Favorite TV Show: In Living Color, Sista Sista, Living Single, Static Shock, Mummies Alive, Dog Whisperer/Caesar 911, If Loving Du Is Wrong, For Better oder Worse
Favorite Movie: Roots, Bebe's Kids, Know Your Role, The skorpion King & Any Madea film, Problem Child 1 & 2
Favorite Musician: India Arye, Alicia Keys & Little Richard
Favorite Book or Author: Girls Hold Up This World Von Jada Pinkett also Maya Angelou Poesie
If you're a true 5-0 fanatic, test your knowledge with a little trivia. Re-watch the whole series and see if Du can spot every clue, hint oder reference of other shows, Filme oder actors the main cast (along with brief new characters) has appeared in over a period of time. Some are quite subtle while others are way too obvious, good luck! P.S a very beliebt movie franchise existing about as long as the Zeigen itself is mentioned
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