My Answers

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showing answers (11 to 20 of 90)

Now that they're not an active band anymore, how do Du think their lives are gonna be from now on?

2 answers | my answer: Wait,what? i thought it was just a posablity that t...


2 answers | my answer: i would go up 2 them and would say this: hi, oh my...


3 answers | my answer: oh my gosh,what would the world be,like if murdoc w...

How does Mr.Krabs have a wal for a daughter when he's a krab????

30 answers | my answer: Maybe he had sex with a wal If it's posable
Michael Jackson

Don't Du think its wrong when they call Michael a rapist?

8 answers | my answer: Fuck yah it gets me fucking pisted off!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Michael Jackson

Do Du have a wii with the Michael Jackson the experience game?

12 answers | my answer: Yup on x box and wii it's super hard!

What's the weirdest ringtone Du ever heard?

17 answers | my answer: It's called am. A banna im. A banna it's super funn...

need a friend that will listen understand wont judge?

15 answers | my answer: K!!!!!!!!!!btw some people may think its a little w...

What did Du have for breakfast?

24 answers | my answer: Some wheat toast with gelee Yummy!!

Out of the Clubs you're in, which one's your fave?

58 answers | my answer: Mine is. Gorillaz club for the band Gorillaz