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So, I did a countdown and a reverse count down Umfrage to see if the results would be the same. Well....... just read to find out.

Here is how the accuracy results work. If Du are 11 on the Reverse Countdown, they receive 1 point, since they are the least disliked, but if they are 1st on the Reverse Countdown, Du receive 11 points since they are the most disliked. After the results, I'll add up the total results to find out who is the actual favorite.

Reverse Countdown Results/ Countdown Results

1. Belle (+11 point)/Merida (+1 points)
I found this strange, because Mulan won the Zurück countdown (the one that tallied up the ranks), so it was clear that this Liste was going to be very different. What people liked about her is that she does not judge people Von their looks, and judges a person Von the inside. They also liked the fact that she is so mature, classy, and nice.

- She is my oben, nach oben princess because she looks inside of a person and not the outside, as they say looks can be deceiving! I also Liebe her maturity and loyalty, plus she is a bookworm like me! Belle is such a princess Von heart! (GreatLance_30)
- I Liebe Her! she is so kind and gentle like a princess should be :-) (gail_06

Not surprising at all. She was last place in the ranking countdown, and from her inclusion into the Disney Princess lineup, this was bound to happen. People sagte that they did not like the fact that she was becoming a Disney Princess, and thought that she was an extremely bad role model; being selfish, wanting to change her mom, etc.

- Since the Frage is "princess" and not "character", I think I can safely chose her, since I still don't consider her a Disney Princess and I don't think that she is a good example of one. (Swanpride)
- Even when she joins, I´ll never consider her as a princess. (CodyVenusTrent)

2. Ariel (+10 points)/Snow White (+2 points)
This is not shocking, as she is one of the most beliebt princesses everywhere. What people like about her is that she is adventurous, rebellious, fun, exciting, determined to follow her dreams, proactive and challenges people to try new things. They liked how she did not take anything from her father, and that she was such a strong character.

- Sigh, I wish I could choose Ariel, Rapunzel and Mulan all together. Anyhow, I Liebe Ariel for being imaginative, proactive and standing up for what she belives despite the misguided prejudices of the society oder her own father. Challenging people Du have no bonds oder emotional connections with is admirable but it's even Mehr poignant to be able to challenge someone close to Du and expose them to new perspectives and make them reconsider their outlooks.
- She's my Sekunde favorite! Ariel is so fun and exciting! Fintastic! (GreatLance_30)

The original Disney Princess is not very beliebt on Fanpop, oder with people above the age of 10, but she is the original princess, so she will always be remembered. Even though she is the 1st Disney Princess, she did not age as well as the other characters because she is very.... 1930s. They sagte that she is too naive, baby-ish, and passive; practically the typical woman in the 30's. They just liked the Mehr modern princesses more.

- Not because I dislike her but because of my fair indifference to her and the fact that she is too baby-ish and one dimentional. (maryksand)
- I just like the others better. (Angelica_AW)

3. Rapunzel (+9 points)/Aurora (+3 points)
Not a surprise either. When she first came into the scene a Jahr and a half ago, she became wildly popular, and easily became a classic character and princess, becoming a hit with little and older girls alike. What people like about her is that she is relatable, nice, caring, generous, selfless, sweet, and innocent. They liked that she is a good role model.

- I'm becoming so attached to Rapunzel. I honestly Liebe her, her movie is Von far my favorite, and she's a close Sekunde on my Favorit princess list. (dclairmont)
- I Liebe both but seriously Rapunzel so much Mehr (KataraLover)

She has always been one of the least Favorit princesses, and it is easy to see why. Her (like Snow White) is very old fashioned (which is not very good). She is very passive, wants a prince to save her, wants to clean, etc. What people sagte about her is that she is extremely bland and overrated, as she just sings i the forest, cries in her bed, gets out to sleep, happily ever after. Some were mad that Snow White got eliminated before she did.

- Leave already! her personality is so stretched and over exaggerated. She is not smart, creative, oder any of that stuff that she is claimed to be for the heck of claiming good things about a classic DP. Unfortunately, it is a crime to not re consider everything bad about the classics because they are the classics. i Honestly don't care about what other people say. what do Du expect in a princess? beauty (though I also think she isn't very pretty), hair of sunshine gold, an obedient girl, she respects her elders, does all her chores, wishes for a prince, walks gracefully, never slouches oder bends over, is a great singer, a great dancer, a dreamer, get's awaken Von true love's kiss, unexpectedly meets her prince, I can go on! way too generic, predictable, cliché, and is just not fun to watch. Only some Fans don't mention her beauty, while a lot do. (shanyuisboss)
- Come on, Snow White is WAY better than Aurora. (KataraLover)

4. Mulan (+8 points)/Ariel (+4 points)
Ever since Mulan came out in 1998, she was well-liked, but was never one of the Favorit princesses, until Recently. She won the ranking countdown, but only got 4th Favorit princess according to this countdown. I guess she is one of the favorites, but never THE favorite. What people sagte about her is that she is very complex, sympathetic, selfless, strong, caring, and is kickass. She is very inspiring.

- Mulan is so incredible! Why has it taken her this long to get the most votes? She is brave, smart, kind, loyal, and selfless. She is a developed, layered, complex character with so many attributes and a fair few flaws. She's a hero, but relatable, and an inspiration and role model. Mulan is perfect and I Liebe her so much. (rhythmicmagic)
- Third favorite. She's brave, heroic, such an amazing heroine. (anonheart998)

Even though Ariel is very popular, she has A LOT of haters as well; probably the same amount of haters as her fans, so she has mixed reception from the public. What people sagte about Ariel is that she is extremely reckless, careless, selfish, inconsiderate, and an ungrateful brat.

- She is stupid, selfish, whiny and rude. She doesn't care about her family and friends. She is always rude and whines how she wants more, but actually did not have the guts to follow her dreams until she met Eric. He was the reason she left the sea and deserted her family, not her desire to go on land. Also she is probably one of the stupidest Disney characters ever! She trusted a sea witch, who is known Von all to be evil! And I strongly believe that if she wasn't a mermaid, people wouldn't like her half as much. (BelleAnastasia)
- Sorry, but I hate her! Pretty ironic considering that I like her in the sequel and TV series. Anyway Ariel is really stupid, selfish, rude, immature, and whiny. The only good things I can say about her in the original movie is that she has a beautiful voice and I like how she saved the prince. Ariel was dumb for going to Ursula knowing that she was evil. She did that out of anger. She wasn't thinking about the consequences until it was the last day. Also her age is no excuse! Just because she's a teenager, doesn't mean she has to be so ignorant. I'm 17 and I make bad choices, but I wouldn't do something that stupid. Also I thought it was very rude of her to leave Sebastian while he was Singen "Under the Sea" and leave while "Daughters of Triton". She could of at least done it at another time. She pretty much sold her soul for a vagina (uploaded900)

5. jasmin (+7 points)/Pocahontas (+5 points)
Jasmine has her fair share of fans, haters, and people who just put her in the ok section. She is never amongst the least Favorit princesses oder the Favorit princesses, so her being close to the middle is kind of expected. What people like about her is that she is amongst the sassiest and flirty-est of the princesses, strong (in some ways), confident, opinionated and defends herself and the ones she loves.
[b]- She's not the protagonist, yet she is a most memorable character in the movie. So charismatic, with a lot of presence!

Um, I don't know why it doesn't appear, but I voted for Jasmine. I'm sure I voted before the closing time. (Popcornfan)
- She's awesome! (BelleAnastacia)

Pocahontas is always in the middle of these types of countdowns, as she is never amongst the Favoriten oder least favorites. From what people have sagte about her is that they did not like her after they met John Smith, since she "loses her personality"; okay. They sagte that her indecisiveness can also get annoying, but most just voted for her because they liked the others more. Some just found her to be confusing.

- Wow people really have very strong opinions about all of the princesses... I wish I could give a better reason for picking Pocahontas but the truth is that I just like the others better. I haven't got any problem with her (with none of them, actually). I thinks she's awesome; she's brave, strong, pretty and she prevented a freakin war! Like I said, I like her, I just like the others better. (Alexon31)
- I at least understand the flaws of the other princesses...Pocahontas tends to confuse me. (Swanpride)

6. Pocahontas (+6 points)/Cinderella (+6 points)
As usual, she is smack-dab in the middle. Even though her movie received mixed reviews since 1995, Pocahontas herself has received positive reception, and is sagte Von many to be one of the best DP role models, but that does not mean that she is amongst a lot of people's oben, nach oben 3. What people liked about her is that she is layered (more than she is gegeben credit for), indecisive, curious and has a lot of contradicting traits, which makes her feel Mehr human and relatable.

- She is an awesome princess! She is much Mehr layered than what people say and probably the most unique Disney princess. She is very obedient and gives a lot of respect towards her tribe. People say she just relies and grandmother willow when I take it as Mehr of a thing that she is trying to gain leadership and wisdom. Pocahontas is curious and wants to look further than an average person. She doesn't want the boring old sports. She dives water falls! Pocahontas doesn't want to stay out of her tribe's problems, she wants to get involved and speak up but she does not like to argue a lot. I hate it when people think she is too preachy oder whatever because that was only to stop the war. Pocahontas is mature, but she does really know how to have fun. My Favorit scenes of hers was when she found out that her father came back and when John called her a savage. She really has Mehr of a personality than people think and it just can't all be put into one comment. I adore her! (shanyuisboss)
- I Liebe Pocahontas!
I Liebe that she has so many contradicting traits, like how she can be mature and childish, strong and unsure, wise and reckless, respectful and disobedient. I Liebe how accepting she is of other people, and that she judges the Englishmen individually based on character and not all the same. I Liebe her fire. She is mischievous, playful, and very spirited. Her flaws just make me adore her even more! She's adventurous and I Liebe every aspect of her character! (rhythmicmagic)

When it comes to being disliked, she has never had a big groups of haters, but she has never been one of the immediate Favoriten either. From what people have sagte is just that they liked the remaining others better. Literally. I guess she is just in the middle for a lot of people.

- I admire Aschenputtel a lot, and I explained many times why. But I like the others better. (shanyuisboss)
- Out of these. (fiina)

7. Tiana (+5 points)/Rapunzel (+7 points)
When Tiana came out in 2009, her movie was a modest success, but a lot of people liked her.... just not Mehr than the other princesses. She is always referred to as of the best DP role Models as well, and she really has no haters, just people who are indifferent towards her. People sagte that they liked that she was hopeful, determined, sassy, independent, and resourceful. They found her to be an intelligent woman.

- I Liebe her! She's so determined and hopeful ♥ (MissAngelPaws)
- I don't think she's a stick in the mud, she is just trying to live her dream. And she has a fun, sassy side too. (shanyuisboss)

Rapunzel is Von far one of the most hated princess (the exact opposite), and I was shocked that she left this countdown so early. People like her okay, but the people who voted against her found her to be a bit too annoying at times, and found her to be just okay and nothing special.

- I like her, but she can sometimes be annoying. (BelleAnastacia)
- My last. Personally I think she's okay. She's simple and kind, but sometimes I get annoyed Von Fans who overrated her. (LightningRed)

8. Cinderella(+4 points)/Tiana (+8 points)
A lot of people were sad that none of the classic princesses made it to the oben, nach oben 5. Even though Aschenputtel is the Sekunde Disney Princess, she is the Leader and Frontwoman of the princesses, and appears on the most m merchandise, so she is popular.. just not as much as the others. What people liked about her is that she is nice, but can get irritated and a bit sarcastic/aggressive. They found her to be patient, and level-headed.

- These are all my least favorites. Aschenputtel is my 8th favorite, but I Liebe her! She is much stronger than people think and is not a doormat. People expect her to be a cleaning machine and still have strength to stand up for herself. And just because the movie shows a sense of reality that sometimes no matter how hard Du try it won't work, people assume it's because she doesn't try hard enough even though she has suffered from years of physical abuse. And yes, we do see her get annoyed many times from tremaine. (shanyuisboss)
- It makes me upset that the *ONLY* Princess all three classics could beat was Merida... seriously. (Mongoose09)

Like what I have stated about Tiana in the Favoriten category applied here too. They like and admire her, but just like the others a lot Mehr (this goes for the ones that did vote for her). What people have sagte about her in the past is that she is a bit too serious, and is not very fun to watch.

- I like her, but not as much as I like/love the others. (anonheart998)
- Belle, jasmin and Mulan are my oben, nach oben 3 Favorit princesses :) I like Tiana, but I find her boring sometimes. (BelleAnastacia)

9. Snow White(+3 points)/Jasmine (+9 points)
Even though she is one of the least Favorit princesses, she is the 1st, so she is for sure the most important, and will always be in majority of the merchandise. What people like about her is that she is nice, kind, kind of manipulative, fun, adorable, and a bit bossy. People REALLY did not want Merida to beat her

- Come on, a classic needs to leave six rounds ago!
I Liebe Snow, she's so cute and optimistic, how can her sweetness not make Du fall in Liebe with her, but she also is really sassy and I Liebe how she tells the dwarfs what they have to do before they can eat in their own house! That's something that could really annoy me in any other character, but with Snow White, it just makes her even greater! (rhythmicmagic)
- She's such an adorable character, there's no one like her. (Mongoose09)

People have been voting her out for so many rounds, but there was always 1 person who had Mehr votes. What people did not like about her is that she is a spoiled, selfish brat who does not anything. They also sagte that she did not do anything for herself and is a hypocrite, as she hates the damsel in distress archetype, but acts like that a lot of times.

- She's kinda annoying... Though I do like her. She's number 10 on my list, only Merida is lower than her... I hate Merida :P (hatelarxene)
- Agree with milky-way, she's all "I'm not a prize to be won," but then lets Aladin treat her like one. She's a hypocrite and just unfair at times, Aladin was only agreeing with what she was saying, but then she gets mad at him for it. jasmin is just so wrong in so many situations. (rhythmicmagic)

10. Aurora(+2 points)/Mulan (+10 points)
Aurora had to fight to avoid being dead last, but she came up oben, nach oben in the final round. She is seen in a lot of merchandise, and is the last princess Walt Disney worked on, so her and her movie will always be remembered. What people sagte about her is that she is classy, elegant, nice, animal lover, selfless, adorable, sweet and kind. It also helps that a majority of Fanpoppers dislike Merida.

- It pains me that Aurora is fighting for last....Aurora is such a lovely character.... (dclairmont)
- I can't believe Merida won. Aurora has her share of fans, small they might be, but I almost never hear anyone say they Liebe Merida.

Aurora is a better character and Queen material Von far. I liked what Merida did in the end, but people like and remember her for the snarling, duty-shirking tomboy she was, not for her good deed. I Liebe that Aurora actually went to the castle. (AudreyFreak)

Mulan is fairly beliebt on Fanpop and all over the world (despite rarely being om merchandise). There was no negative Kommentare about her, and she got the vote because the voters just liked the 1st place princess better. This round was extremely close though.

- i like Mulan, but i prefer Belle (Mongoose09)
- It's the movie...I think if her movie had been a little bit Mehr "grabbing" at parts, Mulan would be in my oben, nach oben three, too...as it is, she is fourth. (Swanpride)

11. Merida(+1 points)/Belle (+11 points)
The princess who joined literally a week Vor has earned her spot as being dead last. This was such a surprise.... not really. She gets A LOT Mehr hate than any other princess, and there is rarely a positive thing sagte about her. In the final round, the voters sagte they liked her Mehr than Aurora, but Aurora still got herself out of dead last, unlike Merida.

- Von far (retrolove83)
- Von FAR (KataraLover)

Belle has won herself the oben, nach oben spot, unsurprisingly. Even though she won, she did not escape having a few negative things sagte about her, as some called her a bit bland and uninteresting. Nonetheless, with her HUGE fanbase behind her, she was able to beat out Mulan.

- Belle is way better than people give her credit for (or at least have been,) but she's still not especially interesting. Mulan, on the other hand, is amazing! (rhythmicmagic)
- Belle is my Favorit Disney princess, so of course I pick Mulan.

Rankings Countdown Results
11. Merida +1 pts
10. Snow White +2 pts
9. Aurora +3 pts
8. Tiana +4 pts
7. Aschenputtel +5 pts
6. Pocahontas +6 pts
5. jasmin +7 pts
4. Ariel +8 pts
3. Rapunzel +9 pts
2. Belle +10 pts
1. Mulan +11 pts

Poll Countdown Results
11. Merida +1 pts
10. Snow White +2 pts
9. Aurora +3 pts
8. Ariel +4 pts
7. Pocahontas +5 pts
6. Aschenputtel +6 pts
5. Rapunzel +7 pts
4. Tiana +8 pts
3. jasmin +9 pts
2. Mulan +10 pts
1. Belle +11 pts

Poll Countdown Results
11. Merida +1 pts
10. Aurora +2 pts
9. Snow White +3 pts
8. Aschenputtel +4 pts
7. Tiana +5 pts
6. Pocahontas +6 pts
5. jasmin +7 pts
4. Mulan +8 pts
3. Rapunzel +9 pts
2. Ariel +10 pts
1. Belle +11 pts

Overall Results
 Merida (3 points)
Merida (3 points)

 Snow White (7 points)
Snow White (7 points)

 Aurora (8 points)
Aurora (8 points)

 Aschenputtel (15 points)
Cinderella (15 points)

 Pocahontas (17 poins)
Pocahontas (17 poins)
 Tiana (17 poitns)
Tiana (17 poitns)

 Ariel (22 points)
Ariel (22 points)

 jasmin (23 points)
Jasmine (23 points)

 Rapunzel (25 points)
Rapunzel (25 points)

 Mulan (29 points)
Mulan (29 points)

 Belle (32 points)
Belle (32 points)

Thank everybody for participating in my 3 part accuracy countdown, and for Lesen the articles. Kommentar below about the rankings, results, and the princesses.
posted by ApplesauceDoctr
 Princess Lineup (as of Dec. 2013)
Princess Lineup (as of Dec. 2013)
Hello, and welcome to my Sekunde article! I am ApplesauceDoctr, and today I shall discuss the redesigns of the Disney Princesses made earlier this year. There have been some major changes, including new hairstyles, new dresses, and of course, a ton of sparkles. How do their new designs stack up to their original DP designs? Let's find out!

I won't be evaluating these Von how accurate the redesigns look to the actual character to the movie; this will evaluate how the redesign looks in comparison to the Zurück DP design. If that doesn't make sense, let's just begin and you'll get the hang of it....
continue reading...
I used to post these on the Disney Prince club but that spot looks dead :( I already did The Disney Princes I would settle down with but I don't really like it now, when I re-read some of my old articles, I sometimes cringe. Personality is Mehr important than looks but I can't really marry someone I'm not attracted to. I'm going to make this short because it can get offensive. I saw JNTA1234 doing this with the Princesses and I laughed a lot so here we go...

 One song my herz keeps Singen for one Liebe only for you.
One song my herz keeps Singen for one Liebe only for you.

The Prince - Kill
I Liebe The Prince and I would Liebe him to serenade me...
continue reading...
posted by dimitri_
 I Liebe them <3
I love them <3
I saw KataraLover and sweetie-94 doing these kinds of Artikel so I decided to do this too but with Mulan and Pocahontas.

They are both confused and Suchen for spiritual guidance. Neither are very... optimistic. They have Mehr in common than that but I will explain it all reviewing the aspects.

Since Pocahontas follows her intuition and wanted to choose her own path, Mulan is much Mehr obedient than Pocahontas. Pocahontas isn't into serious guys and Mulan, well... just look at Shang. Mulan is literally a fighter and Pocahontas is against. Mulan moped around a lot in the...
continue reading...
I've seen many of these Artikel on here, not many of them are that Kürzlich though. Hardly any include the CGI princesses oder Tiana in extreme cases. Not offence intended
So I decided to do a slightly Mehr up to datum countdown. Hope Du enjoy it! :)
IMPORTANT NOTE - This is an opinion article. if Du do not agree with any of my choices that's fine but there's no need to make harsh comments.

Due to the Kürzlich 'Merida Princess Makeover Scandal' I am only judging the girls on how they look in the movie, not in the merchandise.

20. Merida

 Super brave, not super beautiful...
Super brave, not super beautiful...

She may be brave,...
continue reading...
Okay, I've seen some people do friendship pairs before but I decided take it to the Weiter level. This is my opinion on how the princess would get along, in oben, nach oben 20 format. It took me ages to put together and I honest to God have no idea what I'm doing. I tried my best to take in account the princesses' personalities, their hobbies and their talents. And I think I did a pretty good job.

Honorable Mentions
Snow White and Belle
Cinderella and Rapunzel
Aurora and Ariel
Aurora and Belle
Ariel and Mulan
Belle and Jasmine
Belle and Mulan
Jasmine and Pocahontas
Pocahontas and Tiana
Pocahontas and Rapunzel
 The Royals
continue reading...
There's been a slight change to Aurora's list. Basically I just copied and paste all the words and made a simple switch. There's a new #1.

5.Blake Lively
This choice is purely based on appearance because personally I think this girl is a terrible actress. But I also think she's beautiful enough to play Aurora. Besides, it's not like she has to do much.

4.Amber Heard
Now this actress actually is talented but keeps doing borderline awful projects. Amber has definitely has the sex appeal to play this role. She's one of my Favorit Schauspielerinnen right now and I think she could do a great job....
continue reading...
Okay, so here are the Schauspielerinnen for Belle, it was pretty easy. Let's get started. This is the first Liste that doesn't have any "Teen Stars".

5.Leighton Meester
She probably looks the most like Belle out of all the actresses. The facial structure, the hair, everything is exact. So why is Leighton only #5? Well the Weiter 4 Schauspielerinnen have to proven to be much Mehr talented and can do twice as good of a job.

4.Christy Carlson Romano
Some of Du may not know her oder just don't remember her. She played Ren on Even Stevens, voiced Kim on Kim Possible. And she actually played Belle on broadway,...
continue reading...
Well this idea just came to me. Everyone has different opinions on who should play the princesses. This is my opinion on the oben, nach oben five Schauspielerinnen who could play Snow White. I'll be doing this with the other princesses when I have the time. And what better way to do it than chronologically.

5.Ellen Page
The ironic thing about Snow White is that most of the Schauspielerinnen today that look like her usually play roles that are Mehr oder less the opposite of her personality. Ellen Page may look like Snow White but she plays roles of girls who are cynical, sarcastic and sometimes have low self esteem,...
continue reading...
Eugine and Rapunzel fall in Liebe at first sight, but this is obscured Von the fake persona of Flynn. Rapunzel is only attracted to Eugine as he really is--not when he's trying to fake being something he's not. After an initial stumble, they both hold back for fear of rejection until sure the other reciprocates.

When they first meet, Eugine gets a rare chance to make a good first impression--by being unconscious. He is naturally cute, after all. But when he sees Rapunzel...

...he tries to use his best Flynn Rider routine. This falls flat on Rapunzel. Good for her? Not really. It falls...
continue reading...
Hello People! I was thinking for a while that I should make a Favorit Disney Princess Artikel and then i thought that i should also make a Prettiest Princess Artikel and then i got confused so will put both of my lists in that Article! Anyway i hope Du will enjoy it and excuse if had make a lot english grammar errors :/

10th Place

Prettiest: Rapunzel
Well do i need to say something? Just look at her she's cute at best. Her features are extremely child-ish, she's 18 and she looks like 16 (she and Aurora need to switch ages!). Her eyes are HUGE I know, know other Disney Princesses have...
continue reading...
posted by hisblueeyes
Essay I wrote for US History Class, just thought Du might want to read it...

"In Walt Disney’s 33rd animated feature, Pocahontas is portrayed as a young woman in her low twenties. John Smith comes over from England in Suchen for a new land, but Ratcliffe, the main antagonist, is going there because he wants gold. When John Smith meets Pocahontas, he is at first as prejudice as all the other men. But after Pocahontas shows him the land, and convinces him they don’t have gold, he decided that he doesn’t want to hurt the Indians anymore. When he and Pocahontas fall in love, everything goes...
continue reading...
Lesen some of the comments, I realized there's much thing that people are wrong about princesses, well, at least I think they're wrong, so in association with princesslullaby, JonnaSe, lepetitsouris and CureDiana I tried to cover them as objective as possible. Thanks princesslullaby for awesome pictures.

Snow White

*She is stupid (for taking the apple, running away, going into a stranger's house...)

It's unfair making such a big deal out of it considering other princess didworse things.

princesslullaby: first of...
continue reading...
A/N: I think this is actually the part of the story that I thought up
first, this basically inspired this whole story and turned it into what
it is, and it also explains why Eugene became Flynn Rider. I hope
you enjoy! And thank Du so much for the review! Please review
this story and give me any suggestions oder share any comments
you have.

Disclamer: I don't own "Tangled" oder the characters, they belong to

Weeks passed and Eugene had finally got the hang of stealing.
He would go up to the Zufällig carts on the straße and grab everything
he could, then run away as fast as his little legs could carry...
continue reading...
posted by chericherry
 chericherry productions
chericherry productions
WARNING: This Artikel is long and may have some grammar and spelling errors.
If I get annoying just talking about Pocahontas, then don't read this article. I won't mind. If Du would like to know my opinions, then continue. From John Smith to the movie itself, I will say what's on my mind. In fact, I'm watching John Smi----I mean, Pocahontas right now!

THIS...is a Chericherry Production.





 I Liebe her eyes.
I Liebe her eyes.

Ah, the Native American Beauty. She doesn't quite look Native American, does she? I agree. Well, that's because she wasn't modeled after a Native American!

continue reading...
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
Since I have to leave for a while, I figured I would go ahead and Veröffentlichen what I have written so far for my Aschenputtel Countdown. When I come back, I will finish it!

20. The Glass Slipper- The King demands that the Grand Duke find Cinderella
 You'll try this on every maid in my kingdom. And, if the shoe fits... Bring her in.
You'll try this on every maid in my kingdom. And, if the shoe fits... Bring her in.

The King is absolutely furious when he finds out that the "Mystery Girl" ran away. He calmed down once he found out about the glass slipper she left behind, and instucted the Grand Duke to try it on every girl in the Kingdom.

"Well, I Liebe everything about the movie,...
continue reading...
added by sleepy_head15
Source: Von *blueabyss17404* on DevianArt
added by anusha-iqbal
posted by jake69
My opinion on which princess are hot and which aren't. Basically a Liste on who I would bang.

10. Snow White.

She's a munter.

I suppose that's a bit harsh but she has the least bangability out of the all. She's just way too young, innocent and, to be honest, annoying to even consider. And she's not in anyway hot.

9. Cinderella.

She's pretty but she doesn't have any features to be considered "hot" in my opinion. She doesn't have a hot face. She doesn't have a hot body. And she doesn't have any personal qualities that make her bangable. Plus she'd probably run away half way through.

8. Mulan....
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added by yayarose
Source: yayarose