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Every Tag the winner of "ESC-2009" Alexander Rybak it is nowadays painted on minutes. Norwegian elf travels about with tours, in plans — shootings in a Fernsehen movie.

Disputes on a phenomenon of "the solar boy”, the won herz of a mullions-strong audience, do not cease till now. Experts speak about charisma, charm and sincerity of the musician from the country of fjords. Astrologists refer to a successful horoscope of the young musician when planets have made among themselves “the Chariot of the winner”.

But only close people for whom it not "the Eurovision" star, and Sashka — "Drying", know as well as that has led to its victory.

Our special correspondent has met with native Alexander's uncle — the known poet and musician Alexander Savitsky.

— To understand sources of endowments of Sasha Rybak, it is necessary to tell about its ancestors. My mum, Sasha`s grandmother, — Maria Borisovna Savitskaya — the talented pianist, taught in Vitebsk musical school, — our interlocutor tells. — Besides, she perfectly owned a word, wrote Artikel about culture to various magazines. She has started to learn 2-year-old grandson Sashu to play the piano.

Grandfather of Sasha, Alexander Jakovlevich, — the military gunner, besides that possessed attractive appearance also sang not worse Lemeshev. The father had a reputation for the first dandy in a shelf. If folds on boots обувка at it all was in an accordion became fashionable. If overcoats started to carry extended it at it was directly in a floor. This line — to be in the fashion — all Rybak have inherited.

Maria Borisovna was Russian, Alexander Jakovlevich — Byelorussian. The senior from sons — Alexander — they have written down in the metrics as Russian, younger — Igor — as the Byelorussian. Than further also have defined their destiny.

— Mum has not failed us with brother Igor — the future father of Sasha — to give to musical school. Before me put notes, hours, the sword gürtel with a gürtel nearby lay. Three hours I should play scales. The father thrashed me mercilessly. Igor studied not with such disgust, as I. He played a violin without special displeasure. In elementary grades of musical school teachers began to mark its talent, and to seniors already designated to the brother the big future.

Our father has got to armies under reduction, has been compelled to go to work on factory. There was it the terrible ladies' man, as a matter of fact — a cat. Reached that, going with mum and seeing the beautiful girl, he asked: “Tell that Du my sister”. Mum took offence, left home, and the father ran after pleasant to it of the maiden. Mum — truly believing person — loved the father, all to it forgave. But the father has all the same left once a family. Having married in the Sekunde time, he has left to live to Minsk. To me was 13, to my brother Igor — 9 years.

We remained to live in Vitebsk. From now on the father did not accept any participation in our destiny. I, having felt freedom, began to be unsteady on brothels where to thieves and prostitutes played an accordion criminal songs. The militia came to Suchen for me in musical school where I was registered. Only thanks to mother I hardly passed examinations. And for certain it would appear in a corrective colony if have not attached me in a military orchestra where served already then also my father.

Gradually I have realised that in a family remained for the senior. Has become staid, has started to sponsor the brother who was Mehr younger me for 4 years. Later he spoke: “You to me have replaced the father”.

“In a family of Rybak — three bull-calves”

To set an example the brother, Alexander has arrived on military-conductor's faculty of the Moscow conservatory. On a third year, remembering, as the father has deserted a family, it took and has replaced a surname, became not Rybak, and as mum — Savitsky.

— It is curious, as the life has disposed: me have written down in the birth certificate Russian, I have gone to study to Moscow, and a donkey on the Russian earth. Brother Igor, according to the metrics, was the Byelorussian. It has arrived further in the Minsk conservatory, his life has been for a long time connected with Belarus.

Still being the student of Vitebsk musical school, Igor unexpectedly married the classmate Svetlana Moguchej. At them the child should be born. After wedding the newly made relatives have led strange: began to consider the bought plugs, spoons, plates. Igor choked in the house of the mother-in-law literally. Have lived young together only half a year. Could not reconcile parents and the born daughter Julya.

To help a family, Igor earned additionally in Vitebsk ensemble — beliebt enough in due time, the repertoire "Pesnjarov" played restaurants. And it considered as the brilliant violinist. Maria Borisovna to give to Igor worthy Musik education, has exchanged “tworooms” in Vitebsk for a room in a communal flat in Minsk.

Having ended conservatory, Igor has started to work in prestigious as Minsk a chamber orchestra. On one of concerts has got acquainted with pretty, refined pianist Natalia. The girl has ended theoretical branch of conservatory and worked as the musical editor on TV. Soon Igor and Natalia have undersigned.

— They were halves of one apple! Very much approached each other. Both musicians, and talented. Even birthdays at them were near — on May, 18th and 19. Both Tauruses on a horoscope. And here also son Sashka was born on May, 13th, one Mehr Bull-calfe.

For the summer boy sent in the patrimonial house on Pskovshchina. There veins with a family in due time their ancestor — the priest who has been shot in 37th year. In manor all relatives gathered: from Moscow, Vitebsk, Vilnius. Places were the most beautiful, mushroom, nearby lake Jazno.

— Sashka were brought up basically Von grandmother Maria Borisovna. He was all time at women. Somehow we with my Sekunde nephew have sat down near a shed, have lighted. It has there and then tightened: “And I to the grandmother will tell about cigarettes”. The informer was terrible. As adult he did not perceive me, called only Shurich, the letter "to" it long did not utter, replaced it on “ch”. At all our house it was not Sashka, and for some reason Drying. So it which have already matured, name sometimes native and now.

The summer came to an end, Sasha Rybak came back in the Minsk communal flat.

— The house was sound, it was built still Von captured Germans. The foreman of militia Zhora lived in one room with family. In the evenings he drank habitually. And the eye gulf, arranged uproars. With the noisy company of Friends it quite often settled down on the general municipal kitchen. Igor needed to be engaged. As soon as the brother started to play a violin, neighbours hollowed in a wall: “Will suffice to saw on our nerves”.

I remember, the brother has arrived once with a chamber orchestra on tour to Kazan where I at that time served. We stood up for side scenes, Igor, having nodded towards a hall, has told: “Look, 25 persons of spectators have gathered. Our people are indifferent to culture”.

“Father of Sasha lived in tightly closed house”

In the country reorganisation has begun. The Union collapsed. Has rolled new time. In 1990 Igor, being on tours in Norway, has unexpectedly decided to remain there. He dreamt of a worthy life for the family.

— The brother was sheltered in the house Von well-founded Norwegian Kusheron. The teacher of Musik for daughter Julya and son David was necessary to it. The Soviet school of teaching of classics was appreciated all over the world, and Igor has proved as the fine violinist and the teacher.

There lived the brother on illegal position in the house closed tightly, practically without going out of doors. Was engaged with children of Kusheron and saved money for the house that Natasha with the son could Bewegen to it to Norway.

— Why Igor Rybak has chosen this northern country?

— The brother to me admitted: “Well who I would be in Germany oder in France? It is better to act with concerts in the small country (in Norway all 4,5 million inhabitants) where all Du Liebe and idolise, than in big where nobody knows you. Besides Norwegians very musical people which adores both classics, and a folk music.

Soon from the brother I have received a news and a gift. Knowing my Liebe to luxury, Igor the diplomat from a pure skin of the best French чемоданной has sent me smart тонюсенький firms. The graceful wonder caused invariable interest — as a slice of a foreign attractive life.

At first I of Igor condemned. As — the deserter! Only having visited on a visit at the brother, has understood, how much Igor is happy in this northern country with a severe climate and the nature. A Jahr later the brother has received residence permit, has started to work officially in an orchestra of opera theatre. Saved each copeck, has become thin. In three years, having saved up an initial payment for house purchase, it has transported to Norway the wife and the son. Money aboard the plane has not sufficed, native reached Oslo Von train.

The family has located in the three-storyed house (Norwegians simply do not live in others) in small town Nessoden — in herz of the Norwegian fishing economy, prestigious suburb Oslo.

— To Igor has arrived there and then to stay for a while our mum, grandmother Sashi. Surprisingly, but as soon as Rybak have got the spacious house, to their neighbour in a communal flat — to drunk Zhore — have gegeben separate apartment. Our mum remained in two-room apartment one. Here is how the destiny has disposed: violent neighbour Zhora as if has specially been sent the brother to push him to departure. Igor recollected further the militiaman-alcoholic even with gratitude.

Having arrived to the brother, I was surprised — houses do not have any fences, around Blumen grow. Other world.

Near to the house of the brother there lives the millionaire, but manor at it modest. In Norway it is not accepted to parade a prosperity. Igor perfectly speaks on-norvezhski, but its clear head-wife Natasha has even Mehr succeeded in language studying. I remember, she did not cease to be surprised: “Here practically there are no alcoholics. Norwegians are able to have fun without alcohol”.

Sasha`s grandmother, having stayed for a while in Nessodene, marked: “In this country even Hunde brought up”. And here at Fishermen the dog — noisy зверюга. Mittelshnautser Cindy have bought 11 years Vor for Sashi. But to drive on training a dog it was necessary to Natasha. The dog though executed commands only in the Norwegian language, but has been brought up purely in Russian.

— For work in opera theatre in Oslo the brother went Von the ferry. I with it was passed once. Around — fjords, beauty. The way occupied half an hour. Both Rybaks stuck be healthy! Igor worked in three orchestras: in children's, teenage and youth. Plus it had a private violin school with 30 pupils. I saw, what even on Saturday and Sunday to it pupils with violins Home came. The brother had a rare ability — to carry away children classical music.

Sasha`s mum — Natalia Valentinovna — too has appeared in Norway demanded enough pianist, it accompanied the known singer, taught at school, co-operated with known choral collectives, and on days off played churches on body.

In the evenings they with the father masterly played the classics and the Norwegian folk Musik violins.

— When the nephew was 12 years old, to them to the house there has arrived the impresario of a royal court yard. Soon all family Rybaks have addressed to royal family and its visitors.

— Rybak family speak at Home among themselves in Russian?

— Only in Russian. Sashka when becomes angry, passes to the Norwegian. To Use foul language in Russian it is not able. Igor read all childhood to the son for night of the book in Russian. Especially in a family adored Dickens and Chekhov. But the Norwegian school has had an effect. Sasha six years studied in an elementary school, then 3 years — in average. In 13 years the teenager in general has ceased to read Russian books. He felt the Norwegian. Russian seemed to it to what. Even letters which I sent them, he asked to read mum.

— Sasha to whom is similar outwardly?

— On mum, Natasha. Its smile, and a nose slightly snub-nosed.

— The grandmother was constantly near to Sasha in Norway?

— Maria Borisovna — the sacred woman. Du will not believe, when the father has died and she has learnt that his wife lies lonely and paralysed, it has gone behind it to look after. After its sister has started to grow blind, and it has gone to it to Vitebsk.
Alexander Rybak
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ALexanders new russian song :)
Alexander Rybak
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