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posted by KataraLover
 Your movie's advertising LIED to us!
Your movie's advertising LIED to us!
First of all, this is an essay I had to do for my Advanced Composition class during the Spring semester, so this is a little bit Mehr formal than how my Artikel usually are.

Disney and Pixar’s movie Merida - Legende der Highlands is about a Scottish Princess named Merida that wants to be free of her arranged marriage and live her life without the responsibilities that come with being a princess. She and her mother, Queen Elinor, don’t see eye to eye because of Merida’s rebellious nature and Elinor preference of the traditional ways. When Merida fails to get her way she ends up buying a spell from a witch (Using a family heirloom her mother gave her as payment) that was meant to “change her mother” but the lack of specificity of what Merida wanted the spell to do beyond that vague Beschreibung ends up changing her mother into a bear. So the two must figure out a way to change the Queen back before she becomes a bär permanently while also mending their strained relationship.

When the trailers and commercials for this movie came out they were promoting a very different story than what the actual movie presented. It showed a story about a young princess that wanted her freedom but also caused suffering for everyone Von enacting a dark curse upon the land. Everyone thought it was going to be a grand and epic adventure about this young woman finding herself while trying to defeat an ancient evil to fix her mistakes. This, unfortunately, let a lot of people down when they finally saw the movie due to the false advertising used for the movie, which was completely different from what the trailers and advertising promoted. It wasn’t until the movie had already been out for a few weeks that a commercial appeared where they sagte that Queen Elinor had been turned into a bear, much like how a used car salesman doesn’t tell Du about the problems that a car Du bought has until it breaks down and Du call to complain.

Like with any movie, the company wanted to promote the movie in a positive and interesting light in order to get people to want to pay money to go and see it. However, the advertising they used to do that for this movie was very deceiving because of how the actual movie wasn’t the big and grand story they had promised but instead showed a movie that had the characters they saw in the trailers but in a movie that had a completely different tone than the audience expected. Had they promoted the actual story that the movie was about, perhaps the audience wouldn’t have been as disappointed as they were and tried to just judge it on its own.

One of the things the movie was trying to promote was a strong sense of feminism with a heroine that was supposed to be different from the Disney Princess mold. She certainly looked different from the conventionally beautiful look that the Disney Princesses were known for, while still being pleasant enough to look at, being meant to look Mehr like a realistic young woman. She also was the first Disney Princess not to have a Liebe interest and to stay single. However, other than those things, she really didn’t Zeigen that she was different from past Disney Princesses. She didn’t want to be a princess (Just like jasmin from Aladdin), was rebellious and adventurous with a strict parent (Just like Ariel from The Little Mermaid), was being forced to get married when she didn’t want to (Just like jasmin again and like Pocahontas), didn’t fit into the mold that her society wanted her to fit into (Just like Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Ariel, Jasmine, Pocahontas, and Mulan), doesn’t think she needs romance in her life (Just like Tiana from The Princess and the Frog), goes to a witch for help (Just like Ariel), and makes mistakes but wants to fix them (Like pretty much all the past Disney Princesses). She was promoted to be different from the past Disney Princesses, but despite her lack of a Liebe interest and having a not so conventionally good-looking appearance, there wasn’t anything new about her. She was pretty much a combination of the past Disney Princesses and wasn’t unique like she was promoted to be.

Merida also lacks the charm that a lot of the princesses had that made them realistic, admirable, and good role Models for children. Snow White and Aschenputtel conform Mehr to the roles expected of women when their Filme came out that and are bashed as being “weak” and needing to be saved a lot in order for the advertising to promote Merida as a strong feminist character. However, despite being limited to the roles expected of women at the time, they still had plenty of things to admire. Snow White acts as a motherly figure to the dwarfs and anyone who says being a mother doesn’t make a strong and responsible woman clearly has never been one. It’s harder than any job someone could ever have and unlike other jobs Du don’t get paid for it. She teaches the Dwarfs what they should already know such as manners, cleaning, and washing their hands, since they couldn’t even remember the last time they washed their hands. Plus considering her psycho stepmother wanted to kill her because she was Mehr beautiful than her, the fact that she can stay so positive in a bad situation is admirable. Aschenputtel constantly is Wird angezeigt self-control from the abuse she received from her step-family, since they could kick her out if she disobeyed and women had very few opportunities to make a living during her time period. She still managed to remain a good and kind person despite that this would likely make any other person turn out the opposite. In the end, she’s rewarded for her hard work, patience, and kindness.

Aschenputtel and Snow may not be action girls but still Zeigen Mehr qualities of a strong woman than Merida did just Von not having a Liebe interest and supposedly taking action. Once The Little Mermaid came out, the princesses would become Mehr proactive but still have admirable qualities. Unlike Merida trying to force her mother to conform to her own believes Von attempting to take away her free will, Ariel seems to do the opposite. She says before her iconic song, “Part of Your World” that she just wanted to make her father understand her point of view of humans and that they couldn’t all be bad. She wanted to explain her point of view to her father but he wouldn’t listen because he believed humans were dangerous and just wanted to keep her safe. Ariel also went to a witch for a spell but knew the specifics and thought only she would be affected if she failed, not anyone else. Merida intentionally wanted to change who her mother was instead of trying to get her to understand. All Merida seems to say is that the marriage wasn’t fair, that her mother was never there for her (never explaining why), and threw insults at her mother without explaining her point of view. Merida’s actions could be compared to that of a villainess.

The advertising also promoted Merida as a strong female character that didn’t need to be saved, could take care of herself, was the one that would save the day, and was far from a damsel in distress. However, when watching the actual movie, that was far from what she actually was. Aside from when she shot one of her arrows through another arrow, she did very little of anything that was physically impressive oder showed that she could take care of herself. Most of the time she had to be saved Von her mother and even had to be saved Von her little brothers that were no Mehr than five-years-old. That’s not to say that a female has to always be able to fight and never need help in order to be likable oder interesting, but when she’s promoted as being able to fight for herself but doesn’t do very much, it’s very much a rip-off. The promotional posters always showed her about to shoot an Arrow and doing something badass, which she didn’t do very much of in this movie. Merida is what is referred to as a faux action girl, meaning a fictional female character that was meant to be able to take care of herself and kick arsch but did very little of that and usually had to be saved a lot. No one can do everything, even Mulan needed some help but still showed that she was the action girl she was promoted as with depth to her, unlike Merida.

The narrative of the movie also seemed to be forcing the audience to want to side with Merida, despite her questionably immoral actions. An example of this would be how she joked about war saying, “Call off the gathering! Would it kill them? You’re the queen! Just tell the lords that the princess isn’t ready for this! In fact, she might not ever be ready! So that’s it! Good Tag to you! We’ll expect your declarations of war in the morning!” This showed her lack of caring about the fact that war could possibly break out all because of her not wanting to get married and being alright with millions of people suffering and dying to make her happy. They don’t seem to address that moment as anything Mehr than a joke when it made her look rather despicably selfish. That on oben, nach oben of basically poisoning her mother with a cursed cake that would turn her into a bear, Merida going out of her way to take away mother’s free will in order to conform to her ways, when her mother wasn’t feeling well didn’t Zeigen any concern except on whether oder not her mind was changed about the marriage, saying she would rather die than be like mother, ruining her mother’s personal property (A tapestry she made of the family), and claiming none of conflict was her fault until close to the end of the movie. It’s very difficult to side with a character that did so many terrible things when the audience is meant to feel sorry for her.

It was sagte that Merida wasn’t meant to be considered in the right in the movie, but that is contradicted when Du look at her suitors that are meant to compete to win her hand in marriage. She was sagte to not be ready for marriage yet and that would be understandable if her suitors weren’t made out to be three complete losers. One was a large and fat guy with such a thick Scottish accent that no one could understand a word he was saying (Literally, even his own father couldn’t understand what he was saying), one that was supposed to be the “good looking” one of the three but was an arrogant wimp that threw a tantrum when he didn’t win, and the third one was the most pathetic looking creature ever created that always had a facial expression that made him look like he was brain-dead. The message of Merida not wanting to get married would’ve been much better and understanding if they were all just as good looking, skilled, and competent as Merida was instead of these three losers. It would just be that they were great guys but she was just not ready for marriage. However, with having her choices of suitors not being very appealing, just made it seem like the creators were trying to force the audience to feel sorry for her. In fact, all the men in the movie are shown as complete idiots in general. They seem to think that in order for the movie to Zeigen “feminism” the women have to be Mehr competent than the men, even though feminism is about equality for everyone, not just women. The movie really alienates the male audience if they’re being personally attacked and thought of as idiots when the women are shown being the smart ones. Aschenputtel and Snow White may not have been much of fighters but were still admirable and had strength beyond just trying to fight with their fists.

The narrative also was supposed to Zeigen us Merida having gone through a change along with her mother when really Merida doesn’t do much changing. They Zeigen one bonding moment between the two, Elinor constantly had to protect Merida for not being able to handle herself, Elinor had to tell Merida what to say to the Lords through sign language, and Elinor was the one who conformed to Merida’s beliefs. Merida didn’t have to really sacrifice anything in the end oder change. Just when Merida was about to say something about the marriage to the lords, her mother just tells her to forget about it and let Merida have her way Von breaking tradition. Her mother even had to spoon-feed to her what to say, so she really did nothing. All she really did was finally admit everything was her fault and tell her mother she loved her. She didn’t have to take on Mehr responsibility oder conform to any of her mother’s beliefs in the end; her mother would conform to Merida’s beliefs, while Merida herself didn’t do the same. The movie was well-meaning with what it wanted to do but failed in its execution and argument. It false advertised both what the movie and the protagonist really were in the actual product. If failed to Zeigen the protagonist as the unique, strong, relatable, and developed character they were both promoting her as and tried to Zeigen through the narrative.
 I don't care about the safety and well being of others! I only care about my own happiness!
I don't care about the safety and well being of others! I only care about my own happiness!
 Now to be inconsiderate of my hardworking servants and make their jobs Mehr difficult
Now to be inconsiderate of my hardworking servants and make their jobs more difficult
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Disney
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Disney
added by LunaNoctis
I finally worked out how to do this. My mistake was mixing too many languages together which made it impossible to translate it back into full English. That's why Snow White's paragraph came back with only one sentence. I've done a remake of it with funny results including Aschenputtel and Aurora's stories.

Disclaimer: Character Profiles (copy and pasted) from link

Snow White's Background

"Snow White was born into the royal family. Her mother died shortly after her birth. After some time, Snow White's father remarried a vain and cold-hearted queen. Not long after their marriage, the King, Snow White's...
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added by gitanita
I am decided to sort DPs to Hogwarts Houses. I'll illustrate this Artikel with pictures where each DP best exhibits the traits of house she belongs( Gryffindors do something risky, Hufflepuffs are doing something useful oder exhibit frinedliness, Ravenclaws read oder explore something, Slytherins are tricking someone oder dream about something). Warning: I have some unpopular opinions but I'll try to explain them. This is how I interpretent Hogwarts Houses and their values:
Gryffindors are first of all are brave, courageous, outspoken and risky. They are also often progressive, rebellious, mischievous,...
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added by gitanita
posted by princesslullaby
So Anna was a little Mehr interesting to write because as I started Schreiben Anna's, I thought about how I used Elsa the end of the movie as a basis for making her princess Liste so I tried to focus on end of the movie Anna. However, I realized that, although I felt like Anna had changed-- she actually hadn't. I became conscious of the fact that the narrative was making Anna go through all the motions and dramatic arcs of someone going through a change, but she was still the same person at the end of the movie. Also, like Snow White, I think Anna would absolutely adore all of the Disney Princesses....
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 I know Elsa isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
I know Elsa isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
Last year, I wrote an Artikel where I listed off 40 of my Favorit fan-arts of Elsa. I was very lucky that I could do it, especially since I also made a drawing for her, tried to re-watch Frozen, etc. But I was also delayed because I had an appointment with my psychiatrist in Arad, and then I had to help out my father with renovating my Godmother/cousin's house, and exercise in order to stay in good shape. While I didn't manage to release it on time for the Winter Solstice, I did finished it with only two hours into the Weiter day.
However, one of my problems was that I didn't know how to insert...
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10. Cinderella- I like Aschenputtel but I feel like she is a little too inexpressive in my opinion. I like that she is very strong and shows it Von keeping her cool throughout the movie. I mean her life is hard throughout the entire beginning of the movie, she is a victim of abuse Von her step-mother and sisters. So I definitely respect that about Cinderella. She is still a very monotonous character in my opinion so that's why I put her so low on this list.

9. Rapunzel- I like her girly and childish attitude, and I really like her style. I think purple definitely fits her. One complaint I have is...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
Well, I managed to be able to see the Broadway Zeigen of The Little Mermaid, something I’ve dreamed of experiencing since the moment I heard about the Broadway Zeigen years ago. Most of Du know that Disney’s The Little Mermaid is both my Favorit Disney movie and one of my Favorit Filme of ALL TIME, so this was MAJOR for me! I also was lucky enough to see the original Broadway Zeigen on youtube, starring Sierra Boggess as Ariel herself, that Zeigen was amazing with many great new songs, capturing the characters I loved so much while giving them a new spin, and clever writing.

However, the show...
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added by Sparklefairy375
Woooow guys it's been like a Jahr since I gepostet an Artikel on here oder was even active at all. But we really wanted to do this again because we had so much fun link

I'm doing this with four different users (one of which isn't even here anymore but she’s amazing so {< she added that}): _CatWoman_, Hajirah4, Sk8er__grl, and misscindyspice. This is the average of our Filme rankings (including Moana, I know it hasn't been officially added yet, but still).

Enjoy! Keep in mind that we're a little bit crazy. It was the middle of the night and I had a ton of ice cream, come on.

Also this can be...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney