Bei Fanpop seit January 2012

  • Female, 127 years old
  • Poland
  • Favorite TV Show: Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Witch Hunter Robin, D.Gray-man, Shugo Chara, Durarara!!, Ergo Proxy
    Favorite Movie: The Avengers, Muppets from Space, Pirates of the Caribbean, Silence of the Lambs, The Shining
    Favorite Musician: The Bithday Massacre, Florence and the Machine, AC/DC, Metallica, Nightwish, My Chemical Romance, Led Zeppelin
    Favorite Book or Author: The Discworld series, Stephen King's Misery, GONE series, Picture of Dorian Gray, Lord of the Rings, Shiver trilogy, Les Miserables
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Elle-C hat mir Props gegeben für my images
Thanks so much for adding me -- I've added Du right back!! gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Elle-C hat mir Props gegeben für my comments
I just had to give props to the woman who likened the rarity of a male twilight/supernatural fan, to that of a majestic unicorn. They're both a rare breed indeed... gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
goldenstar12 hat mir Props gegeben für my images
Hey anytime :) how are you? gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr