Black Club
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posted by deedeeflower
here is three different ways to say black.

after each word is the pronunciation.

i looked these up in Baron's french at a glance.

Baron's italian at a glance.

Baron's spanish at a glance.

Sekunde edition language dictionaries.

published in 1992.

notice the similarities between the 3 languages.

French: noir(e); nwahr

Italian: nero; nAY-roh

Spanish: negro; NEH-groh

here are some phrases using these words.

black coffee
French: le cafe noir; luh kah-fay nwahr

Italian: caffe nero; kahf-fEH nAY-roh

spanish: el cafe negro; kah-FEH NEH-groh

black book
French: le livre noir; lu lee-vruh nwahr

Italian: libro nero; lEE-broh nAY-roh

Spanish: el libro negro; LEE-broh NEH-groh

black shoe
French: le soulier noir; luh soo-lyay nwahr

French: la chaussure noire; lah shoh-ssewr nwahr

Italian: scarpa nero; skAHr-pah nAY-roh

Spanish: zapoto negro; sah-PAH-toh NEH-groh

black shirt
French: chemise noire; shuh-meez nwahr

Italian: camicia nero; kah-mEE-chee-ah nAY-roh

Spanish: la camisa negro; kah-MEE-sah NEH-groh

black pants
French: pantalon noir; pahn-tah-lohn nwahr

Italian: pantaloni nero; pahn-tah lOH-nee nAY-roh

Spanish: pantalones negro; pahn-tah-LOHN-ays NEH-groh.
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