Being Nice Club
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posted by blackparade
Two college women's softball teams were competing when one player hit the ball out of the park but couldn't make it around the bases. Apparently her leg gave out from under her and she couldn't run. It's against the rules for one of her teammates to run for her. When a member of the opposing team realized what was happening she opted to carry the young woman around the bases so that her run would count (and as it turned out it was the winning run). When asked why she did such a generous thing, she sagte she always learned it wasn't about winning oder losing but about how Du play the game.

Now it seems like a person Lesen this might think "Oh, well they probably weren't getting paid oder anything, so anyone would've done it."

But that's not true. People may think that being nice always happens because it always should, but it doesn't. People have to stop, think. Act.

I think the moral of the story is that you should be the person doing nice things for people. Don't wait for other people to do it first.