Alpha und Omega Club
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posted by katelover14
Adrien's POV

It must have been morning when I woke up I hurt all over. I scratched my eyes but my right one suddenly hurt because I just clawed it with something. After I sorted It out my vision cleared and I looked at my hands…They weren't hands they where paws, and when I poked my eye I must have scratched it with my nail. When I tried to stand normally I just fell backwards, so I stood on all fours. Then I felt something new I turned my head as much as it would and saw a tail. Then It scared me I've turned into a wolf for some odd reason. I looked around and suddenly saw Wölfe standing at the entrance to wherever the hell I was I jumped as I saw them.

"Who are you?" Me and a hot looking wolf sagte in unison. "I am Adrien Cummins. Sometimes known as the jackhammer. Who are you?"

"I am Kate." The wolf sagte "And this is my male. Humphrey." She pointed to a greyish wolf. "These are my parents. Winston. And eve" She pointed to another grey and white wolf and another hot wolf. "My sister. lily" She pointed to a white wolf. "The alphas. Garth, Candu. And Hutch" She pointed to a reddish wolf another greyish wolf and a greyish wolf with a much darker shade nearly black"

"And the omegas shakey, mooch and salty" Humphrey butted in pointing to yet another greyish wolf a fat greyish wolf and a small greyish wolf.

"Well It's nice to meet Du all." I sagte "Now why am I a damn wolf? Shouldn't I be a fucking human?!"

"We should ask Du the same question." Kate said.

"Well" I sagte sitting back down. "I don't know how I became a wolf so. where do I start?"

"How about telling us a bit Mehr about yourself?" Garth said.

"Okay…well…let's see…I'm a NASCAR driver. Anyone know what It Is?"

"Is it that thing with the things that go in circles?" shakey said.

"If Von things Du mean cars then yep." I said.

"How fast have Du been?" asked Garth.

"I think I managed to hit 235 miles per hour.

"You got into quite a fight last night. what were Du doing?" Kate asked.

"well" I sagte "I was walking through jasper when a wolf suddenly jumped me. I beat it off and tried to make my way back to my hitch. But I went out cold before I could get in" I looked at my bite marks and on oben, nach oben of them I had a huge burn spot form over them. "And when I fell my marks must have touched the exhaust to give me this burn mark"

Everyone fell silent but then. "It makes sense" Hutch sagte to break the quietness.

I stood up.Changing my weight onto my front right leg to limp out. Everyone made a path as I walked out.

"Can I go talk to him mom?" asked a pup.

"He seems friendly enough why not?" the mother responded. The pups ran over to me, I saw them coming and turned towards them.

"Hello" I said.

"Are Du the human wolf?" asked a pup.

"Why yes" I replied.

"Wow. Why Du are a wolf" asked another.

"I don't know" I replied. "I guess it's just my lucky Tag really" I wouldn't have sagte that really but knowing kids they probably wouldn't have taken 'I don't know' for an answer.

"Well you're lucky to be a wolf. we Wölfe are awesome mammals" a kid said.

"Well I'll keep that in mind" I sagte as I began to walk off.

"Tell us a story" one of the kids said. I stopped walking and turned back around.

"Hmm…I don't know if I should"

"C'mon pwes" the kid pleaded.

"Hmmm…okay" I said. I pulled myself up onto a rock so I was slightly higher. "Gather round" I said. all the kids sat in a kreis around me. "It was just under 8 years Vor at daytona and the auto club speedway" I began "I was running 2nd and we we're gonna go green-white-checkered"

Flashback start

I was stepping in for Kyle petty because he was In hip reconstruction surgery after a crash in a Zurück race. We we're about to restart double file. As the checkered flag dropped I didn't hesitate to floor It.

Turn 1 was coming up. Once I reached my braking point I didn't push hard on the brake in an attempt to keep my line fast. This wasn't my preferred line but I had no choice because Jeff Gordon was down low. "Hold your line he's still there" My crew chief said. I tried my hardest to go as fast as possible round turns 1 and 2 but it wasn't enough. Gordon came out in front of me.

"your clear on both sides" My crew chief said. Because I had no cars either side of me I went straight onto my preferred line drafting Gordon. "Track temperatures low in turn 3. Be careful braking" Chief sagte as I applied the brake for the corner. The car vibrated but I managed to stop the wheels locking up. But gordy locked his front right tyre sending him wide. I dived down the inside to take 3rd place. As I came out of turn 4 I was drafting Dale Earnhardt in 2nd and matt kenseth in 1st as I came across the line the white flag waved to signal it was the final lap. It was now oder never

I gave Junior a rub through turns 1 and 2. It seemed like dirty tactics but Du know what they say rubbin's racin. But it turns out I just gave him a boost off of the turn because he ran down the inside line side Von side with kenseth.

I was thinking about making it 3 wide Von going down the middle in an attempt to take the win but I didn't feel confident in the car in turn 3. And I would rather finish the race in 3rd than attempt to win but during the attempt crash and not finish at all.

I backed off in turn 3 but not much, just enough to put some safe, sicher distance between me and them. And it seems I was right to do so well because the dumbass locked up both his front wheels for a teilt, split Sekunde and only kept himself on the track Von using kenseths car. But kenseth didn't want to play so nicely. Coming out of turn 4 he shoved on full left lock rubbing all the way with the no.3.

Dale's car started to slide to the left, he eased off the throttle and counter steered but it just put him in a bigger right hand slide. His car went 90 degrees and he tapped the back left corner of matt's running him loose. Dale's car hit the barrier but it was too late for another caution because the race was only Sekunden from over.

I twitched the steering wheel left to get my car out of the way of Dale's. I was speeding down the track but I knew it was not enough. Then to my surprise kenseth was trying to tame his car. when Dale hit him his car started to run loose he was going all over the track but I could tell he wasn't gonna go…Unless I gave him a bit of help…I gunned the motor not coming off the accelerator once. I slammed into the back of matt's car so hard I nearly kissed the steering wheel. I only made matt's car looser he went over 90 degrees then his car flipped over the oben, nach oben of mine. I heard his metal grind against my roof, after matt's back bumper got out of my window I was greeted Von the finish line and the checkered flag and the rest is history.

Flashback end

"and that's how I won the 2003 auto club 400" I finished my story Von that time I had gathered quite a crowd of lots of Wölfe of all ages.

"Awesome" the kids all said.

"If I was matt kenseth oder Dale Earnhardt Jr.I would defiantly start a fight with him after that race. Like this" one of the kids sagte as he started to play fight with his brother. Eventually all the kids got into a big bundle.

I looked at the mother and smiled, she smiled back "Thank Du cutie" she made the words with her mouth but didn't say anything. I nodded to her then got down

"Great story" Humphrey said. "I bet that will keep the kids entertained for ages"

"Thanks" I said. "But that wasn't a story. It actually happened In real life"

"I know but…Well…You know what I mean"

I chuckled. "Well" I sagte as I began to walk. "I'm gonna take a walk…Or Mehr of a limp try and clear my head and sort things out." I said.

"ok but be careful" Kate said. "a while Vor southern Wölfe went to war with northern Wölfe and the northern Wölfe lost. So nobody knows what goes on in northern territory just be careful. If Du get in trouble howl"

"Will do" I replied.

She started heading off in her own direction. "And I'll catch ya something to eat" she said.

"Ok thanks" I replied. I began to limp off in the direction I wanted and took my own personal tour.

I loved the scenery the gras, grass was long and nice to touch. The trees swayed in the breeze. And the only thing I could complain about at the moment was my fucking bite I soon found myself in northern territory. I could tell because the land was war torn and the smell of rotting carcasses lingered in the air it made me want to puke. I was about to start heading back but then I heard some faint but relatively distinguishable growls. I limped as fast as I could to help.

I saw a female being surrounded Von 3 male wolves. I gathered Von the way they looked they where northern and she was Southern. I adjusted my body so my scent would be blown downwind so they wouldn't pick me up as I approached. "Help!" the female shouted in hope that someone would answer her call.

One of the northerners clawed her across the snout. "Shut it Du hündin no one's gonna help" he sagte "Now give us the two words we want"

"You want two words. Here they are. Fuck. You" she said

"Wrong answer slut" Another wolf sagte as he bit her in the side. I've seen enough. I leaped from my spot and landed on the wolf that was close to me. My bite wound was giving me agonizing pain but I ignored it as the only thing on my mind was saving this girls life.

I bit into the wolves' leg and as I did another tried to attack me. I jumped from his back and the wolf ended up tackling his ally.

I didn't have time to recover as the last wolf was running at me. I did the same we rammed into eachother but I made sure the force went to my right side to protect my wounds.

I was the first to get up from our coming together but as I thought about attacking the wolf that was down I got rammed Von another wolf from the left side. I fell to the ground as he hit my wound.

I saw something come flying towards me in midair it was the wolf about to finish me off. I was in too much pain to do anything about it I was sure I was going to be dead.

But then as he was just inches away another wolf tackled him. It was the girl I was trying to protect seems like she's trying to return the favor. But as she attacked the wolf the other 2 came running towards her side.

I hurried to my feet and ran back towards them Jesus christ this isn't doing my wound any good but I had no choice.

I jumped and bit into the one that was closest to me in the front right paw and used it as a center of rotation to hurl myself around and kick the other one. I let go of the other one but being a racing driver I forgot the laws of physics and I didn't stop fighting. I kept fighting until I met a baum headfirst.

I turned around and tripped as I didn't see a log on the ground because my vision was blackened. After that impact I shook my head to clear it up a bit. I saw 2 of the Wölfe attacking the girl and the other was coming towards me I had no other choice.

I jumped to my feet and ran as fast as I could despite not being able to see properly. I plowed into the wolf sending him to the ground. My vision cleared and I could finally see what I was doing. the wolf was on the ground I used the time well and didn't hesitate to pin him down.

I bit into his stomach he yelped in pain but it didn't stop me biting harder. His 2 buddies saw that I was attacking him and started to watch I made a small hole in his chest big enough to fit my front paws into. I slammed my front paws into the hole clawing at whatever I could inside it. Then bit into his throat I felt him kicking me but I held on as much as I could. Then he kicked my wound the sudden searing pain made me suddenly bite 1,000 times harder.

I heard and felt a satisfying sound under my teeth and I felt the wolf getting weaker and weaker Until he eventually stopped moving. I released my mouth and pulled my paws out they where blood soaked I looked at the other 2 Wölfe with an intimidating look.

One of the Wölfe cracked his neck from side to side then slowly began walking towards me but the other wolf put his paw across him to stop him. "Let him go he's not worth it…Not yet" he said.

"But he killed our leader" the other wolf said.

"see what I mean?" He sagte then winked at his buddy "Now let's go I've seen quite enough" He began to run in a northern direction the other looked at me and gave me one last growl then followed the other.

I sighed then looked at the wolf I just killed…Oh god what have I done? I may have just started a war…I hope not.

I walked over to the girl she seemed alright but she had scratches all over. "Are Du alright babe?" I asked.

"Yeah" she replied. "Just about" she tried to get up but she just collapsed. "but my fucking legs hurt too much to walk" she said.

I bent down. "Climb up" I said. "I'll take Du somewhere safe" she climbed onto my back and I began to limp back Since there was no need for me to go through Mehr pain when it's not necessary. "Are Du a southern wolf?" I asked.

"Yeah and as far as I know the only survivor of the northern massacre" she said.

"I'm sorry" I said. "for your pack"

"Thank you" she replied. "hey your limping. Du have a wound on your leg. how did Du get that?"

"Uh…very long story" I said.

"Ok but I'm sorry for just having Mehr weight to carry. I'll get off"

"No Du can't walk I insist dear" I said.

"But what about you? Your hurt" she said.

"I'll be fine I don't care about myself" I replied. "What's your name?"

"Sarah" she said

"Hey Sarah I'm Adrien" I replied. I took her back to the pack where Kate and Humphrey where waiting for me with a caribou.

"Hey adrien I caught Du someth…who's that?"

"A survivor…from…the northern attack" I sagte through my breath as I was tired. I took her into the höhle, den and laid her down.

"Am I alive?" she asked.

"Just about" I said. I looked over her body. "You've got quite a few scratches. I'll clean them for you" I started to lick her wounds. As I licked her I felt her ribs underneath my tongue. "your nothing but skin and bones" I said. I ripped a chuck of meat off the caribou Kate had caught me. "eat because I don't think Du have in days"

She quickly devoured the chunk I gave her. I just placed the whole caribou in front of her. "Take what Du want" I sagte to her.

"Are Du sure?" she said.

"Absolutely Du need It" I said. As she ate I continued to clean up her wounds.

"You saved my life" she sagte after she finished eating. "how will I repay you?"

I stopped licking her wounds and stood up. "no need seeing Du healthy and beautiful Is all the thanks I need"

"Really?" she sagte she rubbed her paw along my underbelly. "There really isn't anything I can do for a…Big…Strong…Handsome alpha wolf?"

"I appreciate what your trying to do but I'm not a wolf" I said.

"What?" she said.

I explained the story of the night I got attacked. And my life as a human. And a NASCAR driver.

"I'm still unsure of how Du became a wolf though sexy" she said.

"So am I" I replied.

She tried to stand up. "I think I can stand now hon" she said. As she slowly bought herself to her feet. Her legs shook some but once she was upright she had no trouble at all. She examined her body "ah god dammit the blood stained my fur. That's not gonna come out" She complained

"Not a problem I can fix that" I said. "I won't be able to remove the blood but I will be able to style it" I said. I used my tongue and my claws to brush and after a while I was finished. "there ya go racing stripes" I said. "What Du think?" I asked.

"Well…Its…Kinda cool" she said. I could tell she was still unsure about it. I gave her red stripes going along her black mantel from her neck all the way down to and along her tail.

"great now sit down sweetie you've had a long Tag and Du need to get some rest" I said. She nodded and lied on her side. I ate some caribou she ate most of it though but Kate did get it for me and I saved her life so I felt I deserved the rest.

I spent most of the Tag in the höhle, den with her, keeping her company, telling her things because everyone else went off to do their own thing. But I didn't want to leave her alone at all. Before we knew it it was dark. I closed my eyes and got ready to sleep, I nearly faded away but I felt something tapping me in the flank.

I rolled over and saw Sarah shivering. "You cold?" I asked.

"n-n-n-no" She replied.

"Are Du sure?" I said.

"I'm freezing" she said. "But you've done plenty already so I didn't want to bother your ass"

"You're not bothering me" I sagte as I stood up. "As I sagte Du need It Mehr than me. its probably just your wounds making Du think your colder anyway" I bought myself over to her and lied on her. "warm enough?" I said.

"Yes…thank Du sweetie"

"Not a problem" I said. I was tired but I kept myself awake until she was sleeping then I fell asleep on her.

Humphreys POV

I couldn't sleep tonight was the coldest night I've ever experienced. I then saw movement in the höhle, den above me. I raised my head and watched Adrien climb on oben, nach oben of Sarah. This moment was to share with anyone I tapped Kate on the back. "Kate wake up" I said.

"Humphrey? What's going on?" she said. I pointed towards the höhle, den and Kate looked. She snickered and so did I. "I think there gonna be best Friends and then some" Kate said.

"They make a good couple don't they?" I said.

"Yeah…yeah they do" she said.

I was going to talk to her some Mehr but she fell back asleep instantly. I shrugged then fell asleep myself.
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by katealphawolf
added by katealphawolf
added by katealphawolf
added by katealphawolf
added by Metallica1147
Source: I took from my webcam :p
On a warm Tag in jasper park lilly went with garth to watch out for enimies around the border.
Lillys pov
Lilly:Garth when can we go Home im sleepy
Garth:we can go when the sun goes down
Lilly:who are those guys

figures seen in the distance


Lilly: on it

Kates pov
Kate:whats going on

Garth:we might be under attack. *pulls out pistol*

Kate: where is Lilly

Lilly:we're here

Winston:whats going on?!

Garth:we might be under attack we need to form alphas just in case the Wölfe are a threat to us.


find out what happens Weiter in chapter 2
posted by SentinelPrime89
The wind blowing into the höhle, den made King shiver. He grunted painfully as he tried to stand up, his mangled paw hanging limp off the höhle, den floor. King caught the scent of Princess in the air and turned around to face her sitting before him. "How... How'd Du find me?" King asked.
"I followed the blood trail Du left in the snow after our pa... our former pack ran Du over. I found Du and moved Du up into this den." Answered Princess as she walked over and laid down in front of her father to tend to his wounds.
King's eyes open wide. "Former pack?"
Princess nodded. "They're gone, long gone. One of...
continue reading...
posted by westernunit-211
The battle for the Western territory is over now it's time for Humphrey and his men to take it to the Eastern territory and take them all out, once in for all.

Day 3 08:05 hrs
Frost's safe, sicher house
Dare Hunde 212
Jasper National park, Canada

Frost woke up and was still tired from yesterdays battle, but he knew that he still had to continue on fighting the enemy to end the war for good. Kate was still asleep, so he got up and stretched out and left his den. He went out and saw some caribou 150 meters NE of his safe, sicher house. David and Sandman came out and saw Frost looking at the caribou not far...
continue reading...
posted by CatoStoicus
I just needed to let fellow Alpha and Omega know about this, there is a petition on Change. org now calling on Lionsgate and Crest to make an Alpha and Omega spin-off movie featuring Lilly and Garth as the main characters.

Every time someone signs the petition, another letter is sent to the head of Lionsgate's Motion Picture Group telling him how much we'd Liebe to see a movie like this.

So, if Du like Lilly and Garth, oder just want to see the movie series continue beyond the Weiter few sequels, signing the petition would not be a bad idea.

The petition can be found Von searching "Alpha and Omega" oder "Lilly and Garth" on Change. org. If anybody wants to sign it, that would be great.

We're going to need all the help we can get if we want Lionsgate to take this seriously. So every signature helps. With enough support, we can get Lionsgate to take notice and get this movie made.
posted by Slenderwolf
Morshu:Lamp oil, rope, BOMBS! Du want it? It’s yours my friend. As long as Du have enough rupees.
Link:i want it!
Morshu:Sorry Link, i can’t give credit. Come back when you’re a little, MMMMMMMMMMMM richer.
Link:son of a-
*then Spy bite Link's Neck*
Spy:can i have B0mbz?
Morshu:MMMMMMMMMMMM(Over nine thousand years later...) long as Du have enough rupees.
Spy:I want it!
Morshu:Sorry, Sp-
*Stab can be heard*
Spy:Thank Du for being such a dear friend.
15 Minuten fater... (WHAT!?) Swat guy 1:What just happend?!
Swat guy 2:That was a murder.
Swat guy 1:Do Du want, MMMMMMMMMMMM b0mbz?
Swat guy 2:Nope.avi
Swat guy 1:Uhhhhhhhh...okay.
so, i loved Alpha and Omega 1 and 2. they're the best Filme i ever seen! Alpha and Omega 1 had a great story, lovable characters along with funny and touching moments. Alpha and Omega 2 had all of these stuff back again and made the franchise even better. Now, i really can't wait for A&O 3 and 4 to come out, cause this franchise's been endeared to me ever since A&O 1.
but unfortunately, Lionsgate confirmed that A&O 4 is gonna be the end to the "Alpha and Omega" saga. that makes me feel sad, cause like i said, i Liebe this saga, and i always will, but when it ends, i'll be stuck in watching stupid Filme again.

so yeah, it's confirmed: Alpha and Omega 4 is gonna end another great saga
the noises from howling through the midnight; not from the midnight howl, but from the end of our own territory were howls of sorrows and depression, im not sure what they called but it was misery from what they had to grow through, especially since new members like me- viper, a young recruited alpha wolf with rdarkish red pelz was on the pending Liste among the others to be selected to go among what we called the above.
among the hills near our pack downhill there was our den. slowly i walked up towards the end of the cliff and looked upon the full moon with a brawny feeling in me but with suicide...
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Alright, I'm sure people want to hear what others thought of it so here's my honest opinion after watching it once over. Spoilers ahead obviously!

I thought it was alright for what it was, yes the Animation was bad and makes the first movie look wayyy better but when Du look beyond that I found myself getting a few good laughs at the story and how Kate and Humphrey acted around each other as mates. First of all the entire first sneak peek clip did not do a good job of Wird angezeigt this, they still acted as a team and got along as Du would expect them too after the first movie, Kate being like a...
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posted by humpherywolf34
The Life of Cap
                    Chapter 23


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Humphrey hadn't meant to have drifted to sleep on the ground near the baum he had decided to rest Von but he had and when he woke he jumped at his name being spoken sharply, "HUMPHREY!" Winston sagte sternly and he jolted up right, "Wha?!, WInston!...What's going on.." he yawned drowsily and Winston muttered something and spoke, "Humphrey Why have Du been Resting when Du were gegeben the task to scout the territory for intruding packs!" Humphrey shook off his drowsiness, "I'm sorry Winston....i'm just tired from watching the pups....while Kate's off hunting"

"Well, I shall speak to my Daughter,...
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The Life of Cap
Chapter 20
Time for the meeting!!

Scene starts in a remote location among the central pack territory and Northern pack territory...

Yuri stood beside his two most trusted alpha’s, Kenneth; a dark-brown male, with a little whitish-pink around the belly, and brown eyes, he always has a smart-ass remark and once was a lone wolf until Yuri saw how violent he was and is always blood thirsty; and Robert; a light gray male, with a gray under belly and black around his stomach, one brown paw and one black paw, he has yellow eyes and he always obeys Yuri for special treats, especially...
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The Life of Cap
Chapter 19
So far away

“What a relentless whore. Take him back to my höhle, den tie him up to my worthless mother.” Yuri chuckled. They dragged him to Yuri’s höhle, den and tied him near Yuri’s mother. Lee wanted to yell at him for she was to weak and scared. She limped to Carl and helped him up. “Thanks, ma’am. What happened to you?” Carl sagte in fear. “M-m-my, my, son, he, he, h-h-he did th-this to m-m-m-me.” Lee whimpered as she stuttered. “He is your son? And Du let him do this to you? ” Carl sagte as he stepped closer to her. She tossed her head side to side, and...
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Shooter:" COME ON OUT ASSHOLES" Hutch:" I'm going to try to talk to him" Garth:" yeah good luck with that" Hutch yelled:" WHAT DO Du WANT FROM US?" Shooter:" THE STUFF THAT Du GUYS GAVE ME TO MY PEOPLE" Hutch:" WHAT ARE Du TALKING ABOUT WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO Du ARE? Shooter:" NO WELL SURLY ONE OF YOUR GUYS DO" Hutch:" COME OVER WITH YOUR GUN DOWN AND TELL ME WHO SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE TO YELL AND BRING Mehr ZOMBIES AROUND" the shooter looked behind him and saw some zombies but they don't see him Shooter:"OK I'M COMING IN DON'T DO ANYTHING FUNNY" when the shooter came into the Wal-Mart Hutch:"...
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posted by VictoriaaWolf
Hi there! I'm back!
I don't know if any of Du remember me but it's VictoriaWolf, i used to be a member here but then i quit. I decided to come back! So hello to those who remember me and hi to those who don't know who the hell i am. It looks like most of anyone i knew here has left , but if Du haven't good to see Du again!

Well here is some info on on me if Du dont know me.
Status: I'm back! Yipee!

Mood: Happy

pelz Color: Black

Gender: Female

Crush: X

Mate: X

Pups: X

Rank: Alpha

Country: Canada

Eyes: Red

Personality: Fun,bubbly and seductive ;)