David Bowie The person below me...

Ashley-Green posted on May 07, 2011 at 07:53AM
Another fun game:

One person makes a Bowie-related statement about the person below them, and then someone posts and confirms/rejects this statement, and makes another one about whomsoever posts beneath them.

Person 1: The person below me's favourite Bowie album is "Hunky Dory"
Person 2: No. The person below me likes Angie more than Iman
Person 3: Yes! The person below me hates the "Halloween Jack" persona

And no posting below yourself

David Bowie 123 Antworten

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 123

Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
yes i do. i hope he comes to australia soon (or germany) :D

TPBM wishes that they were angie during the 70s
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
not perticulary, but i just wish i was there where ever he was durning that time

TPBM has attempted to draw all of he's album covers
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
no actually but i hav tried a few pics but i wont rest until its perfect

TPBM judges by this pic that bowie was rly spaz
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
weird...but still so HOT :P

TPBM listens to atleased one of his songs every day
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
u stalk my ipod? lol i luv the outfit in tht pic tho hehe

TPBM has fan-ed all the pics and stuff on this bowie club
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
almost XD

TPBM sometimes sings bowie songs while takeing a shower
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
believe it or not i have never sung in the shower lol

TPBM Has spent at least one day on the internet looking, downloading, etc stuff of david bowie
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
alot more days than just one :P

TPBM has all the studio albums
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
almost. im working on it

TPBM's parents like david bowie too
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
yeah, they got used to him at some point :)

TPBM has seen the movie Hunger
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
no :( i will soon tho :)

TPBM would move to london for a year or more looking for a bowie look-alike
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
i'd deffinately like to live in london at some point :D

when TPBM hears a bowie somg she automaticly knows what year it was written
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
most of them :)
excuse my language but holy shit i went on tumblr & saw a pic of ur wall and i was 'HOLY SHIT!'! did u actually print all them pics out? lol anyway
TPBM has a haircut similar to any haircut bowie has had
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
yeah...all of those didn't even fit in the camera :P

yeah, i had the mullet, just longer in the back...it's kind of outgrown now

TPBM thinks the diamond dogs album cover is the best of them all
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
yes its smexy i have it on my wall XD lol i have a few pics of him on my wall, ten or over thats all lol i want UR wall :)

TPBM has a ziggy stardust calender (i want it so bad :( )
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
unfortunately i dont :(

Most of TPBM's friends are Bowie fans too
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
kind of...
TPBM Wants to be the next ziggy stardust
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
sure, but there's no way i could pull that of...plus there's really no need for a "new" ziggy stardust

TPBM is extreamely annoyed by people who think that Bowie's music sucks
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
yes i am i could punch them in the face -.-

TPBM is really annoyed of lady gaga for copying bowie
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
absolutely...i can't stand her :K

TPBM has a notebook filled with Bowie song lyrics
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
no the lyrics are in the album booklets. :P

TPBM finds the story between david bowie and jimmy page very strange lol i do

Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
i guess i do :P

TPBM buys every magazine that has an article or a picture of him in it
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
yes but i dont normally find any :(

TPBM has a bowie cover for their ipod
i might be getting one XDDDDDDD
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
no idea where to get one...impossible to find anything bowie releated here...can't even get the most common cd-s or just one poster :(

TPBM is going to write a letter or send something to bowie for his upcoming birthday
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
idk his adress but i might :D anyway do u have ebay? u can get everything with ebay XD

TPBM gets excited whenever they see him on TV
i did lol a random little documentary type thing came on the news about him and i was like:
 idk his adress but i might :D anyway do u have ebay? u can get everything with ebay XD TPBM gets ex
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
abrolutely...i always totally freak out when he's on tv even if it's a video i've seel like 3000 times and i have it on my laptop, ipod and cellphone :P

TPBM finds pictures of David when he had a mustache kind of weird and prefers him without facial hair
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
yes i do lol
btw i love ur tumblr!

TPBM draws pictures of bowie when theyre bored
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
obiously I do :P

TPBM knows his life story by heart
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
i know most of his 70s and under life story does that count? XD

TPBM hates people copying bowie
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
yeas i do...like lady gaga..ewwwww :K

TPBM is listening to bowie right now
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
actually listening to my tv :/ but thats a good idea i think i'll play him now.

TPBM listens to at least one song by him everyday
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
yeah definately more than one...or one song over and over again like 50 times XD

TPBM owns something that has Bowie's autograph on it
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
no... but i think i'll just send him a fanletter, put a pic of him in it and that it says: please put ur autograph on this! and then give him my address so that he sends it back XD lol my evil plan >:D

TPBM has sent fanletters to him
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
unfortunately i havent...yet

TPBM liked his 80's work better than 90's work
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…

TPBM has got an aladdin sane skin for their computer
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
unfortunately not ;(

TPBM liked his 90's work better than his 2000's work
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…

TPBM has a bowie nickname or is well known with their friends as a huge bowie fan
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
yeah i'm deffinately well known for my obsession :P

TPBM is celebrating Bowie's birthday today!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
oh hell yes! i'm not quite sure how but i am gonna! somehow.

TPBM has heard heaps of david bowie on the media because of his birthday (its everywhere here lol)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
no one mentioned him here :( i can't belive this!!! what's wrong with the people here???

TPBM knew that Elvis Presley was born on the same day than Bowie, just some years earlier

Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
i knew it a few hours before this question lol

TPBM wishes that bowie will say where he got the ziggy stardust make up so TPBM can go to that shop and buy make up there
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
i think he ordered it from japan or something, but yeah i want that makeup :P

TPBM has been a fan for over 4 years
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
umm... :/ i dont know whether to say only 1 year or my whole life :/

TPBM has gone to music museums just to see something of david bowie
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
no music museums here :(

TPBM has gotten a new bowie releated item this month
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
Yep :3

TPBM finds bowie memes funny
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
lol yeah, when they're saying good things, wich they usually are :)

TPBM saw one of his movies this week
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
frankly, i haven't watched ANY movies this week lol

TPBM would get a tattoo of david bowie
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
lol, aladdin sane album cover would bee cool, but probably painful XD

TPBM thinks that bowie looks better in the ziggy costumes and unitards rather than suits
Vor mehr als einem Jahr StichxAngel4eva said…
oh i don't know... he looks good in both but his ziggy costumes showed his sexy legs and stuff so... XD

TPBM has a lot of friends who are bowie fans too
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Skylen said…
only on internet

TPBM writes fanfiction of him