Arthur und Gwen Club
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 36: link


    Arthur wakes before Guinevere, which is a new experience for him. He turns his head look at her sleeping form and spoons up behind her, wrapping his arm around her. He closes his eyes and Gwen moves, snuggling backward, wriggling her rear slightly into him. His eyes open again when she does this.
    Is she awake? he wonders. He listens. It doesn’t seem so, but let’s see.
    He caresses her stomach softly with his hand and nuzzles her neck. She sighs, but her eyes are still closed. Up oder down? he thinks, trying to decide which way to Bewegen his hand. Start with up. He brings his hand upward, stroking her breast, and kisses her shoulder. He feels her body respond to his touch, and he smiles as he hears her moan slightly. She pushes back against him again and now his body is starting to get ideas.
    His hand continues to softly caress her breast while he starts depositing kisses on her neck.
    “You make a very interesting alarm clock,” she mutters, eyes still closed.
    “Try and find my snooze button,” he jokes.
    Gwen laughs, opening her eyes, saying, “If I did that, you’d be back again in nine Minuten anyway. Besides, there’s no turning Du off now.”
    He turns her face towards his for a kiss, which she reluctantly gives, wishing she could go brush her teeth first.
    “I know, Du don’t care.”
    “Right,” he says, but he releases her lips and turns his attention back to her neck, knowing she likes that. Gwen reaches back and takes him in her hand, stroking and squeezing him, having found him already hard.
    His hand drifts down between her legs, and she shifts slightly to let him have access to her. He touches her gently, fingers sliding, and she sighs as she feels the familiar warmth spreading from her center out.
    Arthur nibbles her ear, whispering words of Liebe as he does so; the brush of his warm lips on only adding to her arousal.
    Gwen lifts her oben, nach oben leg up, wrapping it back around his legs, and allows him to slide into her. He does so slowly, prolonging the sensation as his fingers continue stroking her from the front.
    “Oh…” she breathes, closing her eyes, enjoying Arthur’s early morning assault. He is still moving slowly, leisurely, groaning occasionally, his lips trailing down the side of her neck.
    “Arthur… fas…” she begins, but trails off, breathless.
    “Hmm?” he asks into her neck. Faster, perhaps? He smiles.
    “Faster…” she manages. He obliges, increasing his speed and intensity.
    “Better?” he grunts.
    “Don’t stop,” she gasps.
    “I… Liebe it when… Du tell me… what to do…” he manages.
    She says nothing, but grabs his rear and presses her head back against him. A Minute later, a series of gasps signals her climax, followed immediately Von his as he grabs her around the waist tightly, sending a prolonged groan into her neck.
    He holds her for several minutes, and they lay together, just enjoying one another.
    “That’s a good way to wake up in the morning,” he says finally, Küssen her shoulder again and gently pulling himself away. Gwen snuggles back down into the blankets for another minute, looking vorwärts-, nach vorn to their trip.
    She hears the dusche turn on, sighs, and gets up. I’m entering dangerous ground, she thinks as she opens the bathroom door.
    “Care to Mitmachen me?” Arthur’s suggestive voice comes from behind the dusche curtain.
    Yep, I knew it. “No,” she says simply, smiling, putting toothpaste on her brush.
    “No??” he feigns hurt, but she can hear the smile in his voice.
    She spits into the sink. “If I do, you’ll just start getting ideas.”
    “I always have ideas,” he tells her.
    “Exactly my point,” she laughs.
    Arthur sighs theatrically. Then he hears the door close. “Gwen?” He pokes his head out. She’s gone. Well.
    When he emerges from the bathroom, he hears her in the küche and smells food. Breakfast, he thinks, and his stomach growls. Once dressed, he heads out and finds her setting a plate down for him. She bends and gives him a kiss, and he pulls her into his lap, where he kisses her thoroughly, his hands wandering a bit.
    She sighs and leans her forehead against his. “Eat your breakfast, love,” she says, kisses him again, and untangles herself from his lap to go shower.

    “I’d like to stop at the bibliothek for a Minute before we go, is that all right?” she asks him as they are preparing to leave.
    “Um, sure. Why, though”
    “I left a book there that I was intending to bring.”
    He raises an eyebrow at her and says, “Do Du really expect to have time to read?”
    “You never know,” she laughs. “I usually wake up before you, I could read then.”
    Arthur picks up a book lying on a nearby table. “I need a new one anyway, I’ve finished this one.”
    Gwen sticks her tongue out at him and they head out the door.
    The bibliothek isn’t actually open yet when they arrive, but Vivian is behind the schreibtisch when they walk in.
    “I wasn’t expecting to see Du today, Gwen,” she says, then adds, “Hello, Arthur,” when she sees he is with her.
    “Just stopping in for a minute, Viv,” Gwen tells her.
    Arthur waves vaguely and heads into the shelves while Gwen takes his book and hands it to Vivian on her way to her office.
    Vivian scowls. I cannot accept this. He ignores me and I cannot handle it. Unless… yes, that must be it. He’s in denial. He’s avoiding me because he’s denying his attraction to me. She smirks. Let’s get this sorted out, then.
    She checks that Gwen is in her office, then follows Arthur, unbuttoning a couple buttons on her bluse as she goes, adjusting her breasts for maximum lift, and hitching her rock up a little as she goes.
    She finds him studying a row of Bücher on a shelf. She watches him. He is unbelievably gorgeous. She doesn’t deserve him. He deserves to be with someone as beautiful as he his. Like me. As Arthur selects a book and reads the back, Vivian poses at the end of the aisle and says, “Is there anything I can do for you?”
    Not looking up, he says, “No thanks.”
    Undeterred, she saunters forward, standing close to him so he cannot avoid her. “Come now, Arthur, why so mean?”
    “Vivian…” he starts, and she comes closer, facing him, making him turn so his back is against the shelf.
    “I know your game, Artie. The way Du are so determined to avoid me only tells me that Du are just denying your attraction to me.”
    She presses herself against him. He stands perfectly upright and still, his arms bent upwards at the elbows, raising his hands even with his shoulders.
    “Tell me Du wouldn’t rather have this,” she says seductively, thrusting her chest against his.
    Arthur sighs. He looks down into her big blue eyes and places his hands on her shoulders. “Vivian,” he begins.
    Aha, I’ve got him, she thinks, and looks at him coquettishly.
    “The only way I could be less attracted to Du is if Du were a man.” With that, Arthur straightens his arms, pushing her away from him.
    He picks up his book and strides back to the lobby, to Gwen’s office, leaving Vivian there, fuming.
    He finds Gwen in her office, sitting at her desk.
    “What are Du doing? Let’s go,” he says hurriedly. I want to get out of here without running into her again.
    “Just setting an ‘Out of Office’ message on my email,” she says. He stands there fidgeting, and she notices.
    “What’s wrong?” She stands.
    “Um…” should I tell her? “…it’s just… Vivian.”
    “What did she do?” Gwen’s eyes narrow.
    “She kind of… tried to throw herself at me.”
    “I can’t believe her!”
    “It’s all right, I handled it.”
    “It is not all right! My God, how stupid is she?”
    “I would say ‘very.’”
    “I’m serious. She’s here for a work-study program through her university. I am responsible for her evaluation. And believe me, she’s going to get evaluated all right.”
    Arthur cannot help but chuckle as Gwen stomps past him, dragging him with her. She pulls her office door closed and locks it, betting on Vivian being a vindictive sort and so she’s not going to give her any opportunities.
    Vivian is sitting behind the desk, studying a flyer as if it were the Shroud of Turin.
    Gwen checks out Arthur’s book, hands it to him, then walks over to Vivian. She leans in very close, and says in a low voice, “You do realize that I have complete control over whatever miserable future Du may have, do Du not?”
    Vivian nods, looking at the desk. She looks like she may vomit.
    “Then keep your tits in your hemd, shirt and your hands off.
    Gwen straightens up, smiles warmly at Arthur, and says, “Shall we go, love?”
    As they walk out the door, Gwen sees Vivian’s reflection in the glass doors, hastily buttoning her hemd, shirt back up.
    “What a bitch,” she says once they are outside. Arthur can contain himself no longer and cracks up laughing.

    They had just gotten to the motorway when Gwen’s phone rings. She looks at it, expecting Morgana. “Elliot,” she says, surprised. “Been trying to get a hold of him for weeks.”
    She Antwort the phone. “I didn’t know Du were aware that there was a nine a.m.
    She laughs. “Well that explains it.” She looks at Arthur and whispers, “He hasn’t been to bett yet.” Arthur laughs and shakes his head.
    “Have Du talked to Dad?”
    “Oh, he did. Good. So I get to tell Du myself, then. Arthur and I are getting married.”
    Wow, she really hasn’t spoken to him in a few weeks, Arthur thinks.
    “Thank you, Elly. Did he tell you…”
    “So he did. Yes, we know it’s soon. But I thought Du said…”
    “Of course I’m holding Du to it. Just remember, brother dear, you are the impulsive one in the family, not me.”
    A car horn honks nearby. “No, I’m not at work. No, I’m not driving, Arthur is. We’re going out of town for the weekend.”
    “Um, yes, one second. I’ll put Du on speaker.”
    “—kay, I’ll wait.” Elliot’s voice comes out of the phone.
    “Good morning, Elliot,” Arthur says. Here it comes again, he thinks.
    “Arthur, how are you?”
    “I’m fantastic, thanks. I presume Du have something you’d like to say to me? Something along the lines of ‘If Du hurt my sister I’ll have your soft parts in a vise,’ perhaps?”
    Gwen laughs, and Elliot cannot help but laugh as well. “Yes, something like that. I take it I’m not the first, then?”
    “Correct. I’ve gotten it from your father, Morgana, and Dr. Gaius.”
    “A friend of mine. He’s a very nice elderly gentleman who frequents the library,” Gwen explains. “If you’d deign to set foot in there once oder twice, perhaps you’d get to meet him.”
    “Sure, Weiter time I’m in town, I’ll pop in,” he says dismissively.
    “I’ve heard that before,” Gwen rolls her eyes.
    “Thank Du for your concern, Elliot, and I assure Du that I will treat your sister like a queen, since she deserves nothing less.” He smiles at her.
    “Well, I don’t know if Du need go that far…” Elliot says.
    “Shut it, you, oder Du won’t get to be in the wedding,” Gwen interrupts him.
    “Oh, no, how ever shall I cope without getting to wear an uncomfortable suit and having dance with… whoever is on your side,” he says sarcastically.
    Gwen is laughing, and says, “Freya.”
    “Splendid. My cousin. Just smashing.
    “Oh, cheer up, Elliot, there will be other birds there to choose from. Won’t there?” Arthur says, also laughing. The last bit was pointed at Gwen.
    “Oh, probably. Wait, when did this get to be about you?” she asks.
    Elliot yawns, clearly exhausted from his night of revelry. “It’s always about me, don’t Du remember?”
    Gwen snorts. “Go to bed.”
    “Ah, now she’s talking sense,” he says. “Have a good weekend, Gwenny. Liebe you.”
    “Love you, too, El. Get some sleep.” She hangs up the phone.
    “You’re sure Du want him in the wedding party?” Gwen asks Arthur.
    “Yes. He’s your brother. He should be there.”
    “Because Du could have Leon oder Wayne, or…”
    “Well, I still could, but Du want to keep it small.”
    “I know. Merlin, Elliot, Morgana, and Freya. How are Merlin and Freya, Von the way? I haven’t talked to her in a bit.”
    “They’ve gone out a few times. He really likes her, I know that. I don’t think they’ve… um… you know… yet, not that it’s any of our business.”
    She chuckles at his discomfort discussing his friend’s sex life. “No, what? They haven’t… seen a film? Haven’t baked a cake? Gone for a bike ride?”
    Arthur scowls at Gwen’s teasing, and raises an eyebrow at her while she laughs.
    “It would be lovely if it works out with them. Then he’d be family,” Gwen says.
    “Oh, he already is,” Arthur says casually.

    They drive in comfortable silence for a bit, Gwen’s hand resting on Arthur’s thigh as he drives.
    “Do Du have your iPod along?” Arthur asks.
    “Yes, I do,” she reaches down and withdraws it from her purse.
    “There’s a cord inside the center console,” he tells her. She digs and finds it, plugging it in.
    “May as well get this over with,” she mutters, and pokes and dials around until she finds what she’s looking for.
    The Musik starts and Arthur gives her a sideways look. “Is this the David Hasselhoff song?”
    “Hey, I cut right to the chase. I know that’s what Du were looking for, right?”
    He smiles. A Minute later: “Is that German?”
    “Oh, Du. When Du told me the title, I had been thinking Do, Du know, D-O. Do Du speak German?”
    “Then why?”
    “Long story. Downloaded it as a joke originally, but haven’t had the herz to remove it.”
    He listens some more. “This is probably one of the worst songs I have ever heard.”
    “Yes,” she agrees.
    “However, it’s strangely… entertaining.”
    “I know! That’s why it’s still on here. It’s so bad it becomes good again.”
    “Like William Shatner. oder Neil Diamond,” he supplies.
    “Exactly,” she agrees, laughing.
    The song ends, and Gwen pops the iPod on shuffle.

    Half an Stunde later, after some odd looks from Arthur, “Who is this now?” a few times, and a “Tom Jones? Really?” He finally asks, “So how did Du manage to amass such a wide array of music?”
    “I had a roommate in college that was studying music. She had quite the collection, and I guess I absorbed some of it.”
    “Do Du still keep in touch with her?” he asks.
    “Not really, unfortunately. Last I heard she was in Japan.”
    “No, she played the bass.”
    He looks at her. “Bass?”
    “You know, double bass? Also bass guitar.”
    “That’s unusual.”
    “So was she. Nice girl, though.”
    “Too bad Du Lost touch.”
    “Well, to be honest, she was the one who introduced Lance and me, so…”
    “Say no more.” He smiles at her. “I am enjoying most of the songs, actually. Just so Du know. And Du sing really well.”

Part 38: link
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    Merlin knows they are outnumbered. The Southrons are fast approaching them and within Minuten they’ll be surrounded for sure. If they are not careful, it will take them just mere Sekunden to round them up. Merlin knows he has to do something but the idea which keeps tapping his mind requires him to get rid of the others. Others shouldn’t be a problem. Arthur is a big concern now. Merlin bites his lip and skips a log as he leads the group through the forest. Behind him, Arthur follows, still clutching his wounded rib, the injury sustained as they fled from Camelot...
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