Ran Stell

Bei Fanpop seit April 2010

  • Female, 34 years old
  • Favorite TV Show: Gossip Girl - Glee (funny G) and 90210,One baum Hill,Pretty Little Liars,Vampire Diaries ,How I met your Mother, Two and a half Man ..
    Favorite Movie: Forest Gump,Shrek,How to train dragon,Toy Story 3, Megamind, Up, Ice Age... (i like Animation with meaning)
    Favorite Musician: Lady Gaga, Greyson Chance , Katy Perry (i Liebe talented people)
    Favorite Book or Author: Pride and prejudice, No family, confession of a shopaholic , Diary of a Wimpy kid
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Jordanxlittlej hat mir Props gegeben für my polls
LIOMI&LITTLE J <3 gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
big smile
Sn822007 hat mir Props gegeben für my pop quiz questions
Could u Mitmachen the club?link type in da box above there Girls' Generation Club.If yes,u're awesome but if not,it's just fine..don misunderstanding me for forcing u to Mitmachen the club ^^ LOL.!!! For ur info,the club now has about 400 fans..i am tellin u this cuz i don't wan u to Mitmachen the wrong club~XD n i hop3 we can be fr|endz~^^ (。◕‿‿◕。) gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Moonlightrose16 hat mir Props gegeben für my polls
Thank Du sooo much for adding me back! We have so mant Clubs in common! gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr