Alpha und Omega Club
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When Humphrey woke up the Weiter day, he was in a completely different place. For a moment, he thought he was back in the pack, but as he looked around, he realized that nothing was familiar. The rocks, the grass, the one single baum that was there. He then noticed a fence surrounding the small area he had woken up in with a grey stone building and a door on one side. He was confused. Where was he? Where was Leyla?

“Hey!” a voice called.

Humphrey turned around and looked at who the voice belonged to. He noticed another wolf standing behind him, looking at him. The wolf had dark grey pelz and looked a bit older than Humphrey.

“You okay?” the wolf asked.

“No, I’m not okay!” Humphrey suddenly shouted. “Where am I?”

“Whoa, calm down,” the wolf said, a bit defensively.

“Sorry, I’m just really confused,” Humphrey apologized.

“It’s fine,” the wolf said. “It happens to everyone that comes here.”

“Where is ‘here’, exactly?” Humphrey asked.

“This is a zoo,” the wolf explained. “You live in this small enclosure and people pay to come look at you.”


“Beats me. I’m Joe Von the way.”

“Humphrey,” Humphrey said, looking around at the enclosure.

It was still relatively dark out and Humphrey couldn’t see much.

“How do I get out?” he asked.

“You don’t,” Joe replied sadly. “You can’t.”

“There has to be a way.”

“Trust me, I’ve tried,” Joe explained. “The only way out is when Du die.”

Humphrey looked at him for a moment before walking around the enclosure, trying to find a way out.

“I suggest Du go back to sleep,” Joe said, laying down. “Like it oder not, this is your Home now. Permanently.”

Humphrey rolled his eyes before continuing to walk around the enclosure. He spent hours walking around the enclosure before he eventually gave up and laid down on the most comfortable patch of gras, grass he could find.

He was suddenly awoken Von the loud clamoring of voices. He opened his eyes and lifted his head. Humphrey was shocked to see so many people staring at him.

“Welcome to reality,” Joe said.

Humphrey rolled his eyes again before standing up and looking back at the people outside of the enclosure. He then spotted a familiar face in the crowd. He walked right up to the fence and looked at Leyla who was standing up front.

“Leyla,” he said, “what am I doing here?”

She looked sadly at him, knowing that she couldn’t answer him in front of so many people. Joe looked at him with a look of confusion on his face.

“Dude, what are Du doing?” he asked.

Humphrey ignored him, keeping his attention on Leyla.

“Leyla,” he sagte again, “did Du bring me here?”

Still, she remained silent.

“Damn it, answer me, Leyla!” he shouted in a burst of anger.

The people around the enclosure stepped back, as all they heard was an angry growl. Everyone but Leyla, who continued to look at Humphrey sadly.

“Leyla,” he said, his voice now sounding hurt and betrayed as he realized she had brought him here.

At that moment, a man came into the enclosure through a door in the side to subdue the seemingly hostile wolf. Humphrey turned and looked at him for a moment and saw that he had a tranquilizer gun in his hand. He then looked back at Leyla with a look in his eyes that seemed to cry out for help.

“I trusted you,” he sagte before getting hit with a dart and passing out.

Leyla looked down in shame before walking away.

Humphrey woke up again a few hours later Weiter to the tree. As he opened his eyes, he saw Joe looking at him again. Humphrey stretched as he stood up.

“What the hell were Du doing, man?” Joe asked.

“Why do Du care?” Humphrey asked back.

“Because I want to know what possessed Du to do such a stupid thing,” Joe replied. “Why did Du try talking to that human?”

“I knew her,” Humphrey replied. “She was my friend.”


“Yeah. Was,” Humphrey sagte before laying back down.

Humphrey stared back at the people around him before trying to go back to sleep. The rest of his Tag was pretty uneventful, and he went to sleep that night thinking of Kate and the others and how they had no idea that he was even alive.

The Weiter Tag started out the same way, with the sounds of people waking him up. Humphrey wanted to get out and go home, but he didn’t know how. At around midday he got an idea and turned his attention to the door the man had come through the Tag before. He got up and went to the opposite side of the enclosure.

“What are Du doing now?” Joe asked, but Humphrey ignored him, eyeing down the door instead.

Joe put two and two together and began to object.

“Humphrey, that’s a bad idea,” he said.

Humphrey ignored him and continued looking at the door while also beginning to crouch down.

“Don’t do it,” Joe said. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”

Humphrey suddenly burst toward the door, rushing across the enclosure. As he approached the door, he turned to his side and slammed into it with his shoulder. The door didn’t Bewegen an inch and Humphrey was sent back onto the ground. The watching people gasped in shock. Joe walked over to him and Humphrey opened his mouth to talk but couldn’t get any air in as he had effectively knocked the wind out of himself.

“That looked like it hurt,” Joe said. “Are Du okay?”

Humphrey tried and failed to say anything, and Joe noticed.

“You sure?” he asked sarcastically. “Can Du talk?”

Humphrey eventually took a large inhale of air and finally groaned in pain.

“I only have one thing to say to you, Humphrey,” Joe continued.

“Let me guess,” Humphrey said, still groaning. “Some variant of ‘I told Du so’?”

Humphrey then rolled over and tried to stand up but cried out in pain and toppled back over as soon as put weight on his paw.

“Whoa, seriously, are Du okay?” Joe asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

“What does it look like?” Humphrey replied before a slab of meat was thrown to the other side of the enclosure through a slot in the door.

“What are they doing?” Humphrey asked.

“They want me to leave Du alone so they can fix you,” Joe replied. “Good luck in there.”

Joe walked over to the meat as someone came through the door and tranquilized Humphrey again before pulling him inside. He woke up under the baum again.

“You really need to stop waking up like this,” Joe said, jokingly.

“What happened?” Humphrey asked.

“From what I heard, Du dislocated your shoulder,” Joe replied.

“What?” Humphrey said, confused.

“You hit your shoulder so hard, it fell out and they had to put it back in,” Joe explained. “That’s as simple as I can put it.”

Humphrey tried to get up, but Joe stopped him.

“You still need to rest, though.”

Humphrey sighed as he laid back down, feeling helpless once again. As night approached and the zoo grew silent, Humphrey went to sleep, still refusing to accept that this place would be where he would spend the rest of his days.

Humphrey woke differently the Weiter morning. He woke not to the sound of the busy zoo, but to a single person whispering his name. As he opened his eyes and looked up, he saw Leyla standing alone at the fence. He stretched and limped over to her. The sky was still pretty dark, but it was clear the sun had risen behind the buildings.

“What are Du doing here?” he asked, quietly.

“No one’s usually here for the first half Stunde that this place is open,” she said, “so I figured I’d get here early and explain myself.”

“Don’t bother,” Humphrey said.

“What happened to your leg?” she asked, noticing his limp.

“I tried to get out,” Humphrey replied, blatantly.

“And?” Leyla pushed.

“Fine. And I, apparently, dislocated my shoulder,” Humphrey sagte quickly.


“I ran into the door.”

“Humphrey Du gotta stop that,” she said. “I didn’t bring Du here just so Du could hurt yourself.”

“And why did Du bring me here?” Humphrey asked a bit angrily.

“Okay, just be quiet,” Leyla said. “I did it to keep Du safe.”

“Safe?” he exclaimed. “I wasn’t in any danger with you! I thought we were friends, Leyla.”

“We are,” she replied.

“Are we?” Humphrey questioned. “Friends don’t abandon each other.”

“Look, I better go. People will be Wird angezeigt up soon,” she said.

“Wait,” Humphrey called to her, “why didn’t Du answer me the other day?”

“I’m so sorry for that, Humphrey,” Leyla said, ashamedly. “You know it’s not common for people to understand what you’re saying and if I had answered you...let’s just say it wouldn’t have looked good for me.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Humphrey said, a bit understandingly.

“You really gotta stop trying to escape, though,” Leyla said.

“Apart from the obvious, why?” Humphrey asked.

“Because they’re going to see that as aggression and they’ll put Du down,” Leyla answered.

Humphrey looked confused at what she had said.

“They’ll kill you,” she quietly burst out.

Humphrey’s eyes suddenly widened in shock.

“I’ll keep coming to see you, but don’t try and talk to me anymore,” she said. “I’ll try and get here early sometimes so we can actually talk.”

“Alright,” he said. “Goodbye, Leyla.”

“I’m sorry, Humphrey,” she sagte as he turned around and headed for the tree.

Humphrey stopped and turned his head slightly.

“I hope Du can forgive me,” Leyla finished before leaving.

Humphrey limped back under the baum and went back to sleep. Humphrey did give up trying to escape, but he never stopped thinking about it. His shoulder healed up quickly and as he slowly began to embrace his new life, he and Joe finally began to get along.

A few months passed and winter soon came. About halfway through Humphrey noticed something odd. One day, he looked at a group of people that were at the fence looking at him when he noticed something off about one of them.

Something inside of Humphrey screamed danger when he saw a man near the front. He didn’t know why but his instincts told him this man was bad news. The man looked to be around Leyla’s age and had a short, semi-grey beard on his chin and wore a dark red hat on his head. Humphrey’s feeling was confirmed when he noticed the man was wearing a wolf pelz vest under his jacket. He then noticed the claw mark scar going across the man’s neck and knew that he must’ve had his fair share of experiences with wolves. Joe noticed Humphrey staring at the man and walked up to him.

“What are Du looking at?” he asked.

“That man there,” Humphrey said, motioning to the strange man. “Do Du see what he’s wearing underneath that jacket?”

Joe looked at the man and when he noticed the vest, he looked back at Humphrey.

“And do Du see that scar on the side of his neck?” Humphrey asked. “That’s a hunter if ever I saw one, and I have.”

“Yeah, well, I bet a lot of hunters come here,” Joe said, trying not to sound unnerved.

“True, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this one,” Humphrey replied before going back under the tree.

Even though Humphrey tried to put it out of his mind, he just couldn’t. The man visited his enclosure every single Tag after that and the worst part was that he never looked at Joe. He only ever looked at Humphrey. It began to get Mehr and Mehr unsettling, especially when Humphrey noticed the look in the man’s eye. Hate. Pure hate. It was concealed well, but deep in his eye, Humphrey could tell this man absolutely resented and loathed him with every fiber of his being.

Then one Tag in early spring, the man didn’t Zeigen up. And neither did anyone else. Humphrey woke up and the area around the enclosure was completely vacant. The entire zoo was quiet. He had no idea what was going on. Then the caretaker came through the door and startled Humphrey. He looked different. He was wearing something on his face, covering his mouth and nose. The man nonetheless tossed their morning meal into the enclosure and then closed the door again.

Humphrey figured things would be normal again the Weiter day, but they weren’t. Again, no one showed up. Not that day, nor the Tag after that, oder the one after that. Weeks passed and no one came to the zoo. Suddenly, they began to get fed less Essen and less often. Joe had no idea what was going on either. Not even Leyla oder the Mysterious Man stopped Von to see Humphrey.

Four months of this passed and slowly things started to return to normal. People eventually did return to the zoo, but they didn’t gather in large crowds anymore. Instead, they seemed to stay away from each other. And they all wore the same face covering that the caretaker did. The Mysterious Man was no exception and not being able to see his face made him even Mehr frightening.

Things continued like this for around another Jahr until things finally went back to the way they were. For three Mehr years, Humphrey remained at the zoo. Eventually, his longing to return to Kate and his family became unbearable and he and Joe began to discuss calmer methods of escape, though none of them seemed likely to work. All but one.

“You’re sure it will work?” Joe asked one day.

It was early in the morning and no one had yet arrived.

“You sagte the only way anyone leaves this place is if they die, right?” Humphrey asked confidently.

“Yeah,” Joe answered slowly.

“So, we pretend to be dead and they’ll take us back to that room,” Humphrey explained.

“I get that, but what about the other door?” Joe asked, “There’s two doors in that room. One that leads in here, and another that leads to the other side of the fence.”

“I know,” Humphrey replied. “Just trust me. There’s only one, maybe two people in there at all times. Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan for that. Just make sure to hold your breath when he comes over.”

The two laid back down on the ground and remained absolutely motionless. As expected, the caretaker simply assumed they were just sleeping. But when he went to feed them and they didn’t move, he began to get worried. Just as planned, he entered the enclosure and began to approach, and Humphrey and Joe took a very subtle deep breath and held it.

The caretaker cautiously approached but when he noticed that their chests weren’t rising, he rushed over and put his hand in front of their noses. Not feeling any breathing, he called for help and a Sekunde person came through the door to help. They carefully moved the two Wölfe into the room, all the while, Humphrey and Joe were very slowly taking shallow breaths.

When the door closed behind them, the two Wölfe suddenly jumped up, startling the two people who quickly backed away from them.

“Now what, genius?” Joe asked.

“Bite my paw,” Humphrey sagte casually.


“Bite it,” Humphrey insisted. “If we start fighting, they’ll call for help.”

Joe still hesitated.

“What are Du waiting for, Du pig headed dog?” Humphrey said, hoping to provoke him.

At being called a dog, Joe leapt onto Humphrey and tackled him. The two began to pretend to fight, growling and biting at each other. But Humphrey could tell Joe was holding back too much and he let him know.

“You’re holding back too much. Come on, actually hit me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Joe said.

“I've survived worse, I can take it,” Humphrey said. “Just do it.”

Joe nodded and Humphrey prepared for the hit to his shoulder.

“Give me your best,” he said. “As hard as Du can.”

Joe quickly swiped his claws at Humphrey and hit him directly on the shoulder, leaving four long gashes that began to bleed immediately. It was at that moment that a few Mehr people came through the other door and Humphrey and Joe bolted toward it. They managed to make it through and rushed out into the rest of the zoo.

“Why didn’t Du just tell me we were gonna fight when we were still in the enclosure?” Joe asked, somewhat furiously as they ran.

“Because I wanted to see the look on your face,” Humphrey replied, smiling.

“You sly fox,” Joe said, trying to hide his smile.

“I met a fuchs once,” Humphrey added, “when I was a pup.”

“That explains a lot,” Joe replied.

They then noticed a bunch of workers at the zoo rushing after them and the two turned and ran into an open door that led into the reptile exhibit. They were rushing through the building with people scattering as they saw them, when Humphrey was suddenly tackled Von a worker who had come from a side hallway. They crashed through the glass of a nearby snake enclosure and the man began trying to subdue Humphrey when Joe ran up and bit him in the leg. The man reeled back in pain, letting go of Humphrey and the two continued their escape as the snakes from the enclosure began to escape as well.

As they reached the other side of the building, people rushed for the exits, keeping the doors wide open and Humphrey and Joe rushed out. They ran toward the entrance of the zoo and soon they had escaped. The zoo was located on the edge of a town near Jasper’s western border and they soon made their way back into the forest.

“I can’t believe that actually worked,” Humphrey exclaimed, turning and looking back at the town.

“You doubted your own plan?” Joe asked.

“Me? Never,” Humphrey replied.

“Good, cause I sure did.”


As Joe turned back toward the forest, Humphrey lingered for a moment, thinking about Leyla and how she would react when she found out that he was gone.

“Humphrey, come on,” Joe beckoned, “let’s go home.”

Humphrey turned back and ran to catch up with him.

“Wait, you’re from Jasper?” he said.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Joe replied. “Honestly, I don’t remember where I’m from. I’d lived in that zoo for most of my life. I was thinking I could come back with you.”

“I’d like that,” Humphrey said.

“That looks bad,” Joe said, looking at the claw mark on Humphrey’s shoulder. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I promise, it’s fine,” Humphrey said. “Like I said, I’ve been through worse.”

The two continued walking through the forest, trying to find their way back to the Western Pack. However, that proved difficult since they were far north of where they were trying to go, and Humphrey had never been out that far before. He had no idea where to go, which direction was which, and didn’t recognize any familiar landmarks.

Over the course of four months, Humphrey and Joe wandered around Jasper’s northwestern region, slowly making their way southeast toward the Western Pack, until one Tag when everything changed.
posted by AlphaClub
Did Du hear about the new 4k beast...? the GTX Titan X? (Or GTX 990 as it's number name, but actually named Titan X, big brother to the Titan Z)

Well, I saw live video benchmarks... at 4k, this powerhouse was able to go through the startup screen/PhysX screen on firestrike, at around 60 FPs... and played the game at 4k at around 20-30, not as good. But I think it was battle field 4... I THINK... it hit around the low 100 FPS at 4k... never done before. On a 1 ms 4k monitor... at a 60 Hz refresh rate. Gave it screen tearing... lol, this thing is a beast... here is a link to the vid: link

Halfway through the video, this guys, Jayztwocents, realizes his packing Peanuts are edible, and starts eating them XD

It's funny, because that's what two GTX 780 Ti's can do in SLI, massively overclocked, and this is a single card...
posted by AlphaClub
All of your wind has gone
And all of the paths you've drawn
Have sunk to the ocean sand,

Where no one can see Du stand

And under the dark embrace,

Cower the dreams Du chase,

Under the rust, and blood,

Don't let yourself,

Give up

And all these steps,

These steps that we take,

Are leading us far away,

And all these years,

Passing each day

Since then we are far away

From where we were

We did what we could,

We are years away, from where we stood,

The road goes on,

Far from it all.

We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start

Kyle just laid there and looked at me with an evil grin. "Well it's nice to meet Du again little brother." he replied

Before I could say anything back, he push me off sending me flying through the air. I landed hard on the ground knocking the air out of me. I looked up and saw Kyle charging at me. I got up ready to take the hit when Jackson and Kate hit Kyle to the ground. They then got in front of him making sure he couldn't attack.

"Honey, could Du please Bewegen so I could kill this stupid wolf." Kyle sagte trying to get pass them

"No, first of I want to what this is about." Kate replied...
continue reading...
posted by DancingHumphrey
If Du don't want to create drama, then don't post anything offensive to others in the future.
I did, but only because some of Du did it first.
This isn't even a website rule (The WHOLE Fanpop site is broken anyway).

It's a fact that if Du don't want to start causing people to uproar the place, then don't post anything that hurts others.
Those Kommentare on sanman7's Artikel was offensive, and what causes fights. Same with posting anti-relationship rules (Redwolf blames I start it oder ruin everything when I stand up against dictation, another victim blame).

If Du all were sorry for what you've done...
continue reading...
Chapter Five - Echoes of the Past

Ok, here is the fifth chapter to my beliebt story, A Lonely Omega. Now a lot will happen as the story progresses, so enjoy the new chapter. The Weiter story that I will update is Alpha and Omega. Since this story is halfway done, I will end this story with a bang and have an emotional ending as three beloved characters from Alpha and Omega say their final farewell in this story. The song, The Last Goodbye, will make a debut in this story and will return in my other stories.

Humphrey's POV

We were slowly following the scents, carefully looking out for any attacks...
continue reading...
posted by skyrim2244
One bright morning Winston awoke in his höhle, den empty with nothing but some Bones and leaves. This was because of the new law in the pack which allowed Wölfe to divorce their mates. He divorced eve and told her it was over. This was because she was sleeping around all single wolf's he could smell the other wolf's scents on her. Plus he wasn't getting any nookie. He told her this was his höhle, den and he won't be kicked out of his höhle, den over a slutty wolf. She took her caribou Bones and scraps and left.

The Weiter Day

Winston went to visit Kate and Humphrey. As soon as he walked he saw that Kate was mad....
continue reading...
posted by Kitsune32
Sup guys. Sorry for the wait. This chapter takes place the morning of the Zurück chapter. Enjoy.


For a third time, Nars found himself in the void that only existed within his dreams. He knew that he would meet Maya again. Though he was confused as to why he was summoned.

Speaking of the devil, the ghostly she-wolf appeared once again in front of Nars.p

"Hello Nars," Maya spoke with her goddess-like voice, "it's a pleasure seeing Du again."

"And I could say the same," Nars replied, "why am I here again?"

"I summoned Du here to meet someone," Maya answered.

"Meet someone," Nars was confused by...
continue reading...
"Nabara? Can I ask Du something?" asked Zelian.

Nabara looked up. "Sure, anything," she said.

"Okay. So, I ended the battle Von killing John, right? Well, the rest of his band got mad and ran away. One of them sagte they were going and telling their government. I don't think their government will believe them. So, I am going to prove them wrong. I'm going to the human's government, and I am going to Zeigen them what I can do. Now, WE live in Canada. Those humans lived in the United States. Von paw, it will take me a while to get there. But, I have a secret that even Du don't know. On oben, nach oben of my...
continue reading...
added by katewolf22158
added by SexyAlpha
Source: Me and Disney
posted by jhilton0907
A Vorschau of my new epic Alpha and Omega story, Jasper Park. A new story that focuses on the past of Jasper Park, leading to the birth of the Pack Law and seeing the ancestors of our Favorit characters.

Set in a Mehr dangerous world... a young Omega Von the name of Alex, takes a stand against his wicked brother Norman for the freedom of his fellow Omegas after they were enslaved Von the Alphas. What he didn't know, his actions set course a series of events that will change the history of Jasper Park forever. Alex did not just set the course for Jasper, but created the bloodline that will lead...
continue reading...
posted by Rockowolf123
Rocko layed in bett looking at Daria as if she was staring back
I never told Du how I Lost my eye'' Rocko said
What happened'' she replied
I was on a mission in Cuba before I was taken prisoner and someone stabbed me in my eye'' Rocko said
Were Du scared'' Daria asked
Yes I was'' Rocko replied
*in the morning *
Candu was never to found of rocko
He just followed orders
Hay candu'' Rocko said
Candu just grunted
What's the matter'' Rocko asked
SHE WAS BLI-'' candu was cut off when Rocko punched him
Fucking yell at me again Du mother fucker'' Rocko said
continue reading...
posted by LillyOmega2
Okay, YouTube is being a pain and I can't Upload this there without it being blocked, so I put it on dropbox instead.


I wanted to make at least one A&O video that just used clips from the fourth movie cause of how it's the first sequel to be better than the original movie. The idea behind this one is that Daria (the blind white-colored she-wolf and pup in the video, for those who haven't seen it yet) can't forget about her past in her old pack and how she was exiled for being blind. I kinda tied that idea in with the screamed part:
I won’t forget—I cannot forget this!
I won’t forget—I’ll...
continue reading...
Is hutch OK'' Rocko asked
He's fine he lead your squad to victory'' Winston said
Wow its over'' Rocko sighed
He could live happy now but he liked having a job
Rocko looked in the news paper
Local pizzeria needs night guard
This will work'' he said
You must be Rocko'' the manniger said
Yes sir'' Rocko said
Let's see Du served in the US armed forces
You Lost your right eye
Lost your right arm
The manniger looked at his silver arm
You got your Carrie and conseal and FOID card
You are 5'11
178 lb
Birth datum is ... 1987
You are known to smoke
And injury's
Shot multiple times
And Du escaped forms...
continue reading...
posted by Rockowolf123
Now before we start this involves another movie balto
Let's start
Rocko woke up in a garage
Wake up wolf'' reznove said
The blood drizzled down rocko's face
Step 8 my friend step 8 is freedom'' the Russian said
Rocko then woke up in bett Weiter to his mate
It was only a dream'' Rocko sagte with relief
Are Du ok '' Balto asked
Yeah yeah I'm fine uncle balto'' Rocko said
The plains were being loaded with Merida - Legende der Highlands alpha wolves
In uniforms
Rocko whent over seas a Monat ago
To Rocko balto was a true hero
But to balto Rocko was the bravest wolf he has ever seen
Rocko is still recovering from a Monat Vor which is why
He's not their now
Man I wish I could be with them'' Rocko sagte to kodi and alue
Why'' kodi said
Because thay wouldent be as nerves'' Rocko said
The b-17 started and took off
Let's get something to eat cuzz'' alue said
OK'' Rocko said
Okay. So I got a anouther.

Detrimenal Reasons, Von Lightening Phoenix.

He mentions that he feels he may not have enough reviews..

But.. Dude.. Are Du friggin kidding me.

I would fucken kill some someone that many reviews..

The most I ever got in my entire time of Fanfiction.. Is 57 reviews.

But then again.

I never made such a long arsch story, lol..

Seriously though.

I thought I made it clear how I feel about overly long stories, and not always having the attention span for it.

Anything over 30 oder 40 thousand words, will usually freak me out, XD.

But.. I already made the promise of Lesen it.

Soooo.. Onto...
continue reading...
posted by Rockowolf123
Rocko backed up from Kate and smiled "it's good to be home'' Rocko sagte ''well I'm sure Du want to see Lilly'' Kate sagte Rocko knew how she wold be poor Rocko wold leave for ten Minuten and get greeted with a bare hug from Lilly ''I wold like to see her'' Rocko sagte as they walked that way Rocko got tackled Von lilly ''ouch'' Rocko sagte out of breath ''I missed Du so much I hope your OK are Du hurt'' Lilly sagte energeticly ''no I'm fine'' Rocko sagte putting on his leather jacke ''hay rocko '' Garth sagte ''hay Garth '' Rocko said
''Morter strike get down'' Rocko yelled and pushed...
continue reading...
added by BeautifulKate
I lived a moment like that in my life and this was the best moment of all times for me. I swear, if Du guys Liebe wolves, Du need to meet them!
I was at a place like this one. Best thing ever.

Thanks Alpha and Omega for minding me to go there!

So yeah, I'm giving some infos for people who are interested (and who Liebe wolves) to live an pawesome experience. This changed my mind regarding Wölfe for the rest of my life.

"Sleeping with Wolves, the wolf Conservation Center's (WCC) beliebt nocturnal adventure experience gives our supporters a chance to camp out overnight with the 25 Wölfe that call...
continue reading...
posted by Silver_Alpha
To Wish Upon A Star
A poem Von Silver_Alpha

Oh, to gaze up in the sky,
Looking at the lights near and far.
But to be here sitting Weiter to you,
Is like wishing upon a star.

As the moon shines down on us,
The night suddenly becomes bright.
It is like Tag again,
But to be here with Du feels so right.

Du giggle and laugh with a snort,
A little smirk of some sort,
Then Du look into my eye
and tears come, making Du cry.

As I hold Du in my arms, I never want to let go,
Du feel safe, at home.
Du calm down until sleep takes in,
It took Du without one to know.

Oh, to gaze up in the sky,
Looking at the lights near and far.
But to be here sitting Weiter to you,
Is like wishing upon a star.