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Ah yes. Merchandise. Money, in other words. I adore the Disney princesses. They are all unique, and have good qualities. Some are even a little complex and the majority are at least decent role models. That's not how Disney markets them. Well, unless their name is Anna oder Elsa. For the first 11 princess, they are downgraded into sparkle obsessed girls that look nothing like they did in their original film. Great princesses are forgotten in merchandise as well. The whole system is downright awful. For the Frozen sisters, Disney markets them as "I don't need a man". They tried that with Merida but now she's stuck with a sparkly dress. This Artikel is going to discuss their new appearances and a ranking of how beliebt each DP is in the line-up. Ok here we go.

Snow White:
Let's start at the oben, nach oben and go down. Her hair, which was once as black as ebony, now is black with a strange tint of blue. It also has Mehr volume...I guess. Look at the picture to see what I'm talking about. Her hair is certainly not the worst of the princesses, but it changed significantly from the original.Her eyes. In the original film, her eyes are brown with a hint of red in them. They're small with long lashes. The new Design keeps their color ok, but the lashes and eyeshape are off. Her nose is barely existent in the original so I don't blame them for changing that. Her lips and smile. What she is famous for. Her lips go from those beautiful rose red lips, to a pair of pinkish lips-_-. And her smile! Her precious smile, where eyes get all squinty...gone. Ugh. Her dress is basically a glitterified version of the original with an odd pattern on the yellow part of the dress. It's not awful, but it is way overdone. Her skin isn't really white as snow anymore, but it could be worse in that aspect. Snow White didn't get the worst of the redesign, but the poor girl looks nothing like the original Snow White.

Oh, where do I begin. Aschenputtel is my current prettiest princess. She has the stunning blue eyes and long lashes, the beautiful smile, the perfect body, the color scheme, the hair, she has it all! Uh, then there's the um uh redesign. Ok let's start at the top. THE HAIR. Well her hair in the original film was a beautiful erdbeere blonde, oder even orange. It was shoulder length. It the ever so lovely redesign, it is banane yellow, and in a bun way on oben, nach oben of her head. Based on the picture, her hair is a little longer. Also added volume yada yada yada WAIT banane HAIR? Her hair is now a lovely banane color that is so very attractive. Her eyes. They tried in the 2015 look with the eyes, but they failed to capture them. Her real eyes are light blue with long lashes. The shape is off in the redesign, but the rest is tolerable. Her nose...I honestly don't care. The new smile doesn't surprise me, but it doesn't have the same magic Cinderella's smile does. Her dress. BRIGHT BLUE!? It goes from silver to bright blue with a thousand gallons of sparkles. I'm done.

Another beautiful DP shamefully placed in her 2015 look. Overall, she looks like a Barbie doll. No really she does. Her hair has gone from the elegant, blonde curls to bright, Gold curls. Her face, i'm not going into detail. It's a mess. Nothing like the original. Her dress is sparklified. Her look is awful. I don't have the time to explain my hatred for it. This is just a hating rant so far...

Ariel looks older in her design. Her hair has, Du guessed it, a lot Mehr volume. It keeps it's color and length though. The seashell earrings are weird... Sorry just getting that out of the way. Her eyes are definitely not as big. Blegh. And, lastly for the face, her lips turn a pale pink. And her dress. I Liebe it. Wait what? Ok, Liebe is a strong word. But the dress's color and shape, it looks great on her. Not movie accurate, but I'm being biased and saying that I Liebe her dress. Her redesign isn't that bad imo.

Well it's no wonder that her name means beauty her looks have got no parallel....AH! Her new look is not good and doesn't compare with the original film. The hair. Oh lord THE HAIR! My, my Belle has your hair grown. It now has *gasp* Mehr volume, and is much longer. The new eyeshape makes her look evil, but the rest of her face, though not perfect, is ok. The dress is just oversparklified, nothing new, but I still hate it. Why is she holding a rose? Why can't she hold a book, oder Du know something that relates to her character, rather than an object that is in the story but has nothing to do with Belle herself, I don't like this one...at all.

Her new look is pretty bad, but could be much, much worse. Remember how I sagte Snow White's hair was a little bluer? Well Jasmine's is now blue. Dark blue. What!? And the one strand hanging out? Oh how creative Disney.Her eyes have shrunken but nothing else is particularly bad with her face. Well her lips are pinker, but oh another shocker there-_-. Her skin is surprisingly accurate. So, there's a plus. Her outfit. Well, the picture explains it.

What did she ever do to the world? Her hair obviously has Mehr volume and doesn't match up to the original. But it's not that bad. her skin. The beautiful copper has been turned to well, orangish brown. Her whole face is disproportioned and she is wearing feather earrings. FEATHER EARRINGS! That's enough to make me hate the redesign, but no. There's also ugly crap all over her dress. Speaking of which, is it just me oder is her dress lighter now? Lastly, she's wearing boots. Yup, boots. That sums up her. I think she got the worst of it along with our Weiter princess.

NO ANYONE BUT MULAN<3 Mulan is my Favorit DP, but I am the first to admit her redesign is amung the worst of all of them. Her hair has miraculously grown and gained *crowd gasps again* volume. Her hair is now Aurora length? It's done in an updo we never see her wear, and it doesn't really compliment her. Her skin is paler than Snow White's. Her face has been severely altered. Her eyes are now really ugly. Her lips are totally different. Should I even talk about the dress? It's awful. Everything Mulan is against is in this dress. It's sparkly and highlights her "tiny waist". This redesign, Pocahontas's, and Cinderella's are probably the worst.

Probably the most accurate of the new merchandise looks. Her hair, dress, and eyes look pretty similar. Well, her eyes are a little smaller. Her nose is a bit thinner and maybe they overdue the sparkles a little but it isn't bad. The color of her lips change and the merchandise doesn't Zeigen off her gorgeous smile, but other than that, this redesign is shockingly accurate.

I hate hers. Her hair is Mehr Gold and voluminous (shocker). Her whole face looks awful. Her eyes and smile are not pretty and inaccurate. She goes from adorable to... this. Her dress is totally over-glitterified and it comes together to create a strange looking girl who looks nothing, NOTHING, like Rapunzel.

I'm not obsessed over keep Merida brave, but boy does her redesign look weird. Her hair isn't as cool. I mean it's curly but it looks flat and dull. Her face, is not... her face. Seriously, it doesn't look like her. Her eyes are different. Her smile is nothing like the original. And I adore her smile. Her dress obviously gets the old overload of sparkles. I dislike this one quite a bit.

OK, lucky Du guys, my rants are over! So, now I will rank the princesses popularity in the merchandising. The internet, fanpop, they don't count. These are what Du would find at like Target oder whatever...And I live in the US so that means this is where I live. So I have no idea how beliebt Ariel is in Europe, but here, boy is she popular! This does not include Anna and Elsa...but if it did Elsa would be #1 and Anna in between 4-6. Here we go!

11) Pocahontas
I don't care for Pocahontas. She ranks last on my list. I still feel bad for that because Disney likes to pretend her movie and her don't exist. It is very hard to find merchandise for her at local stores. I have many theories on why she isn't popular. First off, she isn't typically pretty. Not little girl, princess pretty. She doesn't have big eyes, a beautiful smile, and a pretty ballgown. What little girl likes that? Her movie isn't as girly either. It is darker and isn't very fun and crazy. My final theory is that she isn't beliebt because Disney doesn't allow her to be. Really I mean it. She never has any merchandise out so little girls don't fall in Liebe with her. They don't see her pretty, magic doll, so they don't really notice her. There's a lot of reasons Pocahontas is last in terms of merchandise, but personally I think that because of her lack of kleid and girly habits, Disney doesn't merchandise her.

10) Mulan
I wish she was Mehr popular, but I can't remember the last time I saw Puppen of her at Target oder any other store. Similar to Pocahontas, she doesn't have a ballgown, she isn't even a princess, and she isn't romantic oder bubbly. Her beauty is natural and subtle. Once again, no big eyes and perfect smile. her movie has some fun characters, but also has a lot of action and not a whole lot of filler, making it not ideal for kids. She does included Mehr than Pocahontas. Still, Pocahontas and her are miles behind the rest of the princesses.

9) Jasmine
My Favorit in childhood, and among my oben, nach oben 5 today, I Liebe Jasmine. Always have, always will. Disney doesn't. jasmin has slipped into a smaller role in the franchise. Du can occasionally find her on a bouncy ball oder in a set of Disney princesses, but ultimately, Disney doesn't really market. The big reason is her outfits. No floofy dress. Also, her movie isn't abut her which takes away from her popularity. Heck, some parents don't want jasmin being seen Von their children for how "sexualized" she is. She is an original princess, and she is pretty. she wears pretty colors, so I guess that puts her above Poca and Mulan. She is marketed occasionally, but she has Lost her Zurück fame in the lineup.

8) Merida
*gasp* Yes Merida is this low.Hear me out. Ok, when her movie first came out she was everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Soon the popularity wore off and now she is pretty unpopular. Du can find a doll of her, but nothing else. She doesn't have any ballgowns and many kids might find her boring. She isn't very beliebt in merchandise currently, but for how she was once beliebt puts her above the rest.

7) Tiana
Tiana is often labeled underrated. Online, I agree. In merchandising she's pretty much in the middle. She has taken Jasmine's role in the franchise. She has dolls, and occasionally Du can find a Naveen. She's on almost all of the multiple Disney princess items. She is isn't as beliebt as the ones above, but she gets a fair amount of merchandise.

6) Snow White
Strange that the first Disney princess ever doesn't have the most merchandise. Disney recognizes her and includes her but not near as much as the others. I sort of wish she was Mehr popular, but I think that she is fairly the 6th most marketed.

5) Aurora
Let me rephrase that: Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty is beliebt in merchandise. She wears a long rosa ballgown and her movie is great for kids. Magic, romance, and fun. There a lot of Puppen of her and she is easy to place on products because of her beauty. She isn't as well liked as the girls above, but SLEEPING BEAUTY is very beliebt with little girls.

4) Belle
Belle has Puppen pretty much anywhere. She's got a great film and beautiful gown. She has the big eyes and her personality is good enough to interpreted Von kids. It's that noticeable. Kids Liebe her, but she isn't as beliebt as the oben, nach oben 3.

3) Rapunzel
Ever since her film came out, Rapunzel has been popular. She's got the cool, fun, bubbly personality. She's got powers and gorgeous hair. She's a little crazy and humorous for kids. Disney loves to market her. Dolls, plush, and she makes it to every multi princess thing. She is a very beliebt princess in the merchandise world.

2) Cinderella
What? She's not first. Yeah, that's right. Just because she isn't first doesn't mean she's not insanely popular. She's gorgeous with a beautiful ballgown. Her story is every kids dream. Everything about her is graceful and perfect. This makes her an easy target to market. Her Puppen sell because kids Liebe her. She's on shirts and backpacks. She is the leader and is very beliebt today.

1) Ariel
Oh Ariel. She's a mermaid. A mermaid! She's a beautiful, bubbly, fun, crazy mermaid. Kids Liebe her. Disney markets her everywhere. She could have her own franchise! She's everywhere. Dolls, backpacks, lunchboxes. Kids adore everything about her. Her stuff sells too. At least where I live, she is the most merchandised princess!

The bottom 2 and oben, nach oben 2 are pretty close, as well as places 5, 6, and 7... but I think this is pretty accurate for my poor provincial town.

That sums up this long, boring article. Hope Du enjoyed... Please leave a comment!! It means a lot<3
added by chameron4eva
Source: Not Mine
Author's Note: So, guys, this is a Vorschau of a fanfiction I'm thinking I'll maybe do. It's Sleeping Beauty retold in Aurora's POV. What do Du guys think? Tell me in the comments.

Briar Rose hummed to herself quietly as she picked berries from a bush. She smiled to herself: her aunts thought they could deceive her, but it was obvious they were planning something special for her birthday.

"I wonder what they're doing this year," she thought to herself. "Last Jahr Aunt Fauna sew for me this schal I'm wearing, Aunt Flora made a blume pot for me to put my Blumen in and Aunt Merryweather baked...
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Hey everybody, during this time when we're supposed to give thanks and be thankful for what we have, I thought what not better way to celebrate than to insult all of the princesses clothes! What could be a better way to celebrate the Weihnachten cheer! So without further ado, let's gooo! (I'm not including Anna and Elsa because 1. I'm lazy, 2. they're not coronated yet, and 3. #yolo.)

11. Ariel

Sorry Ariel, but I really don't like your wardrobe. I don't Liebe any of her outfits, and it just seems every color she wears clashes with her red hair. They also seem too poofy and don't look too comfortable....
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I saw CRaZy_rawR do an Artikel like this recently and it looked fun so I thought I might try it out :) Anyway let's get started! Also, I'm not including Anna and Elsa in this list, but their wardrobes are definitely two of my favorites!

Snow White: Rags

I absolutely Liebe this dress! I Liebe her other dress as well, but I've always found this dress so charming! I Liebe the color scheme of it, and I Liebe the blue hair-bow she wears with it. I think this dress is beautiful, and if the Queen's job was to hide Snow's beauty in that dress she definitely failed! Although the bottom of the dress looks...
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 Du won't see anything like this here.
You won't see anything like this here.
Welcome to another Silverrose1991's Favoriten countdown. Today we will be reviewing Cinderella's outfits. Silverrose1991 would like to remind Du that all characters mentioned in this Artikel are owned Von Disney and all outfits in this countdown can be found in Walt Disney's Cinderella.

Let's get started.

6. Light blue nightgown

This outfit is cute and lady-like, but old-fashioned. I'm pretty sure Lady Tremaine just gave Aschenputtel the worst nightgown in the house to wear, so it musn't be very comfortable, either. I like the neckline with the bow and the color isn't all that bad, but dull.

 Nightgowns: Great for twirling around Aschenputtel style!...
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Here are the results of the Princess of the Monat Hairstyles Countdown!

This is originally a BelleAnastasia's idea, she started to make countdowns for princesses' songs, hairstyles and outfits each month. She made the other Artikel with results only with images, so I continued her tradition, because personally I think it's not bad.

I'm really glad she let me do Aurora's countdowns, I hope Du enjoy my pictures!
Share your opinion if Du agree oder disagree with something.

 "She looks like a very bad homecoming queen" - princecatcher93
"She looks like a very bad homecoming queen" - princecatcher93

 "This does not suit her at all. Maybe without the tiara it would" - Flutey_Girl96
"This does not suit her at all. Maybe without the tiara it would" - Flutey_Girl96

 "Aurora looks lovely with the blue hairband" - LibelluleBleu
"Aurora looks lovely with the blue hairband" - LibelluleBleu

 "Her gorgeous hair shouldn't be all covered up." - dimitri_
"Her gorgeous hair shouldn't be all covered up." - dimitri_

 "The purple haube is great!" - dclairmont
"The purple haube is great!" - dclairmont

 "I Liebe Mehr if she wears something in her hair." - tiffany88
"I Liebe Mehr if she wears something in her hair." - tiffany88

 "Tiara must win" - Lisia
"Tiara must win" - Lisia

 "The black hairband is so lovely in her hair!" - rhythmicmagic
"The black hairband is so lovely in her hair!" - rhythmicmagic
This was Dreamygal's idea of an article, enjoy!

Snow White
I used to have Snow White low on my Liste because I had a hard time connecting with her. I thought she was too cheerful, old-fashioned, unrealistic and not a very well developed character. Her character definitely isn't all that layered, but I started liking her simplicity. I Liebe how she is like a bossy mother to the Dwarfs and how she always makes the best out of a bad situation. I also think she's funnier than gegeben credit for.

Favorite Outfit: Princess Dress with a cape- It looks complete with the cape.
Favorite Physical Feature...
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Since my birthday is soon I decided to combine two of my biggest fandoms, the Disney Princesses and Within Temptation, link. To make it even Mehr interesting I have decided to also give each princess that where in the old Artikel a new song that I think Suits them so it's a good idea to read the old Artikel before Du read this one. I also decided to update this Liste so that Merida could be included.

Snow White:link

This song totally Suits her, when I did my old Artikel I hadn't listned to this song, but now it's one of my favorites. There are many lyrics that Suits her, but the one that...
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This is my first Artikel on Fanpop and I hope Du all enjoy viewing it! This is completely my own opinion and should not be taken seriously. I will be creating an updated Liste after Frozen premieres. Please keep in mind that this is a Liste for specific characters, not their movies. Otherwise, this Liste would look much much different. Let the countdown begin!

#11: Mulan

I have nothing against Mulan, honestly, but she is the one Disney Princess that doesn't interest me in any way, shape, oder form. She is strong, chivalrous, and brave. Which is great, but I've always been a girly-girl. Her personality...
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posted by bluethunder25
Belle, Nostalgia Critic regards her as one of the best animated characters ever and I have to agree. She's strong, adventurous, doesn't really care what people think of her, doesn't take crap from no one........and yet.....at the same time......it's those same traits that make her kind of ANNOYING!!!! Don't get me wrong. Belle is great. She's hot, she's smart, and she's strong, but Du see, the thing is while those are good traits for a perfect to have, Belle has way too many good traits. She is too freakin' stinkin' PERFECT!!!!! She is like the ultimate good model of Disney. She always wants...
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Allright, I have seen all those Artikel before about the role Models but I would like to write one all together to be fair and to not be a single opinion, so If Du can please write who do Du think is the best role model. That's how I wan't to make the oben, nach oben 10 with the help of all you. Please I think Mulan deserves to be number one so tell me for others. Du can write for every one Du wan't, for example If we have a lot who think Belle is a good role model, she will be the second. If Du have Fragen ask in comments, the final Liste (top ten) will be announced Weiter week! Please vote, I will make and a Umfrage for that and remember, say why!
Du know I hate when people say that classic princesses are not good role Models and all these, Du have never see a person who like cooking and cleaning, cause I like that, and stop judje them, Du judje them and compare them with things that exist only in the 21th century and with a negative point of view, a selfish point of view, Du see the critics about them who are very negative, cause that's their work to find negative things, even when they doesn't exist, Du say they are only cooking and cleaning and waiting for a prince to come, Du know they don't live in the 21th century! In those...
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All righty, so about a week Vor I gepostet a Umfrage asking which countdown people wanted me to do. The winning pick was "Which DP movie is the most accurate compared to its original fairytale?" Now as much as I Liebe this idea, I'm incredibly wary to do it as a countdown because I'm worried the results won't be accurate. Many people think they know the original fairytales, but there are countless versions of each of them out there, meaning that if we wanted the countdown to work, everyone would have to read the same versions. This means that everyone who participated would have to read 10 fairytales,...
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So I made a Umfrage and asked all of Du guys to give me your DP Singen voices lists. The winner is determined Von points. Whoever has the least amount of points will be the winner. So if Du have Snow White in your #10 spot, she will receive 10 points. If Du voted Ariel for #1, she will receive 1 point. I will give the final point score at the very end. The Princess with the least amount of points will be Fanpop's Favorit DP Singer! :)

Thanks to all of our 26 participants!

Okay, let's get started... I will also give the amount of every ranking the Princess recieved. How many 1's, how many 2's,...
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 One King to rule the all
One King to rule the all
So did a countdown for best ruler for the princesses and the princes. All around at the end of the film the princes change (sometimes Mehr than the princesses) and so some could be better rulers than others. Now time for the rankings.

10: Naveen
 The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince

I know Naveen was going go out first because of being the prince that got kicked out of his kingdom. Everyone sagte he just get bored and leave the palace to go play ukulele. But now that he’s with Tiana he may be a better ruler.
"He'd be too preoccupied with the fun part of life, to actually pay attention to his duties...
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So, I held a countdown of which couple was the most lustful, and here are the results. They are not really surprising, but they are interesting nonetheless. The countdowns on the Umfrage were to vote off the most lustful each round. The final couples would be featured first on the article, as they are the least lustful.

10. Mulan and Shang

According to Fanpoppers, this couple is the least lustful. People sagte that they got to know one another, and because of the fact that their relationship did not start until the end of the film, it works to their advantage. But others sagte that Mulan...
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So, I did a countdown and a reverse count down Umfrage to see if the results would be the same. Well....... just read to find out.

Here is how the accuracy results work. If Du are 11 on the Reverse Countdown, they receive 1 point, since they are the least disliked, but if they are 1st on the Reverse Countdown, Du receive 11 points since they are the most disliked. After the results, I'll add up the total results to find out who is the actual favorite.

Reverse Countdown Results/ Countdown Results

1. Belle (+11 point)/Merida (+1 points)
I found this strange, because Mulan won the Zurück countdown...
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Since I am trying to make the Princess Of The Monat Mehr popular, this is another one of my ideas. In the end of each Monat I'll post articles, based on the countdowns for songs, hairstyles and outfits. There everybody will have the chance to discuss whether they agree with the results, what corresponded to their expectations, and what they wish would have been different!

Once again, I will be using pictures for my articles. A few months back I would have made a detailed explanation about each result, but since the Kürzlich changes, Fanpop has been Schauspielen really weird. And yes, I don't like the...
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posted by dclairmont
 hips are way to hipster, so is a good personality, songs, a man.....
hips are way to hipster, so is a good personality, songs, a man.....
I think we all know that hips don't lie. They clearly will Zeigen Du a good princess from a bad one. I for one, really think hips deserve Mehr recognition because they make oder break a princess. So yeah, let's start with the hip mania. *I'd leave now, this Artikel gonna be pretty intense*

10. Ariel

Ariel's hips are the biggest liars I've ever met! They walk in like, whaddup I got some big scales, and walks out with human hips. (Did Du see that pop culture reference, I'm like the movie Hercules) It's like, whoa. What. Just. Happened. I'm just gonna stop right here because Ariel's hips are almost...
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Recently, I held a countdown on the Best Disney Princess Soundtrack to see what Fanpop thought, and the results were king of suprising, and kind of not at the same time. A lot of people had different opinions, and it was fun to read what people wrote about why they like oder dislike a soundtrack, and now the results are complete

10. The Princess and the Frog
This round was very close between this, Tangled, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. One minute, Snow White had the most votes, the Weiter Rapunzel – Neu verföhnt had the most votes, and the Weiter Princess and the Frog had the most votes, and it went like this...
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