Bruce Springsteen Club
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Bruce Springsteen is just purely amazing. I know some people might not agree with that and fair enough, that's their opinion but the Musik he has made has influenced so many around the world and helped them overcome certain issues that they face. He cares so much about his Musik and his family and this is clearly shown in the way he performs when he is on stage. Like Jon Stewart sagte when he was being honoured - "Bruce Springsteen empties the tank. He empties it for his family, for his country and for his music." This is so true. He has helped out many countries around the world including Haiti and he wrote The Rising right after the twin towers got knocked down Von the planes. His message in this song was to rise up after a bad thing has happened. He is now running for New Jersey state senator and I hope he gets it, I really do as he cares so much about New Jersey and the environment he lives in and I know he'll be amazing at the job. He has 2 new albums coming out this year, a book that he has written himself and he is touring Weiter year. He is a true rock and roll legend and I Liebe him to bits - he is fantastic and a true inspiration to many, including myself. <3