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10.Princess Tiana
Rank Last Round: 9
Not too big of a drop since last round, and honestly not too much of a shock. Tiana's rankings seem to stay on an even plane whenever I do these countdowns, I don't think she's even made is past rank #8. The fact is, gegeben the younger demographic on the site, Tiana is hard to relate her and I find her a bit one-note and dry.

High Ranking (1-3):
random_camo (2)
boolander25 (3)

Middle Ranking (4-7):
pretty_angel92 (5)
PrincessSnow (5)
tiffany88 (6)
mergirl13 (6)
alexon31 (6)
KataraLover (6)
PrueFever (6)
flina (7)
Mongoose09 (7)
ppgbelle4 (7)
Ashley-Green (7)
phantomrose89 (7)
loveandbeauty18 (7)
rougeslayer17 (7)

Low Ranking (8-10):
haynay23 (8)
BelleAnastasia (8)
hrrypttrfan328 (8)
callejahLUVSed (8)
fhghu (8)
milky-way (8)
Maria7Potter (8)
princesslullaby (9)
SailorM91 (9)
Maja2601 (9)
lepetitsouris (9)
CuteDiana (10)
blablablu95 (10)
Pink_Love (10)
sweetie-94 (10)
iHyrule (10)
ArielandEric (10)
VGfan30 (10)
MrsEmmaPeel (10)

"I also don´t get why some people don´t like Tiana, I mean she is determined, pretty, inteligent... I think she is a great character, worthy of sharing the line up with all the other princesses..." (alexon31)

9.Princess Aurora
Rank Last Round: 10
Seems like all she did was the old switcheroo with Tiana. Plain and simple; Aurora has little screentime, not much depth and is a totally static character, I won't ever expect her to leave the bottom 5.

"When I was little she was my favotite. Because she is so kind and caring. I also do Liebe her hair. Also I'd like to point something out, no one every told her about the curse so how did she know not to touch the spindle." (opalrose)

High Rank (1-3):
VGfan30 (1)
sweetie-94 (2)
Ashley-Green (2)
MrsEmmaPeel (2)
PrueFever (2)

Medium Rank (4-7):
boolander25 (4)
JonnaSe (4)
haynay24 (5)
ArielandEric (5)
alexon31 (5)
princesslullaby (7)
CuteDiana (7)
hrrypttrfn328 (7)
iHyrule (7)
Maja2601 (7)
callejahLUVESed (7)
fhghu (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
PrincessSnow (8)
random_camo (8)
blablablu95 (9)
Pink_Love (9)
pretty_angel92 (9)
ppgbelle4 (9)
mergirl13 (9)
Maria7Potter (9)
rougeslayer17 (9)
flina (10)
Mongoose09 (10)
BelleAnastasia (10)
tiffany88 (10)
SailorM91 (10)
milky-way (10)
KataraLover (10)
loveandbeauty18 (10)

8.Princess Rapunzel
Rank Last Round: 2
My jaw dropped when I saw this ranking. Talk about a total difference from 8 months ago. I guess the Rapunzel – Neu verföhnt hype has really died down. I find Rapunzel to be a great character and I am stunned that she got below Pocahontas; (even though I prefer Pocahontas) I feel she should be higher. Wow.

"Rapunzel-My new Favorit princess. So kind and caring and fun. I Liebe how she actually got to know her prince and how she was willing to go and live with her "mother" for him. I also think that she is so youthful and fun. Also she can kick butt." (opalrose)

High Rank (1-3):
haynay24 (1)
callejahLUVSed (1)
Pink_Love (2)
pretty_angel92 (2)
loveandbeauty18 (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
hrrypttrfn328 (4)
Ashley-Green (4)
KataraLover (4)
BelleAnastasia (5)
SailorM91 (5)
Maria7Potter (5)
flina (6)
random_camo (6)
phantomrose89 (6)
rougeslayer (6)
PrincessSnow (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
CuteDiana (8)
blablablu95 (8)
Mongoose09 (8)
tiffany88 (8)
JonnaSe (8)
ArielandEric (8)
alexon31 (8)
PrueFever (8)
sweetie-94 (9)
iHyrule (9)
MrsEmmaPeel (9)
princesslullaby (10)
ppgbelle4 (10)
mergirl13 (10)
boolander25 (10)
fhghu (10)
lepetitsouris (10)

7.Princess Snow White
Rank Last Round: 7
I'm glad to see the appreciation for Snow White going up, but I think this is a perfect rank for Snow. She's not the most loved, and she won't ever be, but she deserves to be above the bottom 3.

" I Liebe Snowy! She's such a positive person, I envy how positive she is. She keeps positive, saying things will be alright, when her stepmother is out to KILL HER. She cleans the house for the dwarfs and keeps up hope her prince will come and rescue her, even though she is in hiding. She is also hilarious, and has a great sense of humor. She is just amazing." (fhghu)

sweetie-94 (1)
PrincessSnow (1)
iHyrule (1)
fhghu (2)
JonnaSe (2)
alexon31 (3)

pretty_angel92 (4)
PrueFever (4)
princesslullaby (5)
ppgbelle4 (5)
hrrypttrfn328 (5)
KataraLover (5)
phantomrose89 (5)
loveandbeauty18 (5)
MrsEmmaPeel (5)
CuteDiana (6)
Mongoose09 (6)
boolander25 (6)
milky-way (6)
VGfan30 (6)
lepetitsouris (6)
blablablu95 (7)
Pink_Love (7)
BelleAnastasia (7)
mergirl13 (7)
ArielandEric (7)

SailorM91 (8)
fiina (9)
tiffany88 (9)
Ashley-Green (9)
haynay24 (10)
Maja2601 (10)
callejahLUVSed (10)
random_camo (10)
Maria7Potter (10)
rogueslayer17 (10)

6.Princess Pocahontas
Rank Last Round: 8
Pocahontas has been pretty consistently unpopular so this REALLY surprised me, especially her being above Rapunzel & Snow White. Perhaps there is Mehr of a stronger leaning towards the independent princesses now.

"Pocahontas: I Liebe how curious, adventurous, and caring she is. She has a great personality and seems to really care about her people. I think she would be the best ruler out of all the Disney Princesses." (SailorM91)

High Rank (1-3):
milky-way (1)
rougeslayer17 (1)
ArielandEric (2)
Maria7Potter (2)
SailorM91 (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
princesslullaby (4)
flina (4)
Pink_Love (4)
BelleAnastasia (4)
tiffany88 (4)
iHyrule (4)
Maja2601 (4)
loveandbeauty18 (4)
blablablu95 (5)
Mongoose09 (5)
mergirl13 (5)
sweetie-94 (6)
hrrypttrfn328 (6)
PrincessSnow (6)
pretty_angel92 (7)
MrsEmmaPeel (7)
random_camo (7)
PrueFever (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
ppgbelle4 (8)
VGfan30 (8)
KataraLover (8)
lepetitsouris (8)
CuteDiana (9)
haynay24 (9)
boolander25 (9)
callejahLUVSed (9)
phantomrose89 (9)
JonnaSe (10)
alexon31 (10)

5.Princess Cinderella
Rank Last Round: 5
Same round as last time, and I think this Suits her too. The most favored of the classic DP's and the franchise princess, but too outdated to be up top.

"Gosh, I Liebe this girl. I Liebe Aschenputtel because of her inner strength; the fact that she still remains so calm and happy after years of abuse from her step-family, I really admire that. She is not a pushover Von any means. The fact that she remains so calm for that long shows that she is never breaking down, and if she did break down, her family would have won. Besides, she went out on her own to win over her prince. Even though she had a little help from the fairy godmother, like Ariel, she went out to win him over. " (ppgbelle4)

High Rank (1-3):
alexon31 (1)
blablablu95 (2)
Mongoose09 (2)
lepetitsouris (2)
sweetie-94 (3)
hrrypttrfn328 (3)
iHyrule (3)
Ashley-Green (3)
fhghu (3)
VGfan30 (3)
MrsEmmaPeel (3)
PrueFever (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
CuteDiana (4)
ppgbelle4 (4)
SailorM91 (4)
callejahLUVSed (4)
phantomrose89 (4)
random_camo (4)
princesslullaby (5)
Maja2601 (5)
milky-way (5)
Pink_Love (6)
BelleAnastasia (6)
JonnaSe (6)
ArielandEric (6)
haynay24 (7)
tiffany88 (7)
KataraLover (7)
Maria7Potter (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
flina (8)
pretty_angel92 (8)
mergirl13 (8)
boolander25 (8)
loveandbeauty18 (8)
rougeslayer17 (8)
PrincessSnow (9)

4.Princess Mulan
Rank Last Round: 6
This is DEFINITELY Mehr suited to her than last time's rank. On tumblr, she is extremely beliebt (though still not as beliebt as Ariel, Belle, & Rapunzel) so I was always surprised when she ranked low on fanpop.

"Mulan is plain and simple, kick-ass. And what I Liebe about her is that she is flawed; she's clumsy and not very witty, when most kick-butt Disney heroines are sassy and confident. Mulan portrays a real girl with no idea what to do, scared and alone, who slowly grows into herself but never shows off." (princesslullaby)

High Rank (1-3):
flina (1)
pretty_angel92 (1)
hrrypttrfn328 (1)
boolander25 (2)
KataraLover (2)
loveandbeauty18 (2)
Maria7Potter (2)
CuteDiana (3)
BelleAnastasia (3)
ppgbelle4 (3)
milky-way (3)
lepetitsouris (3)
rougeslayer17 (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
haynay24 (4)
blablablu95 (4)
Mongoose09 (4)
fhghu (4)
ArielandEric (4)
mergirl (4)
Pink_Love (5)
sweetie-94 (5)
tiffany88 (5)
VGfan30 (5)
princesslullaby (6)
SailorM91 (6)
callejahLUVSed (6)
JonnaSe (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
Maja2601 (8)
phantomrose89 (8)
MrsEmmaPeel (8)
alexon31 (9)
random_camo (9)
PrincessSnow (10)
PrueFever (10)

3.Princess Jasmine
Rank Last Round: 3
A little surprised she's still so high, but I get why. She's very relateable and realistic, and a lot of people Liebe her sassy attitude, including myself! ^_^

"Jasmine: The very first legitimately intelligent, fiery princess who suffered no fools on her way to success. She can call bullshit on anybody, and isn't afraid to be very vocal about her opinions, even if she sometimes comes across as abrasive. I think jasmin is the 'feminist' princess, although some scholars would say that was Belle. Just my thought. But I Liebe jasmin and how fiery and independent she is. " (phantomrose89)

High Rank (1-3):
Mongoose09 (1)
tiffany88 (1)
Maja2601 (1)
boolander25 (1)
loveandbeauty18 (1)
princesslullaby (2)
CuteDiana (2)
haynay24 (2)
BelleAnastasia (2)
pretty_angel92 (3)
mergirl13 (3)
PrincessSnow (3)
callejahLUVSed (3)
KataraLover (3)
phantomrose89 (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
ArielandEric (4)
rougeslayer17 (4)
flina (5)
Ashley-Green (5)
JonnaSe (5)
random_camo (5)
PrueFever (5)
blablablu95 (6)
ppgbelle4 (6)
iHyrule (6)
fhghu (6)
MrsEmmaPeel (6)
Maria7Potter (6)
sweetie94 (7)
SailorM91 (7)
alexon31 (7)
lepetitsouris (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
Pink_Love (8)
hrrypttrfn328 (9)
VGfan30 (9)

Rank Last Round: 4
No explanation for the oben, nach oben 2. They will always be the most popular. Belle is still the most beliebt outside of fanpop.

"Belle is just...amazing. She knows family comes first and does whatever she can to protect her father, giving up her freedom for him and saving him from getting taken to the asylum. She sees the Beast's true self, but when he's being mean, she doesn't put up with it. She snaps back. She's very witty and wants Mehr out of life, and a person to share her Liebe of life with. And she is a flawed character, despite what most think. She disregards the Beast's privacy and goes into the West Wing, judges the Beast, etc. She is really an amazing character to me. " (fhghu)

High Rank (1-3):
Pink_Love (1)
BelleAnastasia (1)
fhghu (1)
JonnaSe (1)
MrsEmmaPeel (1)
lepetitsouris (1)
flina (2)
ppgbelle4 (2)
mergirl13 (2)
hrrypttrfan328 (2)
PrincessSnow (2)
SailorM91 (2)
callejahLUVSed (2)
VGfan30 (2)
phantomrose89 (2)
princesslullaby (3)
haynay24 (3)
blablablu (3)
Mongoose09 (3)
tiffany88 (3)
Maja2601 (3)
random_camo (3)
Maria7Potter (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
sweetie-94 (4)
alexon31 (4)
CuteDiana (5)
rougeslayer17 (5)
pretty_angel92 (6)
loveandbeauty18 (6)
boolander25 (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
iHyrule (8)
ArielandEric (9)
KataraLover (9)
PrueFever (9)

Rank Last Round: 1
"Ariel!! What a surprise everyone loves Ariel i mean how Du can't Liebe that girl she is so adorable! Anyway i Liebe all of her qualities that she is Confident, curious, adventurous, romantic, smart, stubborn and brave! I also won't never call her selfish! I mean how she can be selfish she Liebe her father and her sisters but she just wanted have to follow her dreams and I think that make her a very good role model to young kids to never give up their dreams and that nothing is imposible!" (blablablu95)

High Rank (1-3)
princesslullaby (1)
Ashley-Green (1)
Kataralover (1)
phantomrose89 (1)
PrueFever (1)
mergirl13 (1)
ArielandEric (1)
random_camo (1)
rogueslayer17 (1)
blablablu95 (1)
SailorM91 (1)
alexon31 (2)
milky-way (2)
tiffany88 (2)
iHyrule (2)
fiina (3)
JonnaSe (3)

Medium Rank (4-7)
PrincessSnow (4)
MrsEmmaPeel (4)
Maria7Potter (4)
callejahLUVSed (5)
lepetitsouris (5)
boolander25 (5)
haynay24 (6)
VGFan30 (7)

Low Rank (8-10)
sweetie_94 (8)
Mongoose09 (9)
BelleAnastasia (9)
loveandbeauty18 (9)
fhghu (9)
prettyangel_92 (10)
hrrypttrfn328 (10)
added by PiiXiiE
Source: Dina Goldstein
I still continuously see people remarking on Pocahontas "lack of personality." It has been a little Mehr uncommon, but just for the other nonbelievers, I decided to write this. I know many will beg to differ, but it's just the way I see it. If Du have any reason to disagree, go ahead and leave a comment. I'm up to defend her. XD Okay, I'll quit rambling on and actually start the article.

The Start

We first begin to see Pocahontas' personality in the very beginning. She leaves us with a lasting first impression. We can see how she is connected to nature from the very start. Seeing her jump off...
continue reading...
This Artikel is based on my opinion and first Filme only. Not all of the Disney Princess villains did a big mistake. But there are 3 villains who, I think, made the greatest mistakes.

3 Villains Who Make the Biggest Mistakes

Evil Queen

Yes, she wants to kill Snow White secretly. She transforms into a scary old hag that Snow White doesn't know her. But she makes one great mistake: putting poison into the apfel, apple which has love's first KISS for an antidote. Doesn't she see perfectly that Snow White has a lover: the prince? And she makes an assumption that the dwarfs will bury Snow White alive. That's...
continue reading...
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr aka me
added by tiffany88
Source: Written and illustrated Von Amy Mebberson
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
added by tiffany88
added by PrincessFairy
Source: https://www.instagram.com/giucchi
added by Sparklefairy375
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Edited Von Constable-frozen.tumblr.com
added by KataraLover
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Wreck it Ralph 2 trailer
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Wreck it Ralph 2 trailer
 Some of the Princesses' wardrobes with a few others.
Some of the Princesses' wardrobes with a few others.
For the past ten weeks, I have been holding a countdown for the wardrobes of the Disney Princesses. This is my first Artikel and countdown so please don't judge! If you're ready, here we go!!!!!
11) Snow White
Yes, the princess that started it all also starts off the list. The main reason for this is most likely because she doesn't have a lot of outfits in her movie and the two dresses she does wear, some people say are childish and not super fashionable. In my opinion, this is one of the weaker wardrobes for I dislike her servant dress and I think her princess dress is okay (not a real Fan of...
continue reading...
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney