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"Wait, so Du live in Neptune, drive a Saturn and your last name is Mars? Did Du name your dog Jupiter too?"

They're sitting on his bed, the TV blasting as background noise behind them, and Alex is a little surprised at how easy it is to talk to this girl. He had found her an Stunde before on his doorstep looking, sad and alone. He didn't bother asking how she found him, he just invited her in and told her she could stay as long as she needed. A pint of ice cream later, she seemed to be doing somewhat better.

"My dog's name is Backup," she speaks with a tiny huff. "I was thinking of naming my first born Mercury though," she adds deadpanned.

"You should go with that, I'm sure the kid would really Liebe Du for it."

"Right, like I'm actually ever having kids."

"Yeah?" He asks looking over at her. "You gonna tell me Du don't want the white picket fence and all that crap?"

"I'm not really a believer in that whole forever and always thing," she speaks honestly. "In the fairytale I read, Aschenputtel found out Prince Charming with sleeping with the Fairy Godmother six months after the happy ever after."

"You and Meredith could write the world's most depressing book," he snorts.

"I can handle that all on my own, thanks. So do Du disagree with me on the whole relationship thing Karev? I didn't really take Du for a romantic."

"Yeah, I'm all hearts and flowers," he speaks with a laugh. "I'm just not sure it's always so black and white."

She laughs a little as she falls back on his bett and stares up at the ceiling. "Sure it is. People lie, they cheat, and they screw up. It's all really simple actually."

The sad thing is, he can't really argue with her logic. He tries to, in his head, he tries to find an argument that actually works, but in all honesty, Veronica really does have a point. He relaxes on the bett beside her and looks over at her as she counts the ceiling tiles.

"You know, this whole PI business doesn't really help your trust issues," he tells her.

"No, but one Tag I'm going to make some therapist very wealthy," she bites back.

The door suddenly opens and Veronica jumps slightly. "Hey Alex….." His eyes Bewegen away from Veronica as he looks up and over at a stunned Izzie. She stares at Veronica and then looks back at Alex. "Uh, yeah, never mind," she mutters as she quickly shuts the door behind her.

"Gosh, she really loves me doesn't she?" Veronica quips.

"What gave it away?" Alex speaks as he rolls on his side to look at Veronica.

"I think it was the evil glare," she smiles.

"She probably thinks Du came over here tonight to seduce me," he grins. "I mean Du did find the place kind of easy…"

Her eyes widen at first and then they dance as she looks at him with a mischievous grin. " Me seduce you?" She questions, "I don't' Karev know, your kind of old…"

He looks down at her and smiles with a glint in his eyes. He stares at her for a moment before moving a strand of hair from her face. "Shut up Veronica," he whispers as he leans over and kisses her. He feels her smile against him, but he's not really surprised. Her arms slowly tangle around his neck and suddenly nothing really matters. He doesn't know what this is, and he really doesn't care. Veronica Mars is the most normal woman he's been interested in, in a long time, and even if it's a mistake, he knows it's his to make.


Veronica is standing in her mother's room the Weiter room looking bright and almost perky. Her hair is down around her shoulders and her eyes have a slight sparkle in them. Alex swallows when he looks at her, because he knows all of that is about to change. He doesn't want to give her news that freaking sucks, but he knows he has no choice.

"My mom opened her eyes," she speaks out. "I know it isn't much, but it was new, and she was Mehr responsive this morning. Maybe that means she's coming out of this oder something right?"

She has hope in her eyes, and Alex thinks it's the first time he's really saw her face so lit up. It sucks that it's all going to fade away soon, but that's life, and he knows Veronica Mars has had a crash course in bad news through out the years.

"Yeah, looks like it could," he nods but he knows he can't fight back the frown on his face.

"So are Du usually this chipper when a patient shows improvement?" She questions.

"Veronica…." He tries as he sees her eyes change almost immediately.

"Alex? What's wrong?" she speaks eyeing him.

"The kid that was driving the car your mom hit, he died."

He's always thought she had expressive eyes, even from the first moment he saw her charge into Seattle Grace. Now however, it's like he's watching the spark leave them at once. The dim right in front of him, and Alex can't help but feel like Veronica has just Lost another part of herself.

"When?" She Fragen stepping back.

"This morning," he Antwort back stepping up to her.

He watches her as she stares over at her mother and then back to the floor. "I guess that's that," she speaks looking up at him. "She really messed things up this time."

"Hey, Du okay?" He asks carefully. She just looks at him, with eyes that answer the Frage in themselves. She's not okay, no where near okay, he thinks as she shrugs her shoulders and stares back over at her mother.

"I knew it was a possibility right? Du warned me," she Antwort looking away. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"You're a horrible liar Veronica," he speaks touching her shoulder with his hand. "It's okay to be upset, this whole thing really sucks."

"He wanted to be a History teacher," she speaks staring up at him.


"The boy my mother…that died," she swallows. "He wanted to coach baseball and teach History."

Alex sees her fighting back tears, and he feels his stomach fall. It's like he's watching the last glimmer of hope she had for her mother fade away, right in front of him. Alex knows the whole good guy thing is something he's not exactly great at, but this girl, she needs something, someone, right now. He pulls her to him gently, and is almost surprised when she doesn't fight him. Instead, she folds into his arms and lets out a deep breath. "Let's get out of here for awhile," he whispers causing her to nod against his chest. He really didn't intend for this girl to get under his skin, but as Alex kisses her forehead he thinks, the damage has already been done.


There are three things that Veronica is certain of now. There are no happy endings, no fairytales, oder dreams of forever and always. As far as Veronica is concerned, those things just don't exist. People are imperfect creatures, and apparently, they can't stop themselves from constantly screwing up. Her mother caused the death of an innocent teenager, and no matter how hard she tries, she still can find a way to justify it. Her mother isn't coming Home with her when she's better, instead she's going to have to pay for what she's done. Veronica can't help but think that is sucks, that once again, she's going to have to pay, right along with her.

"Did Du clean the whole freaking house?" Alex's voice rings out as she tosses a dust cloth in the garbage. "I thought Du wanted to come over here to relax today, not pull a Mr. Clean."

The thing is, Veronica can't allow herself to think right now. Thinking would mean dealing with her mother's issues, and she's not sure she's ready to go all into that right now. So yes, she did slightly go overboard when she started cleaning the kitchen. She was half way done when Meredith had walked Von and joked that the living room could use some work too. Obviously, Meredith didn't realize what she was saying, because cleaning means not thinking, and it helps, somehow it always helps.

"Are Du complaining? The place is lemony fresh, who doesn't Liebe a lemony fresh, house?" Veronica smirks as Alex walks over and brushes her lips with his own.

There is apart of her that worries that whatever this is with Alex is starting to feel too normal. It shouldn't, because it's new, and not real, but somehow, at times, it just does. She tells herself that it is temporary, but there are times when they are battling each other with sarcasm and smirks, that she almost wishes that she could take Alex Home with her when she goes. She knows she can't though, because he is Seattle, and she's Neptune, and those are two things that under normal circumstances would never work.

"I just didn't realize Du were such a neurotic cleaner," he speaks with a shrug.

"We all have our issues Karev. Trust me, this doesn't even begin to cover mine."

"Yeah, I've noticed," he smirks. "So, is your dad coming back today?"

She lets out a sigh, "No, Wallace is coming instead. Dad has this huge case, big money, so I told him to stay back and work it. The only way he would agree to it, is if he sent Wallace in his place," she smiles.

"Wallace is like your person right?" Alex Fragen casually staring down at her intently.

Veronica can't help but laugh at his comment. "My person? You've been hanging out with Cristina and Meredith too much! Wallace is my BFF!" She speaks with pep.

"How perky cheerleader of you," Alex snorts. "BFF, seriously?"

"Yes, BFF! We have charm bracelets and everything" she jokes. "My friendship with Wallace may actually be the most stable relationship I've ever had," she adds Mehr seriously.

"Yeah? Does he know how you've been spending your time, away from the hospital?" Alex Fragen arching an eyebrow.

"You mean in my motel room eating ice cream and catching up on my reading? Absolutely!"

"So making out with doctors in supply closets hasn't been brought up yet? Du two are going to have a lot to talk about."

"Doctors?" Veronica asks teasingly. "Wait, how'd Du find out about me and Sloan? He sagte he'd keep his mouth shut," she smirks.

"That's not funny Mars," Alex grumbles before pulling her to him, and Küssen her. She knows she's going to have to go back to the hospital soon, but for right now, she's exactly where she wants to be.


"People are saying things about Du Karev," Meredith speaks as she catches him in the hallway a Tag later.

"Yeah? They must led boring lives," he Antwort back with a shrug.

"Some people are starting to think Du have a knight and shining armor complex," she continues. "Then there's a few that think your just taking advantage of that poor girl from California," she adds never looking at him.

"Knight and shining armor," he grumbles, "That's crap."

"I don't know, they're talking about white Pferde and Du saving the day, it's actually kind of amusing."

"Veronica doesn't need saving," he frowns. "It's not like that."

"You really like her don't you?"

"She's not some naïve kid, Du know," he speaks without answering the question. Instead, he stops in the middle of the hallway and waits for Meredith to answer.

"Obviously she's highly intelligent and very mature for her age."

"Yeah, she is."

"She's going to leave soon. Maybe Du don't want to think about that, but she is. She has to eventually go back to California, back to school, and we both know you're not a long distance relationship type guy," Meredith speaks letting out a breath when she's finally finished.

"I'm glad we both know so much about me," he mutters. "And who sagte anything about a relationship?" Alex asks narrowing his eyes.

"It's Du Karev; it's quite obvious that Veronica isn't some inappropriate person. Du don't give inappropriate people the attention, you're giving to her."

There is a part of Alex that hates the fact that Meredith Grey actually gets him on some level, there's another part of him though, that is almost relieved to talk to someone who isn't rolling their eyes about the whole messed up situation.

"Dude, Du need to spend less time with that therapist. You're starting to sound like her." Alex Antwort back shaking his head in annoyance as he walks off and leaves Meredith standing in the hallway. He can handle whatever this is with Veronica, yeah he's almost sure he can handle it.


"So they're saying things are looking up. She's Mehr responsive, coming out of this finally," Veronica speaks to her best friend. She watches as Wallace listens to her carefully, and she has to admit, she's relieved, he's finally here. "It's still a long road ahead though," she adds tossing a glance at her mother before letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, but she's getting better V, and that's what matters," Wallace smiles.

"When she's better, she has to face what she's done." Veronica tells him honestly. "A boy is dead, she has to pay for that."

Wallace's face falls and he frowns, "I should have been here sooner Veronica. I'm the best friend, that's what I'm supposed to do."

"You're here now," Veronica smiles gently, "And Du brought me Mehr clothes!" She adds with a bit Mehr enthusiasm. "The fact that Du were able to get exactly what I asked, it totally earned Du BFF points."

"I've missed Du Veronica Mars," Wallace speaks suddenly. "Not that I'd ever admit it to anyone else…."

"Well I am kind of awesome," she smiles gently. "And for what it's worth, I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah, so anyway," Wallace sighs, "I was in the elevator today, and these two nurses were doing a little gossiping.

Veronica fights back a frown, "We're they fighting over Mcdreamy and Mcsteamy? Tell me, who did they think is hotter?"

Wallace just shakes his head no at her, and she can't help but let out a tiny sigh. "Rumors just seem to follow Du around, girl. So, Du and this Dr. Karev, what gives?"

He's blunt and to the point, and Veronica knows from his tone he doesn't approve. "It's nothing," she shrugs off, but this is Wallace, and when he glares at her, she frowns. "Well, it's Mehr than nothing, but it's not some grand romance oder anything, it's no big deal, really."

"Are Du idating/i this guy?" Wallace asks crossing his arms against his chest.

She's hesitant to answer at first, because honestly she really doesn't know what they're doing. "We're hanging out, oder something. It's really not all that complicated."

"V, when Du have no idea what your status is with someone, then yeah, it's complicated," Wallace breathes. "This guy, he's older, a player, the way those nurses talked….

"I can handle it," Veronica shrugs with a smile. "Relax Wallace, I've got this under control." Except in all honesty, she doesn't, and that scares her Mehr than it should.


"We are the talk of the hospital!" She tells Alex when he comes to her hotel room the Weiter night. "All it took was one elevator ride and Wallace had the whole story."

"I'm pretty sure whatever he heard in one of our elevators was not the real story," Alex grunts as he wraps his arms around Veronica's waist. It's familiar now, the way she feels in his arms. It fits somehow, and he knows deep down it shouldn't.

"Well that is true," Veronica grins. "He did hear something about me being pregnant with your child…"

Alex lets out a cough, but recovers when he sees Veronica laugh gently against him. "People in that hospital have no lives."

"Obviously," Veronica agrees.

"So tonight," he speaks moving a hand up to Bewegen a strand of stray hair from her face. "I was thinking we'd go out. Do Du like Italian? Because I'm do, and I'm buying."

He sees her eyes widen and suddenly she takes a step back from him. "You're taking me out in public?" She speaks with a tiny smile. "Dr. Karev, are Du asking me out on a idate/i?" She questions.

"Dude, we've went out to eat before. Remember, we did the whole pizza thing, that one night." It comes out harsher than it should and he instantly regrets the tone in his voice.

"I paid for my half of the pizza that night," she counters and for a teilt, split second, he thinks she almost looks disappointed at his attempt to brush this off as nothing.

"Yeah, well you're not paying tonight," he offers his voice softer than he means for it to be.

"I was only joking about it being a date," she speaks up with a nod.

He sees Fragen in her eyes when she looks over at him, and he knows that they've reached a point where something has to give. "Veronica, whatever this is, it's something. We're, isomething/i, just so Du know."

"And when I go back home, then what will we be?" She frowns. "Because, we can't be this, not with me there, and Du here…."

It almost amuses him at how bad they both suck at this. She just keeps starting at him with those beautiful eyes of hers, and all he can do is step vorwärts-, nach vorn and pull her toward him. "Hey, you're still here, and we're still something okay? Stop overanalyzing this, and let's go get something to eat. You're starting to sound like Meredith and Izzie, and that is inot/i a good thing," he jokes as he brushes a KISS against her lips.

Whatever this is with Veronica, this isomething/i that they have, he's going to go for it. He knows it's temporary, but that doesn't mean it isn't real. Veronica is still in Seattle, still in his arms, and as far as he's concerned California doesn't exist right now. He can deal with the fall out later, that's the part he's used to anyway. Right now, he just wants to feel whatever it is that this girl makes him feel.

"So this whole thing that we are that really doesn't have a name, does it mean, we're going to hold hands in the hallways at the hospital now oder do Du want to stick to calling each other cutesy nicknames, just to nauseated people?" She jokes sarcastically and suddenly the room feels much lighter again.

She has a way about her that he just can't resist. The way she mixes adorable with sexy makes, her one of a kind, and he thinks that it's amusing that she doesn't even realize just how incredible she really is.

He looks at her as she tilts her head at him slightly and looks up at him with a half smile, and mischievous eyes. "I was thinking we'd shoot for having lunch together tomorrow while everyone stares at us, if that works for you," he speaks with a tiny grin.

"It'll be the highlight of my otherwise sucky day," she accepts. "I get to discuss physical therapy with doctors, and then meet with a lawyer I can't afford," she adds with a long sigh.

"Sounds fun."


"Well, if Du need someone to vent to, I'll be around," he tells her touching her arm softly.

"You know I may take Du up on that," she nods. "Now, are we going to get something to eat oder what? I'm a tiny girl, I need Essen to keep my strength up," she smirks.

"Right, Du could out eat a whole freaking football team Veronica!" He snorts as he leads her out of the hotel room. He snakes his arm around her waist as they head down the hallway. She smiles up at him and Alex can't help but think that this is good, yeah, it's really, really good.
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