Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen – Zauberhafte Hexen Club
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 The epicness that is Phoebe and Cole (her one true love, the rest were just her settling :D)
The epicness that is Phoebe and Cole (her one true love, the rest were just her settling :D)
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We are at the studio of Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen and Weiter to me sits the new Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen Fan of the Month, Kate. Hi, Kate! First of all congratulations on winning CFOTM May contest! 32 % of the Fans decided that Du should win this round! Is there anything you’d like to say to the fans?
Wow, erm, I’m guessing thanks guys, proud to be the one Du all choose!

Did Du expect to win oder to be nominated for that matter?
Yeah, never thought I'd be nominated, I mean as I sagte in the awards Forum it’s shocking how long I wasn't active on the Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen spot for, so it’s nice to be actively doing stuff on it again!

What is it that makes Du so popular?
I guess it’s the countdowns, people are loving the countdowns, and we are all getting proper into them!
Oh, yeah, we Liebe them! The Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen Spot wouldn’t be the same without it anymore :)

How did Du discover Fanpop? Did Du find it Von coincidence oder did someone tell Du about it?
Wow this is going back 3 years now! Well I was meant to be revising for my A Levels (Biggest High School exam in England)and instead I decided to start watching Grey's Anatomy and also finally watch every episode of Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen as id only watched bits and bobs. And well basically Fanpop had all these Links and these fun Fragen and in the end i joined to answer the picks and use the Links to videos!
Very understandable that Du watched Grey’s Anatomy and Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen instead of studying! XD

During the Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen Awards nominations Du mentioned Du haven’t been on our spot for about a Jahr How were your feelings when Du got back on it? Were there many differences oder was it all pretty much the same?
Well, I stopped coming on the Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen spots because it was being what I call 'spammed' Von fanvids, there were like 20 a Tag being added, people were obviously desperate for medals, and then every pick was getting repeated, and all my earlier picks were so it frustrated me. But then these countdowns were happening all over Fanpop and I thought well none of my fav TV shows have this so ill start it, and thankfully Du were all receptive of it!
Off course we were and we still are! :)

Is there anything Du dislike about this spot, something you’d like to change?
Ha yeah I don’t like fanvids well excessive fanvids, I like Du know watching really amazing ones, but some just seem to be added because theres Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen in the title. But that is just me, I’m a pick girl! lol

Your Character Countdown Picks are incredibly famous here. Where did Du get your inspiration? Did Du see it on other spots oder was it like ‘One Tag I woke up and thought…’?
I wish I'd thought of them, the Disney spot had been doing it for months and then it started to spread well to the Glee spot where I spend a lot of time so i decided to do it on the Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen spot, but instead of just including the series regulars I thought Du know why not have the demons and Liebhaber who we loved and hated along the way!
Brilliant thought! XD

Okay, let’s get to the Frage about the show, shall we? Feel free to add Mehr than just an answer ;)
First of all, a few standard Fragen about your favorites, like, who’s your Favorit sister?

Wow ok Prue in season 1, Phoebe in seasons 2, 3 and 4, then Paige in seasons 5, 6 and 7 (I pretend 8 didn’t happen)! Sorry Piper Fans I Liebe Piper but she’s never my favorite!
You are forgiven

Who’s your least Favorit sister?
Oh well, I just answered that Von accident, actually no, Piper is my least fav in season 1, then in seasons 2 and 3 its probs Prue, then in season 4 its Paige then in season 5, 7 and 8 its Phoebe! Season 6 is joint between Phoebe and Piper, they are both pretty annoying in that season!

What’s your Favorit season? What’s your least Favorit season?
I'll answer these together shall I, with a list! :D
1) Season 4
2) Season 3
3) Season 7
4) Season 1
5) Season 5
6) Season 2
7) Season 6
8) Season 8

What’s your Favorit seasons opening?
The first, the original, the beginning! Season 1

What’s your Favorit seasons finale?
Oooooooo toughie between Seasons 3 and 7. Both are brilliant!

Who’s your Favorit character?
Cole! Easy!
Really? Who knew? LOL XD

What’s your Favorit couple?
The epicness that is Phoebe and Cole (her one true love, the rest were just her settling :D)

Now a few Fragen about the seasons :)
Season 1:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
Piper as a Wendigo
b.What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?
The whole dream sorcerer episode, it was embarrassingly awful!
c.What moment was the most romantic?
Oh definitely the Andy Prue scenes in the finale, wow i cried so much!
d.What was your Favorit episode?
From Fear to Eternity and Déjà Vu All Over Again
e.What’s your Favorit quote?
Either when Prue first says she loves Du to the girls oder anything that Barbas says in 'From Fear To Eternity'

Season 2:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
Prue as a man, obviously!
b.What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?
Prue as a man, again!
c.What moment was the most romantic?
Billy in Chick Flick, not one moment, just i know he was the ultimate Liebe on screen but he ws so romantic throughout the whole episode!
oder when Leo healed Piper in heaven!
d.What was your Favorit episode?
Awakened, everything was brilliant in it!
e.What’s your Favorit quote?
I don't have one oder any moments in season 2, maybe, yeah I like a lot of the lines in astral Monkey

Season 3:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
Phoebe as a Banshee
b.What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?
I can’t really think of much funny stuff in season 3, Oh maybe yeah Magic Hour, Pure and Phoebe reverting to being children and Cole thinking their drunk!
c.What moment was the most romantic?
Wow too much, this is the start of Phoebe and Cole, but my fav moment of P&C is the C in the water in old world, All Halliwell’s Eve, oder of course theirs Piper and Leo's wedding, and oooh Sleuthing With The Enemy, Phoebe not killing Cole and their big embrace as he shimmers out!
d.What was your Favorit episode?
All Halliwell's Eve
e.What’s your Favorit quote?
I’m not good with these quote questions, I tend to remember moments Mehr than quotes, oh I know, when Cole tells phoebe with her is the safest place he knows, and also Leo's Kommentare about Prue as a dog, what was it something about expecting Prue to be a, is it a Rockwell, however its spelt?
Season 4:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
Phoebe becomes evil, I Liebe evil Phoebe!
b.What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?
Cole coming onto Phoebe in Paiges body to wind her up
c.What moment was the most romantic?
Cole going to give up the Quelle to the Wizard so he can be with Phoebe
d.What was your Favorit episode?
A Paige From the Past and Long Live The Queen
e.What’s your Favorit quote?
Cole when he proposes in a pile of goo, and then Phoebes reaction, that whole scene, hilarious!

Season 5:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
Being gods
b.What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?
Cole in Y Tu Mummy Tambein, just his general craziness in that episode, i found it hilarious!
c.What moment was the most romantic?
Cole feeling what Phoebe feels!
d. What was your Favorit episode?
Hmmm that’s difficult, probably Sympathy for the Demon!
e.What’s your Favorit quote?
Don’t think have one!

Season 6:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
Phoebe as a Genie
b.What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?
When Chris thinks the girls are hitting on him when it’s in fact the Stillman sisters, so wrong!
c.What moment was the most romantic?
I like Phoebe and Jason when they first get together!
d. What was your Favorit episode?
The Power of Three Blondes, so funny!
I totally agree xD
e. What’s your Favorit quote?
All of Barbas lines in Crimes and Witch Demeanors (seriously Du can’t go wrong with a Barbas episode)

Season 7:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
At the end of once in a blue moon, when Du find out it was the girls all along!
b. What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?
Freaky Phoebe, she was nasty to look at! haha
c.What moment was the most romantic?
Ooooooo all Paige and Kyle moments, so hard to pick just one, I like their Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen Noir moments, no when he comes back as a whitelighter and says goodbye, so beautiful but so heartbreaking!
d.What was your Favorit episode?
The Extreme Makeover: World Edition and obv The Seven Jahr Witch
e.What’s your Favorit quote?
Well let’s see, most of Zankou's lines were pretty awesome, he replaced Barbas for witty demons!
Season 8:
a.What transformation did Du like best?
Transformation, was there any in this season? Eeek sorry i have probs seen this season only a couple of times!
Haha, yeah, there are! Here’s a Liste 
Battle of the Hexes
Hulcus Pocus
Mr. and Mrs. Witch
Repo Manor

[b]b.What moment was the most embarrassing/funny?

The whole season was embarrassing!
Wow, no mercy! :)
c.What moment was the most romantic?
I guess Paige and Henrys wedding
d.What was your Favorit episode?
Don't have one, oh wait I kinda like Desperate Housewitches, mainly because it brought back an old enemy!
e.What’s your Favorit quote?
Yeah no none! lol

Now I’m going to give Du 2 episodes of each season and you’ll pick your Favorit one. Tell us why Du chose this one. What did Du like about it? A quote, a sisterly moment oder a sad romantic scene. Tell us anything Du want :)

Season 1: The Wedding From Hell vs Is There A Woogey In The House

Woogey – it’s when we first meet the mystical of that house, which is there from beginning to end!
Season 2: Pardon My Past vs Chick Flick
Ooo tough, Pardon My Past, I like seeing Evil Phoebe, plus wasn’t that Alyssa's first husband who played the baddie??
Could be. Need to check that out! :)
Season 3: All Halliwells Eve vs Look Who’s Barking

All Halliwell Eve, it’s my Favorit episode of all Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen episodes!
Season 4: Hell Hath No Fury vs A Page From The Past
A Paige From the Past, again another one of my insgesamt favorites!
Season 5: The Tag The Magic Died vs Sense and Sensibility
The Tag the magic died, I like seeing how they do it without the magic!
Season 6: I Dream Of Phoebe vs It’s a Bad Bad Bad Bad world
It’s a bad bad world, I knew season 6 was going to be over after this! Haha
Ohh!! :( That’s not nice :(
Season 7: Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen Noir vs Charmageddon

Oooo, can I say both?? these are two of my Favoriten the other being extreme makeover, errrmmm I’ll go for Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen Noir!
Season 8: The Last Temptation of Christy vs Kill Billie vol. 2
Kill Billie Vol. 2, again I knew the awful season was coming to an end! LOL
This time I agree with Du xD

Okay, now tell us what is your number one Favorit episode of all episodes?

season 3 Episode 4: All Halliwell's Eve!

What makes this episode so special to you?
Du know what, I have no idea why, but when I first got the box set it was always the one I wanted to watch, maybe because its the first time we see Cole really falling for Phoebe!

What’s your Favorit moment in it?
Defo when they are doing the apfel, apple peel and it’s a C and she says Cole and he doesn’t know what to do because he’s starting to feel for her! Ahhhh! :D

Your Favorit quote?
In the episode? Eeek, I don’t know, actually no i do, the Favorit moment above, is my Favorit quote, gotta be!

Was it touchy?

Did it affect Du in one way oder another?
Well this is when I first truly fell in Liebe with Phoebe and Cole!

Where there any funny scenes?
Learning how to do magic with objects around you, the birth scene, oooooo Phoebe flying and cackling loved that, and Leo and Darryl's pathetic attempts back in the house to kill the demons!
I think I’ve told everything I Liebe about that episode! :D

You know that originally Lori Rom would’ve played Phoebe Halliwell, but she refused eventually, because of moral reasons. Do Du think Phoebe would’ve been the same character oder was it actually Alyssa Milano’s income?
No one else can be Phoebe. Period!

Of all the characters that have left Charmed, which one would Du have liked to come back?
Oooooooo, that’s tough, NOT! lol! Obv Cole!

In an elevator with Shannen Doherty(Prue), on a sinking ship with stechpalme, holly Marie Combs(Piper), on an inhibited island with Alyssa Milano(Phoebe), oder in prison with Rose McGowan. Which one would Du pick?
Prison with Rose, she seems interesting!

What is your opinion on the fact that Shannen Doherty refused any further co-operation with Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen after she quit, such as not wanting to guest star, sterne in one lousy episode?
She’s an idiot! LOL

What were your feelings, your thoughts when Prue was ‘dead’ and Paige came in? Were Du sad because Prue was gone, were Du happy because there was a new character?
I really didn’t like it at first, in fact I wasn’t a Fan of Paige throughout the whole of season 4, she didn’t really get an identity until season 5!

Imagine there was no Cole in the picture. Do Du think Du would’ve like Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen just the same oder would it have been different?
Without Cole i would not have been in Liebe with Charmed, as much as some people would hate to admit Cole was very integral to so many story lines, and developments! And also i would have noone to lust after! haha!

We all know Cole is Phoebe’s true love. But who of the men that appeared after him matched best with Phoebe and why?
Drake, because well Cole had sent him for starters, oh, but I also liked Jason!

If Du could meet any character, any character at all, who would it be? How would Du feel, what would Du say to him/her?
Cole, we would fight then kiss! :D hehe!

There’s a small rule that says the winner is required to participate in the Weiter CFOTM nomination round. So my Frage would be ‘Do Du already have an idea on who’s getting your vote and if so, who is it?
House_Anatomy, she seems to have been quite active in Kommentare and Foren in the past couple of weeks, so maybe June is her month!
Sephora will be happy :)

Last Frage and the most important, did Du like this interview? (You can be honest :) If Du say Du hated it, I’ll just curse Du :))

No, I absolutely loved it, and again thank Du so much to everyone who voted for me, I feel so proud of myself! :D

Well, this interview has come to an end. I hope Du liked answering and Lesen it just as much as I liked making the questions.Great Antwort Von the way :)And to the Charmed – Zauberhafte Hexen Fans, keep rocking!
 Kate's Favorit transformation from season 2
Kate's favorite transformation from season 2
 Cole when he proposes in a pile of goo, and then Phoebes reaction, that whole scene, hilarious!
Cole when he proposes in a pile of goo, and then Phoebes reaction, that whole scene, hilarious!
 Kate's Favorit episode from season 5
Kate's favorite episode from season 5
 Kate's Favorit transformation is season 6
Kate's favorite transformation is season 6
 When he comes back as a whitelighter and says goodbye, so beautiful but so heartbreaking!
When he comes back as a whitelighter and says goodbye, so beautiful but so heartbreaking!
 Ooo tough, Pardon My Past, I like seeing Evil Phoebe, plus wasn’t that Alyssa's first husband who played the baddie??
Ooo tough, Pardon My Past, I like seeing Evil Phoebe, plus wasn’t that Alyssa's first husband who played the baddie??
 Defo when they are doing the apfel, apple peel and it’s a C and she says Cole and he doesn’t know what to do because he’s starting to feel for her! Ahhhh! :D
Defo when they are doing the apple peel and it’s a C and she says Cole and he doesn’t know what to do because he’s starting to feel for her! Ahhhh! :D
 Learning how to do magic with objects around you, the birth scene, oooooo Phoebe flying and cackling loved that, and Leo and Darryl's pathetic attempts back in the house to kill the demons!
Learning how to do magic with objects around you, the birth scene, oooooo Phoebe flying and cackling loved that, and Leo and Darryl's pathetic attempts back in the house to kill the demons!
 No one else can be Phoebe. Period!
No one else can be Phoebe. Period!
 Drake, because well Cole had sent him for starters, oh, but I also liked Jason!
Drake, because well Cole had sent him for starters, oh, but I also liked Jason!
 Without Cole i would not have been in Liebe with Charmed, as much as some people would hate to admit Cole was very integral to so many story lines, and developments! And also i would have noone to lust after! haha!
Without Cole i would not have been in love with Charmed, as much as some people would hate to admit Cole was very integral to so many story lines, and developments! And also i would have noone to lust after! haha!
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