Liris Mendoza

Bei Fanpop seit January 2009

  • Female, 34 years old
  • TOURS, ---
  • Favorite TV Show: Charmed, Smallville, vampire diares, Buffy the vampire slayer, once upon a time, Prtetty little liars, grey's anatomy, the L word, the oc
    Favorite Movie: Titanic, Bridge to Terabithia, Thirteen ,Romeo + Juliet... , twilight, Pan's Labyrinth, Requiem For A Dream, Race Du to the bottom
    Favorite Musician: lââm, Avril Lavigne, Common Rotation, No doubt, Duffy, TATU, Paramore, James Marsters, La Fouine...
    Favorite Book or Author: Twilight-Serie
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Dedicated Fan in 24 clubs Dedicated (24) Die-Hard Fan in 37 clubs Die-Hard (37) Fanatic in 6 clubs Fanatic (6)

Meine Wall

OakTown_Queen hat mir Props gegeben für my pop quiz questions
Hey gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
august1997 sagte …
Hey gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
PrueFever hat mir Props gegeben für my polls
Any chance I could get Du to vote and maybe leave a Kommentar in this Disney Umfrage I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and Kommentar and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
LilyPad2404 Kommentiert…
Done ;-) Vor mehr als einem Jahr