"The herz was made to be broken" - Oscar Wilde ♥

Bei Fanpop seit September 2008

  • Female
  • United Kingdom
  • Favorite TV Show: The Big Bang Theory, Misfits, Gossip Girl, Supernatural, TOWIE, MIC
    Favorite Movie: The Hangover, Inbetweeners Movie, Bridesmaids
    Favorite Musician: The Naked and Famous, Adele, Lady GaGa, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, One Direction
    Favorite Book or Author: One Day, The Carrie Diaries, Fallen, Hush Hush, Shiver, Noughts & Crosses, The Lovely Bones, Twilight Saga
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Dedicated Fan in 83 clubs Dedicated (83) Die-Hard Fan in 64 clubs Die-Hard (64) Fanatic in 20 clubs Fanatic (20)

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AkazaUpperMoon3 sagte …
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really cool Motto gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
reneemonique hat mir Props gegeben für my answers
$$____________$____________$$ gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr