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First of a double bill, Episode 11 has also been gepostet with this episode!

Episode 10 - The bass Identity

Gossip Girl: # The Latest on Chuck: still down and out.....apparently Queen B has spent night and Tag Von his bedside....The Upper East side is a morbid place to be right now....we're not expecting any rays of sunshine oder any smiles right now....please leave your messages of condolences in our special bass Blog xoxo #

In hospital.
Chuck has spent the past few days in surgery and is still unconscious. Doctors are optimistic that he will make a full recovery, but it is hoped that he will.
Blair has had sleepless nights, she only went Home because she was forced otherwise she would never leave his side through this.
She couldn't bare to see him like this...the full of life Chuck she knew didn't suit being so lifeless in a hospital bett hooked up to all those machines. it wasn't fair. he didnt deserve this.
Serena and Blair are at Chuck's bedside.
Bart and Eleanor had just left after visiting for an hour. It's not like Bart to care, but give credit where it is due, he has been visiting quite regularly.

S: Hey, i know Du sagte your not ready to talk....but it's been a few days....i dont want Du to's too late too talk.

Short silence.

S: You're really Merida - Legende der Highlands Du know.....dealing with all have to be really strong to go through what Du have been through....seeing the person Du care about lying in a hospital like proud of the way you've handled it.

Short silence.

S: I got a text from Nate earlier....he's gonna be coming down....later.....he asked about you....if Du were ok.......................................i guess it's nice of him to visit....i ummmm...dont think Du noticed but he has come a number of times, just to look through the window and see.....if Chuck was still..........but he's only actually come to his bedside once......i think it would be nice if he was able to come again........alone.......but if Du dont wanna leave right now thats fine.....he can wait......i just thought i'd suggest case Du thought it might be a good idea...

short silence.

B: i haven't stopped anyone from visiting

S: I know, you've been great.....i just thought we could maybe give Nate and Chuck some space.....just for a while...
B: (already holding chucks hand....strokes his face) Chuck wouldn't mind....would you...(talking to chuck)......he's........still......angry with me........otherwise....(begins to cry) he would wake up for me.....
Serena comes to Blair's side and hugs her.

S: Hey honey....he wont be angry with you.....that's all in the past now.....he'll wake up.....he just needs a rest.....from everything he's been through......all the partying...he just needs a rest (they laugh lightly)
B: He always knew how to have fun.....
S: Yeah....and he knew how to make our lives that extra bit interesting!
B: He was a character.
S: Ye....and he was strong....he can get through this.....
B: It's my fault.....i should never have shouted his name......if i hadn't he wouldn't have turned and got hit Von the car...(begins to cry again)
S: B dont even think that! its not your fault one saw it was an's not anyone's fault....
B: I shouldn't have......i made so many mistakes......he doesn't deserve this.....
S: We all make mistakes....believe me.
B: I just wish i could tell him how sorry i was....(turns to chuck and moves her face close to his) i know Du probably cant hear me....but i need you......please Chuck wake once promised me that we'd be together for cant break that promise.....i Liebe Du too much...(she leans her head on him and sobs)

S: Hey....i'm gonna leave Du two alone.....i'll wait outside...Nate should probably be here soon.

Serena gets no response from Blair and leaves the room. she sits outside. an Stunde passes before Nate arrives, with Vanessa.
It's Vanessa's first trip to the hospital.

S: (gets up) Nate your here....(looks at Vanessa, then looks away) ummmm. Blair is in there at the moment but i think i managed to convince her to give Du some time alone with Chuck.
N: Oh, thanks....i dont mind if she stays though...
S: I just thought Du might want to be alone with him.....also because of everything thats happened, i didnt want there to be any....friction...........talking of which (looks to Vanessa) im not sure it's a good idea for Du to be here....
N: She wanted to see him....they were kinda friends....
S: Well that didnt exactly work out to well now did sorry but i dont think Du should be here.....seeing the girl that ruined their relationship is the last thing that Blair needs.
V: Look dont have your facts straight one has....nothing happened between me and Chuck....i can assure you.....he was just helping me with something....doing me a favour....i was the one that told him to keep it a secret because it was something personal to me......the only reason i chose him to help me was because he has contacts in high places and i knew he'd be helpful....nothing happened between us....he loved Blair and he would never cheat on fact he wanted to tell her but i made him promise not to....if i knew it would cause so much trouble i would never have done so.
N: Serena she's telling the truth.....she told me everything including what chuck helped her with and i believe her....Chuck didn't cheat on Blair.....Blair shouldn't have a problem with Vanessa....
S: (thinks for a moment) Fine....but still....i need to speak to Blair first before she sees Du make yourself invisible until me and Blair leave.
V: Thanks.

Serena and Blair leave the hospital and go to a nearby diner. Serena tells Blair the truth about Vanessa, which makes her feel even Mehr guilty about Küssen Nate and doubting Chuck. Serena manages to convince her to try and get along with Vanessa, but Blair is adamant that she doesn't want to be Friends with her but will be civil if she ever comes into contact with her.
Serena and Blair also talk about the fact that before the accident they were hardly talking to anyone. Blair asks if Serena has been in touch with Dan. Dan has contacted Serena and spoken to her to ask about Chuck, other than that Serena and Dan haven't worked things out yet.

Another Tag passes Von and Chuck has not shown any improvement.

Blair is at home, it's abendessen time....her least favourite time of least with other meal times she can find an excuse to miss out oder pretend that she has already eaten....but at abendessen time....she has to sit at the table....she has to fill her plate and she has to eat...sometimes it will be easy to eat because of the hunger....other times it would be so painful...

E: Eat up hardly sleep oder talk nowadays....i dont want Du to avoid eating know how Du get when it comes to have to be careful Blair.
B: I know eating aren't i? (puts Essen into her mouth)

Blair soon finds herself wanting more....her mother excuses herself from the tabelle after gives Blair the opportunity to eat what she likes....she fills her plate again and enjoys the satisfaction of being able to comfort herself without anyone watching oder judging her....she keeps eating.....until she's had almost 3 platefuls....she starts to feel her throat giving way....her body cant take any Mehr food....she can feel it coming up her throat and down again....she breathes for a moment before running up to her room......once there....she does what she know best....she cant stop herself....she has to let it all out....after vomiting she falls to the floors in tears....thinking of what she has just doesn't bother her though....she's most upset because she feels regards to Chuck....even when he's not there he drives her crazy...she cant help but cry over the fact that she feels so responsible......she thinks back to the good times....she smiles......he was so good to her....the way he held her....the way he whispered sweet things to her in bed....the way he would play with her hair....look into her eyes and all made her feel so loved....and now? Now she just felt if she'd Lost the will to live....she wanted to make him happy.....if only he would just wake up....if only her life would be a little kinder to her....just a little....just then she heard her mother calling her.....she sprung up and looked in the mirror...she looked a mess....she cleaned herself up before going down to see her mother....

It was a miracle.

E: It's Chuck he woke up......i just got a call from Bart....he thought Du might want to know....he is on his way to the hospital from Du want to be the first one Chuck will see?
B: (she has never looked so delighted) Oh My gosh mum! i cant believe it ( she hugs Eleanor ) Lets go right now! i have to go now! i cant believe it i knew he would wake up! i knew he would! i need to see him!
E: (laughs) ok, ok....calm down, i'll send for the car....

They make their way to the hospital. Blair texts Serena the news. Blair can barely contain her excitement. what will she say to him...? She begins to plan all the things she needs to tell him.

At the hospital....

Blair runs in to see Chuck.
She is speechless....she just looks at him for a while smiling, before falling onto him and telling him how happy she is to see his eyes open.

B: Oh Chuck....i....(begins to cry) Im so happy.....your ....made it.....i was so scared....i thought.....i Lost you......(she strokes his face) there are so many things i want to say to you....i dont know where to start....
C: Maybe....(struggles to speak) could .....telling me who Du are....
B: (looks startled and confused) What? ....what do Du mean? it's me....Blair.....
C: (struggles to speak, his voice is in a whisper) Blair...? I ....dont remember.....
B: (puts her hand to her face) ....what do Du mean Du dont remember....of course Du have Du remember the accident.....the car....the party? any of it...
C: (sighs) (sighs and closes his eyes)

Blair is in shock....why would he forget....she runs out and shouts for a doctor...Serena was sitting outside...

S: B, Whats he ok?
B: He's forgotten!
S: Forgotten what?
B: ME! The accident ....i dont know if he's joking oder if he's really forgotten!

Serena gets a doctor and they go inside. the Doctor asks Chuck a few Fragen but he struggles to find the Antwort to her questions....he doesn't remember anything significant other than his name and his fathers name, his birthday, his address....but he doesnt remember Blair oder Serena....he doesn't recognise the names Nate oder Vanessa oder his school....

Doctor: It seems as though Mr. bass might have retrograde amnesia ....but we may have to do some further consultation to fully make a diagnosis.

B: No! he cant! he has to remember...he has to!!!
S: Doctor...amnesia....that means its temporary right? he'll remember everything eventually right....?
Doc: Like i said....we need to carry out some further tests to make a diagnosis...but amnesia is temporary and patients do usually make a recovery....

S: B, its ok...see....its just temporary....he'll remember'll just take time....
B: But....he doesn't remember me....

Nate enters the room.

N: Hey guys....Chuck (walks up to him, chuck opens his eyes) welcome back bro....
C: (he smile) You....i know you....
N: (laughs) ye i know Du too.
B: He has amnesia! he doesnt remember you!
C: Actually i remember him....Nate right?
N: Ye...(looks at Blair) what do mean amnesia?

Blair is shocked that Chuck remembers Nate but not her...she stands in silent for a moment before running out of the room.

S: He doesn't remember her...or me...or a load of other things....i have no idea how he remember you...but apparently he has to him....try and get him to remember.... i have to go after Blair...

Serena runs out and after Blair. She catches up with her outside

S: B! Wait up! (catches up to her) Hey.....dont be's not his fault....its the obviously effected certain memories but not others....
B: No! He remember Nate but not me!
S: And he's forgotten a lot of other thing too....he doesn't remember me.
B: Du weren't his girlfriend!!!!
S: B (put her hand on Blair shoulder) He will remember ....he just need time....
B: Thats not the point! how could he forget! i thought he loved me.....if he loved me he would never forget me...and what if.....what if he never remembers....what if he never loves me again....?
S: That will never happen ok....he''l remember....i know he will...
B: And if he does remember wont be the same! what if he doesn't Liebe me any more? He won't remember our history, the things we've been through....
S: Well that wouldn't be such a bad thing judging on the stuff that happened just before the accident....maybe it'll be good if he forgot about the break up.
B: No! it would take away a whole part of our lives....the lessons that we can learn from that....i dont want him to forget anything....not even the bad things!
S: no doctor....i cant tell Du what will happen....we just have to help him remember....we cant run away....he needs us.
B: (crying heavily, Serena hold her and tries to comfort her) its...never gonna be the same....he'll never remember his feeling for me....i ....just made one mistake....and now i'll have to pay for it for the rest of my losing him....

Gossip Girl: # There There Queen B....amnesia oder no amnesia what makes Du so sure that bass loves you....? The last we heard you'd cheated on him and he wasn't going to let Du get away with that.....! Guess we'll have to wait until our very own Jason Bourne has a total recall...that's if he does....I know a place where he can look to read about the events of his life....right here on Gossip Girl! Du Know Du Liebe Me xoxo #
 Cheer up B....! :' (
Cheer up B....! :' (
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