506 lifetime gold
"Don't go around saying the world owes Du a living. The world owes Du nothing. It was here first." - Mark Twain
Leah Remey
Bei Fanpop seit April 2010
- Female, 29 years old
- Southington, Connecticut, USA
- Favorite TV Show: It Only Hurts When I Laugh, Unsolved Mysteries, I Survived, Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, Beyond Belief: Fact oder Fiction?, Johnny BravoFavorite Movie: The Lovely Bones, Titanic, The Chronicles of Riddick, Dances with Wolves, The Princess Bride, A Haunting in Connecticut, Joan of Arc (1999)Favorite Musician: Three Days Grace, Bush, Rise Against, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, A Perfect Circle, Arcade Fire, Brand X MusikFavorite Book or Author: The Solitary Tales, The Lovely Bones, Shine, verschluss, auslöser Island, What The Night Knows, In A Dark Place, The Fault in Our Stars, In The Garden of Beasts