Tigerlily blume

Bei Fanpop seit February 2011

  • Female, 29 years old
  • UK Baby! ☆, United Kingdom
  • Favorite TV Show: The Originals, Once upon a time, Revenge, Gossip Girl, TVD, Heirs
    Favorite Movie: Harry Potter 3&4, Penelope, Karate Kid, GirlWhoLeptThroughTime, Hot Fuzz
    Favorite Musician: Alexander Rybak, Super Junior, SNSD, Enrique Iglesias, INNA, Shakira
    Favorite Book or Author: Harry Potter, Way Side Stories, Stargirl
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Tigerlily888 sagte über Damon & Bonnie
And of course Caroline is the one that gets the white fairytale wedding. I'm sorry but this is such a cliche-christ alive...... gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Wahinetoa Kommentiert…
Yeh, thats plec bias. Wish we had Mehr of bonnie in that gown. She was really stunning. We needed Mehr of her, not cutaway to the newly weds. Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Tigerlily888 sagte über Damon & Bonnie
Kat and Ian were so up for Bamon. I feel like they must have signed on to season 8 under false pretences from JP etc. I mean if they knew the finale at that time would they wanna continue with this BS? gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
amberausten7 Kommentiert…
Could Du imagine Lesen 7x21 and then Lesen 7x22?!? If I'm those actors I'm pissed. I'm good with them spinning of a Bamon series with Kevin Williamson and Brian Young as the Zeigen runners;) Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Wahinetoa Kommentiert…
Yes. Apparently there were deleted scenes with them? Nothing confirmed but it'll be interesting to see if þhey have them on the dvd extras. I'm hopeful that this nxt season, last oder not, will be focused on the characters that are there, than those that are not. It is only fair, they get a chance to truly shine. :) Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Tigerlily888 sagte über Damon & Bonnie
Mehr pics!

link gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
amberausten7 Kommentiert…
Wow! BB is gorgeous!!!! As always;) Thanks for sharing darlin'! :) Vor mehr als einem Jahr