Alax Old Accounts: -Breadqueen- and Blaze1213

Bei Fanpop seit May 2018

  • Female, 28 years old
  • Village Hidden in the Sand, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: Hetalia, Naruto Series, Haikyuu
    Favorite Movie: Harry Potter, Ghibi Films, Hetalia: Paint It White, Musicals, Tim burton Films, Disney Films
    Favorite Musician: Garnidelia, Snail's House, Stromae, Nano, Vocaloid, Queen, Oasis, yachthafen, marina and the Diamonds, Blackpink, Exo, BTS, Mamamoo, (G)I-DLE), Egoist
    Favorite Book or Author: Maximum Ride Series, Manga (In General)
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Blaze1213IsBack sagte über Kenma Kozume
So glad they're doing a re-run for Kenma's nendoroid, just had to pre-order him gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Blaze1213IsBack sagte über Seals
Chonky dichtung gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
-nyanpire- hat mir Props gegeben für my images
Thanks for the add back :D gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Blaze1213IsBack Kommentiert…
You're welcome, thanks for the add Vor mehr als einem Jahr