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Fixit and Martino's Bad Cold!

Scene: Pixieville Park
Martino: It's Spring time! Isn't this a great Tag to have a picnic, guys? Sun! Heat!
Cherie: Huh? Heat? I find it kinda chilly! I hate mid-seasons. They're so useless!
Chatta: Cherie, cut it out!
Martino: Diving contest? I-I-It's re-e-a-ally gr-r-r-eat in he-e-r-e-e! C-c-c-ome in F-f-f-fixit! Du don't wanna be labeled a chicken, do you?
Fixit: Ummm, uhhh, er, so I, I dive in there? Of course! My multi-purpose emergency backpack! I'm ready for the challenge, but, let's dive from the waterfall!
Fixit: Wow! This is high!
Martino: T-That's not right! It's u-u-u-u
Chatta: "Unfair?!" Is that what Du meant?
Fixit and Martino: Bless you! SNIFF!
Cherie: Told Du this chilly air would make Du catch a cold!
Chatta: Cherie!
Cherie: I didn't do anything!
Chatta: Forget about the diving contest! I declare the Essen throwing contest open!
Martino: Ow! Aie! No! Stop! Ahhh! Ohh!
Fixit: Stop, Chatta! This isn't fun! Ouch! Are Du crazy?!
Pam: Du need new clothes!
Pixie #1: Hi, Mo-o-om!
Martino: What's going on? They've all gone crazy!
Fixit: Let's contact Ninfea! Only she can figure this mess out!
Ninfea: Hi, this is Ninfea: I'm sorry, but I'm not in Pixieville right now, please press a button to reserve your call!
Martino: Great! We not only have colds but now it's up to us to sort this thing out!

Scene: Toy Shop
Augustus: Mine! Mine! Du can't have my toys! I'm the only one allowed to play with them! They're mine!
Fixit: Mister Augustus! Calm down!
Augustus: Come with me, men! They'll never get a hold of you!

Scene: Pixieville
Martino: All of Pixieville's gone crazy and it's kinda strange
though that Du and I are the only ones that seem to be normal!
Fixit: I sure hope Ninfea comes back soon!
Ronf: Help! Help! Somebody please help me kreuz the road! We'll help you!
Ronf: I gotcha, ya dumb elves! Hahahaha!
Maxine: Mister Ronf, that wasn't very nice of you! We're only trying to help!
Martino: Am I dreaming oder have the Elves become kind? Pixieville really has gone
Fixit: Let's hope Caramel's still the same at least!
Martino: Yeah, let's hope!

Scene: Molly Moo
Caramel: Ice cream for tabelle two! Go! Two effervescent Donuts for tabelle three! Watch out, it's happy time! Multi-voiced herb tee for tabelle ni-i-i-ine! The house speci-a-lty! Ho!
Martino: Caramel?!
Caramel: Don't worry, Martino! Watch how I clean this mess up!
Martino: Would Du stop?! Caramel! Give me the seltzer!
Caramel: If Du really want it, Martino!? Then, Here It Is!
Fixit: Let's get out of here! We've gotta try and figure this out!

Scene: Pixieville Bank
Grind: Pixiemoney for everybody! Spread the wealth! Hahahahaha!
Martino: I don't believe this! Grind's on the roof of the his bank throwing his precious money to people! Come on!
Grind: Enough with the money! How 'bout some diamonds!
Grind: Now, the safe!
Martino: Du fly up and stop Grind. I'll deal with the crowd!
Pixies: Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney! Mo-ney!
Fixit: Martino! Look out!
Fixit: Martino! How many do Du see?
Martino: Seven? You're nice... What did Du say your name was?
Magnesio: Make way! Make way! I need room to work!
Fixit: We really didn't need this! Doctor Magnesio, hold on!

Scene: Pixieville Hospital
Fixit: Hello? Ninfea!
Martino: Atchoo! Am I ok, Doc?
Magnesio: Haha! This is Short-term memory Sneezing Syndrome!
Magnesio: Wonderful! The medicines are working!
Fixit: Martino, how are Du feeling? Hnnn?
Magnesio Your friend has recovered!
Fixit: I just spoke to Ninfea, she'll be at the station soon! We'll meet her there and she'll explain everything!

Scene: Pixieville
Fixit: Ninfea! Thank goodness you're here!
Ninfea: I see that, unfortunately, I'm too late! Torcirotellus' Pollen has spread all over town! It's springtime and I knew the pollen would come sooner oder later, I went to go find a cure but it was all in vain.
Fixit: But, how come Martino and I are immune? Atchoo!
Ninfea: Easy! Because Du both have colds! Du can't breathe in the pollen! Du know what? It's PARTYTIME!
Martino: Oh, no! We've Lost her too! What now?
Fixit: Atchooo! Yes, but, she gave a hint to a solution! Everyone needs to catch a cold!
Fixit and Martino: Cherie!

Scene: villa Ollivander
Martino: Cherie's the only one who can change the weather, let's hope she's not too crazy yet!
Cherie: Everybody, follow me! Hop, hop! swing, schaukel those hips! I wanna see some boogie!
Martino: Sorry to have to do this to you, Fixit, but the only way to get to Cherie is to jump in ourselves!
Fixit: W-What? Ugh! Wait!
Fixit: Cherie, we need your help to save the town!
Cherie: Great! We need to cheer everyone up! Come on! Let's party! Woohooo!
Fixit: The only solution is for Cherie to catch a cold! It's the only way she'll go back to normal and help us! We need something... Hnn? Like a nice Frozen fountain! Du ready?
Cherie: Martino, Fixit are Du crazy? Du know I'm afraid of the water!
Martino: It's about time Du came back to normal, Cherie! We really need you!
Cherie: What's happening? Brrrrrrr, it's cold! We need some sun!
Fixit: No, stop, Cherie! What we need is bitter cold! Then everyone will catch a cold and no one will breathe in Torcirotellus' Pollen anymore!
Cherie: Okay, okay! As usual, my talent is the one to save the day! PopPixie Power! Yes! PopPixie of Weather!
Chatta: Ahhhhtchooo! Ahh! What am I doing up here?!
Fixit: Atchoo! It's a long story, Chatta! The most important thing is that everything is back to normal!
Martino: Maybe not "normal"!
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