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I've been planning on doing this for a long while and now I've finally done it. In my opinion this is my perspective of the best Disney Princess role models. What works for me might not work for someone else and what doesn't work for me might work for someone else. Please take into account that this is just my opinion and I promise I'm not being biased and this is my complete honest opinion, enjoy and I look vorwärts-, nach vorn to seeing your comments.


She's actually the only Disney Princess that I consider a bad role model. Part of that is because of her lack of screen time so unlike the others she's less developed than a premature baby and has less personality than sandpaper. She has no specific character traits oder characteristics that would make her a good role model oder stand out like the others. She's much too obedient, sometimes obedience is a good thing but with her it makes her seem like she has no backbone and can't stand up for herself, which in this world isn't something that Du want anyone to have. Her dream is to be rescued Von a handsome guy while just doing nothing and what do Du know Von doing nothing but sleeping she gets that dream with absolutely no effort, yeah that's a great role model. There are people who criticize the Disney Princesses as bad role Models because they say all they want is to be rescued Von a handsome prince and are damsel's in distress, that's not true with the others, just her. So it's her fault the princesses are so criticized. She's also part of the reason princesses in general are criticized as damsels in distress who just want to do rescued. When I think of the stereotypical boring princess she's who I think of and she's definitely one of the most forgettable Disney characters. She's a bad role model because she doesn't do anything, she doesn't stand up for herself, she stands around waiting for things to be done for her, and is just so generic and stereotypical and if women were like her than women would still be Sekunde class citizens and wouldn't be able to vote oder do anything with their lives besides stay at Home taking care oder the children and doing house work.


First of all unlike most I absolutely Liebe Merida but I have to say I don't think she's a very good role model. First of all she never actually tries to explain why she doesn't want to get married oder try to get her mother to understand why she wasn't ready yet. She just throws tantrums saying "this is so unfair", "you were never there for me", and "I'd rather DIE than be like you". She just acts bratty and doesn't just try to explain, maybe if she did she wouldn't have caused so much trouble. Also something else that makes her bad is that instead of trying to explain things to her mother she decides just to try to change her instead of trying to make her understand. Also what bugs me and kind of part of what makes her a bad role model is that she caused all this trouble yet she doesn't defeat the villain oder save the day. The reason Disney and fairy-tales kill off the mothers is because they're trying to get kids to be able to stand on their own without their mothers, which they will eventually have to do. Merida acts and seems like this total bada** heroine who can take care of herself, sadly that's not the case. She's not a bad role model, she has some good qualities. What saves her is how she does try to fix her mistakes and does admit to her actions. Plus she takes action, to an extent. Plus her view on marriage is kind of mixed. It shows marriage isn't for everyone, although she just sagte she wasn't ready to be married yet, however she kind of acts like marriage is the worst thing invented since Hell. So insgesamt I think she's an okay role model. Kind of disappointing because from the trailers I thought she'd be the best role model.


Just like with Merida I just consider her an okay role model, but unlike Merida she actually came close to be considered a nice role model. What's good about her is how she doesn't care what others think about her oder what she does. Plus do I even need to mention how she doesn't judge people Von their looks? She proves that there's Mehr to a person besides their looks. However that's kind of all there is to her. The major issue is that she's a Mary Sue with absolutely no flaws. While some people say a person like this is who we should all aspire to be but to me it's quite unrealistic and unattainable, unless your God oder Jesus. If one doesn't have flaws than it's just gonna make people feel like they'll never be good enough and never be happy with themselves. They need to accept that they can't be perfect and be happy with themselves and their flaws. Plus another flaw is how even though she makes a promise that if Beast lets her father go than she'd stay and never leave, a promise that she breaks. Yeah that's right just run away and break your promises, it doesn't matter that there could be serious consequences, such as your father being captured and being killed, it can't possibly backfire. Also what I hate is how she whines about how she wants adventure and her dreams to come true but she never gets it. Shouldn't she go after it since people claim her to be a strong character and much better than the princesses that came before her? To me she just seems like the three classic Disney Princesses except Mehr modern, with some Mehr back bone, and speaks her mind. So insgesamt she's just okay, not bad, she has some good qualities but isn't a good role model and does have bad qualities as well.


Okay now we're getting to the Princesses that are at least nice role models, not good oder great but nice. What's good about her is how she's actually standing up for what she believes in. Unlike Merida she actually opens up her mouth and explains why she doesn't want to get married. I Liebe how she stands up for herself and doesn't let people walk over her, something everyone should learn from. Also how she doesn't judge people based off looks oder how much money they have. However what gets me about her is how she just runaway from her problems instead of facing them. Also how she just kind of pushes people away without even giving them a chance. Also what bugs me about her is how she keeps going on about how she hates this type of woman/princess people expect her to be but closer to the end she becomes what she hates. I think if she was Mehr like how she was in the sequels and TV Zeigen she's Von number 6. She actually gets what she desires; freedom, adventure, and independence. However she also matures and is able to take care of herself. She's a nice role model, could have been much better though.


Okay before I get all the hate I want to say I think she's a good role model but she does have bad qualities. I Liebe how patient she is and that's something that we all should be, it's something we'd all have to do with a job we hate and with a boss we hate. Also that she could go through all the terrible stuff that's gone on in her life and still remain good, kind, and a great person is impressive. Plus she does stand up for herself, just not as blunt like jasmin oder Ariel. She has to keep herself in the house but at the same time is pretty snarky. Plus the fact that in pretty much every scene she's working her fingers to the bone. However the problem with her is how she's really not the type who actually takes action. I mean her her mice make the dress for her (okay she has an excuse there because she had to work), things go bad and the fairy godmother does everything for her, and when she's locked up she doesn't even try to escape. All she did was cry instead of trying to figure a way out and the mice do it all for her. So basically she is a hard worker but when it comes to actually getting her happy ending she does nothing and doesn't learn anything, there are obstacles she must overcome, someone does them for her, and she gets her happy ending. However I did take into account that Aschenputtel is the story and character that inspired Walt Disney to become well Walt Disney. She inspired him to work hard to make his dreams come true but Hey what does the creator of the most famous and successful company to ever exist know? So to me in ways she's both a good role model and a bad one, but insgesamt good. Though definitely a much better role model in the sequels.

6.Snow White

Who knew that out of all the Classic Disney Princesses it would be the first one that was the best? What gets me about her is how even though she's in a bad situation she tries to make the best of it and still stay positive, something everyone should do, even though at times it's slightly annoying. Also I Liebe how she doesn't just whine about how much she misses oder wants her prince, unless Du count Someday My Prince Will Come, she still stays happy and enjoyable. Also strong of a mother figure she is for the dwarfs and being a mother is one of the if not THE HARDEST jobs there is, and Du don't even get paid for it. However her problems are kind of how she just waits around for her prince to find her. Plus there is that whole Du shouldn't talk to strangers and definitely don't take oder eat Essen from strangers. Plus she promised the dwarfs she wouldn't talk to anyone oder let anyone in the house and she breaks that promise, which of course backfires on her. But insgesamt I think she's a really good role model but my oben, nach oben five are just great. Plus I want to say she is a feminist, just Mehr in that housewife kind of way so she is a strong woman. Plus the other five are kind of Mehr action and in this world that's kind of what Du need to get far in this world.


Yep the controversial Little Mermaid and often considered a bad role model, Ariel. I promise I'm not being biased, I honestly think she's a great role model. I Liebe how even though she wants to be human and kind of whines about how she wants adventure there she makes the best with what she has and goes on adventures in the sea to try to make herself happy. She proves that Du should try to make the best with what you've got until Du get what Du truly want. Also I Liebe how just like with jasmin and unlike Merida, she actually tries to explain to her father how she feels, he just won't listen oder let her talk. I Liebe how she doesn't want to change her father but just wants to make him understand. Plus I ADORE how she stands up for the injustice and prejudice of the humans. She realizes that they're just like her people, some are bad but not all of them and some are very good. I Liebe how she's actually standing up for a culture that's not her own and that's something we should all do. There's a lot of people judging and being racist to African Americans, Asians, Latino's, etc. and just like Ariel we need to stand up to those people and tell them that those people they judge are people too. I also Liebe how she takes action and doesn't wait around for things to happen oder to be saved, she's makes things happen and she saves her prince twice. I admire how she takes a risk to make her dreams come true, that's something we all have to do to make our dreams come true. We have to take the chance that we might fail because we might get what we want, that's life. I actually think her mistakes make her great, it shows that we'll all make mistakes but that doesn't mean our life is over oder it won't get better with hard work. She works to make her dream happen and learns from her mistakes. I kind it unrealistic that she didn't learn from her mistakes as most people claim; she saw her father turn into a plant and Ursula cause chaos and destruction all because of her. She realizes her mistakes and it make her human, well Du know what I mean. To me her determination and bravery was part of her inspiration. Also she didn't really run away from her problems, she was Mehr like just moving out and making a new start, besides Eric's schloss was right Weiter door to hers so it's not that dramatic. She's my number 1 role model, however while she's my number 1 I don't think that necessarily makes her the best role model. She's rebellious but she's kind of too rebellious, too much of that won't get Du too far in life, just like with Aurora who was too obedient. Plus the others are kind of Mehr independent and represent the strong modern woman capable oder surviving in the real world better than her, even though she is and can.


Do I even need to explain why with her? The way she stands up against her culture, such as trying to explain that she doesn't want to marry against her will. She doesn't let tradition stand in the way of staying who she is. I Liebe how she stands up against the injustice of both her people and the white men. We are all people who having feelings, who bleed, and who feel pain. Also the way she describes how important the environment makes her a great role model Von teaching people how important it is to do so, without being annoyingly cheesy like one of those commercials. Also how even though it's difficult she decides she must be the one to stop the war Von at least trying. She's strong, determind, stands up for what she believes in, and speaks up against injustice. However the others are just simply better.


Just like with Pocahontas I don't think she really needs much of an explanation. She works even harder than Aschenputtel does and that's saying something. She works her fingers to the bone basically 24 hours a day. She only gets like three Sekunden of sleep and than goes back to work. She's been working two jobs her entire life to achieve her dream of getting her restaurant, which her dad always wanted. Considering she's an African American woman living in this certain time period that should be enough said. People keep telling her she'll never get it but she just keeps going, which is going to happen with everyone eventually. Also how much she's dedicated to her family is great. However my problem with her is that she never makes time to have fun, too much work isn't good for you. That's not something I think people should do because it's also not very healthy mentally oder emotionally.


She's a fantastic role-model. She teaches us that even if Du can't get your dream at the moment Du can still try to do things to make Du happy and improve yourself. I mean the girl has been locked in a tower her whole life and has educated herself so she's the most well-educated Disney Princess there is. Also she's multi-talented so that could influence people to try several things to make them talented at Mehr than just one thing. Also I Liebe how determined she is to get to the lights, she'll stop at nothing. Having a drive and ambition like that is something we should all have. Also I Liebe how Flynn is basically the damsel in distress and Rapunzel's the one who constantly has to save him. That shows that women can be just as strong as men and they're capable of saving both men and themselves. I also admire how she just loves to have fun and it's just infectious, she gets everyone else to Mitmachen her in her fun. Whenever someone is having a bad Tag Du should always try to make them feel better. Also the growth she goes through the movie influences people to also mature as they accomplish their dream and they can Bewegen on to a new dream. I suppose people can argue that she doesn't go after her dream until a man can take her. However she didn't know her way to the kingdom and needed someone to help her, so if anything it was being smart. The only reason she's not higher is simply because there's one that's better.


There's absolutely no doubt about it that Mulan is the best Disney Princess role model, actually she's the best of any animated role model. I Liebe how she struggles at first and she's not perfect, it shows that just because Du don't get something at first and it's hard Du shouldn't give up. What really makes her great is how everyone says she can't do it and Shang even forces her to go Home she decides that she's going to keep trying and prove she can do anything she puts her mind to it. She accomplishes her goals through hard work, she's even Mehr hard working than Tiana. I Liebe how even when things go bad and everyone is against her that when she knows something is wrong she still tries to help. Also how she causes a lot of trouble she's willing to take responsibility for her actions. She's so strong and proves that no maker who Du are, what gender Du are, oder where Du come from Du can do anything. She proves that anyone can make amazing things happen with hard work and it doesn't matter who Du are. Do I even need to say more?
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me
posted by sweetie-buttons
Belle yelled in surprise as Phillipe bolted, causing her to go flying through the air and land unceremoniously on her back. She lay there, winded, trying to catch her breath.

She was about to call for Phillipe when she realised he had turned around and cantered away immediately after throwing her off. She didn't know what had provoked such erratic behavior. She usually wasn't the one to ride him, but he was as friendly to her as to her father. He had always been a well-mannered horse. For him to behave in this manner showed there was something very wrong going on. Her father was in trouble.

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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
On the Eleventh Tag of Princess Walt Disney gave to me

Eleven birds-a-flying

Ten Spices Boiling
Nine Ships are sailing
eight mice a-sewing
seven dwarves dancing
six sisters singing
five cursed friend

four braiding girls
three fairy spells
two lucky pals
and the wisdom of an old tree

I can't express enough how much I agonized over this one. The one thing I knew from the get go was that I wanted to use this picture and none other for the calendar. It was the one which inspired me to Suchen for murals and use them as motive.

But the holiday was the thing which really threw me into a loop, mostly because...
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In 2013 Frozen took the world Von (ice) storm, it was everywhere. Let it Go played on the radio constantly, Du couldn't go to a store without seeing Frozen merch, everyone was talking about it, many thought it was one of Disney's best Filme in a long time.

Then the backlash began...

People got sick of all the Frozen after a while, even now there's still Frozen all over the place and people tend to roll their eyes when someone even mentions Frozen. The thing is, nothing about the movie oder characters had changed, it was still a good movie with a decent soundtrack, interesting characters, and...
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 Our heroes.
Our heroes.
Hi everyone, I got my laptop back and I had just watched Frozen II with Prasert. According to him, he sagte that it's even better than the first one, but he was disappointed that there were no bad guys in it! Anyway, here is my review on the film. Enjoy!

The Story

Okay, so we get to see Mehr of Elsa's and Anna's parents and the origins of Elsa's ice power. In fact, when King Agnarr was young during the flashback. Prasert pointed out that he looks like Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon! I could not believe it.
The story is Mehr dark in a contrast to the first one, because we get the Maleficent...
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 Anastasia and Dmitri
Anastasia and Dmitri
Hi guys, it's been ages since I had written my last Artikel that I decided to write another comparison article. This time it is both Anastasia and Cinderella, ready?


So, we all know about what happened to Anastasia. Upon watching this for the first time in many years, it was like Anastasia became Aschenputtel because she was like the Lost princess that her beloved grandma is looking for, hence the ballet Von Sergei Prokofiev was shown during the scene when they were in Paris, France.
The Musik box plays a role in the movie, it is very similar with the glass slipper in Cinderella. Both...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
Okay I have this movie on blu-ray and dvd so I don't even have an excuse for being late on putting this Artikel up except maybe this; I don't like this movie as much as I used to...

Tonight's rewatch: Beauty and the Beast 2017 remake
Last time watched: 2017

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I watched this movie as an adult but I still like to think I'm a kid at heart. So if you've read my Artikel for Beauty and the Beast, Du know I have a huge Liebe for Beauty and the Beast, for nostalgia reasons and because I just Liebe the movie. So when I watched the trailer for this movie I felt so much...
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Okay so I didn't even need to watch this today because I was able to watch it a few days Vor at a birthday party :P I would have put this up then but I wanted to stay consistent.

Sunday's rewatch: Beauty and the Beast
Last time watched: Valentine's Tag 2017

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
So, like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, this movie scared me when I was little because of how scary some of the Animation was. When this movie was released on dvd for the first time in 2002 oder 2003, I didn't want to watch it because I thought I was still going to be scared of it. But then my stepmom...
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Tonight's rewatch: Both Frozen shorts
Last time watched: 2018

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
Like Frozen, these shorts came out in my 20s so I wasn't a kid but like I sagte before, I'm a kid at heart! I was hesitant to watch both shorts because I kept hearing a lot of Frozen haters call these shorts cash cows and sagte the holiday special was boring. I hardly heard anything positive about both shorts. I watched Frozen Fever about a week oder two after it premiered and I loved it and I finally watched Olaf's Frozen Adventure around Weihnachten time last Jahr and, again, loved it!

Why I love...
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posted by JNTA1234
 I know I'm awesome
I know I'm awesome
I'm on a villain appreciation kick right now and since the blatant drainage of all the charisma from his character in the remake is still fresh in my memory I figured I'd give Gaston some props. Some people would call him a lame villain but I actually think he's really cool and these are some reasons why.

He's Hans from Frozen done right. Subversion of Disney trends is the name of the game in modern DP films, but like I've been saying, Disney Princess Filme have been subverting and reinventing themselves before Disney Princess even became a brand. In the Little Mermaid, the princess rescues...
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posted by JNTA1234
This review was originally gepostet months Vor but I deleted it because......I was gonna use it for a school assignment and I didn't wanna leave this up so my lecturer could Suchen and accuse me of plagiarism. lmao

Anyway, I ended up not using it and I decided to put it back up.

So right off the bat, I have to say that this movie is very.....average. It honestly feels like a tv episode padded out with songs to make it feature length. Moana is a likable enough character, I can almost pinpoint exact moments where she's like Zurück Disney female protagonists like Ariel, Pocahontas, Mulan and Rapunzel...
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added by LorMel
Forgive me if I’m too poor at it. I am 99.9% sure about it! Sorry oder not sorry, these Fans remind me of Disney Princesses!


•    Princesslullaby
I can’t help it! She just seems like she’s the real life Ariel. Sweet, spirited and reckless, she def is like that mermaid! Both of them are so spunky, Merida - Legende der Highlands and vibrant. Both of them are so straight-forward, sassy and really cute! OMG, They’re so strikingly familiar.

Snow White

•    Sparklefairy375
Yep! Both are just so adorable, plucky, loyal and optimistic. They laugh at the face of...
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All Dp films are nice. We can’t say anything absolutely bad, each film has something that stunned us. I am being impartial. Yea, each DP film has at least one thing that I love.

•    Snow white and the seven dwarves

1.    The Queen is my most attractive female villain. Sorry Snow white, but I think the Queen was Mehr beautiful than her. Her luscious red lips and seductive eyes! She’s sexy!

2.    The huntsman is my most handsome DP villain human sidekick! Nothing to say!

•    Cinderella

1.    So...
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added by KataraLover