrendous, I can at least forget about it soon after.

Whenever he sings, it feels like he's trying to combine regular Singen and rap together at the same time, which just comes out as insufferable noise. His voice is really breathy, always out of pitch, the style and technique he used for his voice is really awkward, a lot of the times he doesn't sound like he's Singen and is just talking weirdly, his range isn't impressive, and is a little on the nasal side at times. However, the others are among my oben, nach oben 20 WORST Singen voices of ALL TIME (which I haven't figured out yet.

I remember when Bella Thorne sounded something like this before she sounded good, I do not miss those times, but here we are again. Her voice is absolutely horrendous. I wasn't even aware that she was a singer and I wish it had stayed that way because then I never would've heard this terrible sound. Her voice is weak, she barely sings and sounds Mehr like weird talking, she doesn't have vocal control, doesn't seem to know what she's doing, is always out of pitch, and clearly should stay FAR away from the microphone. I like her and think she's a talented actress, but Singen isn't her strong suit. She's not higher because the others are just worse.

Yeah, I just know that I'll get some hate from some people for having Britney Spears on this list. First off, I want to say that I do like Britney Spears for her personality, songs, and star, sterne power. However, her Singen voice is clearly not why she's so famous and proves that just because you're a Musik Icon it doesn't mean Du have talent. Over the years, Britney's voice has been criticized for being weak, nasal, and relying WAY TOO MUCH on autotune. I've also heard people say that Britney Lost her talent after the drugs and can't sing now, personally, I don't see any difference. She sounds exactly the same now as she did now. We blame drugs for MANY things, but let's not blame them for a person losing their Singen voice when they could never sing to begin with. She did have a good voice before she was famous. Her voice was powerful and not nasally, link However, when she became famous her style had her sing in baby-like voice, sing through her nose, and have a weak voice that constantly takes breaths. It's not hard to sound like her, anyone can do it. She very rarely sings live without lip-singing. She's even admitted that she can't sing. She's not higher I guess mainly for nostalgic reasons and the others are worse.

I'm surprised he didn't take the number 1 spot because of how much I've sagte that he's the worst singer Disney Channel has ever hired. However, there is someone who is worse, but we'll get to that later. Ever since I first heard him sing I thought he was absolutely HORRIBLE! He voice is too high, he's always pitchy, he can't carry a tune, his voice is weak, he's breathy, and if he ever tries belting it just sounds like chipmunks screaming. I heard his voice deepened a little, I listened to a Kürzlich performance, and he still sounds awful. He actually sounds worse without autotune, even though he still sounds atrocious with autotune. So who could've taken Ross Lynch's place as the worst Disney Channel singer?


I recently heard him sing and it was absolutely insufferable! I couldn't even finish the video of him Singen because it was so awful. Disney Channel's taste has really gone downhill. His voice is weak, he can't carry a tune, he's nasal as hell, his emotion is nonexistent, he sounds like he has a bucket of nails in his throat, and is just painful to listen to. I can't believe Disney Channel hired him because he's even worse than Ross Lynch, which is no easy accomplishment. Whoever hired him seriously needs to go to a doctor to find out how bad their hearing is.

The Best

Whether Du like her oder not, her voice is definitely unique and recognizable. She has a sound that makes her stand out among other singers. Her voice is strong, has great emotion, knows how to have fun, and I'm surprised she isn't Mehr famous. It's hard to describe her voice and how great it is, I'm not sure why. Let's hope one Tag the Musik industry gives her the recognition and attention that she truly deserves with how amazingly talented she is. She's not higher because the others just have better voices.

What a coincidence that I have Gabriella higher that Sharpay. Anyway, Vanessa has such a strong and emotional voice that I just enjoy. She has a fantastic voice, but I also Liebe how much energy she puts into her performance. Like when she's playing Gigi in a broadway play, she just brings so much to the role with her bubbly and energetic personality that she clearly loves to give in any performance. The version of the Zeigen she was in received mixed reviews, but her acting, dancing, and Singen received praise from almost all of the critics. Her voice is really unique and I wish she got Mehr recognition for it and I would Liebe to see her continuing to do broadway plays. However, she's not higher because the others have Mehr powerful voices, plus Vanessa is slightly on the nasal side.

DANG this girl can REALLY sing! Her voice is so powerful, full of emotion and energy, is so rich, and is really good at belting and Singen high notes. She was even able to make a crappy song Von a crappy singer (link Von Lorde) actually enjoyable because of her amazing voice and charisma. I can't believe she isn't Mehr well-known Von now. When she was 9 and sung the national anthem, her fame just started coming from there and yet she's still not Mehr famous. How is it Nicki Minaj is well-known and famous, but now Coco Jones? Unlike Nicki, Coco actually has talent. She's not higher because I feel like the others have voices that are Mehr unique.

I can't believe that this woman isn't Mehr famous because her voice is absolutely PHENOMENAL! In fact, she is probably the only Disney Channel star, sterne that I think sounds like a Disney Princess. She's classically trained, has a powerful voice, a great range, uses a lot of emotion, and has such a beautiful voice. She actually played Belle in one of the versions of the Broadway versions of Disney's Beauty and The Beast. She actually sounds A LOT like Belle! It's such a shame Disney Channel didn't Zeigen off her true Singen talent because she deserves Mehr recognition than she gets. Nobody even really remembers her. She's not higher because the others are just Mehr my type.

I just had to include this old classic Disney Channel star. How could I not? Her voice is so powerful and emotional. There's never a time that I don't like her voice. She doesn't always use editing on her voice, on the Zeigen she would sing and she still amazing me. How could Du not Liebe her voice? It's too bad she's not as famous as she use to be, aside from "controversial" things she says on The View. Either way, her voice is amazing and she should get back into the Musik business to Zeigen it off. I mean, did Du see her in Sister Act, her voice was phenomenal and she puts a lot of energy and personality into her performance like a real singer should. She needs Mehr recognition, she used to be the Queen of Disney Channel and now is only famous for making people upset about what she says on The View. She's not higher because I like the others voices more.

I can't believe there was ever a time I thought she was just good and not fantastic. Her voice is so powerful and has a really impressive vocal range. Her voice has been described Von many as a mixture of Christina Aguilera and Adele, though clearly there's Mehr Adele in her voice than there is Christina. Her voice is also really unique because it has a sound to it that is instantly recognizable in my opinion. She can really hold out some great long notes and I can't wait to hear how she sounds when she's older and Mehr mature. She's not higher because the others just have better voices.

Yeah, say what Du want about how INSANE and trashy she is (Because she is), but she is still exceptionally talented. She has improved a lot as a vocalist since her Hannah Montana days, but she was amazing then too. Her voice has become Mehr powerful and mature. It hurt a lot when I would hear people say she couldn't sing, but I'm happy that now people think she has a great voice but is just wasting her talent with what she's doing. Miley's voice sounds it's best with Wrecking Ball, especially the acoustic version. When people hear her sing Wrecking Ball and Jolene they just can't help but be impressed.

I bet people were expecting her to either be at number 2 oder 1, but there are two who are just better than her, but we'll get to that later. Her voice is gorgeously powerful, she has an amazing range, she puts a lot of emotion into her performances, and is fantastic with those long notes she holds out. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up becoming a legendary vocalist, oder a legendary celebrity in general. Her voice is slightly generic, which is why she's not higher, but at the same time, I can recognize her voice when I hear it, although that might just mean that I'm a HARDCORE Lovatic. Her voice was damaged for a while, but like she says, she'll be rising from the ground like a skyscraper. Her voice is back and better than ever! She doesn't need autotune because she's naturally talented, like all of the singers here on the best list. However, while she is my Favorit Disney Channel star, she's not higher because her voice isn't as unique as the others and I feel like when they gürtel they're Mehr natural about it.

I've been hearing people say lately that her voice is generic and I don't think so AT ALL. Her sisters have generic voices, but China's voice is FAR from generic sounding. It's so gorgeously powerful and has such an engaging sound and tone. The vibrato, energy, and charisma her voice has is incredible. Her voice is such a treat to listen to! I heard someone say that the only ones who made them cry when they sung were Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston, but when they heard China sing they added her to that small group of people that made them cry. When she sung The Greatest Liebe of All Von Whitney Houston, it showed how muc talent she had. It was like a Sekunde Whitney Houston and yet still her own things. She didn't shout oder strain herself when she belted, she did it so naturally like Whitney did. She would've been proud of China! She can hold out long and amazing notes that I ADORE listening to and play over and over again. Her voice is just exceptional. She's not higher because this singer has one of the best voices of ALL TIME!


There is no doubt about it that Christina has the best voice out of all the Disney Channel stars. Her voice is just out of this world. Her speaking voice is very girly sounding but her Singen voice is so rough, womanly, deep, strong, powerful, and intense; it's like she's a completely different person. She got this amazing voice when she was 16 and people knew that they wanted her when they heard her sing Reflection from Mulan. She does sing too wild and sometimes has too much power and not enough emotion. However, that doesn't change how brilliant her voice is. Plus just listen to the link of her Singen Lift Me Up live, she has an amazing amount of power and emotion without sounding too rough oder wild. There is never going to be a Disney Channel star, sterne that will ever oben, nach oben her voice, at least not anytime soon. She sagte a lot of people tried to have her conceal her amazing talent and conform to the Musik and Singen style of Britney Spears, but she refused to do that. She clearly made the right choice, considering Britney is considered to be one of the worst female vocalists of all time, while Christina is considered to be one of the best.
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