
Bei Fanpop seit April 2011

  • Female, 25 years old
  • Maryland
  • Favorite TV Show: Wow, I've come so far and done so much here... I've lied so much too. I don't know what caused me to find this account again but looking back...
    Favorite Movie: it's cringe but full of memories. I've graduated college now working out my life and it's interesting to see how much I've changed.
    Favorite Musician: But thanks for the good times Fanpop.
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Meine Wall

Nerdbuster2 hat mir Props gegeben für my images
hey! thx for adding me back :)
wanna Mitmachen my club??


hope Du can! :D have an awesome Tag B) gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
big smile
Bluefire7777 hat mir Props gegeben für my comments
Hey Fairstep! I noticed that Du were a Fan of my old clan group Warrior Katzen of the Jungle I've been trying to rebuild it and now it's functioning fully again but only a few of us make up a majority of the characters. I'd be so appreciative if Du wanted to Mitmachen again, if Du don't it's fine. gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
wolverineZ sagte …
yer ac 2 was the first one i played gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr