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Surah Ikhlas

بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

In the name of Allah, most benevolent, ever-merciful.

1. Say He is Allah, the one the most unique,
2. Allah the immanently indispensable.
3. He has begotten no one, and is begotten of none.
4. There is no one comparable to Him.

The last three ayats of Surah Hashr

22. He is Allah; there is no one worthy of worship but He, the knower of the unknown and the known. He is the benevolent, ever-merciful.

23. He is Allah; there is no one worthy of worship but He, the King, the Holy, the Preserver, Protector, Guardian, the...
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added by truth76
added by juveria786
added by MerveHavvaS21
added by truth76
added by MerveHavvaS21
added by truth76
posted by angeeeeeeel
English translation of 99 names of Allah     Asmaa'u Allah Al-Hosna

The Greatest Name     Allah
The All-Compassionate     Ar-Rahman
The All-Merciful     Ar-Rahim
The Absolute Ruler     Al-Malik
The Pure One     Al-Quddus
The Quelle of Peace     As-Salam
The Inspirer of Faith     Al-Mu'min
The Guardian      Al-Muhaymin
The Victorious     Al-Aziz
The Compeller     Al-Jabbar
The Greatest    ...
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added by Razib
added by juveria786
added by AngelbellaDK21
added by AngelbellaDK21
added by kurd44
added by lord1bobos
added by kurd44
added by AlOoOosh
posted by AlOoOosh
-1 ﻫﻞ ﺗﻌﻠﻢ :
ﻋﻨﺪﻣﺎ ﻳﻨﺘﻬﻲ ﺍﻷﺫﺍﻥ ﻻ ﺗﺤﺮﻡ ﻧﻔﺴﻚ ﻣﻦ ﺩﻋﻮﻩ ﻣﺴﺘﺠﺎﺑﻪ
ﺑﻌﺪ ﺗﺮﺩﻳﺪﻙ ﺍﻷﺫﺍﻥ ﻭﻗﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﺪﻋﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻤﺄﺛﻮﺭ، ﺍﻧﺸﺮ ﻓﻐﻴﺮﻙ
ﻻ ﻳﻌﻠﻢ ، ﺍﻟﻠﻬﻢ ﻗﺪ ﺑﻠﻐﺖ ﺍﻟﻠﻬﻢ ﻓﺎﺷﻬﺪ . .

-2 ﻫﻞ ﺗﻌﻠﻢ :
ﺍﻳﻦ ﺗﻮﺿﻊ ﺫﻧﻮﺑﻚ ﻭ ﺃﻧﺖ ﻓﻲ ﺻﻼﺗﻚ ؟
ﻗﺎﻝ ﺭﺳﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭ ﺁﻟﻪ) ﺍﻥ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺪ ﺍﺫﺍ ﻗﺎﻡ
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يحكى أن أحد العلماء كان يحث ابنه ويوصيه على قراءة القرآن منذ أن كان صغيرا , وكان يعلمه حفظ القرآن , وطريقة تجويده , وفي يـــوم من الأيام , دعا العالم ابنه , وقال له
:- ( ســاخبرك بســرّ من أســرار سورة الكهف , أنها آيات إذا قرأتها قبل النوم فإنها توقظك عند آذان الفجر , شـــرط أن تغمـــض عينــــيـك وتقــرأ هذه الآيات وبعد ذلك تنــام
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added by Sipal
added by kurd44