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posted by Skittles98
“Okay, Artemis, Du come with me. Megan, Du guard the front and Red, Du guard the back” I instructed
“Wait, how come you’re in charge” Red asked
“It was my idea to get a snitch, my interrogation and I sensed Cheshire was here” I pointed out “But if it means that much to you, Du can lead”
“No, just wondering” he responded
“Okay. Let’s go” Artemis stepped onto a flat black disc I made and we flew down. We entered, Red on our tail. I knocked on the back door. A large guy answered. I winked then punched him in the face, knocking him out. I walked in, Artemis beside me.
“Why am I coming with Du and not Red Arrow oder Megan?” Artemis asked
“Because Megan can use her telekinesis to stop people from breaking through the glass in the front and Red is bigger, so he covers Mehr of the door” I explained
“Okay. Let’s do this” we walked up some stairs and I heard a click. I stopped in the middle of what I thought was a hall and Artemis stopped to, her back against mine. I heard a sound like a bicycle chain and a spot light glared on us.
“Uh-oh” I muttered. I looked out into the now full audience.
“Big uh-oh” I muttered again
“What’s the plan?” Artemis asked
“*laughs* Dance” I said. Ke$sha’s song Blow started to play.
“Backdoor cracked, we don't need a key, we get in for free, no VIP sleaze.
Drink that Kool-Aid, follow my lead. Now you're one of us, you're coming with me. It's time to kill the lights and shut the DJ down”
”This place about to!” Artemis added
”Tonight we're taking over, no one's getting out. This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow!” I sung
”This place about to!” Artemis put in
”Now what?” I asked
“What?” she responded
“We're taking control. We get what we want, we do what Du don't. Dirt and glitter cover the floor. We're pretty and sick, we're young and we're bored. It's time to lose your mind and let the crazy out” I answered
”This place about to!” Artemis added
”Tonight we're taking names, 'cause we don't mess around. This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow! Go, go, go, go insane, go insane Throw some glitter, make it rain on. And let me see them hands, let me, let me see them hands. Go insane, go insane. Throw some glitter, make it rain on. And let me see them hands, let me, let me see them hands. We’re taking over. Get used to it. This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow! This place about to blow! Blow!” I finished. I saw Cheshire clapping in the back.
posted by Mclovin_69
( 5 years later)

his tight black boots landed on the ground infront of a chair, " master ive brought news about the missing 3...." he said, the chair turned and a man with a red haube leaving a shadow covering his face turned around looking at him, " where are they......" his deep voice said, " Santa Prisca sir..." he said, the man chuckled to himself pullling off his haube revealing a burned face and hazel eyes, " bring them to me..... dead.... oder alive..." he said, " yes father " the boy sagte with his red millitary cut hair and green eyes glimmering. the boy left the room with his red bow and...
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Previously on The Red Revenge...

Okay, so things didn't go well in Rio De Janeiro. Batman, and the rest of the Justice League are reaming our butts for the death of the Russian finalist.

As if we didn't feel bad enough for the loss of one life, World War III is about to be on our heads.

"I need your help." Revenge said.

"No." Batgirl replied.

"See ya." Revenge said, closing the door.

The knob to the room began to turn.

"Wait!" Batgirl exclaimed, leaping into the corridor as the iron door closed and the other door opened.

Revenge stopped cold in the Weiter room. It was a balcony overlooking an empty hangar...
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Chapter Nine-

After the close call in the airport involving the death of the pilot of the jet, two bodyguards, and another shot through Barbara's arm, Batman had stepped up security. Artemis was in the cockpit of the plane Samuel Grant was flying.

She crossed her arms over her chest, self-conscious of how she looked slouched down Weiter to the male pilot.

Everything was peaceful until the Ural Mountains. The plane shook. Artemis ignored it, figuring it was turbulence. That and she didn't want to open her eyes. She hated flying if she wasn't the pilot. The plane shook again and she opened one eye,...
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posted by MercyYJ
**This takes place in the NEW timeline**

"Why is there a $2,000 reward for me being delivered to a certain Jacob Till?" I waved the flyer that had been going around the city in obvious frustration. I made sure to put an extra emphasis on the word Till, with him being Heather's brother and all. Heather looked at me with a blank expression, not what I was expecting. She shook her head back into reality, "I don't know... Maybe it was because Du foiled his life goal at the very last minute?" I sighed, she wasn't wrong. "Hey, that was 3 fricking years ago! If I wasn't a goodie at that time, I would...
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posted by MikkiDs
I guess I better start this off simple.

I am dead.

I've been dead since the 1970s? I think anyways. Du tend to lose track of time when you're dead.

I come from a place Du people would call the 'Afterlife' I've been to what Du would call Heaven (great place if you're a good person) but I couldn't stay.

See I was killed before my life was suppose to end. Everyone has this life goal their suppose to acheive. I died before I could acheive that goal. Do I know what that goal was? No. The big guy won't tell me (The Creator of the universe). So now I'm stuck here on this plane of existence.

There is...
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posted by Little_RedYJ
I'm surprised at what Du believe. I'm that simple girl, skipping down the dirt path surrounded Von trees, with a basket of goodies filled with the mother of my mother. I must be careful of the wolf, people think.
I am the wolf.
I'm the one fading in and out among the forest, stalking my prey. I don't just use claws and fangs; I use silver bullets and blades. I use my superhuman senses to smell them out.
No one suspects it. I've got secrecy on my side. A haube hides my ears, a rock covers the tail. And the red color wasn't to create the irony.
It's the color of blood.
So no one sees my destruction....
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posted by GlitterPuff
Rene, a high schooler, was running to lunch.
    "Move out of the way!" she yelled from across the hallway. Everybody quickly glued themselves to the walls. Because Rene was a sorceress, being able to Bewegen objects, in this case people, with her mind wasn't that hard.
    "Rene, hurry up," sagte her best friend Sele,"You won't get a seat." Yah right thoungt Rene, I always get my seat. She ran as fast as possible and did a cartwheel back tuck into her seat.
    "Show off," mummbled her other friend Mike.
    "hey, stop...
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posted by InfinityYJ
?? Week(s) Before
Mt. Justice, Universe Young Justice
“Um... not home?!”
“Get over here!”
“No thank you.”
“Robin, I’d go to her... oder I’ll shoot you.”
“NOT FAIR-- ow...”
“Thank you, Delta.”
I kicked Robin in the shin. “Where’s my iPod?”
I kicked him again.
“In your room...”
One Mehr time.
“Stop, this is violence!!”
“Fine. Where is it then?” I raised my foot.
“Here!!” He threw a small rectangular box at me.
“Thank you.”
I walked away smirking. I didn’t like resorting to hitting people for my stuff...
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posted by Obscurity98
Eyes wide Becca and Robin re-started towards the Mountain. Kaldur Ran as well, with Artemis and Lucas right behind him. Harley flashed out of the water her black aura, that allows her to fly, glowed at a brightness never thought possible. Eyes flaming fire, arms at her side and hands balled into fists, she made a beeline for Mount Justice.
When they reached Mount Justice they flew in threw the hole which the missiles had created. "Super Boy! Megan! Anyone here? Fade! Alcor? Wall-Man?" Not an answer came back for Harley. Not burned Von the feuer that raged in the mountain she stumbled into people's...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Bellatrix

Secret ID: Bella Tricks

Age: 13

Personality: Bella is a easily annoyed person when she is treated like her age. She often ignores peoples orders on missions and gets herself into trouble, She is a very loud and outgoing girl who often picks a fight with Wally,Lucas, oder Steel, she mostly picks on Lucas becuase of her crush on him.

Appearance: Lavender long hair and Gold eyes but in public, blonde hair and blueish green eyes.

Powers/Skills:she can fly through the air similar to the way rocket does, the sound of glimmer is heard when she takes off.

Relations: younger sister to Betelgeuse ( soon to be introduced)

Civvies: she wears wohnungen with Blumen on them,jean shorts and a grey sweater.

Others: she is very jealous of Artemis becuase she is dating Lucas.
 hero outfit
hero outfit
posted by Robin_Love
 Dylan spaten
Dylan Spade
Name: Dylan Spade
Alias: Notte
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Flight, shadows, dark energy, telekinesis, hand-to-hand combat, scythe
History: Dylan was born a mutant. He has one white wing and one black wing. He lived in an orphanage for kids like him and grew up there. He was taught many things, one of those being how to defend himself from evil. Dylan was an expert with a scythe, a master in hand-to-hand combat, an ace flier, and able to control his powers at all times. When he was sixteen years old, the orphanage was attacked. The people had gotten tired of having mutants among them. Dylan was one...
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posted by godmor
Name: Gunfire
ID: Twan
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: blond hair and blue eyes.
Civie's: Black leather jaket, blue jeans, sneakers red T-shirt.
personality: a bit shy, bit of a low zelf estaem, truswordy, friendly,curios (mostly about aliens,tecknolgie, wapons, history).
City: Gotham City.
Status: Ex-villan/ Hero.
Power: None
Skils: knowledge of (gotham's) crimenal underword, Contacts in gothom's crimanal underword, Basic Acrobatics, expert with Pistolen and explosives,masster marksman, Understands teknolegie ( thanks to the fackt thad he is a shi-fi geek.)
Wapons/equipment: Smal explosives, a pair of...
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posted by InfinityYJ
A streak of white ran carefully through her hair, and she twisted it into a curl, resting directly in front of her nose. She lifted off her mask, revealing precious golden eyes. Her tan skin became paler, and she pulled the rest of her now dirty blonde curls into a high ponytail.
Phoenix looked like a completely different person, the exact goal she’d been trying to reach. The only problem now was her abnormally high body heat. No one would be able to touch her; they’d be burnt instantly. I suppose it will have to do... she thought, and stepped out of the shadows.
Briskly approaching the facility,...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Jessica was happy. Oh, so elated and happy. Nothing else if not excited. She totally had Fin in her control. What she’d have done so many years Vor for this. It wasn’t exactly Fin, though, but whatever... and she only had her one Tag a week. Still.
“Well, F-Phoenix...” she began, watching Fin’s body radiate heat. “Can you, like...”
“Of course.”
The heat died down a bit, and Jessica wiped the tiny line of sweat from her forehead. “What can Du do?”
“Everything the girl can do, but with much Mehr power and control.”
Jessica grinned. “Can Du kill?”
“If Du want me to.”...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Clint Le Fay
Alias: Morgrihm
Occupation: Villain
Power: Light, amplifies any pain inside people, telepathic link to Heather, freeze time, visions of future events, dark faerie magic, hand-to-hand combat, trained with a sword
History: Little is known about Clint's past. What is known is that he was born in trouble and raised in shadows. Clint once figured out he was related to the mysterious and powerful morgan Le Fay from the tales of Camelot, which explains why one of his eyes are blue and one is red.. He has been trained in the dark arts of a faerie magic, making him quite strong. His ability...
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posted by Obscurity98
We all know her info, but i dedied to chage waht she kinda looks like. just a little. When shye isnt in battle this is what she looks like---->
Usually with Blumen in her hair even at school. adn always expressionless. kinda. but only if Du can imagen her hair SLIGHTLY darker.

Usually she also has a punk rocker style going on so her Blumen may depend on her mood oder she may even wear them with her puvk outfit. let me see if i can fins a pic of punk rocker outfit for her also usually dressed.

okay found one it'll be picture 3!the one with the words u dont need to read kay!
if Du have any Fragen oder Kommentare on her Expression feel free to do so!
 in her bathroom
in her bathroom
posted by Mclovin_69
" Lex. Luthor. is your dad! " Robin exclaimed with shock, " he summoned me the Santa Prisca...." Connnor sagte as the blur came back to the feild surrounded Von the jungle. Meagan passed Connor looking at him then looking away and Artemis passed Lucas with fear in her eyes and looked away as well, Becca followed the two girls aswell, " bring them along..." SportsMaster sagte to Bllockbuster, Blockbuster walked up to Connor and Lucas, Artemis watched then suddenly began to run towards them and shot an Arrow and a blur came back to the mountain with the team and Artemis spoke up, " ugh... listen.....
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posted by Robin_Love
Terror sat at the edge of a mountain. From his spot, he was able to see across Happy Harbor and look at headquarters. His vision had always been good, so it was no surprise to him when he was able to spot a blonde haired girl talking with a red head. He could tell right away that the two girls were Blade and Mercy. He studied them from his perch. Blade... he pushed her from his mind. She had to choose. The heavy flapping of wings caught his attention and he looked up to see Devin. She landed close to him. She looked a little winded.
“Hello Terror,” she greeted.
“Hey Dev. Du okay?”
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Chapter Five- "Clashes"

"Alright, honey." Revenge says, fastening the other end of the handcuff around a flagpole thirty stories above the hard concrete. "Let's have a talk."

Before the villainess can reply a negative, three shots hit Red Revenge in the chest and knock him into the wall. stechpalme, holly leaps down in front of him, her green-white domino mask unable to hide the glimmer of mischief in her eyes.

"Warned you." stechpalme, holly said, grinning.

Revenge growls and pulls the three rounds out of his chest, blood oozing from the wounds.

Holly tosses down the gewehr and Red Revenge can see Cheshire hauling herself...
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Chapter Three- "Rest"

It had been three weeks since Sam's last encounter with Artemis and the assassins. Something bugged the back of his mind. It was something stechpalme, holly had sagte on their Sekunde battle. If stechpalme, holly was even her real name.

But here Sam was, yet again, rushing to change into his Revenge outfit as sniper shots rang through the school yard.

Artemis was a little faster on the draw this time. She was attempting to make her way past Cheshire and towards Holly, but she was so far unsuccessful.

Red Revenge knew that she had Kid Flash as back-up. The ginger was not that hard to find. But he didn't...
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