Zeichentrick-Heldinnen der Kindheit Club
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I thought with the many claims of lack of representation in children's films as a PoC I should take it upon myself to bring some underrated Filme of different cultures to light. Granted not all of these are necessarily children's films, but they are all animated and I personally think every kid should see them.

I have each ethnicity I could think of and animated Filme where that ethnicity is well-represented. I want to build on this so if Du don't see your ethnicity here please tell me, I want as many Filme as I can get with as many different walks-of-life! These depictions are supposed...
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added by Safira-09
added by GypsyMarionette
Source: Ryoko-demon (DeviantArt)
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://thenamelessdoll.tumblr.com/post/127968774566/jane-with-a-new-do-3-more-disney-heroines-with
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://thenamelessdoll.tumblr.com/post/126711143286/the-animated-part-of-enchanted-is-truly-in-my
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://thenamelessdoll.tumblr.com/post/126543525196/i-decided-to-do-a-very-simple-change-for
 nvm that this has mostly superheroes. i couldn't find a good one of male Heroes
nvm that this has mostly superheroes. i couldn't find a good one of male heroes
The Weiter part of this amazing series where we discover the world of my interests and Favorit characters.

So, last time we talked about the ladies, now it's time to talk about the gentlemen. I'll admit that this was a harder Liste to make, because I do have a mental Liste for the ladies, with the men it's very uneven and unsorted. So I had to think a lot to get this Liste going, but I think in the end I managed to get something that works.

Well, let's get started.

15) Tack (The Thief and the Cobbler)

He's such a cutie! He barely makes the Liste but I could talk a lot about him. I Liebe that he's the...
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added by KataraLover
added by misscindyspice
Source: Me
added by Safira-09
added by haynay24
added by plumprinxess2
oben, nach oben 10
underrated female characters
added by rzenteno
Source: me
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://thenamelessdoll.tumblr.com/post/163681619551/my-contribution-to-myhollie1911s-mermaid-collab
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://briannacherrygarcia.tumblr.com/post/76344738110/another-batch-of-toned-paper-sketches-these-w
added by ZeldaFanForever
added by cruella
Source: cruella
Much like my Kürzlich Pocahontas vs Anastasia article, I'm continuing my Filme vs Filme Artikel with Sleeping Beaty vs The schwan Princess. A little background is that both Filme are based off plays Von Tchaikovsky, Sleeping Beauty and schwan Lake. Although Sleeping Beauty is also based-off the original fairy-tale Von Charles Perrault and a little bit off the story of Briar Rose Von the Brothers Grim. Unfortunately, for both the Charles Perrault Sleeping Beauty and the original play of schwan Lake, it ends in tragedy. Sleeping Beauty didn't wake up from her deep sleep from true love's kiss, it was...
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