Bei Fanpop seit December 2011

  • Favorite TV Show: made
    Favorite Movie: twilight /she is the man /
    Favorite Musician: Enrique Iglesias
    Favorite Book or Author: never say never Von justn bieber
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iloveenrique01 sagte …
Hey i am new here i just wanted to say i looooooooove u enrique iglesias and for ever follow me and u will get all the news about my Liebe enrique and if i get lucky enough i will contact and me Friends with him because seriously i would die for that man ♥ u gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
iloveenrique01 Kommentiert…
i♥enrique for ever Vor mehr als einem Jahr
iloveenrique01 Kommentiert…
sorry contact him and be Friends with him Vor mehr als einem Jahr