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Awesome poster.
I'm gonna talk about Disney's runaway hit,Frozen.Ever since this movie came out people either seem to Liebe it,like it,dislike it oder hate it.Personally,I Liebe it,though not as much as many other people because of some serious flaws that it has.Even though I Liebe it,I think they really could've done a lot better with it.Not only because it has some serious problems,but also because this movie may get a lot of praise from critics and many other people,but it also gets some serious criticism and hate from people.
First let's talk about what I like about it:
Elsa and Anna.
I really Liebe both of them,they're some of my Favorit Disney heroines.Now this is a part Du might disagree with me,some people say that Anna is just a rehash of Rapunzel and Elsa is nothing Mehr than a blank slate that people can enjoy projecting their issues onto.But I strongly disagree with both because I really enjoyed both of them,in my opinion they're great characters and are easy to relate to.
Let's talk about Anna first because she is the main character.Many people say that she's a rehash of Rapunzel but I disagree.While she does bare a lot of resemblance with her,she still had her own unique traits to make her her own unique character,such as her wanting to be loved.
When Du think about it,all of the modern princesses except Anna have either been against Liebe oder haven't shown any interest in it.Tiana wasn't interested,Rapunzel never sagte anything about it,Merida wasn't interested and so was Elsa.Society nowadays paints the picture that needing a man shows that you're weak,and I like how Anna goes against that.I've seen so many things attacking the classic princesses for wanting Liebe and I'm glad that Anna shows that Du can want Liebe in a modern movie and that being okay.Anyway it's very realistic that she yearns to love,since she hasn't gotten any of that since the past years.
While at times she is reckless(like throwing a snowball at a giant snow monster clearly wasn't the best idea)and very ignorant at times(like ignoring Elsa's warning)but I think that's what her character is suppose to be.After all,she is suppose to represent the modern energetic teenage girl that they can relate to.Even though I related much Mehr to Elsa,I do share some similarities with her like:my room being an explosion sometimes,my hair being a complete mess when I wake up,being awkward,being very clumsy and pretty ignorant sometimes.She's also funny,fun,caring,selfless(despite her sister treating her badly for 13 years [just so she could protect her to remind you], she still sacrificed herself for her,even though she was about to freeze to death),optimistic,etc.I heard that some people who hate Frozen do actually like Anna.She's also very cute with her rosy cheeks and freckles,every time she was smiling with that cute face of her's I couldn't help but smile too.Kristen glocke did capture the ignorant yet fun loving and caring princess so I think she did really well.I Liebe her because she was lovable to watch,though not as fun as Rapunzel,I still really enjoyed her.
Now let's talk about Elsa.If Du read my Artikel about her then Du know that she's not only my Favorit character from the movie but my Favorit Disney character in general because she's the one I related the most,it's like I was seeing myself in her.But like I said,that blank slate statement in my opinion is wrong.From what they're saying it sounds like they think that empathy,which is evoked in people when they feel they can relate to a fictional character is a bad thing.Need I remind everyone that such empathy is one of the factors that make Disney's characters so beloved and beliebt since the days of Snow White?
Another thing I have to say about that blank slate statement is that even though Elsa does represent people that feel like they need to hide a part of themselves from the rest of the world(let it be certain hobbies oder even sexuality),she's Mehr than just a "sentiment mirror"that can reflect people's internal struggles.The reason for that(at least in my opinion)is that Disney have merged Elsa's deep Liebe towards her sister,as well as her sense of responsibility as the queen(and earlier future-queen)of Arendelle,in addition to some other traits I've mentioned in that other Artikel of mine,and as such,It's not very accurate to say that she's just a blank reflection of people's dilemmas.And besides,the fact that she posseses many traits that people like myself can relate to(such as fear of the outside world,selflessness,being able to enjoy your personal hobbies when you're alone,etc)doesn't necessarly mean that all of those people would've made the same choices that she had made in the movie,for better oder worse,if they were in her shoes.
One last thing before I'm concluding my opinion-I think that people call Aschenputtel and Aurora feminine,while not calling Elsa as such,it's because in Frozen,when Elsa becomes the snow queen,the change in her outside appearance isn't made to impress her non-existing Liebe interest(by the way,if Disney will eventually declare Elsa as their first lesbian female character,I wouldn't mind it at all),but to represent the way she wants to look after all these years in which she never had the freedom to be her true self.While,in comparison to her,Aurora and Aschenputtel had Liebe interests,and it was in times when Disney's female characters were rather bland(nothing personal if Du like them).
Idina Menzel did capture the emotional,mature yet knows how to have fun sort of person personality that Elsa has but without sounding too old,so just like Kristen with Anna,I think Idina did a really good job too.Elsa did made me kind of a Fan of Menzel as well.
Even though Elsa is my Favorit of the two,I really enjoyed both of them.I think both of them are great role Models in their own way.
Believe it oder not but I actually wish for Anna and Elsa to be my elder sisters.I want Elsa because when I'm alone and depressed I really wish for Elsa's motherly comfort and for Anna's childish personality to cheer me up.
Here's another character I love.He's just so funny with his child like personality,most of the time he was on screen he just cracked me up and he's just so cute.
I like the fact that they take advantege of his body,I mean he can change his body parts and use them for anything he wants it to,like it was shown in the teaser trailer.That's very creative.
My Favorit scene with him was this:
Olaf:Hey,who's that funky looking donkey over there?
Anna:That's Sven.
Olaf:Oh,and who's the reindeer?
That,that never gets old.
Plus,for me,he wasn't annoying.Where most Disney sidekicks are yelling and being loud,this one actually whispers a lot of his jokes.I don't really see that in a Disney fairy tale and it's actually really funny and effective.
I think Kristoff is a pretty decent character.I do like him,but I don't Liebe him.Being a mountain man who's a bigger Fan of animals(mostly reindeers)but slowly begins to be Mehr trusting of people too,he loves ice,and he's also kind to those who Zeigen kindness to him,but he's also a bit selfish at times.I like the relationship between him and Sven,I think it's very cute and they are fun to watch.Fun fact,my name is also Kristof,but with one F,and I'm also a bigger Fan of Tiere than I am for people(sorry about that).He can even get some good and memorable lines here and there.The only problems I have with this guy is why does he care about a girl he barely knows who wants to marry a guy she just met.I mean it's not his responsibility and he barely knew her when they first met,so why should he care.And why is it that he sagte that it was only him and Sven,he must have had parents,I mean what,did God create hi out of dust and when he met Sven immediatley became Friends with him,but I'm gonna talk about that later when I'll talk about the things I don't like.Lastly,the relationship between him and Anna is also rushed,but again,I'll talk about that later.
The songs.
The songs,are really freaking good songs(most of them),well for me to be honest.Again,this is another place where Du might disagree with me,people either seem to Liebe oder hate these songs.Others say that their fun,catchy and help to tell the story,while others say that they're generic,bland,and mediocre.While the argument that the people who dislike the soundtrack say does have some truth to that,because three of the songs in the movie are pretty bland and two of them serve no purpose in the story,and at times,the rest of the songs can be little goofy,but this is something I'm gonna talk about later.Let's get into why I Liebe most of these songs.I personally really enjoy most of the songs,I sometimes listen to them when I'm doing homework.Yup,I'm one of those jackasses who still listen's to them,"Let It Go","Do Du want to Build a Snowman","For the first time in Forever".I do Liebe them.My Favoriten are:
3.For the first time in Forever
2.Love is an Open Door
1.Let It Go.
I really Liebe "Let It Go" for several reasons,it's one of my all time Favorit Disney songs.
First,it's catchy as hell.When I first heard this song,I fell in Liebe with it,I just couldn't get it out of my head,it's so catchy.Yeah,I know a lot of people do hate this song because they say that it's annoying and that it's overplayed.Yeah,it is overplayed but I still Liebe it.Plus I really like Menzel's Singen as well.
Second,it shows off Elsa personality.Even though a lot of people say that Elsa has no personality,"Let It Go"is where she shows her personality.Being locked away for 13 years in a room with very little companionship and holding back her emotions nearly destroyed her and her sister.Letting it go was probably the best thing to do."Let It Go" shows her being a playful,curious,artistic and kind hearted person.And if Du read "A Sister Mehr Like Me" book,in one of the pages Elsa sagte that "And I'd have loved to have a friend who knew geometry",it shows that she likes geometry,and Du definitely going to need that to build a castle.
Third,Elsa's transformation during "Let It Go".Yeah,you think I forgot about that part?No.One of the things that I Liebe about Elsa is that she's really gorgeous.At the end of "Let It Go"when she walked out of the schloss with that dress of hers I got turned on Von her,my cheeks turned red and my herz started to go faster.I even kissed the screen when she sang"The cold never bothered me anyway".
Fourth,the Animation is at it's best.The Animation in Frozen is gorgeous,and in "Let It Go",the Animation is at it's best and it was incredibly pretty to look at.
Fifth and lastly,it's easy to relate to.Especially for someone like me who has a lot in common with Elsa,this song and its lyrics does mean a lot to me.Lines like"Don't let them in,don't let them see-Be the good girl(boy in my case)you always have to be"is something I can understand because I do have some dirty secrets of my own and I don't want other people to see it because they might think I'm crazy,and it has some Mehr lines that I can relate to.Such as"I don't care,what they're going to say"because if someone tries to insult me of annoy me,I just ignore them to prove that I'm smarter or"The cold never bothered me anyway"because that's true too,believe it oder not but even in snowy days,I stay in my room with nothing but pijamma pants and with no hemd, shirt and with no socks,most of the time,I'm bare feet.
So these are the reasons why "Let It Go" is my Favorit song from the movie.I really like Demi Lovato's version too but I prefer this Menzel's a bit more.There's even a remix of it on YouTube Von a guy named Living Tombstone and let me tell you,it's a lot better than the original.I may Liebe the original,but this remix is just Mehr energized and fun.Check it out!
One of the things I also Liebe about the songs is that most of the time,the songs help the movie and tell the story.Most of the time,like I said,3 of the songs are pretty bland and don't serve a purpose and it kind of slows everything down,but the rest of he songs do actually help the story.That's what the Disney Musicals did.They didn't just say"Let's get a pop star, sterne like Elton John to write 5 songs that honestly if Du took the out Du wouldn't miss that much in terms of story".Or someone like Phil Collins who just sings in the backround that Du could just replace with orchestral Musik and nothing would change whatsoever.Most of these songs actually explain what the characters are going through and Bewegen the story forward.And in my opinion,they're done fantastically.I'm still one of those suckers who plays it over and over.
The animation.
Like I said,the Animation is wonderful,especially during "Let It Go",some scenes are actually really pretty to look at.This is a very beautiful looking winter and one that I actually want to live in because sadly even though it's January,where I live all the snow has melted.
It got out of the cliche.
One of the things I'm impressed with the most is their ability to break certain cliches while still holding truth to others that made Disney so popular.But they do it in a way that it's not so obvious,it feels very natural in the way they set up these characters.I thought back to Filme like Verzaubert where they just hammered the lesson in,that they're going against these Disney cliches.Here,it's just felt like it was part of a story they would tell even if it wasn't Disney related.Because it ties into what's going on nowadays and it will continue to happen in the future.For example there is still romance that blooms for a few days,but they also mock the fact she's going to marry somebody she just met which is of course big criticism that the past Disney female leads.But this also makes sense for the main character,she has been shut away for so long that she would give herself away to anybody,it's a new experience that she would be excited but this movie also shows the danger of it.In fact,I'm still against that there was a last Minute villain thrown in like in Tarzan(Fun fact,both Tarzan and Frozen had the same co-director,Chris Buck.And NO!That doesn't mean that Anna and Elsa are siblings with Tarzan,that theory makes no sense.),but this one does actually teach a really good lesson,even though that scene with Hans being evil was stupid.The surprise reveal shows the danger of being too trusting to anybody.Which is not only a good lesson for kids,but a really good lesson for kids nowadays.With the social media and everybody on it so often,both Elsa and Anna perfect extremes to learn something from it.Elsa is an introvert who wants to stay away from people,much like some people like myself could be just glued to their computers and not go outside that much.People need to know how to socially interact if they're going to survive,but Anna has the opposite problem,if Du reveal to much about yourself and just give your herz to anybody,again like a lot of people in the social media do,there can be downside to that as well.
The fact that they didn't explain why Elsa got her powers.
I know a lot of people got pissed because they didn't explain why Elsa got her powers,but personally,I like the fact that they didn't explain it because people can come up with their own conclusions,and I like using my imagination.
For instance,I have my own idea how she got her powers.
Once there was a might and powerful beast with amazing ice powers,but one day,when the beast was incredibly injured because of some hunters who where trying to capture it.When the beast eventually died,it's essence remained intact and it found a host in Elsa when her mother was still pregnant with her,thus giving her those awesome powers that she has.
Yeah it sounds like something that would happen in an Anime like Naruto oder Yu Yu Hakusho,but what can I do,I watch I lot of Anime and I'm also interested in mythologies and legends,and I think this would be a pretty damn cool way why she has her magic.But this is just what I think.I want to hear what Du guys/gals think.
The morals.
I think the movie has some really good morals,though at times,some of them aren't executed really well.
My personal Favorit is this one:
When Elsa's father told her to Conceal,Don't feel,the movie shows that this is what Du shouldn't do.You can't just hide your problems and expect them to go away.Others may get hurt in the process.But with the help of those who Liebe you,through love(both platonic and romantic)you can work through issues.Don't run and hide,don't face the storm inside Du alone.Let others in.
The reason why this is my Favorit it's because shutting the ones that Du Liebe out,not Wird angezeigt what pains Du inside and waiting for it to go away,believe me,that's every Tag of my life.This message did help me a bit and I'm now a bit Mehr open to my family.
The score Von Christophe Beck.
The score in this movie is also very good,the Norwegian style Musik matches the style of the movie.My Favorit one being "Vuelie",the song that played in the beginning before "Frozen Heart",it's just so amazing,the singing,the instruments,it sort of reminded me of the beginnings of Filme like"The Lion King","The Hunchback of Notre Dame" oder "Brother Bear".I think the movie could've been a bit stronger if they add Mehr songs like "Vuelie" because just like "Circle of Life"in "The Lion King",would've made the movie a bit ore adult,but I'm just nitpicking.
The designs of the trolls.
Granted,I'm not a Fan of the trolls but I Liebe the way how they're designed,I think they look really cute.
The clothing of the characters.
I really like the clothing of the characters in this movie,I think they look cool and I like their designs.
My personal Favoriten are:Elsa's ice dress;Anna's winter dress,Anna and Elsa's coronation dresses;Hans's clothing that he wore during the coronation and the kings and queens clothing.
The creators flew all the way to Norway to get idea's for clothing,music,landscapes,buildings and names,and I think they did a pretty damn good job.
The beginning with Elsa and Anna playing in the snow.
That scene was just freaking adorable.I just wanted to pinch their faces and hug them as tightly as possible.That scene brought me so much joy,granted I don't have siblings to play in the snow with,but if I was their big brother in that scene,I wouldn't stop playing.
The post-credit scene with Marshmallow.
That scene was just so funny :D.
It was based on my Favorit Hans Christian Andersen tale,The Snow Queen.
Even though the movie is 100% different than the original tale,I'm still glad that Disney made an adaptation of one of my Favorit stories of all time,and one that I enjoyed.

Now let's talk about the things that doesn't work.
While I do think that this movie has some really good things in it,it also has some serous issues too,now I'm here to point out what's wrong with it in my opinion.
Hans,doesn't make much sense.I guess he worked better than a character like Clayton,because it is at least believable that everyone would fall for his charm.But as soon as he reveals his true character,a lot of his actions don't really make any sense in the slightest.He had the opportunity to let Elsa die at this point multiple times,so why didn't he?If he really is so smart about pretending to be someone else,why doesn't he keep pretending until the very end,waiting until Anna is really dead before he makes his move?To be honest,this movie doesn't even need a villain.Plus,I freaking hate this guy,I mean the girl that was desperate for Liebe he sagte he would marry her now dumbs her and let's her die and he sagte to Elsa that she killed her own sister and that broke Elsa's heart,then he tries to kill her too.I'm so glad that Anna punched him in the face because after that scene where he betrayed her,I just wanted to strangle him with my belt.I seriously can't believe that they ship him and Elsa.THAT IS SH*T!Sorry Helsa Fans out there but I just hate Hans x Elsa.He doesn't deserve her,the only thing he deserves is a big F,for F*CK HIS arsch UP!
Plus,the scene where he revealed his true identity was so STUPID.I mean,if they would've left the twist that it's sisterly Liebe she needs not a KISS would've been enough,but no they had to make him the bad guy.Really?I get the intention and I think it's a really good intention,but making the prince the villain,MAN does that backfire.
I don't hate Sven,he's cute and I really like the relationship between him and Kristoff and him and Olaf,but he's just not that interesting.
The story is clumsy because of the plot-holes.
Yeah,you knew this was coming.This is what throws people off the most,and to be honest I'm probably one of those too.Not that it destroys the film,but they put in so many perspectives and so many things that wasn't needed that it sort of looses track of the main story.If there's even a main story?I don't need to explain them because Du probably already know most of the plot-holes.
The worst plot-hole in my opinion is when Anna goes for Elsa and leaves fancy-pants prince in charge,and nobody Fragen that she leaves a total stranger in charge?That scene just convinced me,the people in Arendelle are freaking morons.
Reindeer(s) are better than people;In Summer and Fixer Upper.
When I sagte that I Liebe most of the songs,these three are the exceptions.
Reindeer(s) are better than people is a pretty bland song and it doesn't serve any purpose,it kind of slows the story down.I give credit,Kristoff's voice actor does have a good Singen voice and it does mirror his personality that he's not a Fan of humans,but again,it's still a bland song it's pointless to the story.
In Summer while a cute song and it does mirror Olaf's childish personality,it's kind of annoying,bland and pointless.
Fixer Upper is quite possibly the worst song in the movie.It's just so bland and cheesy.To it's very little credit,this song does actually serve a purpose.They were hinting at what Anna should do to save Elsa,to save Arendelle.True Liebe brings out their best,which really hints at the ending.Anna's true Liebe for Elsa brought out both of their bests.That was the underlying message of this song,so this isn't just a comic relief song oder a Zufällig song like the other two,this is where Anna starts to realize something.But still,even though this song does actually serve purpose in the story,it's just so bland and cheesy and I can undoubtly say that it's the worst.
The relationship between Anna and Kristoff is rushed.
Don't get me wrong,I do like them as a couple,they look really cute together and I hope that they stay as a couple.But really,there's absolutely no reason for them to fall in love.I mean,does this Zeigen that after your boyfriend dumbed you,you should start dating the other guy who was nice to you?It's very confusing.Plus we've seen this kind of relationship before with the rouge falling in Liebe with an energetic princess who he didn't like in the beginning,and it was done better,in Tangled.While I do like them as a couple,this movie could've been a lot stronger if they were just friends.
The Duke of Weselton.
We can all agree that he's the worst character in the film.There's just nothing likeable about him and he's a big wuss.Also that scene with him dancing with Anna while it is sort of funny,it's actually very stupid.
The King and the Queen are f*cking idiots.
I mean talk about bad parenting,these two are probably the Sekunde dumbest parents I've ever seen,second Weiter to those sick,selfish idiots from The Odd Life of Timothy Green.Granted I do like their clothing and I like the way they're designed.Fun fact,the king was modeled after Walt Disney and he was voiced Von Maurice LaMarche whom Du may also know as the voice of Brain from Pinky and the Brain,Father from KND and Tapper from Wreck-it Ralph.
The Trolls.
They're annoyingly bland as well as annoying.Plus they jackass advices.
The pacing is awful.
Actually,it's paced fine in the the first and the Sekunde act,the third act is where it starts to get really bad.It's like the movie was on fast-forward oder something.And the ending,while a heart-warming one,it's also really rushed.

Even though I Liebe this movie,I don't Liebe it as much as many other people do because of these serious issues that it has.If you're not a Fan of the movie,I understand it,these problems can ruin the movie for a lot of people and they can even nitpick on many things in the movie and Du might disagree with what I sagte about the songs.While I don't think that it's one of Disney's best,it's definitely far from being one of the worst.
I definitely think they could've done a whole lot better with it.I got 3 way how it could've been done better.
1.Taking out the stuff that wasn't needed and giving Elsa a bit Mehr screen time.
Now I'm not saying this because I want Elsa to be the main character.If they would've shown a scene with her in her schloss could've gegeben us Mehr information about her.For instance,why couldn't they Zeigen like a scene with her in her schloss where she's admiring the things that she did and she's fascinated Von them,but slowly she starts to miss Anna and walks out of the schloss to build Olaf while Singen a reprise of "Do Du want to build a Snowman"where she's sad because she misses her sister and would do anything to be with her again but she can't because she thinks that staying away from everyone is the best thing to do.
Now that could've been a really emotional and beautiful scene,but they just put in all those stuff that wasn't needed that it kind of feels like a Lost opportunity.
2.Making Elsa the main character.
If Elsa would've been the focus,not Anna,the story would've made a whole lot Mehr sense and her conflict to try to control her powers would've made a really good conflict.Plus,I think people Liebe Elsa Mehr because just like me,the related to her a lot more.The writers thought that Anna would be the one who people can relate to,when in reality,it was Elsa.
3.Making Elsa the villain.
This one is my least favorite.I mean yeah,if they would've made her into a Prince of Egypt like villain,it would've made Mehr drama and probably a better relationship between the two.But I really don't like her being the villain because in that other Artikel of mine I explained why she's my Favorit Disney character and honestly,she's better off being a kind,warm,intelligent,selfless,emotional,serious-yet-knows-how-to-have-fun-and-enjoy sort of person than a cold and slutty villain.
The movie feels unfinished to me,while it's not the worst,it feels like they were trying to teach these really good lessons but they didn't know how to execute it well and it comes up as a bit of a mess.So,it's a very unbalanced film.
Though in my opinion,the movie is good,decent at best.But this isn't like with Tarzan where I want it to be Mehr than it already is because they it really could've been done a lot better and we definitely could've had something as brilliant as Beauty and the Beast.
While I do think that 3d Disney Filme like Tangled,Wreck-it Ralph and Big Hero 6 are superior,I still enjoyed this movie enough to be in my oben, nach oben 10 Favoriten list.It's a MAJOR guilty pleasure of mine because I was able to relate to Elsa A LOT and to that moral I've mentioned earlier.
I honestly never got why it was such a hit at the box office.Many people say it's because of "Let it Go"but I disagreed with that.Don't get me wrong,it is a great song,but a movie becoming the highest grossing animated movie of all time because of a song.That's just stupid.
On March 13th this year,there's going to be a Frozen short called Frozen Fever.I really look vorwärts-, nach vorn to it because I'm really excited to see Elsa and Anna on the big screen again.They even showed how Frozen Fever will look and it got me really hyped.I Liebe Anna and Elsa's new dresses.I really want to know the secret behind Elsa's ice dress suddenly being green,I just can't wait.
To wickeln, wickeln sie this up,Frozen is a guilty pleasure of mine and I really enjoyed it Mehr than I should have.It may have it's annoyences,the stuff that was good,but oh man,I can't even say how much I enjoyed them.
 I wish they were my sisters.
I wish they were my sisters.
 I'm so excited.
I'm so excited.
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