Alpha und Omega Club
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A/N: This was the first story of A&O that i wrote on Fanfiction and it got plenty of Ansichten and good reviews. Anyway enjoy the story

Chapter 1

Humphrey's POV

I slowly started to wake up from my sleep. I lifted my head up and looked around my den, noticing that Kate wasn't there.

'Hmm, I wonder if Kate had some alpha duties to do this morning.' I thought to myself.

Just then I heard a loud crash outside and decided to check it out. Outside I saw my Friends Salty, Shakey, and Mooch all piled on oben, nach oben of each other and a shattered log Von a rock. I started walking over to them to see what happened.

"Hey guys." I called as I walked over to them. "What happened?"
"We were doing some log rodeln, schlittenfahren and we crashed into another rock." Replied Salty.
"Ya we broke another sled." sagte Mooch.
"You guys went log rodeln, schlittenfahren without me?" I asked.
"Well we didn't want to bother Du while Du were sleeping" Salty said.
"Oh, well Du better include me the Weiter time Du go log sledding." I said.
"Sure thing, Oh and Von the way I think Winston wants to have a word with you." Shakey said.
"Ok, thanks for the update." I sagte as I walked away to Winston and Eve's den.

'Oh no I hope Winston didn't find out what me and Kate did last night.' I thought to myself. 'Hopefully Eve doesn't kill me.' I kept walking trying to shake the thought out of my head.

I made my way to the entrance of Winston and Eve's den.

"Winston Sir, Du wanted to see me?" I called in
"Ah yes Humphrey I did, have a seat." he sagte as he patted a spot in the dirt with his paw.
"So what did Du want see me about?" I asked as I sat down.
"Well I saw that Kate's pelz was a little messy and dirty, and she had your sent all over her. I was just wondering if what I think happened, happened."
A chill when down my spine "Y-Yes Sir me and Kate did mate last night, but she is my mate after all." I managed to say, hoping he wouldn't get mad at me.
"I understand that Humphrey, to be honest I knew it would happen." he said.
"So you're not mad?" I asked making sure.
"No I am not mad." He replied. "The main reason I called Du over here is because I wanted to know if you're ready if Kate got pregnant."
"Don't worry Sir I'll stand Von Kate 100% and take care of her, besides they are my Welpen too after all." I sagte imagining what it would be like to be a father.
"Good, I believe Du would be a great father." he said.
"Thank Du sir." I said. "Can I go now?"
"Yes Du can, I believe Kate and her hunting party just got back from her hunt too." he said.
"Ok see Du later Sir." I sagte as I walked out of the den.

I started heading to where some of the pack had gathered to greet the hunting party as they returned. I started looking around for Kate but I didn't see her anywhere. Then I saw Hutch.

"Hey Hutch have Du seen Kate anywhere?" I asked
"Yes I have, she's on her way here. She's hasn't been feeling to good today and has been walking slowly." He replied. "You will find her if Du head that way." He pointed with his paw down the trail.
"Ok, thanks." I sagte then I started walking fast down the trail. 'I hope Kate is ok.' I thought to myself.

After a little while I found Kate slowly walking up the trail.

"Hi Kate, are Du ok?" I asked. I was really concerned because she for sure looked nauseous.
"Hi Humphrey, to be honest, I-" She stopped and threw up.
"Eww, I think we should go see your mom. She should know what's wrong with you." I said
"Ok Humphrey, but can Du please help me; I'm having trouble walking." she replied.
"Of course, Du can lean against me as we walk." I sagte walking up beside her.

We started walking to Winston and Eve's den, Kate leaning against my shoulders. We stopped a few times because Kate had to throw up.

Chapter 2

Humphrey's POV

It was dark when Kate and I made it to Winston's and Eve's den. Kate was feeling a little better which was a relief to me.
"Hi mom." Kate sagte as we walked in.
"Hello Kate and Humphrey, what brings Du here?" Eve asked.
"Well Kate hasn't been feeling to well and she's thrown up a few times." I told her.
"Well, Kate have Du eaten any bad meat oder drank some bad water?" Eve asked her.
"I haven't eaten at all today, and I had some water from the stream on the way here, so I don't think that's why I'm sick." Kate replied.
"Have Du gotten any ticks at all?" Eve asked.
"None at all" Kate said.
"I see, Humphrey can Du please step outside for a minute." Eve asked.
"No problem." I said. I walked outside the höhle, den and looked at the stars.

Kate's POV

"I've got good news, you're not sick at all." Eve told me.
"I'm not?" I asked.
"No it's much better than that, Kate your pregnant!" Eve sagte with a smile.
My jaw dropped. "You mean..." I said
"Yes Du and Humphrey are going to be parents." She said.
I smiled. 'I didn't think I would get pregnant from last night, but I guess I was wrong.'
"I have to tell Humphrey! He'll be so happy." I said. "Hey Humphrey I got good news!"
"What is it Kate?" He sagte as he walked back inside the den.
"Well Du remember what happened last night right." I said
"All too clear." He sagte with a sly smile.
"Well... I'm pregnant!" I sagte with a big smile.

I was surprised at what happened Weiter because Humphrey did what every omega would do, he fainted.

Humphrey's POV

I woke up not remembering what happened. I lifted my head up I was in Winston's and Eve's den.

"Oh good you're ok." Kate said, and then she nuzzled me.
"What happened? All I remember is walking back in here because Du had good news to tell me and now I'm here." I said.
"You fainted sweetie" Kate said.
"Why did I faint?" I asked, then it started coming back to me. "Hold on it's coming back now. I walked in, Du asked me if I remembered last night, then I sagte yes. Then Du sagte Du were..." The realization hit me. "Pregnant." I finished.
"Yes I did." She said, smiling at me.

Her golden brown eyes looking right at me, she always had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I smiled back at her.

"You mean I'm going to be a father?" I asked smiling.
"Yes Du are sweetie." She replied, licking my cheek.

'I can't believe it, I'm going to be a father, I'm so excited!' I thought 'Oh no that means Kate and I can't go on another adventure together, I was going to ask her today.'I looked at Kate.

"I'm excited that were going to be parents, but I was going to ask Du today if Du wanted to go on another adventure together, but now it looks like we won't be able to for a while now." I said.
"Aw man, cause I would have wanted to go with you." Kate said.
"Well Kate Du can go on an adventure as long as your back here in a week. If Du go longer Du will be too big and might not make it home." Eve said.
"Thanks mom." Kate said, she then looked at me. "Well Humphrey, Du still want to go on that adventure of yours." She asked.
"Of course I do." I sagte wagging my tail.
She giggled. "Ok we will leave first thing in the morning." She said.
"Ok let's get back to our höhle, den I'm getting tired." I said.
"Ya same here, goodbye mom." Kate said.

We started walking back to our den. I looked up at the stars and the full moon.

"It sure is a beautiful night." I said.
"Yah." Kate sagte walking Weiter me.
"But it's not as beautiful as your eyes." I said, looking into her eyes as we walked.

I could see that see was blushing under her fur. I really am a lucky wolf to have beautiful mate who loves me. I nuzzled her.

She giggled. "What was that for?" She joked as we walked up to our den.
"Because I Liebe Du and that I'm glad that I got a beautiful mate like you." I said.
"Aww I Liebe Du too, you're so sweet." she said, then she licked my cheek.

I walked to the back of the den.

"Goodnight Kate." I sagte lying down in the corner of our den.

Kate laid down Weiter to me and curled up against me.

"Goodnight Humphrey." She said, then we drifted asleep.

Humphrey's POV

I was walking back Home to my parents höhle, den after playing with my other pup Friends when I heard two human voices. I quickly ran for cover under a busch but I stepped on a twig and shaped it

"What was that." I heard one of the humans say.
"I don't know but it came from over here." The other human said.

I started running but it was too late the humans saw me running away.

"Look there's a wolf, give me the tranquilizer gun." The man said.

I kept running but I then felt a pinch on my side. I yelped and looked to see a dart attached to me. I started to feel funny I was laughing and falling over, then I passed out.

"Bag him up boys, were going to Jasper Park." the man with the dart gun said.

I woke up in a dark box and I started trying to get out but it was no use. I started to get scared 'What if I never see my parents again, I'll just be a pup with no parents to protect me. I'll be trapped in here forever.' I started crying.

After an Stunde oder so I felt the kiste begin to Bewegen then it was put back down.

"Alright let him go" I heard a man say.

The Gate door slid open and I jumped out and started running, I wasn't sure where to but as far away from the humans as possible. I looked behind me I didn't see any humans behind me but when I turned around I saw a tan wolf pup. It was too late to stop I ran right into her. I landed on the ground, and quickly got back up on my paws and walked over to her.

"I am so sorry I did not see Du there. Are Du ok?" I asked.

The tan wolf pup got back up on her paws. I got a good look at her, she was beautiful, she had golden tan pelz with golden brown eyes to match. She appeared to be the same age as me.

"That's alright I wasn't looking where I was going." She replied. "I'm Kate."
"I'm Humphrey." I said.
"Nice to meet you, Du don't look like you're from around here." Kate said.
"That cause I'm not I was brought over here from where I lived with my parents." I said.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Du know Du could come live with my pack. We'll give Du Essen and shelter." She said.
"Well..." I trailed off. I wanted to start walking back home, where ever that is, but I guess I could start my life here in Jasper. "Ok, I'll stay with your pack."
"Great." Kate said. "Come on I'll take Du to my parents, there the pack leaders. Race Du there!" she yelled and started running.

"Hey wait up!" I yelled and started running after her.

I guess it won't be so bad here.

End of Flashback

Chapter 3

Humphreys POV

The sun rose over the mountains of Jasper park. I opened my eyes and inhaled the moist morning air. It had rained the night before and there were a bunch of puddles on the ground. I felt something warm pressed up against me, I looked down and see Kate curled up against me. She always looked so peaceful and pretty when she slept, I didn't want to disturb her so I just laid there until she woke up.

About ten Minuten later she started stir and she rolled over, when she did our noses touched. I just laid there smiling. Kate finally opened her eyes.

She notice our noses were touching and giggled. "Well good morning sweetie." She said
I blushed "Good morning." I said, not wanting this moment to end.
"Well I'd like to be like this forever but we should get going." I sagte to her
She got up and stretched. "Okay where did Du want to go?" she asked me
"Well I'm not too sure but how about we just head south over the mountains and see the sights and explore the area." I sagte "I've heard that there's a place called Montana south of here."
"Ok that sounds great, let's get going" she sagte walking out the den.
"Fine with me." I sagte walking out behind her.

The sky was clear not a single wolke but the the ground and pine trees were still damp from the rain last night. Kate and I started walking south through the forest.
"So why did Du want to go to this place called Montana." Kate asked me
"Well Du remember the Tag we met right?" I asked
"Yes I do." She said
"Well I was transported from my Home in Montana." I said
"You never told me where Du came from Du just sagte Du were relocated." She said
"Well I never thought it was important." I said
"I'm guessing that Du want to see your parents and where Du grew up again, right?" She asked
"Yes it would be nice to see them again and catch up." I admitted "It's been over 3 years since I've seen them and I've really missed them."
"Well I've always wanted to meet Du parents." Kate sagte smiling at me.
"Well hopefully they won't embarrass me in front of you." I joked
She laughed "I'm sure they will, like all parents do." she said
"Ya" I laughed

Kate's POV

Humphrey and I have been walking for most of the Tag now, and I was building up a hunger. We were just descending down a mountain that we had climbed earlier. We walked out into a clearing, I smelled the air, I could smell a herd of caribou not to far away. In fact I could see them on the other side of the clearing, eating the grass.
"Look," I sagte to Humphrey, pointing to the caribou.
"Dinner" Was all he said
"Stay here and stay low I'll take the one on the left." I sagte starting to walk toward the hurd.
Humphrey got up and put a paw in front of me to stop me. "How bout I catch this one for you." He said
"But Du don't know how to hunt." I stated
"I've learned a thing oder two watching Du hunt, besides your carrying new life and I don't want Du to get hurt." He told me
"Alright fine Du can take him down, but please be careful, I don't want Du getting hurt." I said
"Don't worry I'll be careful" He sagte as he got down low and started walking toward the hurd.

Humphrey's POV

I stayed low to the ground as I stalked the caribou just like Kate did when I watched her hunt. I slowly got closer and closer, I had the advantage because I was down wind of the herd.
I was finally close enough to the herd, I hid behind a rock waiting for the moment. I remember that Kate always went for the throat when she hunted, so I knew that was the spot I wanted to go to. The sound of a krähe in the distance distracted the caribou, it was the perfect moment to strike. I lunged toward the unexpected caribou, I bit down on the caribous throat. The caribou tried to sake me off and succeeded, I was thrown into a rock braking a few ribs. I yelled in pain. I then saw Kate jump out and tackled the caribou biting its neck, killing it instantly. After she killed the caribou she ran over to me, a worried look on her face.
"Oh my gosh, Humphrey are Du ok?" she asked worryingly
"Yah I'm fine," I sagte "but I think I broke a rib oder two." I tried getting up but grunted in pain and fell back over. Luckily Kate caught me before I hit the ground.
"Aww Du poor thing." She sagte "Let's find a place to stay the night before Du get hurt even more."
"Ok but Du might need to curry me." I told her
"That's fine." She sagte getting under me and lifting me up on her shoulders.

She carried me for a couple of Minuten before she found a cave.
"This looks like a good spot." she sagte walking in and laying my down on the floor of the dark and damp cave.
"You stay here and rest. I need to go back and get the caribou for dinner." she said.
"Okay." Is all I said.

Kate ran out of the höhle, den and back to the meadow where the caribou was. I decided to go outside and look out at the stars. I managed to painfully get up, my side still hurting. I slowly walked out and sat back down outside the entrance of the cave, I looked up at the stars admiring how pretty they were. I then felt something hard hit me in the back of my head. "Ow" I sagte scratching the back of my head. I looked down an saw a small round rock, 'It kind of looks familiar.' I thought to myself.
"Oh I am so sorry there Mr. wolf I guess I still have a lousy shot." I heard a familiar voice say behind me.
I turned around and was shocked to see Marcel and Paddy standing right behind me. "Marcel, Paddy!" I yelled greeting them.
"Ah nice to see Du again Humphrey." Marcel said
"Why yes it is." Paddy said
"What are Du guys doing here?" I asked
"We were on our way back to Jasper to see how things have been going with Du and your girlfriend," Marcel sagte "but it seems that you're out here. Speaking of your girlfriend where is she?" He asked
"Oh well she went to go find something to eat for us, she'll be back soon." I said
"So what are the two of Du doing out here?" Paddy asked
"Well Kate and I decided to go on a little adventure together before she gets too big to be unable to move." I said
"What do Du mean too big?" Marcel asked
"Oh that's right Du guys didn't know that Kate's pregnant." I sagte remembering
The two of them looked at each other then back at me. "Well congrats Humphrey." Marcel said
"Why yes, I see that the two of Du finally got around the repopulating." Paddy joked
I laughed "Ya your right."

We talked for a few Minuten until I saw Kate waking over dragging a dead caribou in her jaws. When she finally got up to the höhle, den she noticed that Marcel and Paddy were standing Weiter to me. She dropped the caribou and hugged them both.
"It's nice to see Du two." she sagte hugging them, she let them go. "What are Du two doing here?" she asked
"Well we were on our way to see how things were going back in Jasper but I looks like Du two are on a little adventure." Marcel sagte "Oh and congrats On getting pregnant."
"Thank you." she sagte giggling, this made me smile.
"So where are Du two headed on this little adventure?" Paddy asked
"Well we are heading to Montana to find my parents." I said
"He hasn't seen them in over 3 years." Kate added
"But how did Du get to Jasper when Du were born in Montana?" Marcel asked
"Well it all started a long time ago." I said, I told them of when I was kidnaped Von humans and taken to Jasper Park.
"Wow so after all this time you've never seen your parents?" Marcel asked
"Not even once." I said
"Wow I bet Du really miss them." He said
"Ya I do." I said
"Well Montana isn't too much farther from here, I say maybe about one Mehr Tag of traveling any you'll be there." Paddy said
"Good that leaves us 3 days to find Humphrey's parents and 2 days to travel back home." Kate said
"Great." I said
"Well I guess we should be going, I need to practice my golf skills a little more." Marcel said
"I agree." Paddy said
"We'll see Du two later, goodbye and good luck." Marcel said
"Thank you, goodbye." Kate and I sagte in unison.

Marcel and Paddy got up and flew away leaving me and Kate alone.

"Well what are we waiting for I'm starving." I sagte biting into the caribou leg.
"Me too." Kate said, biting the caribous stomach.

After me and Kate ate the caribou we licked each other's faces clean and Kate checked on my injuries. After living with her mother so long she learned a few methods of healing up cuts and bruises. Like putting herbs on the wounds and patching them up with leaves. We decided to call it a night and go to bett to get an early start tomorrow.
"Goodnight Kate." I sagte to Kate
"Goodnight Humphrey." She sagte back

We both laid down Weiter to each other, Kate curled up Weiter to me for warmth. We both slept peacefully, We had another long Tag of traveling ahead of us.

Chapter 4

Humphrey's POV

It was a restless night I managed to sleep an Stunde oder two but other than that the pain of my broken ribs kept me uncomfortable. I just laid there Lost in thought, I didn't want to wake Kate up because she needed her rest. I put my head down between my paws and started Tag dreaming.

Humphrey's POV

"Hey wait up." I yelled as I ran after Kate. We just met the Tag before and we instantly became friends.
"You can't catch me." Kate teased
"Oh ya." I challenged

I ran faster than I ever thought I could. I caught up with her, I jumped and tackled her to the ground. We started rolling down the hügel that leads into a great valley, we rolled all the way down the hill. When we got to the bottom and stopped rolling, I looked down and noticed the Kate was under me, our noses were touching.

I quickly got off her, I was embarrassed.
"That was fun." Was all I could say felling awkward I tried to change the subject. "Wow this place sure is beautiful." I said, I was accepted into the pack but I hadn't seen the whole territory yet.
"I know, that's why I Liebe it here." She said
"Ya but Du know what." I sagte putting my paw on her shoulder "Tag you're it!" I yelled and started running down into the meadow.
"Hey no fair I wasn't ready." I heard Kate say as I ran away.

I kept running down the valley as fast as I could, trying to out run Kate. Unfortunately she was faster and caught up to me.

She pressed her paw on my side. "Now you're it." she sagte stopping and running the other direction.

I ran after her trying to catch back up to her, she was a long way ahead of me. I could tell she was running back toward the main höhle, den area of our territory. I decided that I could catch her Von just running after her, no she was way too fast for me. I decided the only way I could catch her was to outsmart her. I turned and took a short cut to the höhle, den area. I kept running trying to beat her there I was almost there. 'You're almost there.' I thought in my head still running. I entered the area and skidded to a halt.

I quickly looked around, I didn't see her anywhere. 'I beat her.' I thought. I decided to hide behind a busch that was near the outside of the camp. I waited in the shadows for Kate to come running in, I waited for what seemed like hours. After waiting I could tell that something was wrong, Kate was good at finding her way around. I decided to go out and look for her, even though I was so post to be an Omega I was very brave. I believe it's a trait that came from my father. I started walking back to where I last saw her and catch her sent from there. I started running 'I hope she's okay.'I thought, even though I couldn't tell it yet I was beginning to get feelings for Kate.

I ran out into the meadow and over to the spot where I last saw Kate. I smelled the air looking for her sent "Got it." I sagte running into the forest. I kept running her sent slowly getting stronger. Ran out into a clearing, I could see a young tan wolf lying on the ground, motionless. It was Kate. 'Oh no' I thought, I ran over to her. There were not cuts oder bruises on her, she just looked normal. I started to panic, I had no idea what to do. 'If she's dead then her parents might blame me for it.' I thought to myself, thinking of what to do. 'I guess I'll just take her to her parents, they'll know what to do.' I thought, picking her up on my shoulders. I carried her to her parents den, hopping that she wasn't dead.


I walked into up to Winston and Eve's den. I cleared my throat. "May I come in sir?" I asked
"Yes Du can." I could hear Winston say from inside his den.
I walked into the den, Kate limp body on my shoulders. I placed her on the ground in the center of the den.
Winston's eyes widened. "What happened?" he asked
"Well..." I started then Eve walked in a notice Kate's motionless body.
She growled "What did Du do to my daughter?" Wird angezeigt her teeth.
"I-I can explain Eve." I said, getting sacred.
"You better have not hurt her in anyway, because if Du did I will not hesitate to rip your tail off!" she snarled
I gulped and took a step back, tail between my legs.
"Please Eve let Humphrey explain himself, go on Humphrey." Winston said
"Well me and Kate were playing a game of tag, and I was it. I couldn't catch up with her, I could she was heading back over to here so I took a shortcut to beat her here. When I got here she wasn't there so I waited but she never showed up. I decided to go look for her, and I found her laying in a small clearing, not a scratch on her. Then I brought her here." I sagte "I'm sorry it's my fault that this happened."
"It's okay Humphrey, I was just an accident." Winston said
"I want to know why she's not moving." Eve said, just as she sagte that a groan echoed in the room.
"What was that?" I asked, just then Kate opened her eyes.
"Kate, darling Du okay." Eve sagte overjoyed to see her daughter back.
"Where am I?" Kate asked
Winston walked up "Well you're back in our den." he sagte "Do Du remember what happened?"
"Well.." She said, trying to regain her memory "I was running back to here but I was hit Von something hard on the back of my head, Then I woke up here."
"You must have been knocked out, good thing Humphrey found Du oder else who knows what would of happened to you." He said
"Where is Humphrey?" she asked
"Right behind you." I said
She turned around "Oh, thanks for bringing me Home Humphrey." she said
"No problem, glad to see you're okay." I sagte "Well I'm getting tired, goodnight Sir." I sagte waking out of the den.
"Goodnight, and thank you." Winston said
I smiled and walked to my den.

End of Flashback

Humphrey's POV

"Humphrey wake up." I heard a voice say to me.
"Uh... What" I sagte waking up, I saw Kate standing in front of me. "Oh... good morning Kate." I said
"Good morning, we should get going right now. We got another full Tag of traveling ahead of us." She said
"Well let's get going." I sagte getting up and stretching. I was still in pain but it didn't hurt as much as it did last night.
"How are Du feeling?" She asked
"I'm feeling better." I said
"Good" She sagte smiling
"Shall we" I sagte waking out the den.

We walked out the den, the sun had already risen and there were some clouds in the sky. "Looks like another great day." I sagte Looking around the forest.
"You could say that again." Kate said
"Let's keep heading south today." I said, walking into the forest.
"Okay" She said

We walked through the forest, Kate Von my side. I looked at the sights around me. We were walking along the ridge line of a hill, there were mountains to the north, east and west of us. To the south was a vast open meadow with a big river flowing in the middle of it.

Throughout the morning we descended down the tall hill, It wasn't until the afternoon when we reached the meadow. The meadow was so vast it stretched as far as the could see, there were small rolling hills in the middle. I could hear the sound of rushing water, in the distance.
"I wonder how much further is this Montana place." Kate said
"I'm not sure." I sagte "I could be on the other side of that river up ahead, oder it could be further."
"Well do Du even know where your parents could be in this vast place?" She asked
"I'm not that sure, I can't recall what it looks like. All I remember was that my parents höhle, den was right Von a small stream with a tall water fall." I said
"Great that will take forever to find." She said
"Forever to find what?" A voice behind us said.

Kate and I turned around; there was a wolf right behind us. The wolf was grayish blue, with a white underbelly. It had ice blue eyes just like mine.

"Who are you?" Kate asked
The wolf stared at us. "The names Jake." He said, his voice obviously male.
"Nice to meet Du Jake, my names Humphrey," I said, I pointed over to Kate. "and this is my mate Kate."
"Humphrey? Did Du say your name is Humphrey?" Jake asked
"Y-Yes I did, do I know you?" I asked
"Do I know you?" Jake repeated laughing. "Oh come on Humphrey Du don't even recognize Du own brother." He said
"B-Brother?" I said, I was confused at what was happening. "I don't remember having a brother."

Humphrey's POV

"What? Du don't remember me?" Jake sagte "We grew up together, remember we invented log sledding."
I thought back to my childhood, I couldn't remember much from it but I do remember inventing log sledding. Then it hit me "Oh! Now I remember." I exclaimed
"See I told you." He said
"Well I never knew Du had a brother." Kate sagte "Nice to meet you."
"Well, Nice to meet Du too." He said, he leaned over to me "Wow Du sure got a nice one."
"Thank you" I said, smiling at Kate

"So what are Du two doing out here?" he asked
"Kate and I decided to go on a little adventure, for a change in the scenery." I sagte "And I'm looking for mom and dad, do Du know where they are?"
"I've been looking for them too" Jake said
"Why, don't Du live with them?" I asked
"Well I did but that was before I was captured Von humans." He sagte "I've been trying to get Home for weeks now."
"Where were Du taken too?" Kate asked
"Some cold place called Alaska." He said
"Wow it must have been hard to get all the way back here." I said
"Yeah it was" He sagte "I'll tell Du all about it but it's getting dark and we should find somewhere to rest."
"I agree" Kate said
"Same here," I sagte "but it's just a vast open field out here."
"Well let's follow the river over there." She said, pointing to the river down below us. "I'm sure there's a cave along there somewhere."
"Sounds good to me." I said

We all walked down the hill, I still couldn't believe I forgot about my only sibling. I kept thinking back to when I was a pup, there was so much I forgot between my brother and where I grew up. We eventually reached the river. I could hear the sound of rushing water in the distance.

"I can hear the sound of rushing water over in that direction." I sagte pointing downstream
"Well I'm sure there a waterfall along this river." Jake said
"Well let's go toward the sound and see what we find." I said

We continued walking down the river, and sure enough I was right. About a half mile downstream was a small cliff and a waterfall. The cliff was about the same size as the one Kate and I jumped off of back in Idaho.
"How do we get down there?" Jake asked, he then looked over to Kate who was backing away slowly
She then ran and jumped off the cliff doing three front flips and landing softly on the ground. She looked back up at us.
"Well aren't Du two coming oder not?" She said
Jake had a shocked expression on his face and then looked at me. "How did she do that?" He asked me
"I have no idea" I said, I then proceeded to do it myself. I ran and jumped off the cliff, I did one front flip but I hit the ground hard. "Ow" I sagte getting back up grunting in pain. That jump didn't help with the healing of my ribs because the pain got worse.
"Are Du okay?" Kate asked me
"Yeah I'm fine" I sagte looking back up the cliff at Jake "Okay it's your turn"
"I'm not sure I can do it." Jake admitted
"Oh come on, you're even Mehr of a coward then me, and were related." I teased; Kate laughed
"I am not a coward." He said, he then jumped of the cliff but he could do a flip and he just hit the ground with full force.
"Ooooo... That's got to hurt." I sagte "Are Du alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine." He sagte shaking off the pain
"Well now that were all down here let's find a good place to spend the night." Kate said
"Well I don't see and caves in the cliff but what about behind that waterfall." I said
"Well it's possible there could be a cavern behind there." She sagte "I'll check"

She walked down to the small pond that was below the waterfall. She jumped in and taube under the waterfall. Me and Jake sat Weiter each other waiting for a Minuten oder so for Kate to pop back up. She then popped back up and swam to the ufer of the pond.
"You were right there is a cavern back there with enough room to fit all of us." She said
"Well what are we waiting for, let's get in." Jake sagte getting in the pond

I followed him in. Kate taube under first, followed Von Jake then me. The water was freezing but refreshing after a long Tag of walking. I popped back up behind the waterfall; Jake and Kate were already out of the water and drying off. I got out and shook my body to dry off. I looked around, the cavern was bigger than I thought. There was a tall celling and it was wide enough to fit all of us convertibly.

"This looks like a great place to stay." I said
"True, now that were here tell us a little about yourself." Kate said, sitting down Weiter to me
"Well where do I start..." Jake sagte "I was running and messing around with my Friends and Weiter thing I know I was hit in my side. I looked to see what it was but before I could my vision went blurry and I started laughing uncontrollably and i fell down to the ground and passed out. I woke back up in some frigid, cold, snowy place that I later found out to be called Alaska. After that I set off heading south until i got here." He sagte "That's enough about me how about Du Humphrey, what happened to you?"
"The same thing happened to me, but I was only taken to Jasper Park instead. I decided to stay there starting a new life and I haven't left ever since." I sagte "Well I'm happy for Du even if Du didn't decide to come back to your real Home here in Montana." He sagte "You seem to be doing well for yourself, Du got a good Home and a beautiful mate."
"And it gets even better because I'm going to be a father." I said
"That's right" Kate said
"Well congratulations Du two." He said, he looked at me "Do Du mind telling me how the two of Du met."

Kate and I looked at each other, we knew it was going to be a long story but we did enjoy telling it. "Sure I'll tell you." I said, Kate and I told Jake of when Kate and I were taken to Idaho and how we abolished the Alphas over Omegas rule.

"Wow what an amazing story, I was wondering how Du got and Alpha as a mate but now I know why." Jake said
"Yeah everyone says I'm a pretty lucky Omega." I said
"Well I'd Liebe to keep talking but I'm getting tired. Goodnight" Kate said
"Goodnight" Jake and I said
Kate laid down in a corner and fell asleep, I looked back to Jake "So do have any idea where mom and dad would be?" I asked him
"Well were not far away I can tell Du that, there actually down steam of this river probably ten miles oder so." He sagte "That is if there still there a lot can happen in a month."
"Well let's hope their still there; they'll be in for a big surprise when we get there." I said
"I'm sure they will, they were devastated when Du never came back home. They thought Du were dead and were desperately trying to find you, but they never did." He said
"I was afraid of that, I should of just headed back Home when I first had the chance." I sagte looking down at the ground "But when I met Kate something made me stay."
"That's the power of love.." He sagte trailing off
"True, that's enough about me. How about Du are there and girls Du have your eye on." I sagte rising and eyebrow
"Well no, but there is this girl named Sierra, but she hasn't taken notice of my yet." He sagte in a disappointing voice
I tried to make him feel better about it "Give it time and she'll notice you. The same thing happened to me and Kate, but one long adventure later that all changed." I said
"Thanks Humphrey" he sagte cheering up "Well it's getting late I'm heading to bed."
"Yeah same here, goodnight" I said
"Goodnight" He said

Jake laid down Von the entrance of the cavern and fell asleep. I walked over to Kate (who was sound asleep) and curled up behind her, I could feel her scoot closer to me. 'She's probably cold' I thought. I put my arm around her side and rested my head on her neck. I shortly fell asleep and into my dreams.

In Humphrey's dreams
Humphrey's POV

I was running down the valley in Jasper Park, "Kate I'm coming" I sagte as I ran. Hutch had ran up to me and told me Kate was in labor while I was playing some of my Omega games with Salty. I immediately started running; I didn't want to miss the birth of my pups.

Faster and faster I ran, trees and bushes flying past me. I was running up the hügel that leads to the main Alpha den. I saw Mooch and Shakey cheering me on, they must of had already know. I shot them a quick smile as I ran past them, I could see the höhle, den just up ahead. 'The Home stretch' I thought to myself. I skidded around the corner and ran up the small path that lead up to the den. As I rounded the entrance of the höhle, den I saw Winston sitting outside, I skidded to a halt. I was about to say something but Winston cut me off.

"Go now, we can talk later." He said
I smiled and walked into the den. Inside I saw Kate lying down, a look of pain in her face but she managed to keep a smile. I smiled back at her, Eve was Weiter to her telling her to breathe and keep pushing. I looked to the other side of the höhle, den and i saw Lilly, Garth and Winston (Who had just walked back in) all sitting down. I walked over to Kate and sat Weiter to her, "I made it!" I said, still trying to catch my breath after running halfway across the territory.

"Yes Du did." Kate sagte between breaths
I put my paw on hers "I'm so excited" I said
"Me too" She said, she started to yell in pain
"Okay the first pup is coming." Eve sagte "Keep pushing"

Kate let out another yell of pain, and the first pup was born.

Eve picked it up and handed it to Winston to hold, she then turned back to Kate. "One Mehr to go" She said
"You can do it Kate, just keep breathing." I said, comforting her
Kate yelled again and the Weiter and last pup was born, Eve handed it to Lilly to hold.
I looked at my two pups a big smile on my face, but it was turned into a look of horror when I went to look back at Kate. She was bleeding really badly and looked very pale, her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the floor.

I gasped, the look of horror still on my face. Eve ran over to her and put her ear up to Kate's snout, she wasn't breathing. Eve then put her paw on Kate chest where her herz was, there was no pulse.

"S-She's dead" Eve sagte on the verge of tears
Everything turned into a nightmare "NO! She can't be dead!" I yelled

Humphrey's POV

"No no no no" I kept repeating, then I woke up. I was breathing heavily "It was only a dream, that's all just a dream." I sagte panting
"Are Du okay? Du were talking in your sleep." I heard a familiar voice say.
I looked up and saw it was Kate. I jumped up and hugged her "Kate! You're okay" I said
"Of course I'm okay why wouldn't I be." She said
"Oh Kate it was horrible Du died after giving birth to our pups." I said
"Oh that would never happen." She sagte comforting me
"You're right it was just a dream that's all." I said

But deep down I knew it was Mehr than a dream, I was a sign of things to come.

Chapter 6

Kate's POV

We had left the waterfall cavern about a few hours ago, and had started walking down the river toward the mountains in the distance. Humphrey was walking Weiter to me, I could tell he was feeling better after that nightmare he had earlier, and he didn't look to be in too much pain. Jake was a little ways ahead of us, he seemed to want to get Home in a hurry because he was always ahead of us.

We exited the vast open meadow and entered back into the forest. There was a light breeze blowing through the trees, the sky was clear with the sun shining right above us. It was definitely warmer here then it was back at Jasper, and there wasn't as much snow.

Humphrey ran up to Jake "Do Du know how much further mom and dad are?" I could hear him ask
"Well I'm not all too sure but I know we have to be close Von now." Jake said
I walked a little faster to catch up with them. "Are Du guys sure Du remember where they live? Because Du two don't seem to be too sure where they live." I said
"Well I was taken away years Vor and never did get time to venture out of my parents höhle, den that often." Humphrey said
"And I was an Omega in the pack so I mostly stayed within the territory borders." Jake said

I walked up in front of them and stopped, causing them to stop too. "Okay before we go any further I want Du two to think and remember what the scenery looked like around your parents den." I sagte looking at them both
"I already told Du that they lived Von a small stream at the bottom of a tall waterfall." Humphrey said
"Well let's see, I don't see any tall cliffs around this area. There should be some cliffs over in those mountains over there." Jake sagte pointing over to the mountains in the distance.
"Well it's a start" I sagte "Do Du remember the pack name?"
"Hmm... We were the most southern pack in the area." Jake sagte "I believe we were called the Southern Glacier Pack."
"That's it!" Humphrey yelled "Now all we got to do is find a wolf and ask them if they know where the Southern Glacier Pack is."
"You see what happens when Du stop and think for a minute." I said
"Yeah whatever" Jake muttered
I ignored him "So let's keep following this river until we get to those mountains, oder until we find another wolf." I said
"Well let's get going, the faster the better." Humphrey sagte and started walking along the river

Jake and I followed him, We still had a lot of daylight left and we were making great progress. It's only the third Tag and we have two Mehr before we'd have to turn around and go home. The mountains were slowly getting closer and they were taller than I thought.

We reached the base of the mountains at late afternoon.

"Well we made it to the mountains, now what?" I asked
"Well I don't see a waterfall here." Jake sagte looking around
After he sagte that the light from the sun was reflecting off of something shiny about a mile oder so way. I looked at it "Wait a Minute what's that?" I sagte pointing toward the light
"I-It looks like a waterfall" Humphrey sagte "Come on!" He yelled and ran toward it

Jake and I ran after him, 'I hope this is it' I thought to myself. "Wait up Humphrey!" I yelled I could tell he was excited. Humphrey and Jake kept running, but I had to slow down. My stomach had a sick feeling and when I ran faster it made me feel sicker. I kept up a light jog knowing they would stop at the waterfall and wait for me. I went Lost in my thoughts thinking of what Humphrey's parents would look like and act like, I'm sure that they will be happy to find out the Humphrey was married and that he was to become a father. I went out of my thoughts to see that I was approaching the falls, I could see that Humphrey's and Jake were sitting Weiter to each other Von the pond with a big smile on their faces.
"What's making Du two smile?" I asked
"This is the place!" Humphrey said
I looked around I didn't see a single wolf around "It is? Where are your parents then?" I said
"That's because their höhle, den is hidden, it's around that corner." Jake sagte pointing to a small teilt, split canyon beside the waterfall.
"Okay but where is the rest of their pack?" I said
"Our parents never liked living near the rest of the pack, they enjoyed their privacy." He sagte "Let's go Humphrey" He got up and walked toward the small canyon.
"Right behind ya" Humphrey said
I followed Humphrey walking Von his side; this was a big moment for him. As we turned the corner of the canyon I saw a cave, it was sure hidden from the outside world. We all stopped just outside the den, Jake turned to me and Humphrey.
"Okay Du two stay here until I call Du in." He said
We both nodded our heads, as much as Humphrey wanted to run in there and hug his parents. He waited, Jake walked in and I heard him say hi mom hi dad.
"Jake your back!" I heard two other wolfs yell from in the den
"Yes I am and I brought someone special." Jake said
"Who?" I heard a voice say
"Guys can Du come in here" Jake said

Me and Humphrey walked into the den, inside I saw Jake and two wolfs sitting Weiter to him. One wolf was tall and lean she looked like a female, her pelz was all white with a few grey streaks. Weiter to her was a tall and very muscled obviously male, he was purely grey furred with Humphrey's same ice blue eyes. We sat down Weiter to each other.
"And who are these two Jake?" The male asked
"Mom, Dad remember Humphrey." Jake sagte smiling
"Humphrey!" The both sagte in unison, a look of shock on their faces
"Hi mom, Hi dad" Humphrey said, his mom walked up and gave him a hug
"We've missed Du so much" She said
"I've missed Du guys too." He sagte on almost on the verge of tears.
She walked back and sat down where she was earlier.
"And who's this?" Humphrey's dad asked looking at me
"This is my mate, Kate." He said
"Well Du sure got yourself a good looking one" Humphrey's dad said
"Thank you" He said
"Well I'm happy for Du two. My names Lupa and this is my mate Lyall." Lupa said
"Nice to meet you" I said, Humphrey's parents seemed like a nice couple.
"And we have some extra news too" Humphrey sagte smiling at me, I knew what was coming.
"And what's that" Lyall said
"You two are going to become grandparents." He sagte proudly
"Well congratulations!" Lupa said
I smiled knowing that they were okay with it, they haven't embarrassed Humphrey, yet.
"Well we'd Liebe to talk but it's getting late and we have all Tag tomorrow to talk and share stories." She said
"I agree" Humphrey sagte "Goodnight everyone"
"Goodnight" everyone said

We all found a place to sleep in the den, Lupa and Lyall were sleeping together, Jake was near the höhle, den entrance, and Humphrey and I were cuddled up near the other side of the den. I shortly fell asleep with Humphrey keeping me warm.

Chapter 7

Humphrey's POV

I opened my eyes after having a peaceful sleep in my parents den. I was feeling today is going be a great day, life couldn't be any better right now. I found my parents again, I have a beautiful mate who loves me, plus I'm going to be a father. I always loved entertaining the pups back in Jasper, it always made me smile. I can't wait to see what my pups will look like and what personalities they'll have.

I laid there just thinking of my soon to be pups with a smile on my face, I was so busy Tag dreaming I didn't notice Kate roll over and open her eye's, she looked at me and smile.

"And just what are Du thinking about." She whispered
"Oh just thinking what our kids will look like when their born." I sagte looking at her
"So have I" She sagte "I bet they'll be so cute."
"Just like us" I sagte still smiling
She leaned over and licked my cheek making me blush a little. "Yes, just like us" She sagte in a soft voice
I looked down at her belly, it was a little bigger than usual "Well I can see the Welpen are growing." I said, then looking back up at her.
She took a quick look and looked back at me "I guess they are" She sagte "Pretty soon they'll be so big that I won't be able to move." She laughed
I laughed at her joke "Yep pretty soon, remember we have to head back Home two days from now." I said
"I know, but I kind of like it out here. It's a little warmer and the waterfall and mountains are so beautiful." She said
"Well maybe we can stay here, but we how will we tell everyone back in Jasper?" I asked
"We could send someone to tell them." She said
"Well let's ask my parent if they don't mind it I'm sure they want me to stay anyway." I sagte "It doesn't matter where we live, I'll always be happy as long as you're Von me side." I sagte nuzzling her
"Aww that's very sweet" She sagte nuzzling me back "I Liebe you"
"I Liebe Du too, Kate" I sagte smiling
"Would Du two lovebirds cut it out." I heard a grouchy voice say in the den. I looked over to see Jake lying there with his eyes open.
"What wrong with Du bro?" I teased
"Yeah are Du jealous?" Kate sagte laughing
"Heck no, I'm just grouchy 'cause I didn't sleep well last night." He said
"Why not?" I asked
"Just a bad dream that's all, I don't want to talk about it. If Du don't mind I'm going to get some water." He said
"Okay, bye" I said

Jake left the höhle, den leaving just Kate and I, my Mom and Dad were lying Weiter to each other in the back of the den. Me and Kate sat Weiter to each other.

"I like your parents Humphrey, their a nice couple." Kate said
"I know that's what a lot of people sagte to me when I was a pup." I said
"It's too bad Du didn't get to stay with them you're whole life." She said
"It's not so bad, if I was never taken to Jasper then I would have never met you, we wouldn't be married and Du would have married Barf." I said
She laughed "True, I'm glad I did get to meet you, you're a nice caring person, and funny too." She said
I smiled at the component she gave me "Well thank you, that means a lot coming from you." I said
She smiled back "So what do Du have planned to do today?" She asked
"I'm not sure, just relax and catch up with my parents." I said
"I was thinking of going to get something to eat for everyone and then relax and tell stories." She said
"Can I come and help?" I asked
"No, I don't want Du getting hurt again," She said
"Okay fine, but I do want to learn how to hunt." I said
"That's fine I don't mind teaching Du but not just yet." She sagte getting up "I'm going hunting, I'll be back soon." She sagte giving me a quick lick on the cheek
"Okay bye" I said

I watched her leave the höhle, den to go on a hunt. I sat there looking around the den, I went back into daydreaming. I was then taken back out of my thoughts when I saw my Dad get up and stretch.

He looked at me "Good morning son, sleep well?" He said
"Good morning Dad, and I did sleep well last night." I sagte "I'm not sure about Jake he seemed to be in a grumpy mood this morning."
"Do Du know why?" He asked
"Well he just sagte he had a bad dream, but he didn't want to talk about it." I said
"and where is he now?" He said
"He sagte he went to get some water" I said
"Okay, and what about your mate?" He asked
"She went to get all of us some food." I said
"Oh well that's very nice of her but she didn't have to do that I could of done it myself." He said
"It's okay dad, she enjoys hunting." I said
"Wait but she's an Omega isn't she, how can she enjoy hunting." He sagte with a puzzled look on his face.
"She's actually and Alpha Dad." I said
"But I thought Alpha's and Omega's aren't allowed to breed." He said
"Things used to be that way but after the little adventure Kate and I took that rule is now abolished making Omega's equal with Alpha's thus letting the two of us get married." I said
"And what happened during this little adventure Du two took?" He asked
"I'll tell Du along with everyone else after lunch." I said
"Okay" He sagte then taking a breath "It's good to have Du Home son." He said
"And it's good to be Home Dad." I said
"You mean you're going to stay here?" He asked
"Well yeah if Du two would like, Kate and I really like it here." I said
"Well you'll have to ask Du mother when she gets up." He said

Me and my Dad sat there waiting for Lupa to wake up and waiting for Kate and Jake to return to the den. We passed the time chatting and telling a few short stories about what happened during the time I was gone, after ten Minuten of chatting Lupa started to wake from her slumber.

"Good morning sweetie" My Dad sagte when Lupa got up and stretched

"Good morning" She sagte with a warm smile, she looked around the höhle, den and noticed that Jake and Kate were gone.

"Where did Jake and Kate go?" She asked

"Kate went to get us some food, and Jake needed to get some water." I said

"Well that's very nice of Kate," She sagte "You two are a cute couple, and I'm glad it all worked out with Du two."

"Thanks Mom" I said, I turned to see Jake walking in the höhle, den with a weird look on his face.

"Uhhh…. Humphrey can Du come with me real quick." He Said

"Sure is something wrong?" I asked

"Just come with me and I'll tell you." He said

"Okay let's go" I said

I followed Jake out my parents den, I could tell something was up. I followed him into the woods; he stopped and looked around, as if he was making sure no one was looking oder within earshot. He sat on the ground and I sat across from him.

"Okay so what's wrong?" I said

"Well do Du remember that girl I told Du about a two nights ago?" He said

"Yeah, Sierra right?" I said

"Yeah, anyway when I went to get a drink she was there too." He said

"Okay, go on" I said

"Well when I walked out to get a drink she turned around and saw me. I just minded my own business, but she walked over to me. She sagte that she was glad to see me return safely and that she missed me. I was shocked when she sagte that, it caught me off guard." He said

"Well what did Du say to her after that?" I asked

"I just sagte I missed her too" He said

"Well what's so bad about that, she missed you." I said

"I know but I'm just not good with girls" He sagte looking down at the ground

"Well Du like her don't you?" I asked

"A little, but I just get all shy around her." He said

"Well I can help you, if Du want?" I asked

"You would do that for me?" He sagte smiling

"Of course I would Du are my brother after all." I said

"Thank Du Humphrey" He said

"Come on let's get back to the den, I'm sure Kate will be back Von now." I said

We both got up and walked back to our parents den, hoping Kate had gotten some luck hunting.

Chapter 8

Humphrey's POV

Jake and I were just getting back to the höhle, den after the little talk we had. I was happy for him because Sierra just might be his true love. I'm glad he let me help; I'll help him get over his shyness around girls. We walked into the höhle, den to see my Mom and Dad sitting together on one side of the den, Kate was on the other side, and in the middle was a huge caribou.

"Wow, Du sure got a big one." Jake sagte to Kate

"Yeah, looks like luck was on your side." I said

"Thank you" She said, smiling at the complement "Okay since I caught it I'll take the head and the rest of Du can each have a leg, sound good?" She said

"Sounds fair to me" my Dad sagte ripping off the lower right leg, he then ripped off the lower left one and gave it to my Mom.

Jake and I took the other two legs and started eating. There was not a word sagte in the höhle, den for a while. Everyone was too busy eating their share of the food. After we all finished my dad was the first to speak up.

"So Humphrey weren't Du and Kate going to tell us how Du met?" He asked

I looked over to Kate who nodded "Yes I was, we don't mind telling Du now." I said

"This should be interesting" My Mom said, just finishing he food

I started the story "Well Kate and I met the Tag I was taken too Jasper..." I said

I told them the story of when me and Kate were pups and when we were taken to Idaho. Clearly they were interested because they were never distracted once. After we told them our story, Jake told everyone his.

"Wow all of Du have been through a lot lately." My Dad said

"Yea we have but we did have some good times, right Kate?" I sagte looking to Kate

"Yes we did" She sagte smiling

"What about Du Jake?" My Mom asked

"Well the trip was scary and lonely, but after a Tag of traveling I just enjoyed the sights and scenery all the way back here." Jake said

"That's great" She said

"Well what happened while I was gone?" He asked

"Well your father and I were devastated; we didn't want to lose both of our children. Your father looked high and low for Du but not even a scent of you." She sagte "We just waited and hoped you'd return."

"And were back, both of us" I sagte "Also Kate and I wanted to know if we could live here, with Du guys?

"Of course Du two can but we would have to build another höhle, den so we could all have some Weltraum to live." My Dad said

"Well Jack and I could build a new höhle, den under that baum over there." I sagte pointing to and old dead baum that was just outside the den.

"Well sure, not like there's anything else to do around here." He said

"Alright sounds like a plan." I said

"What about your family back Home Kate, won't they miss you?" My Mom asked her

"Yea they will but I'm sure they'll understand." Kate said

"Alright it looks like the family's reunited" I sagte smiling

"It's about time" My Dad sagte laughing slightly

We all laughed too, I looked over to Jake who was sitting there smiling. I walked over and whispered into his ear.

"Let's go find this Sierra girl" I whispered

He nodded "Okay" He said, we got up and started to walk out the höhle, den then my Mom spoke up.

"Where are Du two going?" She asked, everyone looked at us

"Oh… we were… Uhhh…" Jake started

"Going for a walk" I said

Everyone gave us weird looks, there was a short silence. "Okay, have fun" She said

Jake and I continued walking out the den, outside it was sunny with a few clouds. There was about 3 hours of light before it got dark.

"So do Du know where she would be right now?" I asked

"I'm not sure, she should be around here somewhere." He sagte looking around

"Well let's just wonder around the area and we'll find her eventually." I said

"Okay" He said

We kept walking and looking around, I noticed that there were not many Wölfe in the area.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"You won't see many Wölfe down here, they tend to stay Mehr north of here." He said

"Why?" I asked

"Because this is Puma territory, but don't worry they mostly stay and live up in the mountains up there." He sagte pointing up to the mountains that toward over the area.

"So it's safe, sicher here?" I asked, I was worried about Kate's and my pup's safety.

"Yes it is, the only time we have been attacked Von one was not to long after Du disappeared." He said

I still felt a little uneasy "Okay" I sagte "So the other Wölfe are too cowardly to come live this far south." I joked

"You could say that," He laughed "but I wouldn't say that because there are some strong Wölfe up there."

I laughed "Well if they were strong they would teach those Pumas a lesson," I said, I didn't notice that there was another wolf behind me.

Jakes eyes widened "Humphrey I would stop saying those thing if I was you." He said

"Why! There just a bunch of lazy Wölfe who don't know how to defend their own area." I said, I backed up a little, and then I hit something big and furry. I turned around and saw a wolf that was a little bigger then Garth staring at me. My eyes widened and I backed away over the where Jake was sitting.

"Who are Du and what are Du thinking of making fun of us?" The wolf sagte "I should punish Du for saying those things!"

"Take it easy Drake, He's not from around here." Jake said

"Fine, since he's new, but the Weiter time I hear Du saying those things you're dead." erpel, drake threatened, he then turned around and left us.

"Okay I guess I learned my lesson." I sagte looking to make sure he was gone. "Who was that?" I asked

"That was Drake, he's in charge of the western area." Jake said

"What's the deal with this whole area thing?" I sagte "Why don't Du have one big territory with two leaders?"

"Well we did when we were pups, but after Du left we had a new leader who wanted to separate the territory into areas. So he teilt, split the territory into 8 areas; North, Northwest, Northeast, East, Central, West, South, and Southwest." He said

"Interesting, that way the territory wasn't too difficult to control." I said

"Correct" He sagte "The Southern area was gegeben to our parents to control, no one else wanted to Bewegen into our area so we keep it mostly to ourselves. The only reason Wölfe come down here is to either visit oder hunt."

"Okay" I said

"The Central area is where the main leader lives, and is where all of the events are held like meetings gatherings and weddings." He said

"What about moonlight howls?" I asked

"Well we have those up on that mountain peak up there." He sagte pointing up to one of the towering peaks that oversaw the area.

My jaw dropped, the peak was way, way, way taller than the one back in Jasper Park. "All the way up there?" I asked still shocked "It has to be about 5,000 feet tall!"

"Yeah I know, but it has the best Ansichten and its pretty romantic up their when theirs a full moon." He said

"Wow, I'm going to howl with Kate up there for sure." I said

"I bet Du will" He said

"Hey Jake" I heard a female voice behind us say

We turned around to see a gorgeous wolf standing behind us. She had grey mixed with tan pelz and dark brown eyes.

"Oh... Hi Sierra" Jake sagte his voice sounding a little nervous.

"Who's you're friend?" She asked looking at me

"This is my brother, Humphrey." He said

"Nice to meet you" I said

"You never told me Du had a brother Jake." She said

"Well he hasn't been around here for a few years, he just go back." He said

"Well he sure does look like you" She said

"I know it's like were twins," I joked, everyone laughed "If only our voice weren't different."

"True" He said

"So where have Du been for the past few years?" She asked me

"Well it's kind of a long story" I said

"That's okay I like stories" She said

"Okay then" I said, I told her that I lived here when I was a pup and was relocated to Jasper Park. I told her about growing up there and meeting Kate. I told her about being relocated again to Idaho, this time with Kate and our adventure back to Jasper. Finally I told her how we met up with Jake and headed out to find our parents.

"Wow that's amazing, you've been through a lot." She said

"Yeah but it was fun" I said

"So where is this Kate girl?" She asked

"She's back at my parents den" I said

"Well I would like to meet her sometime" She said

"Sure, I'm sure Du could tomorrow." I said

"Well it was nice meeting Du but if Du don't mind I wanted to take Jake on a little walk." She sagte looking at Jake

I could see him tense up, he looked at me for help. I nodded my head "I don't mind, I'm sure Jake would Liebe to go with you." I said

He looked at me "Uh… Yeah sure. Humphrey can I speak with Du real quick" He said

"Ok" I said, He then pulled me back and we turned around

"What are Du doing?" He whispered

"I'm just helping Du out" I said

"Well I'm not sure about this" He said

"It'll be fine, just go with her and have fun. Get to know one another" I said

"But-" He started but I cut him off

"Do Du want to be with her oder not" I said

"I do want to be with her, but I'm just nervous" He said

"Don't be, learn to loosen up and just go for it. If it doesn't work out then I wasn't meant to be, got it?" I said

"You're right, thanks bro you're the best" He sagte before we both turned back around

"Ready to go" He sagte to Sierra

"Sure" She said

They both started walking away, "You two have fun, I'll see Du back at the den" I said

I turned around and started walking back to the höhle, den 'They would make a great couple' I thought to myself.

I when I got back to the höhle, den everyone was sitting in a kreis telling stories. They looked at me when I walked into the den.

"Where's Jake?" My Mom asked

"Oh he and Sierra went on a little evening stroll together, so I came back here to see what was going on." I said

"Well looks like Jake has a new girlfriend" My Dad sagte "It's about time"

"But I thought he was shy around girls" She said

"He was, but I talked him into it and told him to go for it" I said

"Let's hope he doesn't blow it" He said

"Come sit down" Kate sagte "were just telling stories"

"Okay sure" I sagte sitting Weiter to her

We all sat and shared stories and jokes while we waited for Jake to come back from his little datum with Sierra.
added by alpha7272
Alpha und Omega
Dont Du agree?
Alpha und Omega
added by jbiehl
Source: Me / Mrs Hippo
added by kates-mate101
Source: me a comp and a pencil
posted by VengeanceWolf
*Warning* *This Artikel contains graphic content and adult themes* *Viewer discretion is advised* And Remember...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Two weeks passed quickly since the incident in the city-square, and I found myself face-to-face with Alyssa's eldest brother, Alseif, the heir to the throne, with swords drawn in the courtyard of the Grand Fortress of White.
It was the semi-finals of the combat tournament, dedicated to Alyssa and I's wedding, which was to take place later today. There were four remaining contestants now in the semifinals, each of us having to wade through nobles from every faction,...
continue reading...
added by OmegaLeader
Von AllphaFenixWolf
The letter are like the fight and the last one should be Vengance wolf and Katesmate101
added by Chidori1334
Hope Du guys liked it :D
added by SentinelPrime89
Ah, fuck! Look at the dislikes tho 😂
norm of the north 2
This is a review of Alpha and Omega 2 A Howling Tag Adventure
added by TimberHumphrey
i know this has nothing to do with A&O, but i decided to share it with y'all, 'cause i really like this song
posted by JesusBestPal
The sun had just begun to rise in Jasper. Humphrey was up bright and early giving thanks to God. He prayed for all of the birds, trees, fish, carribou, and pack members. It was part of Humphrey's daily routine. Joining him Von his side was his two sons Stinky and Runt. They both prayed along side him and talked to their dad about how much they loved Jusus. Everything was alright in the world. As long as Humphrey and his sons prayed nothing would ever go wrong.

"We Liebe Du God, and your son Jesus. he died for our sins for that we are so grateful."

To be continued.