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posted by PopPixie----
Fixit and Martino's Bad Cold!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Martino: It's Spring time! Isn't this a great Tag to have a picnic, guys? Sun! Heat!
Cherie: Huh? Heat? I find it kinda chilly! I hate mid-seasons. They're so useless!
Chatta: Cherie, cut it out!
Martino: Diving contest? I-I-It's re-e-a-ally gr-r-r-eat in he-e-r-e-e! C-c-c-ome in F-f-f-fixit! Du don't wanna be labeled a chicken, do you?
Fixit: Ummm, uhhh, er, so I, I dive in there? Of course! My multi-purpose emergency backpack! I'm ready for the challenge, but, let's dive from the waterfall!
Fixit: Wow! This is high!
Martino: T-That's not right! It's u-u-u-u
Chatta: "Unfair?!" Is that what Du meant?
Fixit and Martino: Bless you! SNIFF!
Cherie: Told Du this chilly air would make Du catch a cold!
Chatta: Cherie!
Cherie: I didn't do anything!
Chatta: Forget about the diving contest! I declare the Essen throwing contest open!
Martino: Ow! Aie! No! Stop! Ahhh! Ohh!
Fixit: Stop, Chatta! This isn't fun! Ouch! Are Du crazy?!
Pam: Du need new clothes!
Pixie #1: Hi, Mo-o-om!
Martino: What's going on? They've all gone crazy!
Fixit: Let's contact Ninfea! Only she can figure this mess out!
Ninfea: Hi, this is Ninfea: I'm sorry, but I'm not in Pixieville right now, please press a button to reserve your call!
Martino: Great! We not only have colds but now it's up to us to sort this thing out!

Scene: Toy Shop
Augustus: Mine! Mine! Du can't have my toys! I'm the only one allowed to play with them! They're mine!
Fixit: Mister Augustus! Calm down!
Augustus: Come with me, men! They'll never get a hold of you!

Scene: Pixieville
Martino: All of Pixieville's gone crazy and it's kinda strange
though that Du and I are the only ones that seem to be normal!
Fixit: I sure hope Ninfea comes back soon!
Ronf: Help! Help! Somebody please help me kreuz the road! We'll help you!
Ronf: I gotcha, ya dumb elves! Hahahaha!
Maxine: Mister Ronf, that wasn't very nice of you! We're only trying to help!
Martino: Am I dreaming oder have the Elves become kind? Pixieville really has gone
Fixit: Let's hope Caramel's still the same at least!
Martino: Yeah, let's hope!

Scene: Molly Moo
Caramel: Ice cream for tabelle two! Go! Two effervescent Donuts for tabelle three! Watch out, it's happy time! Multi-voiced herb tee for tabelle ni-i-i-ine! The house speci-a-lty! Ho!
Martino: Caramel?!
Caramel: Don't worry, Martino! Watch how I clean this mess up!
Martino: Would Du stop?! Caramel! Give me the seltzer!
Caramel: If Du really want it, Martino!? Then, Here It Is!
Fixit: Let's get out of here! We've gotta try and figure this out!

Scene: Pixieville Bank
Grind: Pixiemoney for everybody! Spread the wealth! Hahahahaha!
Martino: I don't believe this! Grind's on the roof of the his bank throwing his precious money to people! Come on!
Grind: Enough with the money! How 'bout some diamonds!
Grind: Now, the safe!
Martino: Du fly up and stop Grind. I'll deal with the crowd!
Pixies: Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney!
Fixit: Martino! Look out!
Fixit: Martino! How many do Du see?
Martino: Seven? You're nice... What did Du say your name was?
Magnesio: Make way! Make way! I need room to work!
Fixit: We really didn't need this! Doctor Magnesio, hold on!

Scene: Pixieville Hospital
Fixit: Hello? Ninfea!
Martino: Atchoo! Am I ok, Doc?
Magnesio: Haha! This is Short-term memory Sneezing Syndrome!
Magnesio: Wonderful! The medicines are working!
Fixit: Martino, how are Du feeling? Hnnn?
Magnesio Your friend has recovered!
Fixit: I just spoke to Ninfea, she'll be at the station soon! We'll meet her there and she'll explain everything!

Scene: Pixieville
Fixit: Ninfea! Thank goodness you're here!
Ninfea: I see that, unfortunately, I'm too late! Torcirotellus' Pollen has spread all over town! It's springtime and I knew the pollen would come sooner oder later, I went to go find a cure but it was all in vain.
Fixit: But, how come Martino and I are immune? Atchoo!
Ninfea: Easy! Because Du both have colds! Du can't breathe in the pollen! Du know what? It's PARTYTIME!
Martino: Oh, no! We've Lost her too! What now?
Fixit: Atchooo! Yes, but, she gave a hint to a solution! Everyone needs to catch a cold!
Fixit and Martino: Cherie!

Scene: villa Ollivander
Martino: Cherie's the only one who can change the weather, let's hope she's not too crazy yet!
Cherie: Everybody, follow me! Hop, hop! swing, schaukel those hips! I wanna see some boogie!
Martino: Sorry to have to do this to you, Fixit, but the only way to get to Cherie is to jump in ourselves!
Fixit: W-What? Ugh! Wait!
Fixit: Cherie, we need your help to save the town!
Cherie: Great! We need to cheer everyone up! Come on! Let's party! Woohooo!
Fixit: The only solution is for Cherie to catch a cold! It's the only way she'll go back to normal and help us! We need something... Hnn? Like a nice Frozen fountain! Du ready?
Cherie: Martino, Fixit are Du crazy? Du know I'm afraid of the water!
Martino: It's about time Du came back to normal, Cherie! We really need you!
Cherie: What's happening? Brrrrrrr, it's cold! We need some sun!
Fixit: No, stop, Cherie! What we need is bitter cold! Then everyone will catch a cold and no one will breathe in Torcirotellus' Pollen anymore!
Cherie: Okay, okay! As usual, my talent is the one to save the day! PopPixie Power! Yes! PopPixie of Weather!
Chatta: Ahhhhtchooo! Ahh! What am I doing up here?!
Fixit: Atchoo! It's a long story, Chatta! The most important thing is that everything is back to normal!
Martino: Maybe not "normal"!
posted by PopPixie----
Bad Hair Day

Scene: Pam's Beauty Salon
Customer #1: Less modern, please.
Customer #2: My hair is very delicate.
Customer #3: The style is perfect!
Pam: Bamboo, will Du please sweep up the floor?
While Bamboo cleans up, she smells something.*
Scene: Pixieville
Pam: It must be from one of my admirers. Bamboo, can Du please bring it in?
Bamboo takes the plant inside the salon. The plant starts to spread green gas. The customers run away because of it.*
Pam: Hey, wait a minute! Don't leave! It's only a little stinky. I'll get rid of it.
The gas spreads around Pixieville.*
Worker #1: This place is dangerous....
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posted by PopPixie----
You're Fired!

Scene: Pixieville
Guzman: Hi, people. Welcome to...
A pig family runs over Guzman.*
Guzman: Pixie Plaza.
Driver: Two pixie dollars, please.
Pixienardo: Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry.

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Pig Dad: A very big and comfortable room please, sir.
Caller #1: Can we have a radio in Room 254 please?
Lockette takes out a key.*
Pig Daughter: Daddy, I want a room all to myself!
Rollo: Quick, Lockette, two big rooms for our customers
Lockette: Coming right up!
She brings the key to the pig family.*
Caller #2: Could I have some room service in Room 145?
Caller #3: We need room service in 303.
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posted by PopPixie----
I'm a PopPixie Too!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Chatta: I really can't thank Du enough. The picnic was fantastic and the cake was delicious! It's been a wonderful day!
She giggles.*
Pixies: Yay!
Caramel: This party is all for you, Chatta. Du became a PopPixie, so we had to party!
Cherie: Welcome to the club, friend.
Cherie gives Chatta a present.*
Chatta: A magic thresholder! Thanks, Cherie!
Lockette: Time for a souvenir photo!
Lockette sets up the camera.*
Lockette: Ready? Say...
Pixies: PopPixie power!
A tentacle snatchers the pixies' MagicPops. The pixies lose their powers and are de-transformed. They fall...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Schoolbus Heroes

Scene: Bus Stop
Sonny: Hey, last one on the bus is a rotten egg!
Fuzz: You're on!
Tina: Stop pushing!

Scene: Bus
Cyrus: Stop that. Every morning, it's the same start.
Sonny: I won! Hand over your snack!
Fuzz: Aww.
Sunny opens the sandwich and tentacles emerge from it. It attacks Sunny.*
Sonny: What the...
Piff yawns.*
Piff: I'm tired.
Tina: Don't yawn. Something bad could happen.
Piff's yawns infect the entire school bus.*
Scene: Bus Stop
Pixie #1: I hope they get me a good grade on today's art exam.

Scene: Molly Moo
Caramel: It took three days of hard work to make my new Verzaubert fruit...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Silent Curse

Scene: Pixieville
Livy: Good morning, Pixieville! Today is the big Yodelfest Contest! Warm up those pipes, everyone!
Livy puts out a Yodelfest poster. Tune is sick and she conjures up a handkerchief to blow her nose.*
Livy: Don't forget to sign up for the big Yodelfest. It'll be great!
Tune: Wow, the Yodelfest! I've always wanted to sing in that!
Tune fantasizes herself yodeling*
Livy: Good luck!

Scene: Molly Moo
Martino: Watch this, girls.
He does some drink tricks to two female pixies*
Tina: Hi, Tune! What can I get you?
Tune lets out a big sneeze, making a big mess in the shop.*
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posted by PopPixie----
Lenny & Yucca at War

Scene: Pixieville
Chatta: Welcome back to "A Tag with Chatta"! Today, our Pixie is Amore, the expert of solving problems of the heart. Isn't that true?
Mother Bear: Absolutely.
She kisses his son.*
Chatta: So let's go in and meet her.

Scene: Liebe Shop
Two squirrels are fighting. A female one is affected Von a Liebe spell.*
Female Squirrel: I Liebe you, my sweet apfel, apple pie!
She kisses his boyfriend.*
Chatta: Another successful mission!
Amore clears smoke with potion.*
Chatta: What's your secret?
Amore: The Sighphone Alarm!
Chatta: What?
Otis: Must be a couple in trouble.
Chatta: So, thanks...
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posted by PopPixie----
Gnomes Gone Mad

Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Chatta: They're awfully mistaken if they think they can get rid of me! I'll Zeigen them I was born to be a great reporter!
Chatta's phone starts ringing and the bellhops notice it. She then hides in the box*
Chatta: Lockette, I can't talk now.
She pops out of the box and accidentally spills coffee on Flower's shirt*
Chatta: Yay! Air! Air! Oops, sorry about that.
Flower: Is that all have to say? Look what Du did!
Chatta: No need to make a big fuss about it. It's just coffee, it cleans up easy. Look!
She uses soap to clean Flower's hemd, shirt with a brush*
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posted by PopPixie----
An Elf in School

Scene: School
Mom: We know this is unusual.
Dad: We know children can be spirited.
Mom: We expect the rebellious phase... But Damian is completely out of control!
Dad: Pushing Friends into tar pits...
Mom: Rewiring all the appliances...
Dad: We don't know what to do. Can Du help us?
Tune: I'm sorry... you're elves, right?
Parents: Yes?
Tune: Don't Du have schools for elves?
Mom: "Schools?"
Dad: What's this... "school"?
Tune: A place where your young can learn how to behave, develop a talent and proper manners.
Dad: "Manners"?
Mom: "Talent"?
Tune: There's a proper way to behave in every social...
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posted by PopPixie----
Techno MagicPop

Scene: Forrest
Gnome: Nothin'! Dag nabbit! Nobody seems to be losing Pixiecoins anymore! Hnn? A paperclip? I thought it was gold! Just a measly Pixiecoin! Is that too much to ask? Hnn? Hello... A thumbtack? What the heck? Hehe. Where there's big dragons, there's big treasure! Treasure! This must be one heck of a treasure!
He fails to find any real treasure but bothers the dragon and fellow pixie tourists around the waterfall. The annoyed dragon attacks him and crashes the machine Von accident*
Scene: Digit's House
Chatta: Good morning, Pixieville! It's 10 a.m. on this beautiful warm,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Super Toy

Scene: Toy Shop
Animal: My poor baby! It was his Favorit toy, and look what happened to it! Help us please, Mister Augustus!
Augustus: Don't worry. My assistant will fix it in no time, won't you, Fixit? Unfortunately, it's going to cost Du a little, hehe.
Fixit: Not really, Augustus! It's still under warranty!
Augustus: It's... it's... still under warranty?! We have to fix it... for FREE??? I'll do it!
Fixit: But I thought...?
He tries to fix the toy*
Augustus: Oh, no! We're losing him!
Animal: What?
Augustus: I did all I could, kid! But sorry, it's a cruel world! He's gone for good!
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posted by PopPixie----
Amore's Liebe Potion

Scene: Liebe Shop
Amore: I need to pack a my herb pouch and my titanium stamen extractor!
Otis: Is it just me, oder are Du in a hurry, Amore?
Amore: I have to find the most powerful counter-magic blossom! It blooms only once a Jahr and it grows at the very oben, nach oben of Mount Pixie. Oh, I have to get one!
Otis: Relax, take it easy!
Amore: That should do it! Otis, I need Du to go to the Golden Wardrobe and pick up my new dress. Just ask Penny for it.
Otis: Okay, no problem, Du can depend on me.
Amore: Thanks! Bye!

Scene: Golden Wardrobe
Narcissa: Floxy, does this one make me look ugly?
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posted by PopPixie----
My Best Friend

Scene: Molly Moo
Floxy: Hey, Narcissa, give me some light.
Narcissa: There! Floxy, I'm officially tired of your cheap tricks! Why are we here?
Floxy: Hah! Because of this, Narcissa! Caramel's famous Pistachio Sand. Du mix this with a pinch of Elf Berrie's dust and instant Toad maker potion! Cool, huh?
He adds the ingredients in*
Floxy: Hey! Come back here!
Narcissa: I was hoping to go and rob the Pixieville Bank.
Floxy: Got it! Now let's get outta here before the alarm goes off!
Narcissa: There's an Alarm System?!
Two guards appear but Floxy turns them into frogs*
Caramel: Who set off...
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posted by PopPixie----
Save the Bumble Monkeys

Scene: Chatta's House
Caramel: Come on! Let's hurry up doing cleaning! This house is a real mess!
Chatta: My house is NOT a mess! Fixit! Du are such a disaster! Du broke my computer!
Fixit: It's not my fault! This computer is older than my Grandma! Du should get a new one!
Chatta: Well, now I have to! Thanks to you!
Lockette: You'll never guess who's coming to Pixieville!
Fixit: Steven Appleman, the creator of the I-Pixie communications Pod?
Martino: David Peckham, international Pixie ball star?
Amore: Don't tell me David Peckham is coming? When's he gonna be here?
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posted by PopPixie----
Let's Go Camp Pixie

Scene: Camp Pixie
Amore: Are Du sure Camp Pixie is this way, Lockette? Really, sure?
Lockette: Easy, Amore! Ranger Robinson isn't going anywhere!
Amore: The ranger? What about him? Why would I be thinking about him!
Robinson: Amore? What are Du doing here?
Amore: Ranger Robinson! See... Lockette wanted to participate in your survival course, so we came to sign up!
Lockette: But Du were the one who...
Amore: We can't wait to start this adventure! Just as long as there aren't any spiders!
Robinson: Welcome to Camp Pixie then! Here are your Apprentice Nature Badges. And here are...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Mystery of Lost MagicPop

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Rollo: Gentlemen, welcome to the Pixie Plaza! Come back soon ladies, and bring lots of money!
Lockette: Your room is straight down this hall, last door on your right. Breakfast in your room nine o'clock sharp! I'll get someone to take your luggage right away! Guzman!
Poxroy: Thanks!
Chatta: Wow! It looks even bigger up close! Right, Amore? Right? Right?
Amore: Calm down, Chatta!
Rollo: Good morning, ladies! Do Du have reservations?
Chatta: Better than that, Mr. Rollo! I'm on assignment for RadioPixie! I'm reviewing all the hotels in the Magic Dimension!...
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posted by PopPixie----
A Robot for Chatta

Scene: Chatta's House
Tune: I'm so excited! It's going to be absolutely wonderful! I just Liebe parties! Do we have everything? Checklist! Food?
Caramel: Check!
Tune: Drinks?
Martino: Check!
Tune: Party favors?
Amore: Check!
Tune: Gifts?
Martino: What if we get her a pet Wunkle?
Caramel: They're cute!
Lockette: Are Du crazy? Don't Du remember when we gave Fifi a Wunkle for her birthday last year?
Flashback starts*
Amore: Happy birthday, Fifi!
Fifi: Aww!!! Thank you, guys! He's so cute! Hi, there!
The Wunkle grabs Fifi with its tongue, swallows her whole and then burps loudly. Flashback...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Big Interview

Scene: Liebe Shop
Owl: You're not using enough elbow grease, Otis! Now, c'mon! One, two, one, two!
Chatta: Amore! Is my perfume ready? Is it? Is it?
Otis: Hello, Chatta! Amore just stepped out for a minute.
Chatta: Hello? Hello! Hello?
Sunny: Booooossss! Where are you? I'm already at the Pixie Plaza! You're late for your interview with Quentin Quake!
Chatta: I know, I know, I know, Sunny! Du don't need to remind me! I'll just get my perfume and I'll be there!
Otis: Chatta, I'm not authorized to give Du the perfume. Let's wait for Amore.
Owl: Don't do it, Otis!
Chatta: Hand it over!...
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posted by PopPixie----
The Mirror Spell

Scene: Pixieville
Augustus: Du again!
Gnome #1: Every morning it's the same story! Wait'll I get my hands on you!
Animal #1: Stop doing that, Maxine!
Maxine: Have a bad day, everyone! Now let's see who else's Tag I can ruin!

Scene: Lockette's House
Rollo: Lockette! Open up! I know you're in there!
Lockette: 'Kay, I'm coming! Mr. Rollo? What are Du doing here?
Rollo: What am I doing here? What are Du doing here? Why aren't Du at your schreibtisch at the Pixie Plaza? Extremely late, plus huge tardiness, times absurd amount of Lost time, equals stratospheric cost! You're fired!
Lockette: Wait,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Caramel's Ice Cream Tree

Scene: Pixie Plaza
Chatta: Fixit, honk to let Lockette know we're here.
Fixit: This is a job for my Howl-phone! Listen, it's awesome! Say goodbye to old Honk! Honk! The future of horns is here!
Chatta: Wow! Thanks, Fixit! It's certainly not boring when you're around!
Cherie: Where is Lockette? I don't want to be late for shopping this afternoon!
Lockette: Well, I'm off! Thanks for the break, Mr. Rollo.
Rollo: Remember, Lockette, just ten minutes. Starting from... now! Du come back one Sekunde late and I'll deduct your salary! You're not paid to rest!

Scene: Car
Lockette: Fixit,...
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posted by PopPixie----
Flying Money

Scene: Pixieville Chronicle
Editor: I must say, Chatta, you've got a real talent for...
Chatta: Are Du serious?! Du mean it?! Du really like my scoops, my articles? I can work here at the Pixieville Chronicle? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Whoohooo! Yes! Yes!
Editor: Are Du finished?
Chatta: Do Du want to discuss my contract? Okay! Where do I sign?
Editor: I was trying to say, Du have a real talent for digging up USELESS information!
Chatta: U-useless? Could Du please be Mehr specific?
Editor: Useless! Stupid! Vapid! Ridiculous! Banal! Phony!
Chatta: Okay, I get it!...
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