blush/nosebleed Club
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Dr.Green Mccrazy:well hello here fellow seducers,nosebleeders,pervs,lowlifeforms,humans,mortals how u doing hehehe ok didt mean that 2 all of u but hi there ok this club hmmmmmm kinda keep it pg even tho idk wwat pg still is but lets say dont put stuff that will rlly make u nosebleed this is a blush and nosebleed club not wat u r thinking so yeah 4 all of u who r supporting this club thx and add each other we dont want strangers wondering around do we espacialy stalkers anyway add espacialy the dedicated ppl the and ofcourse the creater lux aka kevin aka KAMPS aka kevinkamps hmm i still dont know wat aka is anyway hehehe like i sagte keep it pg keep it apropiate as u an and srry 4 bad typing my body host is 2 wierd,me:silence soul,Dr.Green Mccrazy:riiiiight anway call me green that lil boy over here call him dex oder dexdex ,dex:hi there,Green: that green haired cutie i mean girl call her greeny,greeny:well hi there,green:uhuh and that Gir over there call her virus the blue haired 1 ,virus:grrr u piss me off sometimes ,green:silence im ur dad anyway,virus:O_O wait wut i didt hear that,green:good then so yeah have a happy Tag yall piece i gtg cuz theres a some1 i need 2 operate and stuff............