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Some informations about him :-)
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"I wasn't there when the feuer Nation attacked my people. I'm going to make a difference this time."
— Aang talking to Chief Arnook in "The Siege of the North, Part 1"

Avatar Aang, an Air Nomad, was the Avatar during the century-long conflict known as The War. His immediate predecessor was Avatar Roku, and his immediate successor was Avatar Korra. Being the manifestation of the world in human form, Aang was the only person in the Avatar world who could use all four bending disciplines: Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending and Firebending. He is the main protagonist in Avatar: the Last Airbender. He is also one of a select few Avatars, and one of the first in many years, to learn the ancient art of Energybending and the only Avatar to use it during the series.

Before the beginning of the series, Aang was Frozen in an iceberg for 100 years. He emerges, still biologically twelve years old, into a world engulfed Von war. During his absence, the feuer Nation waged war with the other nations and managed to completely wipe out the pacifistic Air Nomads. It fell to Aang, the last of his kind, to put a stop to the war Von mastering the other three elements and defeating feuer Lord Ozai. He remained something of a goofy, kind kid at herz throughout this year-long struggle, despite the overwhelming loss of his people and the heavy burdens he has been forced to bear. After his spectacular victory over the feuer Lord, Aang began a romantic relationship with his close friend, Katara. The couple eventually got married and raised a family, which includes at least one child, an Airbending son Tenzin.


Aang was born to two unnamed Airbenders in 12 BSC who gave him to the monks at the Southern Air Temple. As an Air Nomad, Aang has traveled extensively around the world. During his childhood, Aang was housed, raised and educated at his home, the Southern Air Temple, under the custody of Monk Gyatso who served as both a father figure and a counselor for Aang. According to Avatar Extras for the episode "The Warriors of Kyoshi", as a child Aang was a member of the "Air Scouts", the Air Nomad's version of the boy scouts. There, he learned to do many things such as how to tie reins to a bison's horns with the "Bison Horn Knot" and many other handy skills. When Aang turned six years old, he and several other young Air Nomad boys were taken to the Eastern Air Temple where they would each choose a Sky bison to be their lifelong companion. Aang approached his soon-to-be pet Sky bison Appa and offered him an apfel, apple which Appa accepted, thus marking the start of their friendship. In the Avatar Extras for the episode "The Waterbending Scroll", it says that Aang has always been able to excel with any new bending moves he learns. It is stated that "at the age of six, Aang was a better Airbender than kids twice his age, and at the age of ten, Aang proved to be a better Airbender than his own teachers".

While still a young boy, Aang had unconsciously revealed himself to be the Avatar when he chose the four Avatar Relics from thousands of toys to play with. Due to the signs of a possible war, Aang was told about his status as the Avatar at age twelve, four years earlier than the traditional age of sixteen, after exhibiting prodigious talent with his native element, Air. Aang felt burdened Von his status and came to spend Mehr time practicing Airbending with the monks than playing with his Friends as he was used to. Monk Gyatso was the only one to Zeigen understanding to Aang's burden (having been good Friends with Avatar Roku, Aang's past life) and tried to help ease Aang through the transition from childhood to adulthood Von providing Aang with balance through fun during the upheaval in his life.

However, after learning that he'd be sent to the Eastern Air Temple in order to complete his Airbending training far away from Monk Gyatso, who other monks thought to be too soft on him, Aang attempted to run away on his flying bison Appa. Shortly after running away, Aang and Appa were caught in a storm, crashing in the water and being swallowed Von the waves. Aang saved himself and Appa while semi-unconscious Von entering the Avatar State, freezing the two in a sphere of ice Von using a combination of Airbending and Waterbending.

Book 1: Water

One hundred years later, Aang is found and freed from the iceberg Von siblings Katara and Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe. He quickly befriended them and almost immediately attracted Prince Zuko's attention, who was to capture him Von order of the feuer Lord. The three set out to find a Waterbending master who could teach Katara and Aang, evading Zuko's attempts to capture them along the way. While helping a village, Aang crosses over to the Spirit World where he meets Fang, the animal guide dragon of his predecessor, Avatar Roku. He was instructed to visit an Avatar temple on Crescent Island during the Winter Solstice so he could talk with Roku. Despite a run-in with most of the feuer Sages, who were now loyal to the feuer Lord, Aang managed to speak with Roku, who warned him about the arrival of Sozin's Comet which would grant the feuer Nation enough power to win the War.

Roku urged Aang to master the three remaining elements before summer's end, when the comet was due to arrive, oder he oder anyone else would never be able to restore balance to the world. When Aang is captured Von Zhao, Zuko comes to his aid under the identity of the Blue Spirit, freeing the former so he could capture the Avatar himself. Upon the groups' arrival at the Northern Water Tribe, Aang was displeased to learn that his teacher, Master Pakku, wouldn't teach Katara, due to the tradition of not teaching females to use their Waterbending to fight. Katara is able to change Pakku's mind, and they both begin to learn under him. The period of calm is brief, as Zhao, now an admiral, commands an attack on the Northern Water Tribe with numerous ships. Aang finds the situation overwhelming and decides to seek guidance in the Ocean and Moon spirits, patrons of the Northern Water Tribe. Aang learns through a spirit named Koh that the spirits are in the mortal world, but his body is taken Von Zuko in the process. Aang's Friends managed to rescue him, but not before Zhao arrives at the Spirit Oasis, the lair of the spirits, and kills the Moon spirit, the Quelle of power for all Waterbending. Determined not to fail the Water Tribe, Aang merges with the Ocean Spirit and proceeds to wipe out the rest of feuer Nation ships. After all is over, the group leaves the North Pole. Aang is now learning Waterbending under Katara, whose fierce determination allowed for a quicker rise to mastery.

Book 2: Earth

Aang and the others are left near an Earth Kingdom base, from where they're to be escorted to Omashu, to be taught Earthbending Von one of his living peers, King Bumi. Due to a misunderstanding with the general responsible for the base, who wanted to forcibly draw the Avatar State, the group decides to go to Omashu Von themselves. Upon arrival they learn that the city has fallen under feuer Nation control. In a trade between the new governor's son, who accidentally left the city Von following Momo, and Bumi, Aang fights Azula, Zuko's younger sister, who also decides to capture him. Bumi tells Aang that he must remain in Omashu and instructs him on who to Suchen for as an Earthbending master: someone who waits and listens before attacking. While passing the Foggy Swamp, Aang has a vision about a laughing girl and flying boar. Upon reaching the city of Gaoling, they Suchen for a supposed underground Earthbending tournament, hoping to find a good teacher. After watching many rounds, they witness a fight between one of the beliebt contestants and the current champion, a little blind girl. During her match, Aang notices that the girl waits and listens before attacking. She easily defeats her opponent. Aang tries to talk to her, but she ignores him.

The group later learns that the girl belongs to the Bei Fong family, whose symbol is a flying boar. They go to her estate and Aang announces himself as the Avatar. He learns that Toph, the Earthbender, hides her ability from her family. After the two are kidnapped, Toph manages to fight the attackers off and joins the group against her parents wishes. As Earth is the opposite element to Air, Aang goes through some difficulties while learning it but eventually gets it. On their way to Ba Sing Se, the group finds Wan Shi Tong's bibliothek in the middle of the Si Wong Desert and learn valuable information on a solar eclipse that will leave the Firebenders powerless. They lose Appa while in the library, who is taken Von desert people and sold. After crossing the Serpent's Pass, the group comes across a giant feuer Nation Drill which is trying to penetrate the walls of the city. The group manages to fight them off.

Finally reaching Ba Sing Se, Aang discovers that the city isn't like he thought; true power doesn't lie with the Earth King, but with his adviser, Long Feng, who controls the secret police, the Dai Li. After reuniting with Appa, they storm the palace and manage to tell the Earth King about the solar eclipse. Aang receives a message from Guru Pathik, telling him to go to the Eastern Air Temple so he could teach Aang how to control the Avatar State. While there, he struggles when he learns he has to let go of his feelings for Katara. He has a vision about her being in danger and returns to the city. He learns that Azula and her Friends have infiltrated the city. After freeing Katara, they fight Zuko and Azula in the crystal catacombs. Things take a turn for the worse when the Dai Li, now under Azula's command, arrive. Aang retreats and tries to use the Avatar State but is then struck Von lightning from Azula. The very powerful lightning bolt shoots through his body, making his seventh chakra impossible to re-open. The lightning bolt killed him while he was in the Avatar state, severing the connection of the Avatar Spirit to the Avatar World and causing the Avatar to fall from the plane of existence. Aang's lifeless body lay on Appa's back, where Katara used water from the Spirit Oasis in the North Pole to claim back his life, which revived the Avatar spirit in turn, but his ability to use the Avatar State was now inaccessible.

Book 3: Fire

For several weeks, Aang was unconscious as he recovered from his injury. Mentally, he spent this time in the Spirit World, where he reconnected with his four Zurück selves to save the Avatar Spirit. However, upon his awakening, Aang forgot this journey. Team Avatar reached the feuer Nation and prepared for the invasion, planned during the Tag of Black Sun. In the meantime, he was threatened Von an assassin Zuko sent after him, Combustion Man. On the Tag of the eclipse, Aang, Sokka, and Toph go looking for feuer Lord Ozai, but Azula distracted them long enough for the eclipse to end and they decided to retreat to fight another day.

Afterward, Team Avatar and a few others went to the Western Air Temple, where Zuko appeared and wanted to Mitmachen their group. Initially they rejected him, but when Zuko helped them defeat Combustion Man, Aang accepted him as his Firebending teacher. Zuko and Aang sought out the Sun Warriors to learn the original Quelle of Firebending and eventually underwent a trial from the Drachen that increased both Firebenders' abilities.

Due to his belief in the sacredness of all life, Aang felt strong anxiety about the concept of killing Ozai. When he left for an island off the ufer of Ember Island, he met the Lion schildkröte who taught him about Energybending. Armed with this knowledge, Aang went on to defeat the feuer Lord Von taking away his Firebending. He vowed at feuer Lord Zuko's coronation to help him restore peace to the world. After Zuko's coronation, Aang is seen in Ba Sing Se with his friends, where he and Katara begin a romantic relationship with a passionate kiss.

After the War

Some time after the events of the War, Aang and Katara got married and started a family, which includes at least one child, an Airbender son named Tenzin who will eventually become an Airbending master. After around fifty-five years later, Aang died. His seemingly early death was the result of the one hundred years he spent Frozen in the iceberg. Aang was then reincarnated into the Southern Water Tribe as a girl named Korra.[2] It is currently unknown whether oder not he will appear in the Spirit World to act as a mentor to Korra, but the possibility still stands and is very likely.


Aang is fun-loving, somewhat naive, and adventurous. He possesses a deep respect for life and freedom, refuses to eat meat, and is often reluctant to fight. He craves the stimulation of new people and places. His frequent off-course detours frustrate both allies and pursuers alike. Yet Aang has always prided himself on a complex social network of Friends extending over all four nations, and war will not stand in his way. In addition, he looks vorwärts-, nach vorn to playing with all the exotic fauna in each place he visits. Whether it's penguins, pig hog-monkeys oder gigantic eels, no fit animal Aang sees goes un-ridden.

Within this carefree exterior, however, Aang hides a great deal of guilt and mental burden in his duties as Avatar. Very much the reluctant hero, he wishes he had been there to help his people a century ago. This initially caused him to conceal his true identity from friends, and he still has a tendency to slack off in his studies of the Bending Arts, even though he naturally excels at it. He also tends to becomes very distressed when he sees destruction caused Von the war, believing that as the Avatar, it is his job to prevent such events from happening. During "The Storm", Aang decided to stop dwelling on the past; however, on several occasions his desire to end the war caused him to take desperate action such as attempting to induce the Avatar State oder facing feuer Lord Ozai before he had fully mastered the elements.
As a natural pacifist, Aang chooses to employ frustration rather than violence against Azula.
ThailogAdded Von Thailog

Being the last Airbender and having no living peers (with the exception of the aged King Bumi and Guru Pathik), Aang has developed very strong bonds with his Friends (particularly Katara) explained Von Guru Pathik as a reincarnation of his Liebe for his people. His desire to protect them, however, leads to violent emotional outbursts when they are threatened, and he will even resort to deceiving and hurting others to keep the group together. In "Bato of the Water Tribe", Aang heard that Katara and Sokka might leave the group to visit their father, so Aang hid the map Wird angezeigt his whereabouts and lied about ever having it in the first place.

Aang prefers not to use his bending skill in battle due to his peaceful nature. He prefers to solve problems non-violently. Even when forced into combat, Aang typically holds back, fighting defensively and trying to subdue opponents without seriously hurting them, even if they are not human. This attitude was apparently common among all Airbenders, who were all vegetarians and taught that all living things are precious. The only exception to Aang's pacifism is when his Friends are threatened; in which case, he gets very angry and relentlessly attacks his opponents, sometimes even entering the Avatar State. But even in these extreme circumstances he has never taken a life.

Kürzlich events in the Earth Kingdom, however, have begun to take a toll on his care-free personality. Aang's attitude changed dramatically when Appa was captured. He became visibly enraged and hostile, particularly toward Toph, who was "keeping an eye on" Appa while they were gone. Despite attempts Von Katara to calm Aang down, his anger continued to grow until finally he flew off to Suchen for Appa alone. Eventually Aang returned to the group, but he was still visibly upset. He violated the principles of Airbending when Momo was snatched up Von a Buzzard-Wasp. He followed the creature and rescued Momo, but then unnecessarily struck it down with a powerful Airbending Bewegen conjured with his staff. After Aang returned with Momo, the group was confronted Von the Sandbenders who had taken Appa. When one of the benders revealed that they had sold the bison, Aang lashed out and smashed all their sand-sailors in a matter of moments using Airbending. He then turned his sights on the Sandbenders and entered the Avatar State. Aang's rage was only stopped when Katara grabbed hold of him and held him in an embrace until he finally calmed down and returned to his normal state.
Enraged at the loss of Appa, the Avatar state is triggered through uncontrollable fury.
ThailogAdded Von Thailog

After failing in Ba Sing Se, Aang began to feel angry and upset with himself. He felt an urge to redeem himself and refused to let the others fight in the invasion due to "his mistake". After leaving the ship in a violent storm, he was stopped in the water Von the harsh tides, but the spirits of Yue and Roku allowed Aang to see that his mistakes were not his fault and to let others help him. He returned to his lighter attitude soon after.

Four days before the invasion, Aang began to have nightmares about failing against fighting the feuer Lord. After each dream, Aang began to unravel and chose to avoid them Von not sleeping. This caused him to mentally fall apart even more, causing Aang to see intense hallucinations, blanking off into realistic Tag dreams. His friends, the night before the invasion, finally forced him to sleep, during which he defeated the feuer Lord in his dreams and came back to sanity.

During the invasion, Aang became extremely upset upon not being able to find feuer Lord Ozai, believing that he had Lost his only chance to defeat him and end the war. Aang later decided to face Ozai anyway, even though at this time the eclipse had passed and Ozai now had his powerful Firebending back. He was dissuaded, however, Von Toph and Sokka who advised him to retreat and attack at a Mehr advantageous time.
Aang eventually accepts his duty to master Firebending, accepting Zuko into the group.
ThailogAdded Von Thailog

After the invasion, Aang was unwilling to face the reality of having to learn Firebending and wanted to have some fun at the Western Air Temple; however, with the arrival of Zuko, he once again began training in earnest. Although he had planned to wait until after the comet to face Ozai, upon learning of the feuer Lord's plan to burn through the Earth Kingdom, he decided to engage him anyway, even though he wasn't fully trained. He also became extremely conflicted upon learning that he would probably have to take Ozai's life.



As the current reincarnation of the spiritual entity known as the Avatar Spirit, the spirit of the world in human form, Aang possesses the power and ability to bend all four elements, making him the strongest and most powerful bender in the world. Because the Avatar Spirit has mastered all the elements many lifetimes over, Aang has exceptional natural talent towards bending. Aang can also bend Mehr than two elements at the same time, as demonstrated in "The Tales of Ba Sing Se." Though Avatar Roku says mastering the elements can take many years, Aang was able to learn all four within a year, though technically he did not completely master all four as stated Von Zuko and Toph in "Sozin's Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King". Most Avatars are not told of their status until they are sixteen years of age, but Aang had become a fully-realized Avatar Von the end of the series, while he was biologically still only twelve years old, making him the youngest known person to do so. Conversely, because he is chronologically one hundred and twelve years old, Aang is also has the distinction of having taken the longest to achieve this status. Aang never demonstrated the special sub-sets of each Bending Art (such as healing, creating lightning, oder Metalbending), however it is possible he learned these skills later, as his training was unconventional.


Von the series' beginning, Aang is already an Airbending master, the youngest in history. Aang achieved his mastery Tattoos when he mastered thirty-five of the thirty-six tiers of Airbending and invented a new Airbending technique, the "Air Scooter". Because air is his natural element, it is the one he utilizes the most in battle. Once Aang begins to learn the other elements, for tactical purposes he relies less on Airbending, though it continues to remain his signature element. As a master, Aang's skill with Airbending is exceptional, being able to fight on-par with strong and powerful masters oder against large numbers of opponents. He has been shown to create tornadoes and currents of air strong enough to lift oder deflect extremely heavy objects. Aang's skill with air is great, even perilous, though his pacifistic Air Nomad nature halts the use of air as a deadly weapon (unless he is enraged oder in the Avatar State). Instead, Aang uses Airbending for pure defense, evasion oder other round-about methods of combat other than aggression. When not in battle, Aang uses Airbending in his everyday life, often for flying with his glider, oder simply to augment his natural agility. While in the Avatar State, Aang's Airbending power is magnified to the point he can erode solid rock away with an unusually strong and powerful gust of air.


Though Aang was originally better at Waterbending than his fourteen-year-old friend Katara, oder at least learned it quicker, once she trained under Master Pakku her skills developed rapidly. Katara was deemed a Waterbending Master and became Aang's teacher for the rest of the series. Aang has great skill with Waterbending, though it is one of his least used elements in battle, instead favoring other readily-available elements such as earth oder air. He does not carry a water skin, preferring to bend from large sources of water such as rivers, lakes, oder oceans. Von the third book, it is clear Aang has complete and total mastery over the element, capable of creating massive tidal waves (with the help of the moon spirit) oder bending entire streams of water. He was even able to extinquish a powerful blast of feuer from Ozai, then use the water to briefly put the feuer Lord on the defensive. While in the Avatar State, Aang can bend an entire ocean to rise, mimicking the moon pulling the tides. Unlike Katara, Aang does not learn the healing aspects of Waterbending.
Earthbending Bearbeiten Earthbending sectionEdit
Aang tends to utilize the defensive tactics of Earthbending, as it is his nature.
ThailogAdded Von Thailog

Because Earthbending is the natural opposing art of Airbending, Aang had great difficulty learning the bending art. Airbenders rely on indirect methods of combat, while Earthbending requires a head-on approach. When Aang was forced to protect Sokka, he stood his ground rather than avoid conflict, Wird angezeigt that he had an Earthbender's attitude; he was able to Earthbend soon thereafter. For the rest of the series his Earthbending improves greatly, allowing him to utilize Air, Water and Earthbending in combat together effectively. Since Book 2, Earthbending has become Aang's Sekunde most used fighting style behind Airbending, due to its general availability. Aang is capable of bending large boulders, sending massive columns of rock flying, oder forming earthen armor around his body for protection. Von Book Three Aang can fight and bend blindfolded, detecting things outside of his line of vision Von using Toph's seismic sense. While in the Avatar State, Aang can manipulate massive columns of rock, compress boulders into pebbles, oder send rocks flying at mach speeds, and requires no physical connection with the ground to Earthbend. Aang does not learn to bend metal, expressing interest in doing so only sarcastically while sabotaging the drill at Ba Sing Se before the technique was developed Von Toph. Despite the proficiency with which Aang used Earthbending in his fight with Ozai, Toph had expressed an opinion that he could still improve, however it is unclear if she felt he had not yet mastered it oder that he could improve a little more.


Because Earthbending is the natural opposing art of Airbending, Aang had great difficulty learning the bending art. Airbenders rely on indirect methods of combat, while Earthbending requires a head-on approach. When Aang was forced to protect Sokka, he stood his ground rather than avoid conflict, Wird angezeigt that he had an Earthbender's attitude; he was able to Earthbend soon thereafter. For the rest of the series his Earthbending improves greatly, allowing him to utilize Air, Water and Earthbending in combat together effectively. Since Book 2, Earthbending has become Aang's Sekunde most used fighting style behind Airbending, due to its general availability. Aang is capable of bending large boulders, sending massive columns of rock flying, oder forming earthen armor around his body for protection. Von Book Three Aang can fight and bend blindfolded, detecting things outside of his line of vision Von using Toph's seismic sense. While in the Avatar State, Aang can manipulate massive columns of rock, compress boulders into pebbles, oder send rocks flying at mach speeds, and requires no physical connection with the ground to Earthbend. Aang does not learn to bend metal, expressing interest in doing so only sarcastically while sabotaging the drill at Ba Sing Se before the technique was developed Von Toph. Despite the proficiency with which Aang used Earthbending in his fight with Ozai, Toph had expressed an opinion that he could still improve, however it is unclear if she felt he had not yet mastered it oder that he could improve a little more.


In "Book One: Water", Aang is gegeben the opportunity to learn Firebending early from Master Jeong Jeong, against the normal order of learning (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). While training, Aang's impatience to learn the basics of Firebending results in him harming Katara, an accident which caused him great shame. He swore from then on never to Firebend again, out of fear of losing control again. It isn't until the later half of "Book Three: Fire" when the Invasion plan fails that Aang seeks to learn Firebending. After accepting Prince Zuko as his teacher and discovering the true meaning of Firebending from the Drachen Ran and Shaw, Aang no longer fears Firebending and begins his training in the bending art. He is shown to be quite skilled, yet initially reluctant to Zeigen the aggressive attitude required for Firebending. Aang is capable of the ancient Dancing Dragon form, as well as highly strong and powerful kicks and blasts able to incapacitate a feuer Nation Airship with the help of Sozin's Comet which had greatly strengthened and enhanced his Firebending abilities to numerous power levels at the time. In preparation for fighting feuer Lord Ozai, Zuko taught Aang lightning redirection, a highly advanced and unique technique of Firebending that Zuko's paternal uncle Iroh invented Von observing Waterbenders. While in the Avatar State, Aang can create exceedingly strong and powerful and highly destructive streams of fire, as well as melt solid stone. Aang does not learn to bend lightning during the series.


Aang is also able to use a very unique and ancient form of bending called Energybending, which he used to strip Ozai of his natural Firebending abilities, leaving Ozai permanently drained and in a state of weakness. According to Lion Turtle, before the Avatar existed, people did not bend the four elements, but the life force energy within themselves. However, in order to bend another's life force energy, the Energybender's own life energy must be unbendable, oder they could become corrupted oder even destroyed. It has been confirmed that Aang is not the first Avatar to learn Energybending; however, there are very few who have learned this particular bending art and even fewer who have used it due to its dangers. Having appeared in only one episode of the series, the full range and potential of Energybending is not shown. It might be possible (since Energybending can permanently remove a bender's innate bending powers) for Energybending to permanently grant people bending powers and abilities as well.

Other Skills

Aang is extremely agile and quick even without bending. He is able to defend himself without needing to resort to bending Von simply dodging and avoiding attacks. He sometimes uses techniques similar to the martial art [1], which is the pursuit of harmony in conflict situations, rather than destroying oder defeating the opponent. This technique is shown in some fights with Aang and in the feuer Nation School against the student Hide. Aang defeats him, without even touching him, but instead just dodging his blows and pushing him when he is off-balance.

This behavior is matched Von his Airbending principles, which emphasise non-aggression. The martial art which Airbending is based on, Baguazhang, consists of intricate foot and palm movements to dodge, walk circles around the enemy and strike unexpectedly as well as defend from all angles - all principles which Aang utilizes often.

Aang can use his glider staff too with great skill, using it sometimes for attack, defense, oder bending.

As can be seen in the episode "The Headband", Aang is also an agile and extremely talented dancer, being able to perform somersaults in mid-air among other acrobatic feats and coordinate with Katara in a dance. His somersaults at that time did not seem to be aided Von Airbending, as he was in a public area surrounded Von feuer Nation students and there was no sign of any air currents around him.

Avatar Spirit

Aang is a reincarnation of the spiritual entity of the planet known as the Avatar, which has been continually reincarnated since before memorable history. The passage of reincarnation moves from the population of the Air Nomads to the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom and feuer Nation in order. The most Kürzlich incarnations were Avatar Roku (fire), Avatar Kyoshi (earth), Avatar Kuruk (water) and Avatar Yangchen (air). Aang often receives Guter Rat and guidance from Avatar Roku, the Zurück Avatar incarnation. Born into the feuer Nation in life, Roku is a benign force in spirit, serving as Aang's adviser and protector. On the Winter Solstice, after informing Aang of the impending return of Sozin's Comet, he manifested himself to defeat a group of Firebenders holding Aang's Friends hostage. (When Roku manifests, his voice can be heard behind Aang's when he speaks.) He has guided Aang several times since, appearing to Jeong Jeong to persuade him to teach Aang, offering critical wisdom in the ways of the Spirit World during "The Siege of the North", and revealing to Aang the nature of the Avatar State.
Aang begins to understand the dynamics of the Avatar Spirit.
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After receiving a letter from Guru Pathik in "The Earth King", Aang journeys to the Eastern Air Temple to learn to control the Avatar State. Guru Pathik reveals that the secret of entering, controlling, and leaving the Avatar State Von free will lay in the 'releasing' of seven chakras. Aang has little trouble with the first six, but struggles with the seventh - earthly attachments, mainly being, Aang's attachment to Katara. Aang's Liebe for Katara, accompanied Von a vivid distant vision of her in dire need of help, captured in Ba Sing Se, causes him to leave the Guru and return to Ba Sing Se. Guru Pathik states that Aang's refusal to let Katara go has 'locked the final chakra' and disallowed him to enter the Avatar State at all. Later, in "The Crossroads of Destiny", however, Aang begins to open the seventh and final chakra and enter the Avatar State Von doing just as he had been told - letting go of his feelings for Katara. However, moments after entering the Avatar State, the process is suddenly interrupted as he is struck with lightning from behind Von Azula, nearly killing him and removing him from the Avatar State, and the Avatar Spirit itself from the plane of existence. Fortunately, after their escape, Katara is able to use the special water from the spirit oasis to revive him.

Nonetheless, Aang's connection to his Zurück lives is severely damaged Von this and he has to undertake a journey into the Spirit World, meeting with the last four Avatars, to revive and heal the Avatar Spirit. While he is successful the link to his past selves is not completely restored, because of the wound he had suffered, leaving him unable to enter the Avatar State. While he was still able to contact his past lives and enter the Spirit World, it is only during his final battle with Ozai that the connection was fully restored.


The Avatar also has the capacity to act as a medium, a bridge between mortal world and the Spirit World, the plane of existence where the universe's disembodied spirits dwell. Through inducing a deep meditative state, Aang can separate from his body and travel the physical world's astral plane in astral form, or, with the help of a gateway, travel completely to the Spirit World. Once in the Spirit World, Aang can travel freely and communicate with beings such as Avatar Roku oder Koh the Face Stealer. This position as intermediary also allows him to channel other spirits while in the Avatar State. He once acted as the Avatar of the Ocean Spirit to defeat the feuer Nation during the siege of the North Pole. He has also channeled the spirits of Zurück Avatars, namely Roku and Kyoshi.

Appearances and References

* The Boy in the Iceberg (First appearance)
* The Avatar Returns
* The Southern Air Temple
* The Warriors of Kyoshi
* Bee Aggressive![3]
* The King of Omashu
* Imprisoned
* Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World
* Winter Solstice Part 2: Avatar Roku
* The Waterbending Scroll
* Jet
* The Great Divide
* The Storm
* The Blue Spirit
* The Fortuneteller
* Bato of the Water Tribe
* The Deserter
* The Northern Air Temple
* The Waterbending Master
* The Siege of the North, Part 1
* The Siege of the North, Part 2
* The Avatar State
* The Cave of Two Lovers
* Return to Omashu
* The Swamp
* Avatar Day
* The Blind Bandit
* Sokka, The Avatar
* The Chase
* bitter Work
* Sleepbending
* Lessons
* The Library
* The Desert
* The Serpent's Pass
* The Drill
* City of Walls and Secrets
* Tales of Ba Sing Se ("Tale of Aang")
* Appa's Lost Days
* Lake Laogai
* The Earth King
* The Guru
* The Crossroads of Destiny
* Escape from the Spirit World
* The Bridge (Unconscious Appearance)
* The Awakening
* The Headband/Aang's School Days
* Private Fire
* Painted Lady
* Sokka's Master
* Liebe Potion 8
* The Beach
* The Avatar and the feuer Lord
* The Runaway
* The Puppetmaster
* Nightmares and Daydreams
* The Tag of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion
* The Tag of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse
* The Western Air Temple
* The Firebending Masters
* The Boiling Rock, Part 1
* The Boiling Rock, Part 2
* The Southern Raiders
* The Ember Island Players
* Sozin's Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King
* Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters
* Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into The Inferno
* Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang

Non-Canon Appearances

* Avatar Series Pilot
* New Recruits (Ambiguously Canon)
* School Time Shipping
* Bending Battle
* Swamp Skiin' Throwdown
* Gym Time
* Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth
* Avatar: The Last Airbender - Into the Inferno
* The Last Airbender
* The Last Airbender 2
* The Last Airbender 3


* Gyatso (guardian)
* Katara (wife)
* Tenzin (son)
* Sokka (brother-in-law)
* Hakoda (father-in-law)
* Kya (mother-in-law)(Deceased)
* Kanna (grandmother-in-law)
* Pakku (step grandfather-in-law)
* Roku (immediate predecessor)
* Korra (reincarnation)


Aang is played Von Noah Ringer in M. Night Shyamalam's film The Last Airbender. The most major change to his character is that his name is pronounced as "Ahng" (IPA: [ɑːŋ], as in "art" oder "aha" oder "father") rather than "Aeng" (IPA: [æŋ], as in "sang") like the animated series, oder "Ong" (IPA: [ɔŋ], as in "song"), oder "Ung" (IPA: [ʌŋ] as in "sung"). This pronunciation contradicts the anglicised pronunciation used in the series, and the same pattern is followed for other characters. The Aang in the film exudes a very grim manner and is significantly less playful when compared to his animated counterpart. Aang's tattoo has also changed, now an ornate and decorative pattern filled with characters and swirls in very dark blue rather than a solid light blue. In the film, Aang is noted as having difficulties in learning waterbending, whereas he picked it up the instant he was taught in the series. This was all much to the chagrin of some Fans of the series. Another minor difference between Aang in the series and Aang in the film is that the film Aang is chronologically 113, and biologically 13.

Behind the Scenes

Voice Actor

Aang was voiced Von Mitchel Musso initially in the unaired pilot but afterward was replaced Von Zachary Tyler Eisen for the actual series.


* Aang is considered to be a Fully Realized Avatar, but he is biologically 12 years of age, which makes him (biologically) the youngest known Fully Realized Avatar in history, and can be considered ironic as he was not supposed to be told of his identity as the Avatar for another four years. Oddly, Aang is most likely the oldest Fully Realized Avatar in history (chronologically), at the age of 112.
* Aang's last line in the series is, "I can't believe a Jahr Vor I was still Frozen in a block of ice. The world is so different now." He is not heard speaking anytime after this.
* While Aang was Frozen for 100 years, he was in the Avatar State for the whole time. This is most likely the longest time that any Avatar has been in the Avatar State. This hundred-year long use of the Avatar State eventually leads to Aang's relatively early death in his late (biological) sixties oder early seventies.
* Aang is the last person seen bending in the series. He is seen bending a ball of air that Momo tries to grab.
* Since Avatar Roku is the maternal great-grandfather of Zuko and Azula and was the Zurück Avatar, Aang, Zuko and Azula are all related spiritually. Also, since Roku is Ursa's grandfather, Aang is also related spiritually to Ursa.
* Aang is written 安昂 - ān áng - meaning "peaceful soaring".
* Aang's premature departure from his Avatar State training to rescue Katara in "The Guru", and its results, are very reminiscent of Luke Skywalker's impulsive actions in the star, sterne Wars film The Empire Strikes Back.
* Aang's saying that he never used aggression to take a life may be partially incorrect, as he struck down a Buzzard wespe that had kidnapped Momo in "The Desert". However, it is possible that the creature wasn't killed, but simply injured. It is also implied that Aang killed most of the feuer Nation soldiers during the Siege of the North, however that cannot be associated to him since he was under the influence of the Avatar State (the combined spirits of all the past Avatars) and La (The Ocean Spirit, who was infuriated and didn't share Aang's beliefs).
* The release of Aang's seventh chakra in "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang" appears to be triggered Von the impact of his lightning scar with the cliff face, bearing no apparent connection to its ostensible blockage (his refusal to let go of his affection for Katara).
o During "The Awakening" while healing Aang, Katara mentions that a great deal of energy is locked up around the scar. It is implied that this is the energy he began to summon when unlocking the Avatar State, which somehow became locked around the scar when he was struck and is released (along with access to the state) in the finale.
o It can be speculated that her temporary romantic rejection of him earlier in the series finale is what makes this release possible as the block to the state no longer exists.
+ However his Liebe for her may not have been the cause of the block, as Zurück Avatars (such as Roku) have had control of the state while loving someone and when he began to unlock the chakra it was to use that power to help them escape a losing battle and hence protect her. Rather as the chakra releases "cosmic energy", the block may have been caused Von his own inability to see past his Liebe for her to his greater duty to the world, which he willingly accepts in the finale thus removing the block.
+ Also, gegeben that Yangchen stated how it was impossible for the Avatar to detach himself/herself from the world, it is possible that Aang gained control of the state Von other means. While he was fighting Ozai, his eyes and Tattoos glowed continuously, as they have when he used the state reflexively, and so it is possible that he gained mastery over the Avatar State when he was able to stop the Avatar Spirit from killing Ozai, seeing as how Aang had full control over the state when he Weiter uses it.
* After Aang was shot through the back with Azula's lightning in "The Crossroads of Destiny", he has two scars that can be seen throughout season three. One scar on his back where the lightning entered his body and the other scar on the sole of his left foot where the lightning left his body.
* After "The Crossroads of Destiny", Aang was believed to be dead Von many people in the world. Those who did believe that Aang was dead were somewhat correct, because when Aang was shot with lightning, he did actually die, along with all the past Avatars, but Katara, using the spirit water from the North Pole, was able to save Aang, and Von extension, the Avatar Spirit, from near-certain death.
* Aang is the only known Avatar to remain true to his native upbringing (with the exception of Kuruk), seeing as how every other identified Avatar before him defied their people's customs oder political figures in some way. For instance, Yangchen was famous for doing whatever it took to preserve balance, Roku threatened the political leader of the feuer Nation, and Kyoshi defied the Earth King's orders regarding a peasant uprising in Ba Sing Se.


* Aang chose four toys out of thousands—a schildkröte shell rattle (Water), a string-powered propeller (Air), a Hog Monkey (Earth) and a drum (Fire). These four toys were the same ones that past Avatars had chosen for generations when they were children, proving that Aang was the Avatar. This is the same procedure used Von the Tibetan Buddhist monks to recognize the Weiter reincarnation of the Tulku Lama. According to the book Magic and Mystery in Tibet Von Alexandra David-Néel, "a number of objects such as rosaries, ritualistic implements, books, tea-cups, etc., are placed together, and the child must pick out those which belonged to the late Tulku, thus Wird angezeigt that he recognizes the things which were in his Zurück life".
* After the end of Book 2 (Earth), Aang's voice starts to get deeper as Book 3 (Fire) progresses. This shows how Aang matures throughout the third season.
* According to himself, Aang is a terrible Tsungi Hornist.
* The names of the first episode, The Boy in the Iceberg, and the very last episode, Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang, Zeigen Aang's growth and maturity throughout the series; how he goes from being a goofy, ignorant kid in the beginning to becoming a Fully Realized Avatar Von the end.
* Though Aang's eye color is gray, his eyes will sometimes be a very light blue oder brown in some episodes.
* Aang appears to be the youngest monk ever to master Airbending, receiving his tattoos, the Air Nomads' sign of Airbending mastery, while still a child. This is most likely because he is the Avatar. However, since there is no evidence of how young most Air Nomad Avatars were when they mastered Airbending, we can only assume Aang is the youngest monk and Air Nomad Avatar to receive his tattoos. According to "Avatar Extras", Aang had to master 36 complex Airbending forms to master Airbending, and he had learned only 35 of them, but was gegeben the rank of master when he created the air scooter technique.
* Aang is portrayed Von Noah Ringer in The Last Airbender.
* Aang is the only known male Airbender to grow a full head of hair, albeit due to being unconscious.
* It was widely speculated that Aang being a "Fully Realized Avatar" required him to master all the elements, oder be able to bend all at once with at least some amount of skill. "Avatar Extras" explained that being a Fully Realized Avatar means that the Avatar in Frage is able to control himself/herself whilst in the Avatar State. Doing so grants the Avatar all the power and knowledge of their past lives.
* In "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang", Aang is seen wearing a halskette similar to the one that was on Gyatso's skeleton in "The Southern Air Temple". They are probably not the same ones, but the possibility still stands, gegeben that there is no confirmation as to how long after the final battle Zuko's coronation takes place.
* Aang was seen oder mentioned in every episode except "Zuko Alone".
* The name Aang is similar to the Malaysian word angin and Filipino word hangin, meaning wind. Aang is also the Inuit word for hello, which could be a reference to his friendly nature.
* In the upcoming series, Avatar: Legend of Korra, the main protagonist, Korra, must learn Airbending and seeks out Aang's son, Tenzin, to act as her master. It is currently unknown whether Aang and Katara had any other children. As Tenzin is the only known non-Avatar Airbender alive in Korra's time, the exact status of the Airbenders is currently unclear.
* Aang was born at the exact moment of Roku's death.
* Technically, it could be argued that Aang was never the last Airbender because Appa survived the genocide as well. However it is clear that Aang was meant to be the last human Airbender.
* Aang's parents were originally going to be featured in an episode, however due to time restraints the episode was cut. However, had the episode not been cut, they would have been the first Avatar's parents shown in the series.
* Aang is the last person seen bending in "Avatar: The Last Airbender," as he is seen playing with Momo while in the jasmin Dragon.

Biographical information


Air Nomads; Southern Air Temple


112 (biologically 12 in Avatar: The Last Airbender)
166-167 [1](biologically 66-67) Deceased (in The Last Airbender: Legend of Korra)





Physical description



Hair color    

Black (typically shaven)

Eye color    


Personal information


Gyatso, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Suki, Appa, Momo, Iroh, Bumi, Lion Turtle, Tenzin, past and future Avatars, more…


Ozai, Azula, Zhao, Long Feng, the Dai Li, Combustion Man, more…

Weapon of choice     

The Elements, Glider Staff

Fighting Style(s)     

Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Energybending

Chronological and political information


Avatar, Monk


Fully Realized Avatar, Airbending Master, Head Leader of Team Avatar


* Air Nomads
* Team Avatar

First Appearance     

The Boy in the Iceberg

Voiced By     

Zachary Tyler Eisen
Mitchel Musso (unaired pilot episode)
 As a natural pacifist, Aang chooses to employ frustration rather than violence against Azula.
As a natural pacifist, Aang chooses to employ frustration rather than violence against Azula.
 Aang as a newborn.
Aang as a newborn.
 Enraged at the loss of Appa, the Avatar state is triggered through uncontrollable fury.
Enraged at the loss of Appa, the Avatar state is triggered through uncontrollable fury.
 Aang is struck down Von Azula as he assumes the Avatar state.
Aang is struck down by Azula as he assumes the Avatar state.
 Aang finally accepts and utilizes Firebending as he learns the true functioning of it from the Sun Warriors.
Aang finally accepts and utilizes Firebending as he learns the true functioning of it from the Sun Warriors.
 Aang tends to utilize the defensive tactics of Earthbending, as it is his nature.
Aang tends to utilize the defensive tactics of Earthbending, as it is his nature.
 Aang is the sole, living Airbending master of the series.
Aang is the sole, living Airbending master of the series.
 At the peak of his potential, Aang simultaneously bends the elements of the Avatar world.
At the peak of his potential, Aang simultaneously bends the elements of the Avatar world.
 Aang begins to understand the dynamics of the Avatar Spirit.
Aang begins to understand the dynamics of the Avatar Spirit.
 Rather than committing homicide, Aang strips Ozai of his destructive power Von employing Energybending.
Rather than committing homicide, Aang strips Ozai of his destructive power by employing Energybending.
 Prior to being freed Von Katara, Aang was encased in a time defying globe.
Prior to being freed by Katara, Aang was encased in a time defying globe.
 Aang demonstrates his elusive abilities in his spar with Hide.
Aang demonstrates his elusive abilities in his spar with Hide.
 Aang "has the reflexes of a Waterbending master".
Aang "has the reflexes of a Waterbending master".
 Aang finally accepts and utilizes Firebending as he learns the true functioning of it from the Sun Warriors.
Aang finally accepts and utilizes Firebending as he learns the true functioning of it from the Sun Warriors.
 Noah Ringer as Aang.
Noah Ringer as Aang.
added by toto2
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: Tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by NightFrog
Source: NightFrog
added by BlindBandit92
Source: Photobucket.com
posted by toughgiratina
Sozin's Comet was the greatest Avatar episode ever! From the beggining, right down to the end (sniffle). Avatar: The Last Airbender was the most predictable when Katara and Aang kissed! Come on! I knew that thet were eventually going to end up together! Now back to the actual movie. The greatest battle was probably between Princess Azula and Prince Zuko, and Aang and feuer Lord Ozai. The happiest ending was probably between when Aang and Katara got together, and that Ozai was stopped. A very epic movie, an awesome series, and plenty of happy endings for all.
added by twilight1019
Source: Deviant art artists
added by trixie123
added by Zukos_bride
added by dustfinger
posted by sokka33
Avatar: the last airbender

By callum kane
Age 12

The Fishing trip

One Tag on the south pole, a brother and a sister were about to find out what there destiny was. And to think they were only going fishing…
They pushed of the ufer and started to row to the best area that they new to fish, a while past when all of a sudden the big brother spotted a fish. He told his little sister to watch and learn, but she paid no notice to what her big brother said. She also noticed a small shadow gliding under the water, she took of her handschuh off and started to wave her hand up and down slowly, she...
continue reading...
Chapter four

The Weiter morning Toph woke up to okka making breakfast. Good morning Toph. Good morning Sokka. I'm just makeing fisch for breakfast. Okay then it looks like we're having fisch again. Toph are Du getting anoyed with fish. Oh big time.

Aang woke up and went downstairs. Harold was in the küche makeing breakfast. Good morning Aang. Good morning Harold.

Katara and Zuko came running downstairs. They hered a knock on the door.

I'll get it sagte Aang. When Aang opend the door he saw Azula,Ty lee and Mai.

What are Du gies doing here. We want to help Du find the magical orb and get...
continue reading...
“Remember to be on your best behavior.” Katara told the kids while they waited outside Von the pond for Zuko, Mai, and Jin. Toshiro played with Momo.
“You know Du can trust me, Mom.” Haruki told his mother.
“Try to have some fun this time.” Katara told her son, kneeling down on the floor so their eyes were level and putting her hands on his shoulders. “I don’t want Du to just watch your cousins have fun, I want Du to have fun too.”
“Mom, Du and I both know there’s no time for fun when there’s a war going on.” Haruki told his mother seriously
“Kya’s almost of warrior...
continue reading...
Von Avatar: The Last Airbender
kyoshi warrior
team Avatar
ty lee
boiling rock prison
Avatar – Der Herr der Elemente
added by zanhar1
added by I_Love_Cullen
added by Big_G316
Source: Google
added by CourtneyKatara
Avatar, katara, toph, azula