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I've written three out of five poems so far about Kira's life. It took me about three hours each to write these. Now technically they're too long to be poems and are Mehr like mini-epic short stories but I've written them in verse form so there poems, deal with it!

Also I started Schreiben this before the news about the sequel came out so it's written as if the sequel doesn't exist.

Enjoy and if Du like it, leave feedback! (If you're not big with the words, just a simple "I Liebe it, please write more" would do just fine)

Disclaimer: The Dark Crystal is owned Von Jim Henson and Kindala is John A Ardelli's (The Crystal of Truth Fan fiction author).

Song of the Spirit

I cannot remember much of my early life
Only that my mother loved me so
There was much happiness in our life

I am Kira Kindala
A gelfling nonetheless
As radiant as the sun and truly blessed.
When I was still young and tender in age
My mother hid me in a baum from the Skeksis wrath
Her life was taken
Saving mine
But I couldn't bring myself to cry
It was all so sudden

A few days later
I was found Von a podling picking flowers
She picked me up and carried me back to the podling village

I was questioned about what happened
I could not bär the pain
I broke down in tears
The curious little people comforted me
They spoke in a strange language
I felt warmth once more
Somehow the language was familiar to me

The podling that found me
Carried me into her cottage
She feed me some Essen and tucked me in bed
She told me she would take care of me
Teach me their ways and the gelfling ways
Help me grow up properly

Years went Von quickly
I was the gelfling child of the swamps
An innocent girl with braids of bliss
And had a voice made in heaven

I'd wake up each morning and go down in the village
Talk to the villagers while eating my breakfast
A podling gardener would passby and put of blume in my hair
I'd giggle, dance and play with them until midday came near

At midday I'd be called inside to study the podling way of life
In the afternoon I'd be free to explore the swamps and the woods within
One Tag a strange creature crossed my path
It was fuzzy and small but had teeth so sharp
I tried to communicate but it didn't seem to listen
It was when I reached out and stroked it that the growling began

I shook my head and ignored it making my own way ahead
But the most curious thing happened
It began to cry
Softly at first but then cried and cried

In a way I felt sorry for it
It seemed to be all alone
Alone in the swamps with no family and no home
I spoke to it in the language of the living things
Hoping I had done all right
The podlings had taught me it but I had never tried it out until now

With luck it understood me
We had a conversation I would never forget
The language flowed out of me
Like I was born to speak it I guess

I stood up to leave
The creature followed me home
My mother let me keep it
She fell in Liebe it as well

My mother's friend found out it's gender
And told me secretly
So I named him Fizzgig
We became great friends
I looked out for him and he did same for me

Several years past
I grew up wonderfully
Blonde hair had grown longer
My wings were fully grown within a few days

I had learnt the podling ways
I was now at age
To be taught the gelfling ways
Everything from healing to the mating dances

After morning lessons
I runaway into the swamps
I hide away in my own secret place
And cry over my loss

I sing a sad song about the loss of my true mother and my wings
I remember trying to fly many times but I kept falling and crashing into trees
I still cry for hours wishing that I was dead
Then I could be with her and leave the burden of being the only gelfling left

I stayed out through nightfall watching the stars shine bright
My mind rested in thinking of ways to take my death
To be reunited with my parents in the light

The stars twinkled down as if saying there's still hope on my side
I shook my head for I would make my life end tonight
I crept through the swamps until I saw the garthim in sight
I stood in their way blocking their path
It was then I saw a shooting star, sterne and I came back to my senses at last.
I dived behind a rock out the garthim's line of sight
I buried myself in the plantlife and watched the garthim disappear into the night
As the moon came out and shimmered on my hair
I prayed blessings to the stars for always being there

I brushed Von myself off and ran back to the village
The wish I had made on that shooting star
Was to find someone like me.