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Everyone’s bored now that their separated from the Balto characters.

Humphrey was sitting there… bored. Kate came up to him.
“Hey Kate.”
“Hey Humphrey.”
“I’m bored.”
“Me too.”
“Metallica stayed with Star, Kaltag, and the rest.”
“That’s a shame, because I want to listen to Metal.”
Humphrey got up and walked away. Out of nowhere, he heard a guy yell “NIGHMARE!!!”
“What the hell!?”
“And your nightmare comes to life!”
Humphrey entered the room where all the yelling was coming from. He saw a man with sunglasses on. However it was 9:00 P.M. He was also holding his mic with 2 hands.
“Who the hell is that?”
The strange man looked over and jumped in startlement.
“A wolf!”
Humphrey’s tail dropped. He felt bad because he startled the man.
“Are Du friendly?”
Humphrey slowly approached the man.
“I’m Matthew Sanders, the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold.”
“Cool, I was wondering who Du were.”
“You don’t know Avenged Sevenfold do you.”
“Of course I do!”
“Ok, Du wanna meet the rest of the band?”
“Do I ever!”
They approached a picture.
“This is James Sullivan, otherwise known as the Rev, and he’s our former drummer. R.I.P. to him.”
“How can a picture drum?”
“Good one.”
They approached another man.
“This is Brian Haner, otherwise known as Synyster Gates.”
“Brian, this is… I never did learn your name.”
“Humphrey, sir.”
“Ok Brian, this is Humphrey.”
“Cool, I’m the Lead gitarre player,” Brian said.
“And this is Zachary Baker, otherwise known as Zachy Vengeance,” Matthew said.
“I’m the Rhythm gitarre player.”
“And Jonathan Steward, otherwise known as Johnny Christ.”
“I’m the Bassist.”
“And last but not least, Mike Portny, our new drummer, and doesn‘t have a stage name but I guess Du can call him Rev 2.”
“Cool, I’m Humphrey everyone.”
“Nice to meet you,” Mike said.
“Hey do Du want to watch us play Nightmare?”
They played Nightmare.
“Well, what do Du think?”
Humphrey was stunned.
“Thanks. Tell us if…”
“Ima go tell my Friends about this!”
“Ok, bye.”
Humphrey eventually got Home to Kate.
“Kate, Avenged Sevenfold is in town!”
“Are Du serious?”
“Yeah, Ima go tell Garth.”
Humphrey eventually got to Garth’s but on the way, he came upon Mooch, who was doing his gay clap.
“Mooch, Avenged Sevenfold is in town!”
“How am I supposed to believe that!?”
“I’m your friend.”
“Come on, just give…”
“We’re just friends.”
Humphrey went on to Garth. Garth was in a cuddle position with Lilly.
“Garth,” Humphrey sagte as quietly as possible.
“Avenged Sevenfold is in town.”
Garth jumped up roughly.
“What!” he yelled.
That woke Lilly.
“Garth, what gives?”
“Avenged Sevenfold is in town!”
Garth did his shitty howl to inform the pack.
“Well, my job’s taken care of.”
Humphrey went to his höhle, den and laid down with Kate. The Weiter morning, he got up and kissed Kate before he set out to A7X. To make it easier I’m just going to put A7X from now on except for in dialogue. Humphrey knocked on the door. Matthew answered the door. He’s a tall dude, so he didn’t see Humphrey until he looked down.
“Oh hey.”
“Hey Matt.”
“Come on in.”
“Brian and Mike are out to get breakfast but don’t any loud noise because…”
Matthew was interrupted Von a nice loud bark Von Humphrey
“…John and Zach are asleep.”
“Matthew, who is this dog?” Zach asked.
“This is the one we played for last night.”
“Hey remember when we heard that shitty howl? Poor wolf, he was probably hurt.”
“Garth…” Humphrey sagte quietly.
Brian and Mike came back.
“We got doughnuts and bagels.”
“Oh right, I need to get my friends!”
“I’ll be back!”
Humphrey got Mooch, Shakey, Salty, Kate, Garth, Lilly, Tony, Winston, and Hindu. He didn’t get Hutch, because he stayed behind with star, sterne and Kaltag. Kate also liked Matthew. Humphrey and Kate always hung out with him.
Hindu and Salty liked Brian. Mooch and Shakey liked Zach… poor Zach, he had to deal with a gay and a fat one. Tony and Garth liked John. Pretty good combination. Winston and Lilly liked Mike. Father and daughter thing.
“I Liebe Avenged Sevenfold!” Humphrey said.
“Me too,” Mooch said.
They went home. After about an hour, Humphrey went to Garth’s house. He was playing the Legendry map pack in Halo 3.
“Hey nubcake.”
“Hello to Du too Humphrey.”
Humphrey saw what Garth was playing.
“Excuse me, what the fuck are Du doing?”
“Playing the Legendary map pack.”
“But I thought Du hated the map pack and hated Bungie and Halo.”
“Halo is great and Bungie is nothing short of amazing it’s just the Heroic map pack I disliked.
“Then why are Du playing this one?”
“Because the Legendary map pack actually kicks ass.”
“Adding the new filter stuff was just a plain awesome idea.”
“Put them all on.”
“Settle down Humphrey, most of the filters are cool and all but some are made so Du can’t see.”
Garth paused.
“Who would do that?”
Humphrey didn’t answer.”
“Who I tell you… who?”
Ten Minuten later Humphrey made a map with all the filters on.
“A message to all friends, this map is better than sex and when Du see it, your head will explode.”
“A friend came.”
“Whoa, cool! This map is awesome, Garth!”
“Thanks, man, however, this is a friend of Garth’s.”
“This map is awesome and I can’t see shit!”
Garth came.
“Showing your map to my idiot friends?”
“Yeah, they Liebe it.”
“I got to see this and turn all the filter shit off.”
“This is where all the people spawn.”
“In that one spot?”
“Lame, go on.”
“This is where all the vehicles are. I call it, the vehicle house.”
“Again Du stacked all the vehicles in one spot. There… there isn’t even an opening in the Wand how are Du supposed to get the vehicles out, let alone even get in?”
“It’s called strategy my friend.”
“Umm… what? What the fuck does that even mean?”
“I won’t even bother explaining.”
“Because your brain is like this.”
Humphrey made a small circle.
“And my brain is like this.”
Humphrey made a large circle.
“I see you’ve done the same thing with weapons and equipment, just piled them in one spot.”
“You think Du are SO smart. Don’t you.”
Garth snatched the controller and saw the last detail of Humphrey’s map.
“As I expected, Du grabbed every large interesting object and using your incredible brain power, piled them into this one spot.”
Humphrey checked the time.
“I better get going.”
“Ok bye.”
Once Humphrey left, Garth deleted the map. Humphrey got to Avenged Sevenfold.
“Hey we need your help.”
“We have a konzert in New York but we don’t have anyone to fly our plane.”
Thank God star, sterne gave me lessons. Humphrey thought.
“I’ll fly you.”
“How big is the plane?”
Matthew pointed to it.
“Oh my God.”
It was a giant Antonov-225.
“Can Du fly that?”
“I haven’t flown anything bigger than a 737.”
“I’ll bring some of my friends.”
Humphrey went out to get Kate, Garth, Lilly, Winston, and Tony.
“Alright, time for some sexy pronz,” Tony said.
“You didn’t come here for sexy pronz,” Humphrey said.
“Good I don’t watch porn.”
“Let’s go!” Matthew yelled.
They took off.
“Flight attendant!” Mike yelled.
Kate came.
“Can I have some soda?”
“Severe weather 20 nautical miles away,” Garth said.
“Ok, I have ascend to 35,000 feet.”
“Please fasten your seatbelts, I have to ascend.”
“You heard the dog.”
Humphrey eventually landed into JFK.
“Fuck me that was a rough landing!” Matthew said.
They got to the parking spot, then A7X got in a bulletproof limo.
“Hey do Du 6 want to come?” Zach asked.
They got to the amphitheatre. The 6 help out on stage.
“That’s Matthew’s Favorit part, I swear!”
The konzert soon ended.
“Alright, time to go.”
They got in the air and about halfway through the flight, they experienced bad weather,
“Shit, I can’t shit!”
“Me neither,” Tony said, “Son, Du got anything on the radar?”
“Ok, we don’t have radio signal.”
“I know Avenged Sevenfold are a group of men, but I don’t want them to panic.”
Humphrey called up Kate and Lilly.
“Can Du tell the guys one Von one that we can’t get signal oder visibility.”
“Shh, do it.”
“You got signal Garth.”
“Still negative.”
“I believe we’re in the clouds, we could probably descend to get visibility,” Tony said.
“Good idea.”
Humphrey descended to see a few lights.
“I got signal,” Garth said.
“What do Du got?”
“We’re over Michigan right now.”
There was one hell of a wind gust that hit the plane.
“Shit! I’m losing her!”
Tony yanked the throttle back to get to a stall. He pushed the throttle forwards to get up into the clouds. Humphrey got as high as he could.
“Thanks so much Tony. Now we’re at 50,000 feet.”
Humphrey turned on the 22,000 watt searchlights.
“Holy shit! I wish I would’ve saw these earlier!”
Humphrey aimed at an opening in the clouds.
“This is no every Tag thunder storm, it’s a hurricane!”
They heard an alarm.
“Shit! Flap damage!”
Matthew struggled to the cockpit.
“What is going on up here.”
Humphrey turned on the searchlight.
“See for yourself.”
“Oh my God.”
“All ground airports, do Du copy? We have damage to our plane and we’re carrying the famous band Avenged Sevenfold.”
“During the turbulence, Lilly had a good hit and is paralyzed from her neck down!”
“Oh my God, baby!” Winston yelled.
“Ground airports come in!”
Matthew tapped Garth’s shoulder. That startled Garth and caused him to schlagen, punsch Matthew.
“Oh man I’m sorry!”
“A fat lip is nothing compared to being paralyzed from the neck down.”
“You’ve been like that?”
“No, one of our fellow Friends are in this critical condition though.”
“What! Who!”
“This is hard to tell Du this, but…”
“Not Master Chief!”
“Master Chief isn’t on this flight.”
“Come with me, I can’t tell you.”
“Can’t tell me what?”
“Damn you’re a moron!”
They approached Lilly.
“Oh my God! No! Why!”
Lilly managed to lift her head.
“She’s able to Bewegen her neck.”
“…Garth…” Lilly managed to say.
“I Liebe you.”
“Stabilize her, I need to find a place to land this plane!” Garth said.
Brian tripped and nailed his face on a metal armrest.
“Shit! Two injured people!”
“Can this any get any worse!?”
Garth was crying when got into the cockpit so he rubbed his face on Humphrey.
“Get off me!”
“Nearby airports come in!”
“Forget it Garth, we have to parachute out of this plane.”
“Lilly is paralyzed from the neck down and Brian practically cracked open his skull.”
“You know what? Go under the clouds.”
“Are Du crazy?
“We have no choice.”
“Get Lilly and strap her down with you.”
“And tell Matt to take care of Brian.”
Garth got Lilly and Matthew took care of Brian.
“Everyone secure?”
Humphrey taube down.
“The most dangerous place to be is in the clouds!”
“No doubt,” Tony said.
“Ground airports, do Du copy? We have two injured people on this plane along with the famous Metal band Avenged Sevenfold.”
“This is….. Nat… ort… an… dea… pas…ers?”
“Was the Frage any dead passengers?”
“No, and can Du repeat the airport?”
“Iro…d… nation… air…ort…”
“I study the Michigan map,” Winston said, “Ironwood International.”
“Thanks. You’re able to have an Antonov-225 land there right?”
“Oh jeez, I’ll have too see. Wait, we’ve grounded ever plane around from the hurricane.”
“Well we happened to get caught in it.”
“Oh, ok, well I understand you’re a heavy but Du can’t land in this severe weather.”
“Ok, fine.”
“Thanks for your understanding.”
They heard another alarm.
“What now!?”
“Shit the fuel is low!” Garth said.
“Oh great.”
“We have to land.”
“I’ll go under the clouds.”
“Ironwood International, do Du read me?”
“Al…most… lo… an… clear.”
“Ok, approximately how far are we from you?”
Humphrey pushed in a loose wire. That made the signal better.
“I heard a very far away engine and saw some lights pass by. I swear it was a 20,000 watt searchlight.”
“22,000 watt.”
“I’d say you’re about 2 kilometers away.”
Humphrey taube and turned around.
“Hey Du aren’t landing here are you?”
“I have to. We’re almost out of fuel.”
“We have Avenged Sevenfold in this plane.”
“That doesn’t change much.”
“Oh my God.”
Humphrey lined up with the runway.
“You do not have permission to land!”
“I don’t care!”
“Officers, go!”
“Alright we’re about a half a kilometer away.”
“Do not land!”
Humphrey didn’t listen to the control tower person.
He got to a fuel pump.
“Who has the balls to go out?”
Lilly got up and out of the seat.
“I’m recovered.”
There were five police cars.
“I will,” Tony said.
Tony ran to the pumpe fighting the wind and avoiding the cops. About 5 Minuten later the plane was filled.
They flew at 50,000 feet all the way back.
“We’re home!”
“It’s about time,” Winston said.
They all returned to their homes.
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by mjjanet
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by OmegaLeader
Source: Disney and Lions Gate
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by DJBrandon
Source: Me, PicMonkey, South Park, Alpha and Omega
added by kingdom123
added by katealphawolf
Source: alphakate21 oder TheRealHumphrey
added by TheChriZ1995
added by Knittenqueen
added by Martyrockz12
added by minivanmaster
Source: Alpha and Omega DVD