Alpha und Omega Club
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Chapter 3: Hutch meets his Match
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"So as Du can see," Humphrey tells Wildflower after they enter a clearing with different ledges, "The pack is much bigger than it used to be. That's because the Western and Eastern packs were united due to multiple failures during hunts."

"Wow." Wildflower says, a bit astonished, "I have a question, is your mate an Alpha?"

"Yes, Kate is an Alpha." Humphrey replies. "Why do Du ask?"

"Just curious." Wildflower says, then she turns her head away for a moment.

"Wow, Humphrey must be an Alpha too if he married Kate. But I thought he was an Omega, like me." Wildflower thought to herself.

"Is something wrong?" Humphrey asks Wildflower, a bit worried about her.

"No, I'm fine." Wildflower replies.

"Okay." Humphrey says, then he looks in the direction he's going to see Winston, Eve, Tony, Marcel, and Paddy. "Oh good, I was hoping we'd find them."

"Find who?" Wildflower asks.

"You'll see." Humphrey says, turning toward Winston and the others. "Hey! Winston, Tony, Eve!"

"Yes?" Winston replies.

"I want Du to meet someone, this is Wildflower, she's my younger sister and she used to live here in Jasper Park a few years ago." Humphrey says, introducing Wildflower to the others. "She already met Kate, Lilly, Garth, Claw, and my omega friends, so Du won't have to introduce her to them."

"Nice to meet you." Winston says, walking up to Humphrey and Wildflower. "I'm Winston, father of your brother's mate and ex-leader of the western side of the Central Pack."

"Nice to meet Du too." Wildflower replies.

Then Eve walks up. "I'm Eve, Winston's mate and mother of Kate and Lilly. Nice to meet you." She says kindly to her.

"Same here." Wildflower replies.

Then Tony walks up, "And I'm Tony, father of Lilly's mate and ex-leader of the eastern side of the pack. Nice to meet Du too." He says.

"Same here as well." Wildflower responds, "I can see where Garth got his good looks from."

"Very funny." Tony says in a joking way.

The Marcel and Paddy come up.

"And these two here are Marcel and Paddy," Winston says, "They helped Humphrey and Kate get back here when they got relocated to Idaho."

"Technically it was Sawtooth National Wilderness, Idaho, sir." Paddy interrupts.

"Paddy, please," Marcel interrupts, "It was Sawtooth National Wilderness, Idaho to be exact sir."

"Same thing." Winston chuckles. "Not to mention they helped me and Tony find a hobby when we retired."

"Golfing, to be exact." Marcel says. "Pleasure to make Du acquaintance Von the way."

"Pleasure's all mine and it's nice to meet Du too." Wildflower says. "What is golf to be exact?"

"Let me Zeigen you." Winston says. "Paddy?"

Paddy pulls out a golf ball sized/shaped rock a branch shaped like a golf club and hands them to Winston.

"Just watch." Winston says, standing on his hind legs, holding the club with his forepaws and slowly moves it behind his head.

"Fore!" Winston yells as he swings the club, hitting the rock and sending in a far distance.

"Wow! That was cool!" Wildflower exclaims, surprised Von what Winston did.

"Oh, but it's Mehr complicated than that." Winston says, holding the club on his left shoulder "When Du play the game, Du have to get the ball into a small hole in order to gain points and Bewegen to the Weiter course. The smaller the number of how many times Du hit ball, the higher the score, if the ball gets into the hole."

"Wow, I'd like to play it sometime, but Humphrey's giving me a tour around the territory at the moment."

"Well, I have no problem with that." Winston handing Paddy his club and standing on all fours again, "Continue with your tour, Humphrey."

"Okay, see Du Winston!" Humphrey replies, walking off.

"Those guys seem very nice here." Wildflower says, commenting on Winston, Eve, Tony, Marcel, and Paddy.

"That's true." Humphrey says, "However, Eve does have a short temper and a mean viscous streak, so it's best to stay away from her when she gets mad, she even tried to strangle me to death once!"

"Ouch!" Wildflower says, shocked at what Humphrey said.

"And that's not the worst of it," Hutch says, "She even says evil things like ripping out someone's tail and shoving it down their throat."

"Double ouch." Wildflower says.

"Exactly." Humphrey says, "But she's a good mother though as she cares for Kate and Lilly."

"Oh, well that's nice." Wildflower says, now relieved about Eve.

Then Humphrey and the other two climb onto the ledge where Winston and Eve's höhle, den is.

"Here we are, the höhle, den where Kate and I live, come on in." Humphrey says entering the small cave.

"Hey, Humphrey?" Wildflower asks her brother, "If Du don't mind, I'd like Hutch to Zeigen me around the area some more."

"Well, I was hoping we could spend some time together after being separated for a while, but go ahead." Humphrey replies, noticing the tone of Wildflower's voice and her expression meant she was in Liebe with Hutch.

"Okay, come with me." Hutch says and walks off with Wildflower following.

A few moments later…
"So tell me about yourself," Wildflower says, "What do Du like to do?"

"Well, mostly I'm the second-in-command for Kate and Humphrey and I take lead of the pack when they're not around, I also patrol around the area to keep anyone suspicious out the territory. Unlike Du however." Hutch says.

"So, I take it you're an Alpha then?" Wildflower says with a somewhat sad expression on her face.

"Yes, is there something wrong about that?" Hutch asks, noticing her expression.

"No. I'm good with someone being an Alpha." Wildflower says, trying to hide her sad expression.

"Okay," Hutch says, "Want to see something an Alpha can do?"

"Sure." Wildflower says, following Hutch.

A few moments later…
Hutch is hiding in tall grass, then he jumps, leaping off of trees and lands on a log and tosses a smaller one in the air and spins it around with his hind feet as Wildflower watches. Then Hutch releases the log and kicks it, causing it to break into pieces and each piece lands on oben, nach oben of one another, forming a stack.

"Vola! abendessen for two!" Hutch says, "It's a new Bewegen Garth taught me for stalking prey."

"Wow, that's pretty good!" Wildflower says, wagging her tail.

"Thanks!" Hutch says, "Now how about Du try?"

"Oh, no thanks, I'm not much of the hunting type." Wildflower says, backing into some tall grass.

"Come on, it'll be easy." Hutch says, trying to encourage Wildflower, "Just do what I do."

"Okay." Wildflower says.

Then Hutch gets himself into position to grab a pinecone off a nearby baum and Wildflower copies his movements.

"1…" Hutch says,

"1…" Wildflower repeats,




Hutch jumps toward the tree, stunning Wildflower for a moment, then she jumps screaming as she just misses the branch after Hutch grabs a pinecone.

"Wildflower!" Hutch calls to the pink-gray wolf after she flies past and runs in the direction she went to see her stuck halfway in a baum stump.

"Wildflower?" Hutch calls to her and she pulls herself out of the stump, landing on her back on a piece of bark that spins over to Hutch with her on it. Then the bark flips over, putting Wildflower back on her feet.

"You okay?" Hutch asks Wildflower.

"I told Du I don't hunt." Wildflower says sadly after lying down and backing into the alcove the half-pipe shaped piece of bark made on the ground.
Hutch, feeling bad for Wildflower, lifts the piece of bark off her and looks into her face.

"Maybe, this will help." Hutch says softly and brushes her pelz back with his muzzle, revealing that she has purple markings surrounding her sapphire blue eyes and that she has a light rosa colored marking on her muzzle which goes to her forehead.

"Wow." Hutch says, amazed at how she looks.

"What?" Wildflower asks.

"Your eyes and markings," Hutch Antworten softly, "They're beautiful!"

Wildflower blushes and looks away from Hutch, trying to hide her expression.

"What do Du say we try again oder do something else?" Hutch asks Wildflower,

"I think I'll try the hunting technique again" Wildflower replies.

"Okay." Hutch says, walking off. "Come on."

Wildflower stands to her feet, but her pelz falls in front of her face again, she rolls her eyes for a moment then uses her forepaws to push the pelz back again and follows Hutch.

Later, at sunset…
Hutch and Wildflower walk up to a small cave and walk into it.

"And this is where I live." Hutch says to Wildflower,

"Nice." Wildflower says, looking around the den.

"Thanks." Hutch says,

Just then Humphrey comes in.

"Hi there." Humphrey says,

"Hi." Hutch says, looking toward Humphrey.

"So Wildflower, how was the tour?" Humphrey asks his little sister.

"Pretty good." Wildflower says, "Hutch even showed me some skills Alphas could do."

"Being a showoff again, aren't we?" Humphrey says to Hutch in a joking way,

"Very funny." Hutch jokes back to Humphrey.

Then Humphrey looks back toward Wildflower notices her pelz was out of her eyes.

"Wildflower, you're wearing your pelz back!" Humphrey says in a surprised tone.

Wildflower is confused Von what Humphrey says, but quickly realizes what he meant.

"Oh, sorry." Wildflower says, brushing pelz back into its original position with her paw, "To much, wasn't it?"

"No, I liked it that way." Humphrey says, brushing Wildflower's pelz back with his paw.

"Oh." Wildflower says, "Mind if I sleep here for tonight? Hutch was the first one I met when I arrived after all."

"Depends on if Hutch is okay with it." Humphrey says,

"I'm good with Wildflower sleeping with me tonight." Hutch says.

"Okay then, I'll see Du tomorrow." Humphrey says as he leaves the den.

"See ya!" Wildflower says, then she looks back at Hutch, who is moving some leaves around to make a bett for him and Wildflower to sleep in.

"There Du go." Hutch says, lying down, "You can sleep Weiter to me tonight if Du want."

"Okay." Wildflower says, walking up to Hutch, then she lies down Weiter to him,

"Good night, see Du in the morning," Wildflower says as she closes her eyes.

"Good night." Hutch says as he doses off with Wildflower.

The Weiter morning, Hutch awakens and looks down at Wildflower.

"She's still sleeping." Hutch thinks to himself, "She looks cute when she sleeps though."

Then Hutch gets to his feet and walks out of the höhle, den and looks around.

"Sure is a nice day." Hutch says to himself, then he looks back into his höhle, den and
Wildflower. Then his thoughts went to how nice he thought her name was, then he got an idea.

"Wait here, Wildflower. I'll be back." Hutch says, running off.

Then Hutch reaches a field of Blumen of different types.

"Now let's see, which one should I get for Wildflower?" Hutch asks to himself, "Red, pink, white? No."

Then out of nowhere, Hutch bumps into Garth and both fall to the ground, sending a couple blume petals airborne as they hit.

"Sorry about that." Hutch says to Garth, after getting back on his feet.

"Don't worry about it." Garth replies, "What brings Du here anyway?"

"I was looking for blume that might be perfect for Humphrey's sister." Hutch says.

"Cool. I was also looking for a perfect blume for Lilly here too." Garth says, "I looked all over, but I don't see any that could be good for her. White wouldn't do since it'd blend in with her fur, I don't think red oder rosa will do either."

"Same here, I can't a perfect blume for Humphrey's sister either." Hutch says.
Then Garth walks down a little further and sees a red blume with a white border on its petals.

"Perfect." Garth says, taking the blume in his mouth and snapping the stem so dirt wouldn't stay on it.

"What do Du think? Think it'll do for Lilly?" Garth asks Hutch.

"I think it'll be perfect." Hutch says, then he turns his head and sees a blume in different shades and tints of blue. "Hey, this one'll be perfect for Wildflower." Hutch says, "It matches her eyes."

"Indeed it does." Garth says,

Then Hutch takes the blume in his mouth and snaps the stem, and hides in his
mane, wanting it to be a surprise for Wildflower.

"Okay, now that we've gotten the Blumen we were searching for, let's go." Hutch says, walking off.

"Right behind you." Garth says, following Hutch.

Later, Hutch reaches his höhle, den and looks inside, but doesn't see Wildflower.

"Hmm, she must've left to look around the area." Hutch says, walking off to find Wildflower.

Hutch looks all around the area, but finds no sign of Wildflower. Just then, he sees Humphrey and Winston.

"Winston! Humphrey!" Hutch says, running up to the pair.

"Hutch?" Winston says, "What is it?"

"Wildflower." Hutch says, "I can't find her anywhere."

"Really?" Humphrey asks,

"Yes." Hutch says, "I already got her scent, now I just need to figure out where she is."

"Well, where've Du looked?" Winston asks Hutch,

"I looked all around the dens and checked Howling Rock." Hutch says, "But she's not there."

"Where is your nose leading Du then?" Humphrey asks,

"Hold on." Hutch says, sniffing around, "I got something… this way!"

Hutch runs off with Winston and Humphrey following, then Hutch stops in front of his höhle, den and sniffs the area.

"Wildflower was here last night, and her scent leads off in this direction."

Hutch says, walking off in direction Wildflower's scent leads him to.

"I wonder where she can be." Humphrey says in a worried tone,

"You know, Du can try howling." Winston says, "That usually works."

"Good idea." Humphrey says, then he tilts his head back and howls.

After a moment, the trio hear a feminine howl from the distance.

"I know that howl," Humphrey says, "It's Wildflower!"

"And I think I know where her scent leads." Hutch says, "This way!"

Hutch runs off with Humphrey and Winston chasing after him.

Then after what seemed to be endless searching, Humphrey calls out to Winston and Hutch,

"Over here, guys! I found her!" Humphrey says,

Hutch and Winston walk over to where Humphrey saw Wildflower and they see the pink-gray wolf lying down near a small ledge as if depressed.

"Hey Hutch," Humphrey says, "What'cha waiting for?"

"You go first." Hutch says,

"What? Why?" Humphrey asks, confused.

"I think I may've angered her yesterday Von mistake and I don't to make it worse if she's still upset with me." Hutch answers.

"Oh." Humphrey says, "I see. I'll go talk to her first then."

Humphrey enters the clearing and walks toward his younger sister.

"Hey, Wildflower" Humphrey calls to his sister, catching her attention.

"Oh, hi Humphrey." Wildflower says in a depressed tone before turning away.

Then Humphrey, knowing something is wrong with her, walks over to Wildflower's side.

"Hey, sis, what's wrong?" Humphrey asks Wildflower softly.

Wildflower stays silent for a moment, then turns to Humphrey, slightly noticing Winston, who had just walked up behind her.

"Promise Du can keep a secret?" Wildflower asks her brother sadly.

"Of course, why?" Humphrey replies.

"Well, I've had a crush on Hutch for a long time, but I feel that I can be his mate because he's an Alpha and I'm an Omega. Me and him mating would go against the pack law." Wildflower says.

"Technically, it doesn't." Hutch says, who had come out of hiding after hearing what Wildflower said.

"What do Du mean?" Wildflower asks Hutch.

"A few months ago, Tony and I agreed to let my daughter Lilly and his son Garth to mate in order to unite the West and Eastern packs to avoid failures during hunts." Winston says, "However, Lilly was an Omega and Garth was an Alpha, so Tony and I abolished the social rule between the classes to allow their marriage."

"And Alphas and Omegas can mate now." Hutch says, finishing Winston's sentence.

"So, even though I'm an Omega, and Hutch is an Alpha, he and I can-?" Wildflower asks Winston and he nods in agreement, much to Wildflower's joy.

"Hutch!" Wildflower yells out, tackling Winston's second-in-command, knocking him onto his back with her on oben, nach oben of him.

Then Wildflower and Hutch share their first KISS as Humphrey and Winston watch smiling.

"Looks like I have another son-in-law." Winston says

"Yep, and a new brother-in-law for me too." Humphrey Antworten to Winston.

"Hey, Wildflower," Hutch asks his new mate, "I got this for you."

Hutch pulls out the blue blume he picked earlier from his mane and gives it to Wildflower. "I thought it would bring out your eyes."

"Thank you." Wildflower says, taking the blume from Hutch.

"Oh, and Wildflower?" Hutch asks, "The Moonlight Howl is coming up tonight and I was wondering if Du would-"

"I'd be honored to Mitmachen you." Wildflower interrupts, Küssen Hutch again.
posted by lonehumphrey
Hey guys I'm back I have to give credit some of the ideas were from ( kateandme) thx again but hope Du guys enjoy

As soon as kaitlyn hit Nathan" s face they both went down immedietly. and even underwater they both heard Rudy. laughing his head off.
" did Du see that haha " Rudy was yelling to max almost crying " your in for it now thats what I see " Max sagte back. When kaitlyn and Nathan got above water she saw Nathan blushing like a cherry. " boys " she sagte quietly but just enough so everyone could hear faintly.
Then she got out of the water to sunbathe. But Rudy and Nathan had other ideas....
continue reading...
"if Du think your better than me...
Du probably are..
u say im weak...
i may be but u say i care to much and im a weak pussy well..
. guess what...
after that you'll be looking up at me,
if Du mess with me and get between us i will hurt you..
if i care about something you;ll know it,
if i Liebe someone ill Zeigen it,
when Du interfere with me and who i Liebe Du will get hurt....
after all this happens..
then see if im weak..
i might not be."
U try and call me out,
Ill call u out, if u mess with me,
Ull get the worst of me,
When i Liebe ull know it,
Ill Zeigen it,
The only thing that can stop me is,
My trye one......
" In continuation of the prologue, I'm starting out where the Black Wölfe were set to rely on themselves... and when Du see these --- the point of view is switching from first to third oder third to first..." Shadow

"Shadow? What should we do?" Hunter, mostly confused asked as if desperate for a superior to interact and lead the situation... "Your asking me what to do? Du know what I'd say, right? 'Who do Du think I am? A general leading the Soviets to defeat to Nazis? I am Shadow, I am no leader...'" stated Shadow, eldest survivor and most independent. "But, Shadow, you've never sagte that."...
continue reading...
Her Father Okari, a dark male about Five foot nine with blue eyes had finally stopped abusing Tesla, a Blue-ish Female about Five foot seven with Silverish eyes, all for nothing.
I watched out from the window, witnessing the tragic scene.
Tesla tried not to cry as her Father told her not to.
Her bumps and bruises were forming from her face through body; she spitted blood across the broken floors about three to four inches… her beautiful looks, drained from her Father’s paws.
Her tears dripped down, calling for her Mother back and for help.
Just standing behind the window made me feel uncomfortable,...
continue reading...
posted by KingSimba4Ever9
It was a bright sunny Tag and I had just woken up. The warm and welcoming sunlight was streaming threw the bedroom curtains. I smiled and looked over at Humphrey who was still sleeping beside me, and he was snoring as always. I chuckled and got up and quickly got dressed then I leaned over the side of the bett so that my face was right Von his . I whispered sweetly into hid ear, "Humphrey, time to get up." He just rolls over and puts a kissen over his head. I sigh, "I guess I'm going to have to do this the hard way, for me"
I turn around and look at my radio. I smirk and turn it on to the rock...
continue reading...
The assassin's voice 2

Part II

  Jason stops half way into Idaho and gets out of the police car. He walks the car down a hügel and into a deep pond.

  "at least no one will find it there," he laughed. He pulled out the voice box and examined it. He slowly puts it back in his pocket. " don't want to break it."

  He ran up the hügel and began to walk down the road. Within a few hours he reached his hangout. Jason waved to Liz to come here. She ran up to him and gave him a hug. 

  "I'm so glad your still alive," she sagte with joy. "come on every ones waighting," she yelled as she pulled him...
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posted by 63712
ok i know everyone here has had an ear infection oder an ear ache oder swimmers ear i have all 3 of these and i recently had got my ear checked and i have all 3 and it hurts the shit out of me and i have a feeling i might have this for quite awhile until my doctor gave me an antibiotic and i cant remember my ear is throbbing so i have got to pu it in my ear if Du have any other suggestions please tell me because im gonna die! and like i sagte please please pleae tell me im at my nanas and shes driving me f*** ing me crazy so pleae tell like this and like i aid pleae tell me oder something
posted by mattwolf199
"NO" was the last thing i herd when i died but lets start at the begining my name is frost pwa thats what my mother named me when i was born her name was cala my father was farcron after i was able to stand I went advenchering out of the cave i was roling in in the gras, grass when i saw an littiel orange colored wolf playing with a wight one simler to me i crouched down and watched them play "wat are Du doing" "dwaa" once my herz slowed down "
I looked at the wolf he was gray " my name is humphrey what is urs" I just stared " Du have a name rite?" " frost pwa" i stumbled 'do Du want to play with me" "um ok" not when we were ten feet from my höhle, den "HUMPHREY" " thats my mom I got to go bye" bye " "maby we can play tomorrow"
"ok" i answord as he was over the hügel a feew minits later I was in my warm höhle, den curreld up in a ball and fast a sleep
posted by Spottedtail139
Ayra's POV

" Dear, lord Reed put that stick down your Schauspielen like an omega!

I yelled. Hi, I'm Ayra an Alpha my brother is Reed and my

sister well is an omega I name is Anneka and well I'm in

charge and it's an Alpha's life! OMG it's Mason he's been been

crush sense We were pup one problem he's always got girls

around him and I couldn't take it anymore. " Hey, Mason Du

want to go walk Von the river with me?" I sagte shyly.

" Heck yeah!" he sagte and ran away from the girls.

Mason's POV

Heck yeah I get to walk with the girl of my dreams! She is so hot

I thought as I saw her flip her hair out of her face. " So Ayra

how's Reed the trouble maker" I sagte trying to make her smile.

" Good" she sagte with a big smile. Yes, she smiled but then I

I sat down " Let's sit down" I said.

" Mason I have to tell Du something" she sagte .

" What is It?" I asked.
Look up and see the motherfuckin Schreiben on the Wand Garth21 thirty-deep he's down to brawl
fuck all haters i see, 'cause i hate that Du breathe
i see Du duck
you litttle punk
you little fuckin' disease
i got I.T. tatted on the front of my arms
boulevard brass knuckles in the back of the car
'cause we drunk drive Cadillacs we never go far
but when Du see us motherfuckers better know who we are
i got one thing to say to punk asses Du hate
motherfuckers don't know better watch what Du say
from these industry fucks to these faggot arsch punks
you don't know what it takes to get this motherfuckin' drunk!...
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posted by OmegaLeader
The gathering
Characters: garth, hutch, kate, humphrey, luke, mary

(humphrey garth and hutch go to see Mary to talk about the the gathering)

(luke and mary come out of their den)

Luke: hutch how nice to see you

Hutch: nice to see you, and mary nice to see you

Mary; hi hutch who are these two Wölfe with Du

Humphrey: Hi im humphrey nice to meet you

Garth: Hi and im garth

Mary: Nice to see new faces, so why are Du Wölfe here?

Garth: we recently went on a hunt for the pack when we meet a pack from Angel – Jäger der Finsternis hill, the leader Angel – Jäger der Finsternis invited us to an event called the gathering

Mary: oh how nice of Du to meet...
continue reading...
posted by Lancewing1994
Reversed Roles

[Kate’s Point of View]

Lilly and I were playing together for the last time. Du see, Lilly is about to go to alpha school for the rest of the year, and once she gets back, we can only talk to each other… So we want to spend as much time together as we possibly can… Finally, the time came for Lilly to leave. I’m going to miss her….

I looked down to the ground. I was stuck in my own world. What was I going to do without my sister? We did everything together. Now that Lilly is going to be a HIGHLY trained alpha, I won’t be able to do what we used to do together....
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posted by 63712
gunfire echoed through the iranian pack a.k.a the eastern pack the us aka the west have been at war for years and now it all depends on one man. sgt. henry humphrey blackburn. him and his sqaud misfit 1-3 have been at war with echo 5 another group helping them. it was that Tag it happened. an operator named cpl. hutch maktovic fell asleep while on a jeep ride cpt.winston cole got him awake and hutch said; ive been asleep fo 34 Minuten 34 Minuten drinkin a.. vanila milkshake, that mean something? just then a rpg rocket hit a jeep infront of them cole yelled out :jesus fucking christ ambush!...
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Hybred and the others started to unleash their furry of 30 rounds of silver bullets on the attacking lycans, hutch who was bittin was slowly dieing from his bit wounds. Ryan was then also then bittin and was screaming in pain. " GET THIS FUCKING THING OFF OF ME" he cried. those where his last words as he was draged away into the darkness. Destroyer picked up his gun and started to beat in a dying lycans head. "GET SOME MOTHER FUCKER" he yelled. Hybred was left fighting a Lycan with his messer and was quickly stabbing the brut until it bleed out. when the...
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Ok i got new ideas for spirit herz flames n, roses. I drew a few pictures of Zoe. It will be gepostet tomorrow. If it can. But spirit herz wolf is in the gallery. Du have to Suchen through the alpha and omega pics on fanpop. So spirit herz I might make a new episode. The project x i don't have enough ideas. I already got the xbox in it and booze, violents, Simba init. In part 5 there will be sex for the ones that like Kate and Lilly. Each Fan gets a turn though. Soooooo.... I need new ideas for the project x, the spirit herz series I got new ideas for that. But I'm having really hard time getting Du guys init. In part 5 I might put in grand theft auto, one of us has to steal a car, and the sex thing I already told you. So give me a few ideas.
verse 1:
dark in this womb here
i cant hear, cant see clear
damn this fate for
damning me in this place

verse 2:
there is a light i can feel
warm feel, my deal
with the devil trapped me
damning me forever in here

now im
born free
my destiny calls me
from this womb i
am born now i can see
now im born free
i flow to my black sea
born free
to run
now im
born free

verse 3:
screams in this dark place
shivering haste, fog haze
beats i can hear
bereave me of all fear

verse 4:
the pulse is racing in this cell
the sound of a bell, "is this hell?"
the world i can now see
now im born free

now im
born free
my destiny calls me
from this womb i
am born now i can see
now im born free
i flow to my black sea
born free
to run
now im
born free

born freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (the eee's following tune)
now im born free
my destiny kills me.
My name is Xi Omega born over 813 years on the planet Gallifrey, I’m the last Time Knight and I fight evil across the world but I will always be alone and cannot be free from this cures, but this is the story about me and my Friends and how I came to settle in Jasper with my new family.
Xi’s POV
I decide to investigate Jasper National Park in Canada before I go Home to London “Well here we go” I sagte as I jumped down the long hügel not a care in the world although I knew of the many threats to earth but I needed this break I had just come from Nome in Alaska in 1925 from the illness and...
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It was hard beating the swarm of Alpha Shades but they did it Xi, Humphrey, Lilly, Kate, Garth, Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ryan, Ghastly, Fletcher, Tanith, China, Pedro, Nico, Blu, Jewel, Blade and Water had done it and at that same moment feuer and the Doctor came out of the cave “Right feuer has the power in him now so he now have a chance against Alpha and Artimus” sagte the Doctor, Xi smiled and sagte “Good now we can put phase two of my plan” Humphrey then raised his eyebrow “What’s phase two?” he asked.
Alpha was furious when he got the Berichten that his death squad was defeated by...
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Kate and Humphrey adventures.
Mini story 5. Part 1 of 1. “After the fallout.”

After their three Tag waiting period, the pack emerged from the airplane hangar. This was the first fresh air they have had in three days and it felt great. A cool breeze brushed through the valley making everyone feel even better. "So what should we do dad?" Kate wondered. "Well, go back to the usual routines I guess. All Will sagte to do is wait in there for three days and then come out." Winston replied. "OK, everyone feel free to do whatever, just try and stay somewhat close to the beliebt spots." Kate announced....
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posted by alphamajor
should i write about life after the first alpha and omega movie or

life after the first alpha and omega movie with me in it or

life in a completely different pack with me in it and new characters oder

life with a character from the first alpha and omega omega movie in my town


i needed Mehr words so ignore the ses plz help Von commenting