104 lifetime gold
Be who Du are no matter what.
Bei Fanpop seit October 2011
- Female, 27 years old
- My Websites: Nia (TTGL) fanclub, it would be awesome if Du joined, My best Fanpop friend heartfillia. She is really amazing :), Angel – Jäger der Finsternis beats! fanclub. Please Mitmachen and help make it Mehr active
- Favorite TV Show: veronica mars, Fairy tail, desperate housewives,One piece, Soul eater, Angel – Jäger der Finsternis beats, adventure time, KND, Marai Nikki,MLP:FIM, death note etc.Favorite Movie: Snowpiercer, princess bride, summer wars, gone girl, moonrise kingdom, princess mononoke, up, tangled, spirited away etc.Favorite Musician: Taylor swift, s, evanescence, radiohead, Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne, Imagine Dragons, led zepplin, beyonce, yachthafen, marina and the diamonds, Snow Patrol etc.Favorite Book or Author: hunger games, Lorein Legacies, Harry potter, incareceron, inkheart, Gone, into the forest, to kill a mockingbird, homestuck, ellen hopkins etc.
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Wishes,you can talk to me via twitter.I'm active there~
@Quantina_Saffie is my @ gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
@Quantina_Saffie is my @ gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr

hat mir Props gegeben für my comments …
Hey. It's fine. Did Du Von chance create a new one?
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